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Netiquette is a combination of the words network and etiquette. It is defined as a set of rules for
acceptable ONLINE behavior. It is essential that we use and abide by the same rules ONLINE as we do
offline, or in our regular lives.

Rules of Netiquette
One, acknowledge and return messages promptly.
Two, avoid sarcasm. People who don’t know you may misinterpret its meaning.
Three, be short. Keep messages Brief-about one screen, as a rule of thumb.
Four, begin messages with a salutation and end them with your name.
Five, copy with caution. Don’t copy everyone you know on each message.
Six, include a subject line. Give a descriptive phrase in the subject line of the message header that tells
the topic of the message (not just Hi, there!).
Seven, no spam (a.k.a. junk mail). Don’t contribute to worthless information on the internet by
sending or responding too mass postings of chain letters, rumors, etc.
Eight, respect others' privacy. Do not quote or forward private messages without the original authors
Nine, use a signature (a footer with your identifying information) at the end of a message.
Ten, use appropriate intensifiers to help convey meaning.
Eleven, use appropriate language:

Internet Safety: Things you should do

 Enable two-step verification
 Auto lock your phone and computer
 Use Anti-virus software
 Use strong passwords (min 8 char. & use symbols, letters & UPPERCASE)

Internet Safety: Things you shouldn’t do

1. Use the same password for more than one website
2. Click any links in any email
3. Use any personal info in your passwords
4. Keep you passwords in a document called passwords!

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