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Clark C.


2BSCS-1 Module 2: Lesson 2- Seatwork#4

1. How do you promote nation-building in the Philippines?

 We need to integrate our differences into a single nation with a unified set of ideals if we are
to create democratic state institutions for the growth and prosperity of the entire society. As
students, we also play a vital part in the development of our country. There are currently
several programs that support the education of Filipino youth through funding scholarships,
purchasing educational supplies, and building classrooms. As a result, I consider those young
people may play a crucial role in building a nation by integrating diverse tribes, ethnicities, or
races into a country when they can take part in the things within this such as creation,
teaching, sharing, and promotion of flags, anthems, national holidays, stadiums, airlines, and
national mythology.

2. In what way does the DOST promote nation-building?

 With the responsibility for centrally directing, leading, and coordinating scientific and
technological activities as well as creating policies, plans, and projects to aid in the growth of
the nation, the DOST is the leading science and technology governing body in the nation.
They develop, adopt, and manage the funding and execution of a thorough national science
and technology plan. They encourage, support, and, where necessary, carry out scientific and
technological research and development in fields considered as being essential to the growth
of the nation.

3. Who among the former Presidents of the Philippines do you like most in terms of their contributions
to science and technology in nation-building? Why?

 The Department of Science and Technology was established in 1986, during Corazon
Aquino's presidency, to take the position of the National Science and Technology Authority,
granting science and technology a seat in the cabinet. Science and technology's contribution
to economic recovery and steady economic growth was recognized in the Medium Term
Philippine Development Plan for the years 1987–1992. President Corazon Aquino
encouraged scientists and inventors to restore the Philippines to its former status as the
world's second-ranked nation in the field of science and technology during her
administration. To aid accelerate the development in the field of Philippine Research and
Development, she urged the commercial and governmental research sectors to establish
stronger relations.

4. Why do people consider the use of technological advancement harmful to the environment?

 Although technology also has positive environmental effects such as recycling of wastes,
reduction in carbon dioxide emissions, and renewable energy production, it can also be
harmful to the environment as it gives negative effects including depletion of natural
resources, air pollution, and accumulation of wastes. Some technologies are used without
considering the impact that they could harm on the ecosystem, which results in multiple
problems including global warming, climate change, and different types of environmental

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