General Provisions Article 1305

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- The legal presumption is always on the validity


Article 1305. Limitations on contractual stipulations.

A contract is a meeting of minds between two persons - It is a fundamental requirement that the contract
whereby one binds himself, with respect to the other, to entered into must be in accordance with, and not
give something or to render some service. repugnant to, an applicable statute. Its terms are
embodied in every contract. Without need for the
- This article gives the definition of a contract. parties expressly making reference to it, an
- It lay emphasis on the meeting of the minds existing law enters and forms part of a valid
between two contracting parties which takes contract.
place when an offer by one party is accepted by - Police power. Public welfare is superior to
the other. private rights. When there is no law in existence
or when the law is silent, the will of the parties
Contract distinguish from obligation prevails unless their contract contravenes the
- Contract as ditinguish from obligation is that limitation of morals, good customs, public order,
contract is one of the sources of oligations. or public policy. The policy of protecting
- on the other hand, obligation is the legal tie or contracts against impairment presupposes the
relation itself that exist after a contract has been maintenance of a government by virtue of which
entered into. contractual relations are worthwhile — a
- Hence, there can be no contract if there is no government which retains adequate authority to
obligation. But an obligation may exist without secure the peace and good order of society.
- Contract must not be contrary to law.
Contract is deemed perfected or given force by the law A contract intended to circumvent and violate the
when the components of consent, object and law is void ab initio.
consideration are present. - Contract must not be contrary to morals.
Morals deal with norms of good and right
Illustration: conduct evolved in a community. These norms
When Ben offers to sell his cake to Mona in the amount may differ at different times and places and with
of five hundred pesos and Mona agrees to the cost, each group of people. Ex. A contract to live
there is perfected contract of sale. together without the benefit of marriage in
consideration for a sum of money is immoral.
Stages of Making A Contract - Contract must not be contrary to good customs.
1. Conception is the first stage where the parties Customs consist of habits and practices which
begin their initial negotiation for the formation of through long usage have been followed and
the contract. enforced by society or some part of it as binding
2. Perfection or Birth is the second stage. Here rules of conduct. It has the force of law when
the parties had a meeting of minds or mutually recognized and enforced by law. Ex. A notarized
agreed as to the object and consideration. legal separation agreement between husband
3. Consumation is the last stage which consist in and wife is contrary to good customs.
the performance of the obligation. the parties - Contract must not be contrary to public order.
ceased to be contractually related to one Public order refers principally to public safety
another. although it has been considered to mean also
the public weal (well-being). Ex. A contract
Article 1306. legalizing adultery or concubinage.
The contracting parties may establish such stipulations, - Contract must not be contrary to public policy.
clauses, terms and conditions as they may deem Public policy is broader than public order, as the
convenient, provided they are not contrary to law, former may refer not only to public safety but
morals, good customs, public order, or public policy. also to considerations which are moved by the
common good. Ex. A contract entered into by a
prosecutor not to prosecute a carnapper in
Freedom to contract guaranteed.
consideration for P1,000.00 is against the public
- The freedom to contract is both a constitutional
policy to punish crimes.
and statutory right.
- The right to enter into contracts is one of the
liberties guaranteed to the individual by the Article 1307.
Constitution. Innominate contracts shall be regulated by the
- It also signifies or implies the right to choose stipulations of the parties, by the provisions of Titles I
with whom one desires to contract. and II of this Book, by the rules governing the most
- The Constitution prohibits the passage of any analogous nominate contracts, and by the customs of
law impairing the obligation contracts. (Art. III, the place.
Sec. 10 thereof.)
- However, the constitutional prohibition against - If the first obligation is subject to a suspensive or
the impairment of contractual obligations refers resolutory condition, the second obligation is
only to legally valid contracts. deemed subject to the same condition unless
- In appropriate cases, it cannot be invoked as the contrary is stipulated by the parties in their
against the right of the state to exercise its police contract.
power. - The reason for the rule contained in Article 1299
is that the efficacy of the new obligation depends
- In other words, an individual does not have an upon whether the condition which affects the old
absolute right to enter into any kind of contract. obligation is complied with or not.
- However, because the autonomy or freedom of - If the condition is suspensive, and it is not
contract is both a constitutional and statutory complied with, no obligation arises; and if it is
right, to uphold the right, courts are enjoined to resolutory and it is complied with, the old
move with the necessary caution and prudence obligation is extinguished.
in holding contracts void.
- The binding force of a contract must be
recognized as far as it is legally possible to do
Heirs and assigns are liable for a contract entered into
by the decedent because generally the rights and
obligations are transmissible to them.

Article 1308.
The contract must bind both contracting parties; its
validity or compliance cannot be left to the will of one of What a person can receive by way of inheritance, and
them. therefore as an heir, cannot be less than his legitime;
neither can he be obliged to pay more on an inherited
This Article stresses the mutuality of contracts–that is obligation than the estate that he inherited.
both, both parties are bound. The principle is based on
the essential equality of the parties. General rule:
Third person has no rights and obligations under a
FACTS: Two persons entered into a contract of lease of contract to which he is a stranger.
land. It was stipulated that at any time before the tenant
constructed any building thereon, he could cancel the Instances where a third person may be affected by a
lease. contract:
- In contracts containing a stipulation in favor of a
ISSUE: Is the stipulation valid? third person (stipulation pour trui)
- In contracts creating real rights
HELD: Yes, when cancellation is made, this by itself is a - In contracts entered into to defaud creditors
fulfillment of the provisions of a contract. - In contracts which have been violated at the
inducement of a third person
Article 1309.
The determination of the performance may be left to a General Rule:
third person, whose decision shall not be binding until it Creditors are not affected by the contracts of their
has been made known to both contracting parties. debtors.

Example: In a contract of sale, the fixing of the price and
- Contracts made in fraud of creditors may be
the delivery date can be lleft to a third person.
rescinded (Art.1381)
- Contracts by which a debtor gratuitously
Note: The decision binds the parties only after it is made
disposes of his property, or alienations made
known to both.
even for a valuable consideration when a
judgment has been rendered or an attachment
has been levied are considered fraudulent
A contracting party is not bound by the
- Transfers or assignments made by an insolvent
determination if it is evidently inequitable or unjust as
are deemed fraudulent and should be set aside.
when the third person acted in bad faith or by mistake.
Article 1310. Don Camello owes 50,000.00 to Don Facundo. If Don
The determination shall not be obligatory if it is evidently Camello dies, his daughter Carmenchu has the
inequitable. In such case, the courts shall decide what is obligation to pay Don Facundo but not beyond the value
equitable under the circumstances. of the property that she inherited from Don Camello.

Whatever be the determination made by the third person Papito ordered a cake for his daughter Papita from Mrs.
shall bind both parties, except when it is evidently Baker. Papita as the daughter of Papito may demand the
iniquitous, in which case the court shall decide whatever cake from Mrs. Baker.
is fair.
Article 1312.
EXAMPLE: In contracts creating real rights, third persons who come
into possession of the object of the contract are bound
Juan a tenant of a rice field of Mrs Dela Cruz was not thereby, subject to the provisions of the Mortgage Law
able to give the lease due to Mrs Dela Cruz for two and the Land Registration Laws.
consecutive rice season. Who will decide on the case?
How do you think it will be decided? Justice or Equity?
Third persons bound by contracts creating real rights
Base on Article 1310, the Court will only be the one to
General Rule
decide on the based on justice and equity. Justice
Third persons have nothing to do with contracts entered
means giving each what is due but equity is a process by
into by other persons.
which court relax the sanctions of the law for
humanitarian consideration.
- However, third persons are bound by contracts
creating real rights when the third person comes
Article 1311. into possession of the object of the contract.
Contracts take effect only between the parties, their - A real right is binding against the whole world
assigns and heirs, except in case where the rights and and attaches to the property over which it is
obligations arising from the contract are not exercised wherever it goes.
transmissible by their nature, or by stipulation or by
provision of law. The heir is not liable beyond the value Example:
of the property he received from the decedent. - Arturo leases his property to Ben.
- Ben registers such lease.
If a contract should contain some stipulation in favor of a - Later, with the consent of Ben, Arturo sells the
third person, he may demand its fulfillment provided he same property to Charlie.
communicated his acceptance to the obligor before its - Charlie, who was an outsider to the lease
revocation. A mere incidental benefit or interest of a contract bet. Arturo and Ben, has become the
person is not sufficient. The contracting parties must buyer of the object of the contract of lease. He
have clearly and deliberately conferred a favor upon a must honor the lease contract between Arturo
third person. and Ben.
(1) Consensual contract - that which is perfected
by mere consent of the parties.

When Anne (an employer) hires Bryan (an
employee), as soon as both have agreed on the
terms of employment, a contract commences.

Article 1313.
Creditors are protected in cases of contracts intended to
defraud them. (2) Real contract - that which is perfected, in
addition to the above, by the delivery of the thing
Right of Defrauded Creditors subject matter of the contract.
This Article represents another instance when an
outsider can in a sense interfere with another’s contract. Illustration:
Xian borrowed from Yanee Php 5,000. As Xian’s
Example: security for the debt, Xian promised to pledge
If Leah gratuitously gives Piolo a parcel of land, said his diamond ring to Yanee.
creditors may ask for the rescission of the contract, to
the extent that they have been prejudiced. Before the delivery of the ring to Yanee, the
contract of pledge is not yet perfected. If Xian
Article 1314. later on refuses to pledge the ring, Yanee can
Any third person who induces another to violate his demand the payment of the obligation although it
contract shall be liable for damages to the other is with a period. But Yanee cannot require Xian
contracting party. to deliver the ring as security because there is
no real contract of pledge yet. There is merely a
consensual contract to constitute a pledge. What
Liability of third person responsible for breach of
exists, is a personal right, the right of action on
the part of Yanee to demand the constitution of
- This is a rule of American law. It is also proper
the pledge.
under the general principles of the Philippine
law, because a contractual right is property.
Effect of Perfection of The Contract
- Article 1314 recognizes an instance when a
stranger to a contract can be sued for damages
From the moment the parties come to an agreement on
for his unwarranted interference with the
a definite subject matter and valid consideration they are
bound not only:
- The tort or wrongful conduct is known as
“interference with contractual relations.’’ It
(1) to the fulfillment of what has been expressly
presupposes that the contract interfered with is
valid and the third person has knowledge of the
existence of the contract or must have known of
it after a reasonable inquiry.
Anne sold a horse to Bryan for Php 15, 000. The
- The word “induce’’ in the provision refers to
details of this contract as regards the place of
situations where a person causes another to
delivery of the horse and payment of the price,
choose one course of conduct by persuasion or
the time of delivery and payment, etc. are not
intimidation. The interference or inducement
included. These details are furnished by law and
gives rise to liabilities for damages because it
have been taken up in the various provision of
violates the property rights of a party in a
the Code.
contract to reap the benefits that should result
(2) to all the consequences which according to
- Injunction is the appropriate remedy to prevent
their nature, may be in keeping with good
a wrongful interference with contracts by
faith, usage, and law.
strangers to such contracts where the legal
remedy is insufficient and the resulting injury is
Anne agreed to sell his horse to Bryan. It was
stipulated that Anne should deliver the horse to
After agreeing to sell her parcel of land to Kokey,
Bryan the next day.
Princess Sarah sells the land to Cedie instead because
of the inducement of Heidi. In this case, Kokey can sue
In this case, Anne has the obligation to deliver
Heidi for damages. However, the liability of Heidi for
the horse the next day as expressly stipulated in
damages cannot be more than that of Princess Sarah for
the contract. Anne has also the obligation to take
the latter’s violation of his contract. To hold Heidi liable
care of the horse pending delivery and to
for damages in excess of those that can be recovered
warrant that he has the right to sell the horse
against Princess Sarah “would lead to a result at once
although nothing is said about the obligation in
grotesque and unjust.’’ At most, Heidi would be solidarily
the contract as this is in keeping with good faith,
liable with Princess Sarah. What would be the source of
usage, and law.
the obligation of Heidi? Her liability will be based on the
theory of quasi-delict. The responsibility of two or more
persons who are liable for a quasi-delict is solidary. Article 1316.
Real contracts, such as deposit, pledge and
commodatum, are not perfected until the delivery of the
Article 1315.
object of the obligation.
Contracts are perfected by mere consent, and from that
moment the parties are bound not only to the fulfillment
of what has been expressly stipulated but also to all the This article makes a distinction between a contract that
consequences which, according to their nature, may be is perfected by consent or consensual or ordinary
in keeping with good faith, usage and law. contract. A real contract is those contracts that cannot be
perfected without the delivery such as commodatum,
pledge and loan.
Classifications of Contracts According to Perfection
Commodatum refers to a gratuitous loan of a movable
property which is to be returned undamaged to the

Pledge is a bailment that conveys possessory title to

property owned by the debtor to a creditor to secure
repayment of some debts.


When one enters into a contract of pledge, the contract

is not perfected until the object pledged to the creditor.

Supposed Mr. Lhullier wants to convert his 24 carat ring

to money because he is in dire financial constraints and
he needs cash. Thereafter, he approached Mrs.
Tambunting the cashier of ZYZ Pawnshop. In order to
constitute a contract of pledge the ring must be placed in
the possession of Mrs. Tambunting.

In real contracts delivery of the object is necessary

because without the object the other party cannot
exercise his duties under the contract.

Article 1317.
No one may contract in the name of another without
being authorized by the latter, or unless he has by law a
right to represent him.

A contract entered into in the name of another by one

who has no authority or legal representation, or who has
acted beyond his powers, shall be unenforceable, unless
it is ratified, expressly or impliedly, by the person on
whose behalf it has been executed, before it is revoked
by the other contracting party.

Requisites for a Person to Contract in the Name of

A) He must be duly authorized (expressly or
impliedly); or
B) He must have by law a right to represent him
(guardian or administrator); or
C) The contract must be subsequently RATIFIED
(expressly or impliedly).

Example of Unauthorized (a Form of Unenforceable)

In Marga’s name, but without her authorization, Cassie
sold Marga’s car to Hector. The sale of the car is

Note: In the example given, mere lapse of time cannot

cure the defect; this is not the ratification required by law

EFFECT: Contract is unenforceable when it is

represented by a person who is not authorized or has no
legal representation.

REMEDY: Ratification either express or implied by the

person on whose behalf it has been executed.

EFFECT OF RATIFICATION: Ratification cleanses the

contract from all its defects from the moment the contract
was entered into.

Note: There can be no more ratification if the contract

has previously been REVOKED by the other contracting
CHAPTER 2. Consent is giving of one’s conformity to the terms of the
ESSENTIAL REQUISITES OF CONTRACTS contract freely and voluntarily. It is the concurrence of
the minds of the parties on the cause and subject matter
Article 1318. which will constitute the contract, as well as on the other
There is no contract unless the following requisites conditions and terms thereof to which they voluntarily
concur: binds themselves to comply. Consent may be expressly
(1) Consent of the contracting parties; or implied.
(2) Object certain which is the subject matter of the
contract; Offer is a proposal made by one party to another to
(3) Cause of the obligation which is established. enter into a contract. It is more than an expression of
desire or hope. It is a promise to act or to refrain from
Consent acting on condition that the terms thereof are accepted
- must be free and given by someone who is sui by the person to who it is made.
juris, or one who has capacity to act.
- it must be freely given by the party and must be Character of the Offer
an intelligent consent, the party must know what 1) Certain
he is consenting. 2) Definite
- If the consent of one party is not freely given 3) Concrete
because such consent was obtained through
fraud, violence intimidation, undue influence, the Acceptance - manifestation by the offeree of his assent
contract is voidable. This is when it is said that to the terms of the offer
the consent is vitiated.
- Example: 1) Absolute and not conditional
Ricky offers to buy Martin’s car. The offer is
made over the phone. Unknown to Ricky, it is The acceptance made the party to an offer was made,
not Martin at the other end of the line, but his binds the offeror only from the time the offeror came to
younger brother Ariel who can perfectly mimick know of the acceptance. The law pressumes that the
his elder brother’s voice. Ariel accepts Ricky’s contract was perfected at the pace where the offer was
offer, successful at imitating his elder brother’s made, the place of origin of the conception of the
voice. There is no contract here, because there contract.
was no consent on Martin’s part.
Article 1320.
Object of a contract An acceptance may be express or implied.
- must be definite or determinate as to its kind; it
must be lawful or it must be within commence of Forms of Acceptance of Offer
man. It must like wise be possible, and not in 1) Express acceptance – may be oral or written
any way contrary to good customs, morals, 2) Implied acceptance – one that is inferred from
public order or public policy. the act or conduct
- Example:
A student enrolls in a university and when asked Examples of Implied Acceptance:
what course it is that she wishes to register for, 1) Acceptance of services
she answer “anything”. The registrar carelessly 2) Acceptance by promise
receives the form and causes the entry of the e.g., where a person deliver to another a certain
student’s name in the register of the university. thing if the latter will pay a certain amount, and
Again, there can be no contract, because it is the other accepts by promising to so pay accd.
not certain what it is that the university must to the conditions of the offer
teach the student or prepare her for. 3) Acceptance by act
e.g., where an offer is made that the offerer will
Cause do something else, if the offeree shall do a
- it must be true and licit. A contract with an illicit particular thing and both or either performed his
cause produces no effect whatsoever. respective act.
- Example:
- When Marsha envies John her house, there will Article 1321.
be no way Marsha can have John’s house, The person making the offer may fix the time, place, and
unless John’s donates it to her (in which case, manner of acceptance, all of which must be complied
John’s liberality or generosity would be the with.
cause of the contract). For a contract to exist
between Marsha and John. Marsha must offer The offer to set forth the terms of acceptance. When
John something John wishes in return (money, these terms are set forth, the offeree, should he wish to
or some other piece of property) which would accept, must comply with the terms of the offeror.
then be the cause of the contract.
A contract with a false cause is void unless it, and lawful Ruel the offeror offers 4 boxes of perfume to Elmo the
resets upon another cause which is true. offeree. That Ruel gives Elmo a one day to accept or to
reject the said offer. After one day Ruel did not hear from
Elmo about the offer he made. Ruel is now free to make
SECTION 1. CONSENT the offer to somebody else.

Article 1319. Article 1322.

Consent is manifested by the meeting of the offer and An offer made through an agent is accepted from the
the acceptance upon the thing and the cause which are time acceptance is communicated to him.
to constitute the contract. The offer must be certain and
the acceptance absolute. A qualified acceptance Communication of acceptance to agent.
constitutes a counter-offer.
For a contract to arise, the acceptance must be made
Acceptance made by letter or telegram does not bind the known to the offeror. By legal fiction, an agent is
offerer except from the time it came to his knowledge. considered an extension of the personality of his
The contract, in such a case, is presumed to have been principal. If duly authorized, the act of the agent is, in
entered into in the place where the offer was made. law, the act of the principal.
Article 1322 applies only if the offer is made through the
agent and the acceptance is communicated through him. Article 1324.
Hence, there would be no meeting of the minds if the When the offerer has allowed the offeree a certain period
principal himself made the offer and the acceptance is to accept, the offer may be withdrawn at any time before
communicated to the agent unless, of course, the latter acceptance by communicating such withdrawal, except
is authorized to receive the acceptance. when the option is founded upon a consideration, as
something paid or promised.
Nancy Monay of Makati is a sales agent of Camel - This article pertain to an offer made to a
Homes Subdivision. As a sales agent of Camel Homes, particular person and the offeree is given a
she offered to sell a 20-bedroom mansion inside the specific period within which to accept the offer.
subdivision to Kiss Escudero at a price of P80 million. - Under this article an offer mey be withdrawn
Kiss Escudero agrees to buy the property for the even if the oferree was given a period within
stipulated price. The sale is valid even though the wich to accept. Except the offeree has paid a
acceptance was made with the agent. consideration to support the action.

Article 1323. Illustration:

An offer becomes ineffective upon the death, civil Lucy offers her two hectares land to Nelli for one million.
interdiction, insanity, or insolvency of either party before Nelli however cannot make up his mind yet as she has to
acceptance is conveyed. conduct her husband and request for the time.

When Offer Becomes Ineffective Lucy is not under obligation to keep the offer open, she
An offer may be withdrawn before it is accepted. After could offer it to someone else. However, if Nelli would
acceptance, the contract is already perfected. like Lucyto keep the offer open. Nelli may propose to
Lucy an option contract. Under the option contract Lucy
Under Article 1323, even if the offer is not withdrawn, its would keep the offer open to Nelli for a specified period.
acceptance will not produce a meeting of the minds in Nelli however must pay Lucy consideration to keep the
case the offer has already become ineffective because offer open. Since Lucy is contractually bound to keep the
of the death, civil interdiction, insanity, or insolvency of offer open for Nelli, She cannot make the offer to
either party before the conveyance of the acceptance to anyone.
the offeror.
Article 1325.
Other Grounds Which Render Offer Ineffective Unless it appears otherwise, business advertisements of
The above grounds are not exclusive. Thus, failure to things for sale are not definite offers, but mere invitations
comply with the condition of the offer as to the time, to make an offer.
place, and the manner of payment, the expiration of the
period fixed in the offer for acceptance, the destruction of Definite Offer - does not contain all the specific
the thing due before acceptance, rejection of the offer, particulars needed in a contract.
etc. will also render then offer ineffective and prevent the
juridical tie from being formed. Example:
For Sale! 1,000 sq. meters lot with a brand new
Illustration bungalow house at Block 3 Lot 4 Sampaguita St., Sta.
- Death: Feona offer to sell her beach resort to Cruz, Laguna for PhP 5,000,000.00.
Shrek for the amount of 1.5 millon pesos but
before the day that they are going to meet up for This is a definite offer, from which the advertiser cannot
the payment and their contract will be made, back out, once it is accepted by another.
Feona died therefore the meeting of the mind of
the two parties became ineffective because of Mere Invitation to Make an Offer
the death of Feona.
- Civil Interdiction: In the preceding illustration, For Sale: 500 sq. meters lot at PhP 3, 000, 000.00 to
supposing that Feona was sentenced for life PhP 5, 000, 000, 000. 00 at Garden Villas Park Tel 454-
imprisonment because she was found guilty in 5233.
murder case and there is no acceptance had
been conveyed by Shrek before the sale, This is merely clearly an invitation to make an offer,
therefore the offer made by Feona became which the advertiser ids free to accept or reject.
ineffective because her sentenced carried with
civil interdiction.
Article 1326.
Advertisements for bidders are simply invitations to
- Insanity: Same as the above illustration if
make proposals, and the advertiser is not bound to
Feona became insane before Shrek accepted
accept the highest or lowest bidder, unless the contrary
her offer the contract became ineffective
because an insane person cannot give consent
to a contract.
Most advertisements are simply invitations to make an
- Insolvency: Also, if Feona was declared by the offer and are not offers in themselves since not all the
court as an insolvent person due to her inability necessary terms can fit in the advertisement.
or lack of means to pay one’s debt before Shrek
accepted the offer therefore the meeting of the Even if the advertisement had all the necessary terms,
minds of the parties is not valid because of the it’s still an invitation to make offer since there is no
insolvency of the offeror. definite person to whom the offer is being made.

Christian should put up for auction one of Lalaine’s
pieces of jewelry, and announces the auction, inviting
offers. When anyone bids, he make an offer, and the
offer may be accepted or rejected.
Article 1327.
The following cannot give consent to a contract:

(1) Unemancipated minors;

Article 1328.
(2) Insane or demented persons, and deaf-mutes who do Contracts entered into during a lucid interval are valid.
not know how to write. Contracts agreed to in a state of drunkenness or during
a hypnotic spell are voidable.
Persons Who Cannot Give Consent To A contract.
- Unemancipated Minors. Effects of lucid interval, drunkenness and hypnotic spell
o minors below 18 years of age. - Lucid interval
o There are no more unemancipated o temporary period of sanity
minors above 18 since the legal age o that period when a person who is
was reduced from 21 to 18. generally of unsound mind experiences
o Emancipation by marriage and parental a clear understanding of things
concession had already been o A contract entered into by an insane or
eliminated. demented person during a lucid interval
o Children below 18 by themselves being is valid.
minors cannot enter into valid contracts. - Drunkenness and hypnotic spell impair the
o However, If misrepresented his age on capacity of a person to give intelligent consent.
the contract by stating of his age, and o An otherwise capacitated individual who
other party was misled, the contract enters into a contract while he is in a
shall be binding upon him on the basis state of drunkenness makes a contract
of estoppel. voidable since at this precise moment
- Insane or Demented Persons he is NOT in full possession of his
o When a person is insane or demented, mental faculties.
his is detached from reality. o He who is under hypnotic spell is said to
o He does not know what he is doing. be in varying degrees under control and
o He cannot act with legal effects. direction of the hypnotist.
o Consequently, he cannot enter into valid
contracts. Example:
o During lucid intervals, as may happen in - Arturo alleges that he was drunk when he was
rare cases, they may enter into valid made to sign the Deed of Sale of his property.
contracts because at this moment, they - However, for drunkenness to be a ground of
are sane and capable of knowing what voidability, he must prove that it was such as to
they are doing. interfere with the normal functioning of his
- Deaf-Mutes. rational faculties.
o Not all deaf-mutes are disqualified to
give consent to contracts. Only those Article 1329.
who do not know how to write are The incapacity declared in Article 1327 is subject to the
disqualified. modifications determined by law, and is understood to be
without prejudice to special disqualifications established
Effects Of Contracts Entered By incapacitated Persons. in the laws.
The contracts entered into by the incapacitated persons
enumerated in the law are not void. They are only The persons enumerated under Article 1327
voidable if only one party cannot give his consent. But if - incapacitated to give consent to contracts due to
both parties are incapacitated to give consent, the their lack of mental capacity to do so.
resulting contract is unenforceable - deaf-mutes, insane or demented.

Cases where incapacity may be modified by law, On the other hand, the special disqualifications
enabling them to give a valid consent: mentioned in Article 1329 refer to those explicitly
1) When the contract involves the sale and delivery disqualified by law from entering certain contracts:
of necesarries to the minor, he is bound thereby
(Art. 1489). Persons enumerated in Article 1491 due to fiduciary
2) When the minor, upon reaching the age of relationship or dur to public policy;
majority ratifies the contract he becomes bound - Husband and wife cannot enter into contract of
thereby. donation, sale or lease with each other because
3) When the contract is in the form of savings they are not allowed to donate, sell or lease
account in the Postal Savings Bank, provided properties to one another. This includes those
the minor is at least 7 years of age, the same is who live as husband and wife without the benefit
valid. of marriage;
4) When the contract is an insurance for life, health - Insolvents until they are discharged;
and accident, provided tht it be taken on his life - Non-Christians inhabitants of Mindanao and
and beneficiary appointed is the minor’s estate Sulu cannot enter into contract involving real
or the minor’s father, mother, husband, wife, estate without the approval of the chairman of
child, brother or sister. the Commission on National Integration.
5) Contract when minor misrepresented his age - Incompetents who may be placed under judicial
and convincingly led the other party to believe in guardianship (under Rule 92, Section 2 of the
his legal capacity. Revised Rules of Court):
1) those suffering the penalty of civil
Example: interdiction;
Nena a 7yr old girl bought some lollies in 8-eleven. The 2) hospitalized lepers;
sale is valid even if Nena is a minor. 3) prodigals;
4) deaf and dumb who are unable to read and
5) those of unsound mind even though they
have lucid intervals;
6) those who by reason of age, disease, weak
mind, and other similar causes, cannot
without outside aid, take care of themselves
and manage their property, becoming violence and intimidation, the acceptance of the contract
thereby an easy prey for deceit and is not voluntary and is therefore voidable.

Incapacity to give consent to contracts and special Article 1331.

disqualifications distinguished: In order that mistake may invalidate consent, it should
refer to the substance of the thing which is the object of
Those who are incapacitated to give consent to contracts the contract, or to those conditions which have
are not prohibited to exercise their right to enter into a principally moved one or both parties to enter into the
contract. They can still do so through a guardian with contract.
the approval of the court.
Mistake as to the identity or qualifications of one of the
Those who are specially disqualified are prohibited parties will vitiate consent only when such identity or
whether or not they have representation. They are qualifications have been the principal cause of the
absolutely disqualified from entering into a contract. contract.

The first one renders the contract voidable, while the A simple mistake of account shall give rise to its
second renders it void. correction.

Article 1330. Mistake or error is the false notion of a thing or a fact

A contract where consent is given through mistake, material to the contract.
violence, intimidation, undue influence, or fraud is
voidable. Nature of Mistake
1. Mistake may be of fact or of law. In general, the
Characteristics of consent. mistake to which Article 1331 refers is mistake of
In order that consent may be sufficient for purposes of fact. It may arise from ignorance or lack of
contract, it is required, not only that it exists. Aside from knowledge.
the requirement that consent must be manifested by the 2. The mistake contemplated by law is substantial
meeting of the offer and the acceptance (Art. 1319.), mistake of fact, that is, the party would not have
there is no valid consent unless: given his consent had he known of the mistake.
Hence, not every mistake will vitiate consent and
1. It is intelligent. make a contract voidable.
There is legal capacity to act. (see Arts.
13271329.) The consent must be given with an Mistake of Fact to Which Law Refers
exact notion over the thing consented to or the
matter to which it refers. In the case of a juridical In order that mistake may vitiate consent, it must refer to:
persons such as a corporation, consent may 1. the substance of the thing which is the object of
only be given through officers duly authorized by the contract; or
its board of directors; 2. those conditions which have principally moved
2. It is free and voluntary. one or both parties to enter into the contract; or
There is no vitiation of consent by reason of 3. the identity or qualifications of one of the parties,
violence or intimidation (see Art. 1330.); and provided, the same was the principal cause of
3. It is conscious or spontaneous. the contract.
There is no vitiation of consent by reason of
mistake, undue influence, or fraud. No. 1 above includes mistake regarding the nature of the
contract, as when the contracting parties believe that the
Thus, Article 1330 enumerates in a negative manner the other is selling, when in truth and in fact, both are
different requisites of consent. In addition, under Articles buying.
1327, 1328, and 1329, the contracting parties must
possess the necessary legal capacity. (Arts. 1327-1329.) Mistake of Fact Which Does Not Vitiate Consent
Simulation of contract renders the apparent contract 1. Error as regards the incidents of a thing or
void. (see Arts. 1345-1346.) accidental qualities thereof (e.g., accessibility of
a residential house to means of transportation;
Vices of consent. maximum speed of a car), not taken as the
Aside from incapacity and simulation of contract, the principal consideration of the contract, does not
following are the causes that vitiate consent or render it vitiate consent (Art. 1331, par. 1.), unless the
defective so as to make the contract voidable: error is caused by fraud of the other party.
2. Mistake as to quantity or amount does not also
1. error or mistake; vitiate consent but only gives rise to its
2. violence or force (Art. 1335.); correction, unless it goes to the essence of the
3. intimidation or threat or duress (Ibid.); contract.
4. undue influence (Art. 1337.); and 3. Error as regards the motives of the contract
5. fraud or deceit. (Art. 1338.) does not also vitiate consent unless the motives
constitute a condition or cause of the contract.
These vices are defects of the will, the existence of 4. Mistake as regards the identity or qualifications
which impairs the intelligence (1), freedom (2, 3, 4) and of a party does not vitiate consent for the reason
spontaneity (5) of the party in giving consent to the that contracts are entered into more in
contract. consideration of the things or services which
form their subject matter rather than of persons.
Causes vitiating consent and causes of incapacity The exception is when such identity or
distinguished. qualifications have been the principal cause of
1. The former are temporary, while the latter are the contract (Art. 1331, par. 2.), as in contracts,
more or less permanent; and which have for their object obligations to do,
2. The first refer to the contract itself, while the requiring personal qualifications of the debtor, or
second, to the person entering into the contract. involving trust and confidence, such as contracts
Both make a contract voidable or annullable only of partnership, agency, commodatum, guaranty
deposit, etc.
Illustration: 5. Error which could have been avoided by the
After threats from armed men, Jejomar Monay was party alleging it, or which refers to a fact known
forced to sell his farmland to real estate developer to him, or which he should have known by the
Mekeni Villar. Since the deed of sale was signed under exercise of ordinary diligence, or which is so
patent and obvious that nobody could have Requisites for the application of Article 1334.
made it, will not invalidate consent. 1. The error must be mutual;
2. It must be as to the legal effect of an agreement;
3. It must frustrate the real purpose of the parties.

1. Mistake regarding object.
Ben is buying from Sarah a breeding cow but Example:
Sarah is selling a barren cow. Fermin and Nicolas entered into a written contract
2. Mistake regarding condition of the contract. affecting the land belonging to Fermin, for and
Sarah is selling his parcel of land for consideration of Php 500,000.00. At the time the
P100,000.00 cash but Ben is buying the land contract was entered into, Fermin thought that he was
thinking that the price is payable in installments. given Php 500,000.00 by Nicolas for the mortgage of his
3. Mistake regarding identity or qualifications. (Fermin’s) land. Nicolas, on the other hand, thought that
(a) Sarah sold his car to Ben. Sarah thought by giving Fermin Php 500,000 he had purchased the
that Ben, who is a lawyer, was a doctor. The land. The contract is voidable and may annul in court.
mistake here is not material as to avoid the However, if there has been a meeting of minds as the
contract. object of the contract, the proper remedy is reformation
(b) Ryan donated his car to Ena. Ryan thought of the instrument.
that Ena was his half-sister. It turned out that
Ena is not related to Ryan. The mistake as Article 1335.
to the identity of Ena in this case is material There is violence when in order to wrest consent, serious
because his identity was the principal or irresistible force is employed.
reason or consideration for the donation.
There is intimidation when one of the contracting parties
Article 1332. is compelled by a reasonable and well-grounded fear of
When one of the parties is unable to read, or if the an imminent and grave evil upon his person or property,
contract is in a language not understood by him, and or upon the person or property of his spouse,
mistake or fraud is alleged, the person enforcing the descendants or ascendants, to give his consent.
contract must show that the terms thereof have been
fully explained to the former. To determine the degree of intimidation, the age, sex
and condition of the person shall be borne in mind.
This article was incorporated because of a belief that
there is still a fairly large number of illiterates in the A threat to enforce one’s claim through competent
country and documents are ordinarily drawn up in authority, if the claim is just or legal, does not vitiate
English. consent.

As a consequence, the stronger party exploits the Violence is external and requires the employment of
weaker party in a contract. Article 1332 therefor protects physical force which must be serious and irresistible.
the weak and disadvantage.
Under this article the burden of proof (onus probandi) is If Matata Kutin signs a document because everytime he
shifted to the stronger party to prove that the terms of the refuses, he is hit by the butt of the gun which causes
contract were fully explained to the weaker party. blood to flow from his head then the contract is voidable.

Illustration: Requisites for intimidation or threat:

John and Marsha were both blind. They affixed their 1. Must produce a reasonable and well-grounded
thumb marks to a deed which they thought was merely a fear of an evil
deed of mortgage. It turned out to be a deed of sale of 2. Evil must be imminent and grave
their two (2) hectare land in favor of their son-in-law. The 3. Evil must be upon his person or property, or that
son-in-law must prove that he did not take advantage of of his spouse, descendants or ascendants.
his situation as a son-in-law to enrich himself at the 4. It is the reason why he enters the contract.
expense of unfortunate relatives.
Fear of displeasing a person to whom obedience or
Article 1333. respect is due does not annul a contract.
There is no mistake if the party alleging it knew the
doubt, contingency or risk affecting the object of the Example:
contract. Boy Takas committed a violation of law. Boy Sumbong
threatens to report Boy Takas to the police unless the
Knowledge of Doubt or Risk Does Not Vitiate Consent latter gives him P5,000.00
It is to be assumed here that the party was willing to take
the risk. This is particularly true in contracts which re Article 1336.
evidently aleatory in nature. Violence or intimidation shall annul the obligation,
although it may have been employed by a third person
Example: who did not take part in the contract.
Arlene bought a magic pen which was represented as it
can be used to write even underwater. Arlene also knew Violence or intimidation by a third person
that the pen’s ability was questionable, and yet Arlene - Violence or intimidation may be employed by a
bought said pen. Here, Arlene cannot allege mistake third person who did NOT take part in the
since she knew beforehand of the doubt, risk, or contract.
contingency affecting the object of the contract. o However, to make the contract voidable
or annullable, it is necessary that the
Article 1334. violence or intimidation must be of the
Mutual error as to the legal effect of an agreement when character required in Article 1335.
the real purpose of the parties is frustrated, may vitiate o It is necessary that that the party
consent. employing violence must use serious
and irresistible force.
o Intimidation must draw from the person would not have agreed to, taking into account
thus intimidated a reasonable or well- the circumstances of the case.
grounded fear of suffering an imminent - The fraud must be that which determines or is
and serious evil on his person or on his the essential cause of the contract.
property and also on those of his - The fraud contemplated in this article and
descendants or ascendants. mentioned in Article 1330 is causal fraud
involving the use of deceit or deception.
- It must be distinguished from the fraud dealt with
in Article 1170.

Examples: How causal fraud committed.

- While attempting to convince Ben to sign the - Causal fraud may be committed through
Deed of Sale of his property, Arturo called on insidious words or machinations (Art. 1338.) or
Charlie who then intimidated Ben, saying “Sign by concealment. (Art. 1339.)
this or I will beat you up!” - Insidious words or machinations “include false
- However, Ben is a bodybuilder while Charlie is a promises, exaggerated expectations or benefits,
90 lb man. abuse of confidence, fictitious names, qualities,
- From the circumstances given, the intimidation or power; in fine, the thousand forms of fraud,
given by Charlie does NOT reasonably draw which can deceive a contracting party, producing
from Ben a well-grounded fear of suffering an a vitiated consent” (8 Manresa 677.), and it is
imminent and serious evil on his person. not necessary that they constitute estafa or
- Deed of Sale is NOT voidable. partake of any other criminal act subject to the
penal law.
Article 1337.
There is undue influence when a person takes improper In order that fraud may vitiate consent and be a cause
advantage of his power over the will of another, for the annulment of a contract, the following requisites
depriving the latter of a reasonable freedom of choice. must be present:
The following circumstances shall be considered: the 1. There must be misrepresentation or
confidential, family, spiritual and other relations between concealment (Arts. 1338, 1339.) by a party prior
the parties, or the fact that the person alleged to have to or simultaneous to the consent or creation of
been unduly influenced was suffering from mental the contract (Caram, Jr. vs. Laureta, supra.);
weakness, or was ignorant or in financial distress. 2. It must be serious (Art. 1344.);
3. It must have been employed by only one of the
Undue influence contracting parties. (Ibid.) Fraud committed by a
- The influence must be of a kind that so third person does not vitiate consent unless it
overpowers and subjugates the mind of a party was practiced in connivance with or at least with
as to destroy his free agency and make him the knowledge of the favored contracting party
express the will of another, rather than his own. (see Art. 1342.);
- The circumstances to be taken into 4. It must be made in bad faith or with intent to
consideration mostly deal with the relationship of deceive (see Art. 1343.) the other contracting
the parties involving trust and confidence. party who had no knowledge of the fraud;
o In some instances, the guilty party has 5. It must have induced the consent of the other
somehow moral ascendancy over the contracting party (Art. 1338.); and
aggrieved party. 6. It must be alleged and proved by clear and
- One improperly takes advantage of his relation convincing evidence, and not merely by a
to another when he uses this relation to secure preponderance thereof.
the assent of the other party.
- 3 elements of undue influence Illustration:
o person who can be influenced
Petra Fig sold to Voltaire Five a house and lot,
o the improper influence was exerted
misrepresenting that the place was accessible to means
o submission to the overwhelming effect of transportation. The sale is voidable on the ground of
of such unlawful conduct fraud if Voltaire Five was induced to give his consent
because of the representation.
- While Leon is seeking to eject Terry for failure to But if Voltaire Five purchased the property without any
pay her rent. inducement from Petra Fig, his mistaken belief that it
- Terry is in need of ₱5,000 to pay his landlord, was accessible does not vitiate consent because the
Leon. error refers merely to an incidental quality or condition of
- Terry tries to borrow from Charlie. the thing. (see Art. 1331.)
- Charlie instead tells him to sell her piano for
Article 1339.
- Terry has no one to turn to for assistance.
Failure to disclose facts, when there is a duty to reveal
- If Terry does NOT want to sell the piano BUT
them, as when the parties are bound by confidential
she is compelled to sell it BECAUSE of her
relations, constitutes fraud.
financial condition, the sale may be voided on
the ground of undue influence.
Fraud By Concealment
- A neglect or failure to communicate that which a
Article 1338.
party to a contract knows and ought to
There is fraud when, through insidious words or
communicate constitutes concealment.
machinations of one of the contracting parties, the other
- In this case, concealment is equivalent to
is induced to enter into a contract which, without them,
he would not have agreed to.
- Silence or concealment by itself does not
constitute fraud.
Meaning of causal fraud. - The concealment contemplated in Article 1339
- Causal fraud or dolo causante is the fraud presupposes a purpose or design to hide facts
employed by one party prior to or simultaneous which the other party ought to know.
with the creation of the contract to secure the - The injured party is entitled to cancel or annul a
consent of the other. contract whether the failure to disclose the
- It is the fraud used by a party to induce the other material facts is intentional or unintentional as
to enter into a contract without which the latter long as there is a duty to reveal or disclose them
or according to good faith such disclosure Article 1341.
should be made and the other party is misled or A mere expression of an opinion does not signify fraud,
deceived in entering into the contract. unless made by an expert and the other party has relied
- If the failure is unintentional, the basis of the on the former’s special knowledge.
action for annulment is not fraud but mistake or
error; if unintentional and there is no duty to Mere Expression of An Opinion
make the disclosure, the parties are bound by Example: Romeo, on buying a watch, was assured by
their contract. the seller that it was a good watch, and could run without
rewinding for one week, in the opinion of the seller. This
is a mere expression of opinion that is not fraudulent. But
if the seller was a watch expert, and the only reason why
Example: Arlene bought the watch was the opinion of the seller,
Xian and Yanee are partners engaged in the real estate the contract is voidable on the ground of fraud.
business. Here, the parties are bound by confidential
relations. Xian learned that Carlo was interested in Problem
buying a certain parcel of land owned by the partnership Rosa, desiring to buy a certain property, hired an expert
even for a high price. Without informing Yanee, Xian was to assure its true value. But the expert’s opinion turned
able to make Yanee sell to him (Xian) his (Yanee’s) out to be wrong and Rosa was, therefore misled. May
share in the partnership. Then, Xian sold the land at a Rosa asks for the annulment of the contract?
big profit.
Answer: No, because his own expert committed the
In this case, Xian is guilty of fraudulent concealment error.
because he was under the duty to make disclosure of
facts having a bearing on the value of the interests of Reason for the rule on Expert’s Opinion
Yanee in the partnership which were not known to The opinion of an expert is almost in the same category
Yanee. as a fact, particularly when this expert’s knowledge is
relied upon by the other party.
If the sale was at the initiative of Yanee, and Xian
unintentionally failed to inform Yanee of Carlos’s offer, Article 1342.
the cause for annulment is mistake or error on the part of Misrepresentation by a third person does not vitiate
Yanee. consent, unless such misrepresentation has created
substantial mistake and the same is mutual.
Article 1340.
The usual exaggerations in trade, when the other party Misrepresentation by third person
had an opportunity to know the facts, are not in Generally, the misrepresentation of fraud employed by a
themselves fraudulent. third person does not vitiate consent, Except:
a. When there is a connivance between the third
Usual exaggerations in trade or business known as person and one of the contracting parties.
”tolerated fraud” are not fraudulent by themselves when b. When it has created substantial mistake on both
the other party has the opportunity to investigate and parties.
know the true facts.
- It refers to misrepresentation of traders tending Alex is the owner of a car worth P500,000.
to minimize the perceived defects of the thing or
service advertised for sale. Alex sold it to Ben for P400,000 because Carlo
- Hence, they are tolerated for still being bearable misrepresented to Alex that his car is worth P400,000
and excusable as long as they do not passed only. Alex cannot annul the contract on the ground of
beyond the line of tolerance. misrepresentation committed by Carlo, unless it is shown
- This article gives allowance for the usual that Carlo connived with Ben in misrepresenting the
exaggerations of advertisement and the same value of the car
time cautions he vendees and purchaser to use
their common sense to know what they are Don Emilio is the owner of a parcel of land in Laguna.
negotiating it. Cardo is interested in buying a land in Laguna on which
- Hence, they need to remember always the to build a factory. Juaquin tells Don Emilio and Cardo
maxim “caveat emptor” – the buyer alone is that the place where the land of Don Emilio is situated is
responsible for checking the quality and an industrial zone. If on the strength of the
suitability of goods before a purchase is made. representation made by Juaquin, the land is bought by
Cardo, and it turns out that place is residential zone, the
Illustration: contract of sale maybe annulled because of substantial
Gay sold her land with an area of sixty hectares, by mistake on the part of the seller and the buyer.
misrepresentation he lead Azzaraga to believe that the
said land contained 98 hectares and thus made it in the Article 1343.
deed of sale and induced the vendee to pay the price of Misrepresentation made in good faith is not fraudulent
forty seven thousand (47,000) pesos. But before the but may constitute error.
contract was p-erfected, Azarraga visited and examine
the area by himself and Gay does nothing to prevent
The misrepresentation made must be unintentional.
such investigation.
Latter on Azzaraga file a suit for recovery of the excess
Ginang Alahera sold Gino a diamond ring which she
payment for the said land because he was defrauded by
believed to be a true diamond ring. It turned out that it
Maria Gay.
was not. Ginang Alahera cannot be held liable for fraud
but will be required to return Gino’s payment.
Supreme Court held no. One who contracts for the
purchase of real estate in reliance on the representations
and statements of the vendor as to its character or value Article 1344.
but after he has visited and examined it for himself and In order that fraud may make a contract voidable, it
hr has the means and opportunity of verifying such should be serious and should not have been employed
statements, cannot avoid the contract on the ground that by both contracting parties.
such statements were false or exaggerated.
Incidental fraud only obliges the person employing it to
pay damages.
ostensible act (contract of sale) and the hidden act
Incidental fraud (contract of mortgage).
- when there is already a pre-existing contract
entered into by the parties and it is a valid one As between Maria Taklesa and Jessica Sogo, their
o and while one party is performing his contract is a contract of mortgage. But to third persons,
obligation, another commits the fraud the contract is a contract of sale. If Jessica Sogo
- Requisites in order that fraud may annul a eventually sells the restaurant to another party, that party
contract will acquire ownership as both Maria Taklesa and
1. it must be serious Jessica Sogo are in estoppel.
2. NOT employed by both parties
o otherwise, both parties are in pari delicto

- the fraud is NOT the principal inducement that

led the other party to enter into the contract Article 1346. An absolutely simulated or fictitious
o for without the fraud, he would still have contract is void. A relative simulation, when it does not
freely entered into the contract prejudice a third person and is not intended for any
o he was deceived ONLY as to the terms purpose contrary to law, morals, good customs, public
of the contract order or public policy binds the parties to their real
- ONLY obliges the guilty party to pay damages to agreement.
the defrauded party
Simulation of a contract is the act of deliberately
Examples: deceiving others, by feigning or pretending by
- Arturo misrepresented that he had an exclusive agreement, the appearance of a contract which is either
franchise. non-existent or concealed.
- To get from Ben a big slice in the net profits,
Arturo promised to transfer his franchise to Ben. KINDS OF SIMULATION
- The false representation did NOT vitiate Ben’s
consent. 1. Absolute simulation is one where the parties
- It was used to get his consent to a big share in do not intend to be bound by the contract. It is
the profits. not really intended to produce any legal effect,
- This is incidental fraud. nor does it alter the juridical situation of the
Article 1345.
Simulation of a contract may be absolute or relative. The EXAMPLE:
former takes place when the parties do not intend to be
bound at all; the latter, when the parties conceal their Danny is indebted to Cathy. Upon learning that Cathy is
true agreement. going to enforce his credit, Danny pretended to sell his
land to Fredo, his father-in-law. Danny did not receive a
Simulation of a contract single centavo for the deed of sale he executed and he
is the act of deliberately deceiving others, by feigning or continued in possession of the land as the contract was
pretending by agreement, the appearance of a contract merely simulated or fictitious. There is no contract of sale
which is either non-existent or concealed (1 Castan 504.) in this case.
or is different from that which was really executed.
2. Relative simulation or when the contract
Kinds of simulation. entered into by the parties is different from their
1. Absolute simulation true agreement or the parties state a false cause
when the contract does not really exist and the in the contract to conceal their real agreement.
parties do not intend to be bound at all. (Art. The parties are bound by their real agreement,
1345.) Absolutely simulated or fictitious provided, it does not prejudice a third person
contracts are inexistent and void. and is not intended for a purpose contrary to
2. Relative simulation law, morals, good customs, public order, or
when the contract entered into by the parties is public policy.
different from their true agreement21 or the
parties state a false cause in the contract to EFFECTS OF SIMULATION TO THIRD PERSONS
conceal their real agreement. (Art. 1345; see
Arts. 1353, 1602.) The parties are bound by their  If he is prejudiced, he may invoked the nullity of
real agreement, provided, it does not prejudice a the simulated contracts.
third person and is not intended for a purpose  If he acted in good faith, nullity cannot be
contrary to law, morals, good customs, public invoked against them.
order, or public policy.
Maria Taklesa, owner of Sarap-ler Restaurant, is A donor is donating a property to a donee. Instead of
indebted to Jessica Sogo. Upon learning that Jessica executing a deed of donation, the donor instead
Sogo is going to enforce his credit, Maria Taklesa executed a deed of sale to conceal the donation
pretended to sell her restaurant to Jobee Lopez, her intended.
father-in-law. Maria Taklesa did not receive a single
centavo for the deed of sale she executed and she Reason for the invalidity of absolutely simulated
continued in possession of the restaurant as the contract contracts- lack of true consent, and its prejudice to a
was merely simulated or fictitious. There is no contract of third person and is generally fraudulent.
sale in this case as the parties do not intend to be bound
at all. The sale is but a sham.

But if Maria Taklesa and Jessica Sogo entered into a

contract of mortgage for the restaurant. But wanting to
hide the mortgage, it was made to appear in the form of
a deed of sale. Here, there are two acts involved: the
SECTION 2. Article 1349. The object of every contract must be
OBJECT OF CONTRACTS determinate as to its kind. The fact that the quantity is
not determinate shall not be an obstacle to the existence
Article 1347. All things which are not outside the of the contract, provided it is possible to determine the
commerce of men, including future things, may be the same, without the need of a new contract between the
object of a contract. All rights which are not parties.
intransmissible may also be the object of contracts.
No contract may be entered into upon future inheritance
except in cases expressly authorized by law. Once the object is determinate or a specific thing no
need for a new or further agreement between the
All services which are not contrary to law, morals, good parties, but when the obligation consists in the delivery
customs, public order or public policy may likewise be of a generic or indeterminate thing, whose Quality and
the object of a contract. circumstances have not been stated, There is a need of
a new or further agreement between the parties.
The object of a contract is its subject matter. It can be a
thing, right or service arising from a contract. Determinate or specific thing are particularly or
physically segregated others of the same class.
If the object of the contract is a thing, it should be within
the commerce of man that its alienation is not restricted Examples:
by law. Accordingly, property of public dominion such as 1. The t-shirt levi’s i am wearing
roads, plazas, foreshore lands are outside the commerce 2. The toyota car with plate No. AST 143 2016
of man as the law restricts their alienation.
Generic or Indeterminate thing
A future thing may be the object of contract. Thus a
composer or author can sell an intellectual work which 1. A brand new t-shirt
he intends to compose or write even before the work is 2. A 2016 toyota car
actually composed or written.
Not all rights may be the object of contracts but only
transmissible rights. The right to vote which is political in Mr. Bean binds himself to deliver one of his horse to Mr.
nature, marital rights which are personal, right to receive Tan.
future support and similar others cannot be the subject of
contract being in transmissible rights. While future Here, the object is determinable without the need of a
inheritance is a future thing it cannot be the subject of a new contract between the parties and it becomes
contract. The reason is that future inheritance is just an determinate the moment it is delivered.
inchoate right which comes into realization only after the
death of the predecessor. Its amount cannot be exactly If the subject matter of the agreement is a parcel of
determined until the final settlement of the estate. agricultural land owned by Mr. Bean and Mr. Bean
happens to own many agricultural lands, the contract is
Any partition agreement of the estate of the living person void, if the particular land sold cannot be determined
by the supposed heirs are void. but partition made by the without a new or further agreement between the parties.
decedent himself of his estate during his lifetime is valid.
In case of marriage settlement future inheritance may be
the object of donation.


Alfonso agreed to sell to Maria Clara the red wines that

his three (3) hectare vineyard may produce in payment
of his authorized capital stock to Maria Clara for the
corporation they are forming. Under the law said contract
is valid although the red wine is not yet in existence.

Article 1348. Impossible things or services cannot be

the object of contracts.

Impossibility may be:

a) because of the nature of the transaction or
because of the law;
b) absolute (no one can do it);
c) relative ( the particular debtor cannot comply).

Note: Generally, the impossibility referred to by the law

is absolute impossibility.

Impossible things
1. Before I can give you one million pesos, you
must fly above like an eagle without any device.
2. The carpenter was obliged to stop the
construction of road near the mountain because
of the presence of landslide and heavy storm.
SECTION 3. In case Sugar’s motive in selling her property is to
CAUSE OF CONTRACTS defraud Charlie, a creditor, Charlie may ask for the
rescission of the sale.
Article 1350. In onerous contracts the cause is Article 1352. Contracts without cause, or with unlawful
understood to be, for each contracting party, the cause, produce no effect whatever. The cause is
prestation or promise of a thing or service by the other; unlawful if it is contrary to law, morals, good customs,
in remuneratory ones, the service or benefit which is public order or public policy.
remunerated; and in contracts of pure beneficence, the
mere liberality of the benefactor. Requisites of cause.

Kinds of contracts which regards to cause: 1. It must exist at the time the contract is entered into
2. It must be lawful
1. Onerous - the cause is the mutual undertaking 3. It must be true or real
or the promise each contracting party makes
2. Remuneratory - the cause is the service or Effect of absence of cause.
benefit for which the remuneration is given.
3. Gratuitous - cause is the pure liberality of the Absence or want of cause means that there is a total
benefactor lack of any valid consideration for the contract.

Cause is the essential or more proximate purpose which Effect of illegality of cause.
the contracting parties have in view at the time of
entering into a contract. Illegality of cause implies that there is a cause but the
same is unlawful or illegal. The cause is unlawful if it is
Example: contrary to law, morals, good customs public order, or
public policy. Contracts with unlawful cause are also null
Casio sold a watch to Timex for Php 5,000.00. and void.

The cause for Timex is the delivery of the watch, for (1) A promise of marriage based upon carnal
Casio it is the delivery of the Php 5,000.00 and the connection
subject matter is the watch.
(2) The sale made by a husband in favor of concubine
Article 1351. The particular motives of the parties in after he had abandoned his family and left the
entering into a contract are different from the cause conjugal home is null and void, being subversive
thereof. of the stability of the family which public policy
cherishes and protects.
Cause distinguished from motive
(3) A contract whereby a person accused of a crime
Motive obliges himself to give a sum of money in
̶ the purely personal/private reason which a party consideration of the promise on the part of the
has in entering into a contract obligee to refrain from testifying against him is
̶ the condition of the mind which incites to action void because the purpose is to stifle criminal
̶ the remote/indirect reason prosecution and this is against public policy.
̶ the particular reason of a contracting party which
does NOT affect the other party (4) A promissory note is void ab initio and no cause of
̶ may be unknown action for collection can arise from it where the
̶ NOT an essential element of a contract consideration for it is to influence public officers in
̶ the illegality of which does NOT render the the performance of their duties which is contrary to
contract void law and public policy.

Cause Illustration:
̶ the immediate/direct reason which moves the
contracting parties to enter into the contract and The administrator of the estate of Leila de Singko
justifies the creation of an obligation through brought an action against the heirs of Jonel Mapagmahal
their will to declare null and void a deed of sale purportedly
̶ always known to the other contracting party executed by Leila de Singko in favor of Jonel
̶ an essential element of a contract Mapagmahal for P10 million. When the deed of sale was
̶ the illegality of which affects the validity of a executed, Leila de Singko was almost 100 years old and
contract was in a weak condition. Jonel was only the driver of
Leila with a monthly salary of P15,000. In this case, at
GENERAL RULE the time of the sale Jonel could not have raised the
The motive does NOT affect the validity NOR existence amount of P10 million as consideration of the land
of the contract supposedly sold to him by Leila de Singko, therefore the
sale is null and void.
The motive may be considered the cause when such Article 1353. The statement of a false cause in contracts
motive predetermines the cause of the contract, shall render them void, if it should not be proved that
̶ i.e., it is made the condition for the efficacy of they were founded upon another cause which is true and
the contract, lawful.
̶ or is founded on a fraudulent purpose to
prejudice third persons EFFECT OF FALSITY OF CAUSE

EXAMPLE: By falsity of cause is meant that the contract states a

valid consideration but such statement is not true. A
Sugar sells her house and lot to Ben for ₱1M. false cause may be erroneous or simulated. The first
̶ For Sugar, the cause or consideration is the always produces the inexistence of a contract. If the
₱1M. cause is false, the contract is rendered void because the
̶ Her motive or private reason may be to use the same actually does not exist. The second does not
money in business or to buy another house. always produce this effect, because it may happen that
the hidden but true cause is sufficient to support the
contract. If the parties can show that there is another
cause and that said cause is true and lawful, then the
parties shall be bound by their true agreement.

Sandra sells to Ben a parcel of land. In the deed of sale,
P100,000.00 is stated as the price of the land. If this a. The guardian of Julius sold Julius’
statement is false, then there is no contract of sale. mansion worth PhP 100 million for PhP
50 million. May the contract be
However, if Ben can prove that the contract is founded rescinded on the ground of lesion?
upon another consideration, as when Ben has
exchanged his car for the land, then the contract of Answer: Yes, such a case is expressly
barter or exchange (not sale) shall be valid. In this case, provided for by the law as one of the
the statement of the price is simulated because it is contracts that may be rescinded on the
wilfully made. Otherwise stated, there is, in fact, a real ground of lesion.
consideration but the same is not the one stated in the
contract. b. Jofrey sold his mansion worth P50
million to John for only P30 million
Article 1354. Although the cause is not stated in the because Jofrey did not know the true
contract, it is presumed that it exists and is lawful, unless value of the house. May the contract of
the debtor proves the contrary. sale be rescinded?

For the convenience of the parties and of the courts it is Answer: No. As a rule lesion or inadequacy
better that the cause or consideration be stated in the of price, by itself, does not invalidate a
contract. However, in the event that the contract does contract. But if Jofrey had sold it only for
not state its cause, the presumption of the law operates this amount because of fraud or mistake or
that the cause exists and is lawful, unless the debtor undue influence, the contract may be
proves the contrary. annulled. Said the Court: Whether or not
the price paid for the house was adequate
Illustration: need not be discussed for even granting
that it was inadequate, that would not
Doming issued in favor of Carlo a promissory note which invalidate the sale. The fact that the bargain
recites: was a hard one coupled with mere
inadequacy of a price when both parties are
“Thirty days after date, I promise to pay Carlo or order in a position to form an independent
the amount of one thousand pesos (1,000).” judgment concerning the transaction is not
sufficient ground for the cancellation of a
Although the promissory note does note does not contract.”
mention the consideration the law presumes that Doming
must have received a consideration for the debt and the Lesion as Evidence of Vitiated Consent
same is lawful. Lesion may be Evidence of the presence of fraud,
mistake, or undue influence.
Article 1355. Except in cases specified by law, lesion or
inadequacy of cause shall not invalidate a contract,
unless there has been fraud, mistake or undue influence.

Lesion is inadequacy of cause, like an insufficient price

for a thing sold.

General Rule
Lesion or inadequacy of price does not invalidate a


1. Together with lesion, there has been:

1.1 Fraud
1.2 Mistake
1.3 undue influence

2. In cases expressly provided by law ( in the

following, the contracts may be rescinded):

2.1 “Those which are entered into by guardians

whenever the wards they represent suffer
lesion by more than one-fourth of the value of
the things which are the objects thereof.”

2.2 “Those agreed upon in representation of

absentees, if the latter suffer the lesion stated
in the preceding number.”

2.3 Partition among co-heirs, when anyone of them

received things with a value less by at least
one-fourth than the share to which he is

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