CHSL-2018 Common Error

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CHSL, 2018 | Exam Held On : 01–11/07/2019

Exam Held On : 01–11/07/2019

CHSL, 2018 | Exam Held On : 01–11/07/2019 15

Q.1 Three more elevated roads have been propose in the new plan to
unclog the traffic in Delhi.
(1) in the new plan
(2) Three more elevated roads
(3) to unclog the traffic in Delhi
(4) have been propose
CHSL, 2018 | Exam Held On : 01–11/07/2019 16

Q.2 Tilak rowed through the river and tied his boat on the other side.
(1) and tied his boat
(2) on the other side
(3) Tilak rowed
(4) through the river
CHSL, 2018 | Exam Held On : 01–11/07/2019 17

Q.3 I visited my friend to whom I had made an appointment.

(1) I visited my friend
(2) an appointment
(3) to whom
(4) I had made
CHSL, 2018 | Exam Held On : 01–11/07/2019 18

Q.4 The Public Works Department has propose to construct an elevated

corridor which will run parallel to the National highway.
(1) to construct an elevated corridor
(2) to the National highway
(3) The Public Works Department has propose
(4) which will run parallel
CHSL, 2018 | Exam Held On : 01–11/07/2019 19

Q.5 The Cannes Film Festival attract some of the world's most famous
(1) The Cannes Film Festival
(2) most famous people
(3) attract some of
(4) the world's
CHSL, 2018 | Exam Held On : 01–11/07/2019 20

Q.6 Different-coloured natural foods not only put a smile on children's

faces and also benefit their overall growth.
(1) Different-coloured natural foods
(2) put a smile on children's faces
(3) and also benefit
(4) benefit their overall growth
CHSL, 2018 | Exam Held On : 01–11/07/2019 21

Q.7 The launch of the small electric car will depend to the willingness
of buyers to pay more for it.
(1) depend to the willingness
(2) of buyers to pay more for it
(3) small electric car will
(4) The launch of the
CHSL, 2018 | Exam Held On : 01–11/07/2019 22

Q.8 The promoters of Med Hospitals has agreed to sell their business
to Pal Hospitals.
(1) to sell their business
(2) to Pal Hospitals
(3) The promoters of
(4) Med Hospitals has agreed
CHSL, 2018 | Exam Held On : 01–11/07/2019 23

Q.9 India's largest car maker is evaluating the launch to a small electric
car next year.
(1) is evaluating the launch
(2) to a small electric car
(3) next year
(4) India's largest car maker
CHSL, 2018 | Exam Held On : 01–11/07/2019 24

Q.10 Many of China's exports has been redirected to the domestic

market in view of the more consumption-driven economy.
(1) Many of China's exports
(2) in view of the more consumption-driven economy
(3) has been redirected
(4) to the domestic market
CHSL, 2018 | Exam Held On : 01–11/07/2019 25

Q.11 Mrs. Sangeeta Malik is one of the favourite teacher of most

children in our school.
(1) of most children
(2) Mrs. Sangeeta Malik is
(3) one of the favourite teacher
(4) in our school
CHSL, 2018 | Exam Held On : 01–11/07/2019 26

Q.12 I expect to return from Singapore during about a week's time.

(1) I expect to return
(2) during about
(3) from Singapore
(4) a week's time
CHSL, 2018 | Exam Held On : 01–11/07/2019 27

Q.13 On Saturday Rahul visited his professor to whom he had an

(1) an appointment
(2) to whom he had
(3) Rahul visited his professor
(4) On Saturday
CHSL, 2018 | Exam Held On : 01–11/07/2019 28

Q.14 The blue lotus is one of the most beautiful flowers which grows in
her garden.
(1) The blue lotus
(2) which grows
(3) in her garden
(4) is one of the most beautiful flowers
CHSL, 2018 | Exam Held On : 01–11/07/2019 29

Q.15 The number of visitors at the fair were much larger than expected.
(1) than expected
(2) were much larger
(3) The number of
(4) visitors at the fair
CHSL, 2018 | Exam Held On : 01–11/07/2019 30

Q.16 The soldiers had no choice when to obey the commander.

(1) The soldiers
(2) had no choice
(3) when to obey
(4) the commander
CHSL, 2018 | Exam Held On : 01–11/07/2019 31

Q.17 The ambulance have arrived on time, the accident victim was taken
to the hospital.
(1) was taken to the hospital
(2) have arrived on time
(3) The ambulance
(4) the accident victim
CHSL, 2018 | Exam Held On : 01–11/07/2019 32

Q.18 The Principal requested to the Chief Guest to inaugurate the sports
(1) to inaugurate
(2) the sports meet
(3) The Principal requested
(4) to the Chief Guest
CHSL, 2018 | Exam Held On : 01–11/07/2019 33

Q.19 Darkness spilled like ink and began to spread at everything.

(1) Darkness spilled
(2) spread at everything
(3) like ink
(4) and began to
CHSL, 2018 | Exam Held On : 01–11/07/2019 34

Q.20 Despite of his efforts he couldn't get a decent job.

(1) his efforts
(2) Despite of
(3) a decent job.
(4) he couldn't get
CHSL, 2018 | Exam Held On : 01–11/07/2019 35

Q.21 No sooner did the comedian begin his act when the audience
roared with laughter.
(1) when the audience
(2) roared with laughter
(3) No sooner did
(4) the comedian begin
CHSL, 2018 | Exam Held On : 01–11/07/2019 36

Q.22 The members of the victorious football team as well as the captain
was congratulated.
(1) was congratulated
(2) as well as the captain
(3) The members of the
(4) victorious football team
CHSL, 2018 | Exam Held On : 01–11/07/2019 37

Q.23 Each of the pictures have been signed by the football star.
(1) the pictures
(2) Each of
(3) have been
(4) signed by
CHSL, 2018 | Exam Held On : 01–11/07/2019 38

Q.24 It was a windy autumn day and leaves were fallen rapidly from the
(1) It was a
(2) rapidly from trees
(3) leaves were fallen
(4) windy autumn day
CHSL, 2018 | Exam Held On : 01–11/07/2019 39

Q.25 Lack of formal education did not prevent Lincoln to become a great
(1) a great leader
(2) did not prevent
(3) to become
(4) Lack of
CHSL, 2018 | Exam Held On : 01–11/07/2019 40

Q.26 He asked from me if I was interested in a career in modelling.

(1) from me if
(2) in a career
(3) I was interested
(4) He asked
CHSL, 2018 | Exam Held On : 01–11/07/2019 41

Q.27 The picture of the king's is exactly like the king himself.
(1) The picture
(2) is exactly like
(3) the king himself
(4) of the king's
CHSL, 2018 | Exam Held On : 01–11/07/2019 42

Q.28 Climate change are a greatest threat facing our planet which needs
our immediate attention.
(1) are a greatest
(2) our immediate attention
(3) facing our planet
(4) which needs
CHSL, 2018 | Exam Held On : 01–11/07/2019 43

Q.29 Great many students who are good at other subjects perform
poorly in English.
(1) who are good at
(2) in English
(3) perform poorly
(4) Great many students
CHSL, 2018 | Exam Held On : 01–11/07/2019 44

Q.30 With this heat wave on, we are having a terrible weather.
(1) a terrible weather
(2) we are having
(3) heat wave on
(4) With this
CHSL, 2018 | Exam Held On : 01–11/07/2019 45

Q.31 As you know that I always like to have ice-cream after my dinner.
(1) I always like
(2) to have ice-cream
(3) after my dinner
(4) As you know that
CHSL, 2018 | Exam Held On : 01–11/07/2019 46

Q.32 When we went to Ramgarh we see the snow-capped mountains in

the distance.
(1) in the distance
(2) the snow-capped mountains
(3) to Ramgarh we see
(4) When we went
CHSL, 2018 | Exam Held On : 01–11/07/2019 47

Q.33 The young girl was helping her father to look after shop.
(1) The young girl
(2) was helping
(3) to look after shop
(4) her father
CHSL, 2018 | Exam Held On : 01–11/07/2019 48

Q.34 The two states frequently has differences over the use of the river
water especially during the summer months.
(1) has differences
(2) over the use of the river water
(3) especially during the summer months
(4) The two states frequently
CHSL, 2018 | Exam Held On : 01–11/07/2019 49

Q.35 The childrens are fond of climbing the mango tree in the garden.
(1) are fond of
(2) in the garden
(3) The childrens
(4) climbing the mango tree
CHSL, 2018 | Exam Held On : 01–11/07/2019 50

Q.36 The lady listened carefully to my complaint but I doubt she will do
anything about it.
(1) will do anything about it
(2) but I doubt she
(3) to my complaint
(4) The lady listened carefully
CHSL, 2018 | Exam Held On : 01–11/07/2019 51

Q.37 Inspite Smita had taken part in many television serials earlier, this
was the first time she was going to host a live show.
(1) in many television serials earlier
(2) this was the first time
(3) she was going to host
(4) Inspite Smita had taken part
CHSL, 2018 | Exam Held On : 01–11/07/2019 52

Q.38 Deepak said he would pack few things he had and vacate the
hostel room the next day.
(1) pack few things he had
(2) and vacate the hostel room
(3) the next day
(4) Deepak said he would pack
CHSL, 2018 | Exam Held On : 01–11/07/2019 53

Q.39 Even Sharat tried his best, he could not clear all the examination
papers in one attempt.
(1) he could not clear
(2) all the examination papers
(3) in one attempt
(4) Even Sharat tried his best
CHSL, 2018 | Exam Held On : 01–11/07/2019 54

Q.40 Very little metals are as precious as gold.

(1) metals are
(2) Very little
(3) as gold
(4) as precious
CHSL, 2018 | Exam Held On : 01–11/07/2019 55

Q.41 My grandmother has been lives in Shimla since her childhood

(1) in Shimla since
(2) has been lives
(3) My grandmother
(4) her childhood days
CHSL, 2018 | Exam Held On : 01–11/07/2019 56

Q.42 The team began searching for reasons for their poor performance
in the tournament.
(1) in the tournament
(2) searching for reasons
(3) The team began
(4) for their poor performance
CHSL, 2018 | Exam Held On : 01–11/07/2019 57

Q.43 She was unable to produce sufficient evidences for support her
(1) support her accusations
(2) to produce
(3) She was unable
(4) sufficient evidences for
CHSL, 2018 | Exam Held On : 01–11/07/2019 58

Q.44 The little boy was so busy playing with his toy train that he do not
even look up at us.
(1) busy playing with
(2) he do not even
(3) his toy train
(4) look up at us
CHSL, 2018 | Exam Held On : 01–11/07/2019 59

Q.45 We will use enamel paint on this wall because it gives a best
(1) because it gives
(2) enamel paint on this wall
(3) We will use
(4) a best finish
CHSL, 2018 | Exam Held On : 01–11/07/2019 60

Q.46 I will stop to refreshments at the next restaurant on the highway.

(1) I will stop
(2) at the next restaurant
(3) on the highway
(4) to refreshments
CHSL, 2018 | Exam Held On : 01–11/07/2019 61

Q.47 Our nation can make significant growth but if we all work
(1) work collectively
(2) but if we all
(3) Our nation can
(4) make significant growth
CHSL, 2018 | Exam Held On : 01–11/07/2019 62
Answer Key

Q.1 (4) Q.10 (3) Q.19 (2) Q.28 (1) Q.37 (4) Q.46 (4)

Q.2 (4) Q.11 (3) Q.20 (2) Q.29 (4) Q.38 (1) Q.47 (2)

Q.3 (3) Q.12 (2) Q.21 (1) Q.30 (1) Q.39 (4)

Q.4 (3) Q.13 (2) Q.22 (1) Q.31 (4) Q.40 (2)

Q.5 (3) Q.14 (2) Q.23 (3) Q.32 (3) Q.41 (2)

Q.6 (3) Q.15 (2) Q.24 (3) Q.33 (3) Q.42 (4)

Q.7 (1) Q.16 (3) Q.25 (3) Q.34 (1) Q.43 (4)

Q.8 (4) Q.17 (2) Q.26 (1) Q.35 (3) Q.44 (2)

Q.9 (2) Q.18 (4) Q.27 (4) Q.36 (2) Q.45 (4)

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