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(a) All his sister-in laws /(b) are extremely co- operative / (c) and she doesn’t miss her real sisters at all./ (d)
No error

2. (a) Envy strikes a woman / (b)when she sees her husband / (c) talking to another woman./ (d) No error

3. (a) The Manager put forward / (b) a number of criterions / (c) for the post./ (d) No error

4. (a) The committee/ (b) could not come to/ (c) a final conclusion./ (d) No error.

5. She gave me (a)/two important informations (b)/I had been waiting for (c)/the last two months. (d)

6. (A) The police have received / (b) two important informations / (c) that can help them solve the triple murder
case (E) No error

7. (a) No Porter being available/ (b) he carried / (c) all his luggages himself./ (d) No error

8. (a) My cousin brother is a cheater/ (b) and he / (c) cheats his family members and friends too./ (d) No error.

9. Pakistan’s problems (a)/are also as (b)/serious as (c)/that of India. (d)

10. (a) One of her firmest belief among the Hindus is that/ (b) Karma affects their / (c) life and also the life after
death./ (d) No error

11. (a) The Vaidya's / (b) have been living here / (c) for about a decade./ (d) No error.

12. (a) I think this/ (b) is not your book. / (c) It is some body’s else./ (d) No error.

13. She could not complete (a)/even the two third (b)/of the book (c)/owing to her busy schedule. (d)

14. (a) I like / (b) the poetries / (c) of Byron and Shelley./ (d) No error

15. (a) It is a big blunder/(b) but we had /(c) to ignore it./(d)No error

16. (a) Whenever he goes to Mumbai / (b) he stays in/ (c) five-stars hotels./ (d) No error

17. (a) The company has ordered / (b) some / (c) new equipments./ (d) No error

18. (a) He / (b) takes pain / (c) over his work./ (d) No error

19. (a) The cattle in the meadow/ (b) was terrified to hear/ (c) the roar of a lion which appeared to be wild with
anger./ (d) No error.

20. (a) Two summons have been issued by the court / (b) but he has not / (c) yet appeared before the court./
(d) No
21. (a) That house/ (b) is built of/ (c) stones./ (d) No error.

22. (a) Sheeps are economically useful/ (b) and so they are reared/ (c) for wool and meat./ (d) No error.

23. (a) Alms / (b) are given/ (c) to the poors./ (d) No error

24. I known nothing (a)/about her (b)/ whereabout. (c)

25. (a) Even after the enactment of several Acts and Provisions /(b) we can see five years old boys/ (c) working
in hazardous factories./ (d) No error.

26. (a) The angry mob/ (b) attacked the police officers/ (c) when they came to raze the illegal construction./ (d)
No error.

27. (a) They left/ (b) their luggages/ (c) at home by mistake and went to the railway station./ (d) No error.

28. (a) I shall not go to party tonight/ (b) since I have many works to complete/ (c) before I give presentation
tomorrow./ (d) No error.

29. (a) One must be always/ (b) true to one's words/ (c) if one wants to get respect from everyone./ (d) No error.

30. (a) Santosh lives/ (b) by the principals/ (c) he professes./ (d) No error.

31. (a) The beautiful / (b) surrounding of the place / (c) enchanted me./ (d) No error

32. (a) I went to the temple / (b) with my parents, aunts / (c) and cousin sisters. / (d) No error

33. (a) Children are playing / (b) and making mischiefs/ (c) as their holidays have started./ (d) No error.

34. The English teacher (a)/gave him a home work (b)/to complete that (c)/by night positively. (d)

35. (a) You are among those/ (b) man who earned name and fame not by / (c) chance but by hard work ./ (d) No

1. (a) When we reached the fair/ (b) we found that there / (c) was no place to stand./ (d) No error.

2. (a) She wears spectacle/ (b) and so she was unable to see the gansgter/ (c) that attacked her last night./ (d)
No error.

3. (a) The driver showed / (b) great talent in keeping / (c) the damaged car under control./ (d) No error

4. I visited (a)/Ram’s and Sita’s house (b)/and found the couple missing. (c)/No error(d)

5. (a) There should be/ (b) no furnitures/ (c) in my room./ (d) No error.
6. (a) He told me that/ (b) it was/ (c) his friend’s Sankar’s house./ (d) No error.

7. (a) A strong breeze / (b) blew his / (c) cap off./ (d) No error.

8. (a) The population of India /(b) is divided into two classes- / (c) Haves and Haves not./ (d) No error

9. (a) The car could not/ (b) ascend the steep hill/ (c) because it was in the wrong gears./ (d) No error.

10. (a) My sister / (b) has read / (c) pages after pages of the Bible./ (d) No error

11. (a) All the furnitures have been/ (b) sold for a song/ (c) as we were in a hurry to leave the town./ (d) No error.

12. (a) When I entered the bedroom / (b) I saw a snake crawling / (c) on the ground./ (d) No error

13. He has ordered (a)/bricks for the proposed (b)/shopping complex. (c)

14. (a) Lasers are / (b) indispensable tools / (c) for the delicate eyes surgery./ (d) No error

15. (a) The ticket window/ (b) remained closed / (c)throughout the day./ (d) No error.

16. (a) Satyajit Ray, who conceived, co-authored / (b) and directed a number of good films, was/ (c) one of India’s
most talented film maker./ (d) No error.

17. (a) If you have a way with words / (b) a good sense of design and administration ability / (c) you may enjoy
working in high pressure world of advertising./ (d) No error

18. (a) He was advised to take/ (b) two spoonsful of / (c) medicine times a day./ (d) No error

19. (a) I read the letter/ (b) and made him aware/ (c) of its content./ (d) No error.

20. All the girls students (a)/are advised to (b)/ attend the meeting positively. (c)

21. (a) You should not put/ (b) your sign on any paper / (c) that you haven’t read./ (d) No error.

22. (a) The table’s legs / (b) have been / (c) elaborately carved./ (d) No error

23. (a) The fan’s blade / (b) has broken/ (c) and we must buy a new fan before disposing it of./ (d) No error.

24. Many of the question (a)/appeared in this question paper (b)/are too difficult (c)/to solve. (d)

25. (a) The sceneries / (b) of Kashmir / (c) is very charming./ (d) No error

26. She has ordered (a)/two dozens of copies (b)/of English Book by Mr Gupta. (c)

27. He informed that (a)/he had lost a packet (b)/of the hundred (c)/rupees notes. (d)
28. (a) The astronomer/ (b) who predicts the future/ (c) has arrived./ (d) No error.

29. (a) Towns after towns were/ (b) conquered / (c) by him but he found no peace./ (d) No error.

30. (a) All the evidences were/ (b) against him and he was / (c) held guilty./ (d) No error.

31. (a) The sheafs / (b) of the wheat plants were too heavy / (c) for the weak farmer to carry them on his head./
(d) No error

32. He acted not (a)/ as per my advice (b)/ but somebody else. (c)

33. She uses a good (a)/quality of shampoo (b)/so her hairs are (c)/black. (d)

34. All the woman teachers (a)/are agitating (b)/against the haughty attitude (c)/of the Principal. (d)

35. When I reached (a)/at the gate of his (b)/house I found his (c)/locking up the gate. (d)

36. (a) Last week’s sharp hike in the wholesale price of beef / (b) is a strong indication for / (c) higher meat costs
to come./ (d) No error

1. We padded the seat of the chair with camel hairs to make it soft.

2. You’ve got a whole week to yourself and you can read to your heart’s contents.

3. We had taken great pain to check the structural soundness of the coachwork.

4. The central government has come up with a cash voucher scheme to encourage people to spend their
savings on good.

5. I tried taking tablets for the headache, but they did not have any affect.

6. In the case of the guinea pig, the number of offsprings varies between two to five.

7. Unfortunately, I lost interested halfway through the film.

8. Several work of art were stolen from the town museum yesterday.

9. The boxes were heavy, so carrying two of them was too much weighted to handle.

10. Poverty is compounded by inflation which has reached extreme levels in the region, as demonstrated by
consumer price indexes.

11. Several dozens councillors walked out of the meeting in protest.

12. Attorney-generals from 16 states condemned the ban yesterday and were discussing whether to challenge
the administration in court.

13. But in the corner, almost hidden from his fellows, a forty-years-old-man was sitting who did not enjoy the

14. This play is divided into three acts, and each acts has three scenes.

15. As a consequently, (1)/ some have suffered (2)/ irreversible damage (3)/ to their health. (4)

1. One of the problem (A)/ with you (B)/ is that you do not (C)/ come in time. (D)/ No Error (E)

2. All the girls students (A)/ of the college are advised (B)/ to sit in the(C)/ girls’ common room. (D)/ No Error

3. The majority of the woman (A)/ teachers are persuading (B)/ the principal to consider (C)/ their demands.
(D)/ No Error (E)

4. He said that (A)/ he always kept in his pocket (B)/ a bundle of one hundred (C)/ rupees notes. (D)/ No Error

5. The class teacher (A)/ gave him a home work (B)/ and instructed him to do it (C)/ at night. (D)/ No Error (E)

6. I saw only (A)/ five police who (B)/ were running after (C)/ the bank robbers. (D)/ No Error (E)

7. The wall of this magnificent (A)/ building is (B)/ fifty foot high and its paintings (C)/ are very striking (D)/ No
Error (E)

8. Wordsworth’s poetries (A)/ is characterized by his subtle description (B)/ of the beauty and liveliness (C)/ of
nature. (D)/ No Error (E)

9. When you see his (A)/ off springs, you can’t (B)/ believe that he is (C)/ above seventy.(D)/ No Error(E)

10. When he returned (A)/ from America, informed me (B)/ that he had come here (C)/ to do an urgent work.
(D)/ No Error (E)

11. The issues are (A)/ very complex and the problem (B)/ is that they are bound to be obscured (C)/ by these
hypocritical politician. (D)/ No Error (E)

12. These type of books (A)/ are certainly helpful to the students (B)/ preparing for the banking service(C)/
Examinations. (D)/ No Error (E)

13. “I have never seen (A)/ such as lovely spectacles (B)/ in my life”, said (C)/ the passer-by.(D)/ No Error (E)
14. Owing to his heavy engagement, (A)/ he could not write even the two-third (B)/ of the book which (C)/the
publication was expected before January. (D)/ No Error (E)

15. The brethrens (A)/ of this locality are always (B)/ at daggers dawn without any (C)/ apparent reason(D)/ No
Error (E)

16. The sceneries (A)/ of Kashmir is more beautiful (B)/ than that of (C)/ Darjeeling. (D)/ No Error (E)

17. He has ordered (A)/ bricks (B)/ for the proposed (C)/ hotel and bar. (D)/ No Error (E)

18. He does not (A)/ cut paper with (B)/ blade, but (C)/ with scissor. (D)/ No Error (E)

1. It will take all of your energy and will to be able to walk again.

2. He acted not (a)/ as per my advice (b)/ but (c)/ somebody else.(d)

3. Pakistan’s problems (a)/ are also as (b)/ serious as (c)/ that of India.(d)

4. When I reached (a)/ at the gate of his (b)/ house I found his (c)/ locking up the gate.(d)

5. Many of the question (a)/ appeared in this question paper (b)/ are too difficult (3)/ to solve.(d)

6. I visited (a)/ Ram’s and Sita’s house (b)/ and found (c)/ the couple missing.(d)

7. All the girls students (a)/ are advised to (b)/ attend the (c)/ meeting positively.(d)

8. She gave me (a)/ two important informations (b)regarding the(c)/SSR death case.(d)

9. It is a big blunder(a)/ but we had (b) / to ignore it (c)/(d)No error

10. The police have received(a)/two important intormations (b)/ that can help them (c) /solving the triple
murder case(d).

11. The sheafs (a)/ of the wheat plants were too heavy (b) / for the weak farmer to carry them on his head (c)/
(d) No error

12. The population of India (a)/is divided into two classes (b)/ Haves and Haves not (c)/ (d) No error

13. All his sister-in laws (a) / are extremely co- operative (b) /and she doesn’t miss her real sisters at all (c)/ (d)
No error

14. Envy strikes a woman (a)/ when she sees her husband (b) / talking to another woman (c)./ (d) No error
15. Two summons have been issued by the court(a)/ but he has not (b) / yet appeared before the court (c)/ (d)
No error

16. The Vaidya’s(a) / have been living here (b)/ for about a decade (c)./ (d) No error.

17. You are among those(a)/ man who earned name and fame not by (b)/ chance but by hard work (c)./ (d) No

18. Children are playing(a)/ and making mischiefs (b)/ as their holidays have started (c)/ (d) No error.

19. Sheeps are economically useful(a)/ and so they are reared (b)/ for wool and 31. meat (c)/ (d) No error.

20. I read the letter(a)/ and made him aware (b)/ of its content (c)/ (d) No error.

21. I shall not go to the party tonight(a)/ since I have many works to complete (b)/ before I give presentation
tomorrow (c)/ (d) No error.

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