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– atmosphere
Airs – affected manners

Blind – unable to see because of injury, disease, or a congenital condition.

Blinds – a screen for a window, especially one on a roller or made of slats.

Character– the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual.

Characters- People in a novel, play, or film

Custom – a traditional and widely accepted way of behaving or doing something that is specific to a particular society,
place, or time.
Customs -the official department that administers and collects the duties levied by a government on imported goods.

Content – Someone who is in a state of peaceful happiness.

Contents – the things that are held or included in something.

Good -having the required qualities; of a high standard.

Goods – merchandise or possessions.

Force – strength or energy as an attribute of physical action or movement.

Forces – an organized military force equipped for fighting on land, sea or air.

Spectacle – a visually striking performance or display OR Some visual scene.

Spectacles – a pair of glasses.

Wood – the hard fibrous material that forms the main substance of the trunk or branches of a tree or shrub, used for
fuel or timber
Woods -an area of land, smaller than a forest, that is covered with growing trees.

Manner – a way or method in which a thing is done or happens.

Manners – polite or well-bred social behavior OR etiquette one follows

Respect = regards,
respects = compliments

Surrounding (environment)

surroundings(area around particular building)

Fruit - fruits (results)

Arm - arms (weapons)

Advice = counsel,
advices = information
Authority = command,
authorities = persons in power
Good = wise,
goods = property
Iron = metal,
irons = fetters, chains
Work = job
works = compositions, factories,
The company made/turned a profit this year.

Profits are up/down from last year.

There was a rise/fall/increase/decrease in profits this year.

The profits from CD sales were donated to charity.

We sold the house at a profit. [=we made a profit when we sold our house]

The noun profit can be countable or uncountable.

In more general, commonly used, contexts, the plural form will also be profit.

However, in more specific contexts, the plural form can also be profits e.g. in reference to various types of profits or a
collection of profits.
1. He three friends,(a)/ Max included, was supposed to (b)/ meet for dinner later that night. (c)/ No error (d)

2. The number of students chosen (a)/for the prestigious medical internship (b)/ have more than doubled in the past
fifteen years.(c)/ No error (d)

3. Without proper funding (a)/ and a better campaign strategy, there is (b)/ no chances that our candidate will be
elected to office (c)/ No error (d) .

4. Some members of the tribe (a)/ has been protesting the recent (b)/ passage of hunting laws applying to indigenous
populations.(c)/ No error (d)

5. The results of the study clearly (a)/ indicates a reduction in the number of use (b)/ able pounds that can be salvaged
from an average ton of recycled goods.(c)/ No error (d)

6. The president of Costa Rica, along (a)/ with two vice presidents, (b)/ are elected for a four-year term by the people.
(c)/ No error (d)

7. Neither of our school’s students (a)/ nominated for the national (b)/ spelling bee were able to win the competition.
(c)/ No error (d)

8. The public are receiving the new mayor (a)/ well though she was (b)/ mostly unheard of prior to the election.(c)/ No
error (d)

9. I am sure that (a) / neither the flat nor its contents (b) / is for sale (c) / No error (d)

10. In time of crisis (a)/ the Bhagavad Gita gives light (b) / and guide to the mind tortured by doubt (c) / and torn by
conflict of duties. (d) / No error (e)

11. It was not easy for late Raja Ram Mohan Roy (a)/ to root out the custom of Sati (b) / because a majority of (c)/ the
educated class does not support him. (d)/ No error (e)

12. On reaching the (a)/ lake, the leader realized (b) / that two elephant from (c)/ his herd were missing .(d)/ No error

13. The builders have (a)/ promised a customer’s (b)/ that the construction will be (c)/ completed as soon as possible.
(d) / No error (e)

14. Is there any difficulties (a)/ in disposing of this gorgeous building (b)/ built on such a spacious (c)/ and beautiful
campus. (d) No error (e)

15. It is noticed that (a)/ the elite class have no soft (b)/ corner for the downtrodden who are the (c)/ real victim of the
present social set-up. (d)/ No error (e)

16. Just outside (a)/ the hotel is (b)/ two bars, extremely beautiful (c)/ as well as crowdy. (d)/ No error (e)

17. We should not forget that (a)/ we have a right to criticize but (b)/ at the same time each of us (c)/ have to remember
the duty also. (d)/ No error (e)

18. Her pugnacious daughter (a)/ always do something that may incur insult (b)/ on her neighbors who hold a wrong (c)/
opinion about her family.(d)/ No error (e)

19. One of (a)/ the biggest industrial houses (b)/ in Mumbai is on the verge of (c)/ declaring a lock out. (d)/ No error (e)

20. One of the developing or underdeveloped (a)/ countries are not in favor of launching (b)/ chemical warfare because
it trembles (c)/ to imagine its repercussions.(d)/ No error (e)
21. Have either of (a)/ the two candidates been (b)/ selected for the post of Branch Manager (c)/ in the Punjab National
Bank ? (d)/ No error (e)

22. He often says that (a)/ it are these obscene films (b)/ that lead the youth to their moral degradation (c)/ and are
responsible for many evils growing in our society. (d)/ No error (e)

23. Neither of them (a)/ are going to attend (b)/ the party on 10th October. (c)/ No error (d) 

24. Either my colleague (a)/ or a peon are coming home (b)/ with the material today. (c)/ No error (d) 

25. The introduction of the tea, coffee (a)/ and such other beverages (b)/ have not been without some effect. (c)/ No
error (d)

26. The newer type of automatic machines (a)/ wash (b)/ clothes faster (c)/ No error (d)

27. Each of the student in the computer class (a)/ has to type (b)/ their own research paper this semester. (c)/ No error

28. Everyone of the films (a)/ you suggested (b)/ are not worth seeing. (c)/ No error (d) 

29. Patience as well as perseverance (a)/ are necessary (b)/ for success. (c)/ No error (d) 

30. A body of volunteers (a)/ have helped in (b)/ making this celebration a great success. (c)/ No error (d)

1. (b)The subject of this sentence is friends which is plural. The phrase Max included is set off by commas and, like any
“sandwich” phrase, can be crossed out to help isolate the subject and the main verb:

The three friends, Max included, was…

The plural subject friends does not agree with the singular verb was. We need the plural verb were.

2. (c) The phrase ‘The number of’ is a singular subject that does not agree with the plural verb have … doubled. We need
the singular verb has…doubled.

3. (c) The introductory phrase ‘Without proper funding….. strategy ‘ does not affect subject-verb agreement in the main
clause. The singular verb is does not agree with the plural subject chances. The correct idiom is there is no chance that,
so we need the singular verb is and the singular noun chance.

4. (b) The plural subject ‘some members’ does not agree with the singular verb has been protesting.

Note that here, the subject is ‘Some members’, which is the same as saying ‘Some of the members’. This construction
requires the plural verb ‘have been protesting’.

5.(b) The singular verb indicates does not agree with the plural subject, results. We need the plural verb indicate.

6. (c) The noun president is singular and does not agree with the plural verb ‘are’. We need the singular verb ‘is’.

7. (c) The singular subject ‘Neither’ does not agree with the plural verb ‘were’. We need the singular verb was.

8. (a) Public, although made up of individual members, functions as a singular group and thus takes a singular verb ‘is’.
‘Are’ is plural.

9. (c) Replace ‘is’ by ‘are’

10. (c) Replace ‘guide’ by ‘ guides’

11. (d)Replace ‘does’ by ‘did’

12. (c) Replace ‘elephant’ by ‘elephants’

13. (b) Replace ‘a customers’ by ‘customer’.

14. (a) Replace ‘is’ by ‘are’ because the main subject of the sentence is ‘ difficulties’.

15. (b) ‘has’ is used in place of ‘have’ because the elite class, the middle class etc are collective noun which are Singular.

16. (b) ‘is’ is replaced by ‘are’ because ‘just outside the hotel’ is Adverb of Place and the main subject of the sentence is
‘two bars’ which is plural.

17. (d) Replace ‘have’ by ‘has’ because subject is ‘each’.

18. (b) do is replaced by does because the subject of the sentence is ‘Her pugnacious daughter’ which is third person
and in singular number.

19. (e) No error.

20. (b) ‘is’ is used in place of ‘are’ because the subject of the sentence is ‘one’ for which singular verb is used.

21. (a) ‘has’ is used in place of ‘have’ because the sentence is interrogative whose subject is ‘either’ which is always takes
singular verb.

22. (b) ‘is’ is used in place of ‘are’ because the subject of the ‘that-clause’ is ‘it’.

23.(b) Use ‘is’ in place of ‘are’. The noun/pronoun following ‘neither’ is plural , but the verb following the noun/pronoun
must be singular.

24. (b) Use ‘is’ in place ‘are’. When two subjects are joined by ‘either or’ , ‘neither nor’, ‘or’, or ‘nor’, the verb will agree
with the nearest subject.

25.(c) The verb must agree with the main subject. ‘Introduction’ is a singular subject and hence will take singular verb

26. (b) The verb must agree with the main subject. ‘Newer type’ is a singular subject and hence will take singular verb

27. (c) Use ‘his’ in place of ‘their’. The noun/ pronoun following ‘each of …’ is plural, but the verb following the
‘noun/pronoun’ must be singular.

28. (c) Verb will be according to the subject, ‘everyone’ is singular. Thus singular verb ‘is’ should be used.

29. (b) When two subjects are joined by ‘as well as’, the verb agrees with the 1st subject. ‘Patience’ is a singular subject
and hence will take singular verb ‘was’.

30. (b) Collective nouns like ‘body’, ‘group’, ‘class’ etc takes ‘singular verb’. Change ‘have’ into ‘has’.

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