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GROUP MEMBERS: Alcomendras, John Mark SUBJECT TEACHER: Ian Rom Torres

Alcoran, Ranel
Baja, Trisha
Belano, Francis Anne
Cai, Jing Yi
Kamuar, Monera
Olarte, Camille George
Tamondo, Kim Sheena

Week 2: Day 4

INSTRUCTION: Together with your groupmates, suppose you are to create your own
company. Write down your company’s core beliefs, and design your company’s logo.
Describe briefly how your company in the future.

1. Your Company’s Core Beliefs

Sustainability – to help alleviate the underlying problem in the environment today, the business
commits to promote an eco-friendly environment wherein people can have good food while caring
for the surroundings. The business will use eco-friendly and sustainable materials to lessen the
increasing number of the daily waste generation in the country thus promoting sustainability.
Compassion – the business is one with the movement of eradicating poverty and decreasing
unemployment rate. Hence, as long as the business runs, it will always provide an opportunity to
those low-income earners and even unemployed residents where the business is situated.
Reliability – embracing reliability means the business will always serve a good quality product
that every customers can trust and rely on.
Patriotism – patriotism has great impacts in the development of a country. With the popularity of
foreign products today, embracing our own is a must. Hence, the business aims to showcase the
uniqueness of every Filipino's talent and ability in producing unique product through using raw
materials that are originally made in the Philippines.
Consistency – the business desires to give and serve a recommendable product where
customers would love to go back and do repeat purchase. A product that is fit and would satisfy
the customers’ needs and wants.
Pro-active – the business commits to be pro-active in whatever undertakings it will take. The
employees and owner will always act anticipation of future problems, needs and changes for a
better service.
Promote Innovation – innovation helps open opportunities and creates competitive advantage.
Thus, the business commits to create products that are rooted from innovation and embodies of
thinking differently.

2. Your Company Logo

3. How do you foresee you company in the future?

The Bakes and Brews envisions itself as the most respected and leading company on the
food and beverages industry where it provides and promotes superior quality (great-tasting and
healthy) of food and drinks and inspire the profitability through franchises from the clients both
local and international; that (1) people recommend to their loved ones, (2) health conscious
people prefer to their diet, (3) employees are proud of, and (4) investors need for long-term

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