Xu - Yu - 1998 - Vibration of Inclined Sag Cables With Oil Dampers in Cable-Stayed Bridges

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By Y. L. Xu! and Z. Yu Z

ABSTRACT: This paper presents both free and forced vibration analyses of inclined cables, including the effects
of cable sag, equipped with oil dampers in cable-stayed bridges by using a hybrid method recently developed
by the writers. The hybrid method readily takes into account cable sag and inclination, damper stiffness and
direction, and other parameters. The obtained results confirm that the installation of an oil damper to a stayed
cable near the support can increase cable modal damping ratio and thus reduce cable vibration in most cases if
the parameters of the damper are properly selected. However, it is found that if the sag parameter },2 (the ratio
of the elastic-to-catenary stiffness) of an inclined cable falls in a certain range around one of the frequency
avoidances of inclined sag cables, the cable modal damping ratios provided by the damper in the corresponding
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symmetric or antisymmetric or two hybrid modes can be significantly reduced. To facilitate the design of oil
dampers for inclined sag cables in cable-stayed bridges, two sets of graphs are provided with respect to the
achievable maximum modal damping ratio, the optimum damper size, and their relations with cable sag and
inclination. One typical example is presented to demonstrate how to use these graphs.

INTRODUCTION bration. However, the complex-eigenvalue analysis using the

Galerkin method is very time consuming, and might hamper
During the past decade cable-stayed bridges have found further study on this subject.
wide applications throughout the world, and main span lengths Recently, the writers developed an analytical/numerical hy-
have reached a level of 850 m. The increasing length of bridge brid method to estimate the modal damping ratio and dynamic
main spans may reduce natural frequencies of the bridge and response of horizontal cables with oil dampers (Yu et aI., in
require long stay cables. Thus, long and low-damped stay ca- press, 1998; Xu et a1. 1997, 1998). The cable sag, cable in-
bles in modern cable-stayed bridges become prone to wind- ternal damping, damper stiffness, damper direction, and other
excited vibration, wind-rain-excited vibration, or parametric parameters can be readily considered in this method. The ob-
excitation due to the motion of the bridge deck and towers. tained results showed that cable sag, damper stiffness, and
This has been frequently reported [e.g., Watson and Stafford damper direction all affect the performance of an oil damper.
(1988) and Hikami and Shiraishi (1988)]. To mitigate cable In particular, when the sag parameter >..2 (the ratio of the elas-
vibration in already-built cable-stayed bridges, some counter- tic-to-catenary stiffness) of a horizontal cable falls in a certain
measures have been correspondingly developed. One of them range around one of the frequency crossovers of horizontal
is to install an oil damper to a stay cable near its support, as cables, the modal damping ratio of the cable provided by the
was done in the Brotonne bridge in France, the Sunshine Sky- damper in the corresponding symmetric mode can be signifi-
way bridge in the United States, the Aratsu bridge in Japan, cantly reduced.
and others. In this paper, the hybrid method is extended to study both
To understand the redistribution of energy dissipation ca- free and forced vibrations of inclined sag cables with oil
pacity from an oil damper to the modal damping in the cable dampers in cable-stayed bridges. The performance of oil
and to facilitate the design of oil dampers, some research has dampers to increase modal damping and reduce dynamic re-
been carried out to determine the possible maximum cable sponse of inclined sag cables is investigated. The reason be-
modal damping ratio provided by an oil damper and the cor- hind the disparity between the measured and predicted modal
responding damper size through an optimization study with damping ratios for inclined cables is pursued. Particular atten-
respect to a number of parameters, such as cable length, tion is given to effects of the frequency avoidance phenome-
damper size, and damper location (Kovacs 1982; Yoneda and non in inclined cables (Triantafyllou 1984) on damper perfor-
Maeda 1989; Uno et al. 1991; Pacheco et al. 1993). In these mance. Effects of cable inclination on the achievable
previous studies, an inclined cable with an oil damper was maximum modal damping ratio, the optimum damper size, and
modeled as a horizontal taut string with the damper normal to the dynamic response of cables are also examined. Finally, two
the string near the support. As a result, the cable sag and in- sets of graphs are produced to facilitate the design of oil damp-
clination could not be considered. The predicted modal damp- ers for inclined sag cables in cable-stayed bridges, and one
ing ratios based on this model were found to be larger than typical example is presented to demonstrate how to use these
the measured ones in some applications (Yoshimura et a1. graphs.
1989; Uno et a1. 1991). Following the formulation of Irvine
(1981), Pacheco et al. (1993) carried out a preliminary study
on cable sag effects. They found that the cable sag would MODELING OF OIL DAMPER-INCLINED CABLE
affect the maximum modal damping in the first mode of vi- SYSTEM

I Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Civ. and Struct. Engrg., Hong Kong Polytechnic
Equations of Motion
Univ., Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China.
2PhD Candidate, Dept. of Civ. and Struct. Engrg., Hong Kong Poly-
technic Univ., Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China. This study concerns in-plane small amplitude vibration of
Note. Discussion open until April 1, 1999. To extend the closing date an inclined sag cable with an oil damper near one support (see
one month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Manager of Fig. I). The parametric excitation or the support motion is not
Journals. The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and considered. In the selected Cartesian coordinate system, the
possible publication on June 2, 1997. This paper is part of the Journal
of Bridge Engineering, Vol. 3, No.4, November, 1998. ©ASCE. ISSN
linear vibration of the inclined cable with two ends fixed can
1084-0702198/0004-0194-0203/$8.00 + $.50 per page. Paper No. be expressed by the two partial differential equations with re-
15879. spect to its position of static equilibrium:


J. Bridge Eng. 1998.3:194-203.

of the cable; and ux ' wx ' and Y. = first derivative of u, w, and
y with respect to x. The boundary conditions of the cable are
u(O, t) = u(L, t) = 0; w(O, t) = w(L, t) = 0 (7)

Static Profile of Inclined Cable

To determine Yx in the foregoing equations, the static profile
of the cable should be found. The static profile of an inclined
cable considering elastic extension under self-weight can be
expressed as (Irvine 1981)

x(s) = :~ + H; [sinh- t (~) _ sinh-t (V -;S/4)] (8)

=:: (~ - 2~) + H; {[ 1+ (~)112

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FIG. 1. Inclined Cable-Damper System Model
where s = Lagrangian coordinate in the unstrained profile (see
Fig. 1); Lo = unstrained arc length of the cable; W = mgLo =
~ ~ (H au
1 + y; ax ax
+ h) + fx(t)8[x - (L - xc)] total weight of the cable; and V = vertical component of the
static tension of the cable at the left support. The first deriv-
ative of the displacement Y with respect to X is therefore cal-
a2u au
+ Fix, t) = m --:2
al + c-
at (1)
culated by
dy dy/ds
~ ~ (H aw
1 + Y. ax ax
+ hY.) + j,,(t)8[x - (L - xc)] Y. = d.x = dx/ds (10)

a w aw Sag Parameter A2
+ Fy(x, t) = m a1 + c at (2) The cable inclination 0 with respect to the horizontal level
where u and w = displacement components in the x- and y- (see Fig. 1) is defined as
directions, respectively, measured from the position of static L
equilibrium of the cable; y(x) = static profile of the cable; y. 6 = arccos y' 2 2 (11)
= first derivative of y with respect to x; H = horizontal com- L + R
ponent of the static cable tension; h = horizontal component Irvine (1981) pointed out that in the case of an inclined
of the dynamic cable tension; Xc = horizontal location of the cable with small sag, the sag parameter A2 , defined as the ratio
damper from the right support of the cable; L = horizontal of the elastic-to-catenary stiffness in (12), is an important pa-
distance between two cable end-supports; 8 = Dirac's delta rameter reflecting dynamic characteristics of inclined cables.
function; m = mass of the cable per unit length; c = internal
damping coefficient of the cable; t = time; Ix and j" = forces
exerted by the damper on the cable in the x- and y-directions,
A2 = (mgL cos 0)2 LEA (12)
respectively; and Fx and Fy = external dynamic loading per
length in the x- and y-directions, respectively. where L. = L,{ 1 + [(mgUH)cos 0]2/8}; and L, = distance be-
The damper forces Ix and j" are related to the displacement tween the two supports of the cable in the XI-direction (see
and velocity of the cable at the damper location Xc by the Fig. 1).
f, = -G cos(o:); j" = G sin(o:) (3)

where The hybrid method developed by the writers for both free
and forced vibrations of horizontal cables with oil damper (Yu
+ cat-c (4)
et aI., in press, 1998; Xu et al. 1998) can be applied to the oil
c damper-inclined cable system considered here without signif-
icant change if the equations of motion of the system are es-
Vc = u(xc, t)cos(o:) - w(xc, t)sin(o:) (5) tablished in the selected Cartesian coordinates (see Fig. 1). The
where 0: = damper direction (see Fig. 1); G = resultant force following is the summary of the formulas used to develop the
from the damper in the damper direction; V c = displacement solutions for the oil damper-inclined sag cable systems subject
of the damper in the damper direction; and k and c = stiffness to uniformly distributed harmonic loads.
and damping coefficient of the damper, respectively.
The relationship between the horizontal dynamic tension Discretization of Cable
and the dynamic displacement of the cable of the first order Divide the inclined cable into N segments (the lengths of
is taken as
segments could be different from each other) and let the
EA damper be located at one of the element nodes (see Fig. 2).
h = (1 + Y.2)312 (u. + Yxw.) (6) As a result, Yx can be assumed to be a constant for each small
segment, and (1) and (2) together with (6) for the ith segment
where E = modulus of the elasticity; A = cross-sectional area in the frequency domain can be written as

J. Bridge Eng. 1998.3:194-203.

x F- Fy-o
- - (-()2
H WI.xx m,..~
+ ~u.:i
+ •YI.x~-
V I + Yi.x

,, The local complex solutions for the foregoing equations for

the ith cable segment are
" ~

'\', .
"''''', "-1'-"'"

y where D 1I, D 2i , D 3i, and D 4i (i = I, 2, ... , N) = four unknown

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complex constants associated with ith cable segment. The pa-

rameters rij (j = 1, 2, 3, 4) are the functions of 11. Their ex-
FIG. 2. Discretization of Cable-Damper System pressions can be found in Yu et al. (in press, 1998) for the
free vibration of the cable-damper system and in Xu et al.
(1998) for the forced vibration of a horizontal cable.
-• ~
(H + - -k
;) _ k;y;,x _
U"U + - - 2 - Wi"", + Fxv I + Yi,x
I + Y'.x I + Y,,x Transfer Matrix and Global Solution
(13) The local solutions can then be expressed in a transfer ma-
trix form in terms of the four unknown complex constants:
k;y;'x ) _ f,Yi,x _ - 2
D li, D 2i , D 3i , and D4i (i = I, 2, ... , N). That is, substitution of
Wi,a + - - - 2 U',xx + Fy~
(H + - --2
I + Y;" I + Yi,x (20) and (21) into the orthogonal transformation, (17), and
then into the connective conditions yields the following rela-
tionship of the four complex constants between the two neigh-
where boring segments in matrix form:

- -
k I - .~,
EA , _ y,{Xi) + YX(Xl+l). - • ~I2
Yi,x - 2 ,m, = V 1 + Yi,xm;
V I + Yi,x (22)

C, = VI + Y;,xc (15)

where the subscript i indicates the ith segment, except for the The matrix [71~xiXi) is called the transfer matrix, which
x-coordinate, in which the subscript i indicates the ith node; transfers the four complex constants of the (i - 1)th segment
and Xi and X/+ I = x-coordinates of the left and right side nodes to those of the ith segment. It is expressed as
[Le., the ith and (i + I)th nodes] of the ith segment. The
subscripts x and xx mean the first and second derivatives with (23)
respect to x, respectively. The overbar represents the Fourier
where [R]~X4(Xi) = inverse matrix of [R]~X4(XI)' [R]~-;'~(x,) and
transform. If the free vibration only is to be studied, drop Fx
[R]~x.(xl) = 4 X 4 complex matrices for the (i - I)th and ith
and Fy , and 11 is defined as a complex eigenvalue given as segments at node i, respectively. The elements in the matrix
(16) [R]~~~(x,) can be found in Yu et al. (in press, 1998),
Repeated use of (22) for all segments results in
where w = pseudoundamped natural frequency; ~ = damping
ratio; and I = V=1, If the forced vibration is considered, 11
is equal to Iw, in which w is the excitation frequency. (24)
The connective conditions at each node between two seg-
ments are the continuity of displacement and the equilibrium
of force. They are expressed differently according to whether
the node is supported by the damper or not (Xu et al. 1998). where
[B].x. = [R]~X4(XN+l)[T]ZX4(XN) ... [T]~X4(X.)[T]t,~(X'_I)
Orthogonal Transformation and Local Solution
. ,. [T]~X4(X2) (25)
Eqs. (13) and (14) for the in-plane vibration of the ith seg-
ment are two coupled partial differential equations about two Satisfaction of the displacement boundary conditions of the
unknown displacements a, and W, with respect to two variables cable gives the following characteristic equations for an ei-
x and 11. An orthogonal transformation can be introduced to genvalue problem:
decouple these two equations.

ai(X,O)] [I YI,x] [~'<X' 0)] 1 0I 0I 0]

o I
(17) = Re(O" 0/) + [. Im(O" =0
[ IVi(X, 0) = Yi,. -I Wi(X, 0) det
B 22
B 23
B 24

As a result, (13) and (14) become (26)

F +Y F and the following equation for the forced vibration of the ca-
(H + kJu,.« - (mi02 + OC;)UI +~ =0 (18)
I + Yi.x ble:

J. Bridge Eng. 1998.3:194-203.

0.6 . - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - . . , . . - . , . - . . ,
..·.Mode 1 :
---'.Ot~er Mod~s
XcjL.=O;02 :
:8 ~hO~J;;jpll4 _
~ 0.4
I : : i
.~ I
- +-_.
~ 0.3 ;

where B;} (i = 1, 2;j = 1,2,3,4) = elements of matrix [B]4X4; o 0.2
fir and fi/ = real part and imaginary part of the eigenvalue fi;
and Re and 1m = real part and imaginary part of the deter- i
.!::l 0.1
minate in (26).
From (26), the real parts fir and imaginary parts fi/ of the
eigenvalues fi can be determined. The use of (16) then gives
) O ..........-..L..........L~ ..........-..L..........L~ ..............J..........-....l-~ ..........-'-'
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the damping ratios and pseudoundamped natural frequencies

o 0.1 0,2 0,3 0.4 0.5 0.6 QL9~().Jl

of the system. The complex eigenfunction components for the Normalized Damper Size ~L
mco ,
ith element can be obtained in terms of the back substitution
of the eigenvalues, and the complex eigenfunction components FIG. 3. Relationship between Modal Damping Ratio and
for the whole cable can then be assembled from all elements Damper Size In Short Cable
(Yu et aI., in press, 1998),
For the forced vibration, once the first four constants at the size of the attached damper. It is seen that the maximum modal
first node are determined from (27), all the other complex con- damping ratio in the cable provided by the damper can be 1%
stants can be determined using (22). Consequently, the dy- of critical damping if the damper size is properly selected.
namic response of the inclined sag cable with oil damper is Obviously, there is an optimal damper size by which the max-
finally determined through (20), (21), and (17). imum modal damping ratio can be achieved. It is interesting
to see that the five curves for the first five modal damping
APPLICATION TO CABLES IN CABLE-STAYED ratios in the short inclined cable almost overlap each other in
BRIDGE the selected nondimensional coordinates, indicating that a uni-
versal curve can be used to estimate modal damping ratio in
A cable-stayed bridge is supported by three single-column any mode of vibration. This is similar to the universal curve
towers through 384 stay cables to form two main spans of 448 obtained by Pacheco et al. (1993) for a horizontal taut string
and 475 m and two side spans of 127 m each. The four longest because the short cable with the sag parameter (log ~ 2) of
stay cables reach a length of 460 m and are used to connect -0.61 used here is quite taut.
one tower at the top to another tower at the deck level. All For the short cable, an optimum normalized damper size of
other cables are arranged in four stay cable planes to support about 0.1 can be identified from Fig. 3 and the optimum
the bridge deck separated into two halves of 18.77 m each. damper size c of 9.21 X 105 N· slm can then be obtained for
Three typical cables (short cable, medium cable, and long ca- achieving the maximum modal damping ratio in the first mode
ble) are selected as example cables, to which an oil damper is of vibration of the cable. With this optimum damper size, the
attached and the hybrid method is used to assess the effec- dynamic response of the cable subject to the uniform harmonic
tiveness of the oil damper. The main properties of the three load of 1 N/m amplitude normal to the cable length (Le., nor-
example cables are listed in Table 1. The oil damper is as- mal to the Xl-direction in Fig. 1) is calculated and compared
sumed to be installed normal to the length of each cable at a with that of the cable without the oil damper but with a very
location, Xc, of 2% L, and the damper stiffness is set to zero small internal damping coefficient c = 2.57 N· s/m 2 • Fig. 4
unless otherwise specified. displays variations of the dynamic response of the cable at the
The modal damping ratios in the first five modes of vibra- midspan and normal to the Xl-direction with excitation fre-
tion of each cable are computed using the hybrid method. Fig. quency. It is clearly seen that with the installation of a proper
3 presents the normalized modal damping ratios in the first
five modes of vibration of the short cable for different nor- 1x1CO
malized damper sizes (i.e., damper damping coefficient). The .... Without! Damp~r
normalization of the modal damping ratio in the cable and - With Damper i
damper size used here is the same as used by Pacheco et al. 1x10-2 ._-... "._-!
(1993). That is, i is the mode number; (OOl is the fundamental g 1x10~
circle frequency of the cable; L r is the distance between the CD

two supports of the cable in the Xl-direction; and ~; is the ith i0. 1x10-4
modal damping ratio of the cable. In the calculation of the
modal damping ratio, the internal damping of the cable and ~ 1x1Q-5

the damper stiffness are neglected. Therefore, the modal damp- III 1x10-8
ing ratios developed in the cable are solely attributed to the ~ 1x10-7
~ 1x10-8
TABLE 1. Properties of Three Typical Cables In Cable-8tayed
L R T E A m log
Cable (m) (m) (N) (N/m') (m') (kglm) JI.'
(1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26
Short cable 114,7 87,2 1.32 x 10' 1.95 X 10" 0,0314 260,62 -0,61 Excitation Frequency III (rad/s)
Medium cable 252,8 124.5 1.32 x 10' 1.95 X 10" 0,0314 260.62 0.08
Long cable 442.6 127.0 1.32 X 10' 1.95 X 10" 0.0314 260.62 0.56 FIG. 4. Dynamic Response at Midspan of Cable with and wlth-
out Damper


J. Bridge Eng. 1998.3:194-203.

oil damper, the resonance peaks of the cable are tremendously FREQUENCY AVOIDANCE AND ITS EFFECT
reduced compared with the cable without the damper. The nat-
In a horizontal sag cable, if the sag parameter A2 is equal
ural frequencies of the cable with the damper are, however, to (2mr)2 the nth frequency crossover occurs: The frequency
slightly larger than those of the cable without damper. Since of the nth symmetric mode is equal to the frequency of the
the harmonic load in the direction nonnal to the cable length nth antisymmetric mode; the vertical modal component of the
is almost symmetric with respect to the midspan, the signifi-
symmetric mode is tangential to the static profile at the sup-
cant resonance peaks appearing in Fig. 4 actually correspond ports of the cable; and across the nth frequency crossover point
to the first three symmetric modes of vibration of the cable. the order of occurrence of the nth symmetric mode and the
The resonance peaks corresponding to the first two antisym- nth antisymmetric mode is exchanged. In an inclined sag ca-
metric modes of vibration are not clearly excited out.
ble, a frequency avoidance may replace a freq~ency crossover
The modal damping ratios in the first five modes of vibra- when the sag parameter X? is equal to (2mr) (Triantafyllou
tion of the medium cable are presented in Fig. 5. It is seen
1984): Both the nth symmetric and antisymmetric modes of
that the possible maximum modal damping ratio is also about
the cable become hybrid modes, a mixture of symmetric and
1% of critical damping for the second, third, fourth, and fifth antisymmetric fonns, within a certain region around the fre-
modes of vibration, but the possible maximum modal damping quency avoidance point; the dynamic tension exists in both
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ratio for the first mode of vibration is reduced to about 0.85% modes; and the frequency of the nth symmetric mode is ne~er
of critical damping. The same observation is made for the long equal to the nth antisymmetric mode at the frequency avoId-
cable, as shown in Fig. 6, with the possible maximum modal
ance point.
damping ratio for the first mode of vibration being further
Fig. 7 shows the first frequency avoidance phenomenon by
reduced to about 0.64%. Based on the studies carried out by altering the static tension in the cable of the same properties
the writers on horizontal cable-damper systems (Xu et al. as the long cable previously studied. The inclination of the
1998), it is believed that the reduction of possible maximum cable is set as 45° now. Fig. 7 shows that when the sag pa-
modal damping ratio observed here is due to the frequency rameter log >..2 is about 1.6, the first frequency avoidance o~­
avoidance of an inclined sag cable. The frequency avoidance curs. There is a transition region in which the first symmetrIc
phenomenon is discussed in the following section.
mode becomes a hybrid mode first and then an antisymmetric
mode. while the first antisymmetric mode becomes a hybrid
0.6 ~---------""----T,---' mode first and then a symmetric mode. The frequency of the
····Mode 1 i first symmetric mode never equals that of the first antisym-
..;1~"0.5 - Ot~er Mod~s" metric mode. Figs. 8(a-d) show the progress of change in the
" i modal components nonnal to the cable length (i.e., the xl-axis
,g Xp/Li=O.02 i in Fig. 1) of the first and second mode shapes. When the sag
~ 0.4 ~edjlPn-Qabl~
parameter log A2 equals 1.2, the nonnal component in the first
E 0.3
! "
----1, .--.-----.. . . .---.--.-.---.
mode of the cable is a symmetric mode at a frequency of 0.26
Hz and the normal component in the second mode is an an-
c!!l iI tisymmetric mode at a frequency of 0.34 Hz, as shown in Fig.
:rg I
j. 8(a). It is clear that normalized modal amplitudes in the sy~­
o 0.2 metric mode near the supports are much smaller than those In
i the antisymmetric mode. As the sag parameter log A2 ap-
~ 0.1 proaches 1.45, the normal components in both modes start to
become a hybrid mode [see Fig. 8(b)]. The frequency of the
§ first symmetric mode is now 0.28 Hz, whereas the frequency
z oL...........L.........u..-.......L.........J............L...u....L................................................
o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 O.~
of the first antisymmetric mode is 0.31 Hz. The normal com-
ponent of the first symmetric mode is almost tangenti~l to the
Normalized Damper Size ~L i~L static profile of the long cable at the lower support, whIch may
"'(DOl ,
greatly affect the effectiveness of the damper ins~lled over
FIG. 5. Relationship between Modal Damping Ratio and
Damper Size In Medium Cable there. Contrarily, the nonnalized modal amplItudes In the an-
tisymmetric mode near the lower support remain almost un-
changed. With the increase of the sag parameter to 1.6, the
, , i
..;I~10<" 0.5
£ 0.4
' ..·.. Mod~ 1 :

:Lo~g Cable
t~'Is;; '"
g' >.
'0. Iii:;:, 2.2
~ 0.3
c tT 2.1
:g ~ 2
o 0.2 f! ·l;I;':;··;··..~;·;;
:::lE 1.9
.t:l 0.1 1.8 nlIslimmetrlc
:·~:l:::::·~:\::. · f .. "i
~ .t:l
1.7 i,
z oL.........J..........L..........L.......J.~..............J..........o..L........................~ E 1.6 ~; ----~~----

o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 ~9 z

0 i
c x 1.5
Normalized Damper Size --L-1::£.L 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1
mco OI ,.
Sag Parameter log",'
FIG. 6. Relationship between Modal Damping Ratio and
Damper Size in Long Cable FIG. 7. First Frequency Avoidance


J. Bridge Eng. 1998.3:194-203.

"'\.! '
iii V \. : 1
0.8 .~,MQde.11 . 0.8 f,.,Mode1r-
·:MQde[2 ·17 1\ . ~ 0.6 .bMod~21
~~~~i r-Y !~~1.~
0.2 ~-_.!_+j_. -t-.--+1..,/~···+-+---t--lf:-t-
jj n< . \ I
0.: ~...;··'_···_·......

\-,V ,/"
::E 0

I ~.2 J ~.2


~ ....\,r·\,.
/ i7/+--
..... /1·
i ~.4

\\ I'"/ ' /". 1
•••/.. 1'-+
_ -.-.:- il
-1 L.......l.-~'-J-....:.a&.--"=--.l-..-..J.......l- ......
o 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
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Cable Length (m) Cable Length (m)

(a) (b)

0.6 I-
,- -+············11

0.4 ~ ..... + -t Ii

I O~ ~~fi--+----1--1'+--r---r--f""'=~



./ ;

, -.+- . I
·,----!----I I: \~t i
~.6 ~(-1··· i
A ·If··~2 ·····l-a+-
~.81\,j····· J/f ; ·~"215:j·--I·····
-1 ~..........;.o..""-.l~"""""""''''''''''''''''''-'''''''''
o 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Cable Length (m)

(c) (d)
FIG. 8. First and Second Mode Shapes near First Frequency Avoidance Range

normal components in the first and second modes both become modal damping ratio in the first symmetric mode is reduced
a hybrid mode. The frequency of the original symmetric mode almost to zero. It is believed that the tangential property of
becomes 0.29 Hz and the frequency of the original antisym- the normal component in the first symmetric mode near the
metric mode becomes 0.30 Hz. In particular, the slopes of both lower support [see Fig. 8(b)] causes the significant reduction
hybrid modes are nearly the same at the lower supports where of the maximum modal damping ratio due to the very small
the damper is installed. With the further increase of the sag motion of the damper. At the first frequency avoidance (sag
parameter to 1.8, the original antisymmetric mode becomes parameter log A2 about 1.6), both the symmetric and antisym-
almost symmetric of 0.32 Hz frequency but with two inflection metric modes become hybrid modes. The maximum modal
points near the cable supports, leading to small modal ampli- damping ratio in the first antisymmetric mode suddenly drops
tudes near the supports. Contrarily, the original symmetric
mode becomes almost antisymmetric of 0.27 Hz frequency
[see Fig. 8(d)]. The natural frequencies are separated again.
To investigate effects of frequency avoidance on damper ... ..

-_ __ ..
effectiveness, an oil damper is installed normal to the long !
cable length at 0.02L from the lower support of the cable. The I
inclination of the cable is 45°. The static tension in the long
cable is changed so as to change the sag parameter. The pos-
sible maximum modal damping ratios in the first and second
modes of vibration are calculated for various sag parameters.

Fig. 9 shows the results in terms of normalized maximum mo-

dal damping ratio against the sag parameter log A2 • It is seen
that when the inclined cable is taut (sag parameter log A2 less
than -1), the maximum modal damping ratio can reach 1%
of critical damping in both the first symmetric and antisym-
metric modes. The symmetric mode appears before the anti-
symmetric mode. With the increase of the sag parameter, the
-0.5 0 0.5 1.5 2 2.5
maximum modal damping ratio in the first antisymmetric
mode has only a slight change, but the maximum modal damp- Sag Parameter log",'
ing ratio in the first symmetric mode is reduced significantly. FIG. 9. Variations of Maximum Modal Damping Ratio with Ca-
When the sag parameter log A2 equals 1.45, the maximum ble Sag Parameter


J. Bridge Eng. 1998.3:194-203.

to about 0,4%, whereas the maximum modal damping ratio in the first symmetric mode but reduces the second resonance
the first symmetric mode increases from zero to 0.4%. This is peak for the second symmetric mode. This is consistent with
consistent with the modal properties in both modes near the the analysis of maximum modal damping ratio of the same
lower support of the cable, as shown in Fig. 8(c). With the cable, which predicts that the maximum modal damping ratic
further increase of the sag parameter log >...2 to 1.8, the anti- of the cable in the first symmetric mode is almost zero. As the
symmetric mode appears before the symmetric mode. The cable sag parameter is adjusted to log>...2 = 1.6, the first original
maximum modal damping ratio in the antisymmetric mode symmetric and antisymmetric modes both are distorted [see
again is much less affected by frequency avoidance than that Fig. 8(c)]. Therefore, both modes contribute to the dynamic
in the symmetric mode. response of the cable and the two resonance peaks appear be-
To further understand frequency avoidance effects on fore the second symmetric mode of vibration (Fig. 11). The
damper performance, forced vibration analysis is conducted. oil damper considerably reduces the first two resonance peaks
The displacement response at the midspan of the long cable and significantly mitigates the third resonance peak, which
with 45° inclination and subject to the uniform harmonic ex- corresponds to the second symmetric mode of vibration. This
citation of I N/m amplitude normal to the cable length is com- is again consistent with the analysis of the maximum modal
puted for the cable with and without an oil damper. A small damping ratio.
internal damping coefficient about 0.91 N· s/m2 is introduced
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to avoid infinite resonance peaks. For the cable of sag param- EFFECTS OF CABLE INCLINATION
eter log>... 2 equal to 1,45, the damper size is taken as 3.02 X
lOs N . slm and the response is shown in Fig. 10. The first two Since the previous study on an oil damper-cable system in
significant resonance peaks in Fig. 10 correspond to the first cable-stayed bridges was based on a horizontal taut string, ef-
two symmetric modes of vibration of the cable. The first an- fects of cable inclination on the maximum modal damping
tisymmetric mode of vibration of the cable can be slightly ratio and the optimum damper size could not be investigated.
excited out because the first antisymmetric mode of the cable The hybrid method described here, however, can be used to
of the sag parameter of 1,45 is distorted slightly, as shown in investigate this matter. Consider a cable of fixed length and
Fig. 8(b). It is also seen from Fig. 10 that the installation of static tension of the long cable previously studied. Assume an
an oil damper does not mitigate the first resonance peak for oil damper is normally installed at xJL = 0.02 to the cable
support, and then change cable inclination to see how the max-
1x101 imum modal damping ratio and optimum damper size vary.
Fig. 12 exhibits the variations of the normalized achievable
.... Withou~ Damper maximum modal damping ratios in the first five modes of vi-
1x10o -~ith D~mp~r-' . bration of the cable with cable inclination while Fig. 13 dis-
E plays the variations of the corresponding optimum damper size
1x10·1 with cable inclination. It can be seen that the maximum modal
-gCD damping ratio in the first mode is significantly affected by
a. cable inclination: it starts from the lowest value when the cable
<: 1x10·
2 ~; is horizontally arranged and goes up with increasing cable in-
8. 1x10-3
: ii clination and finally reaches the highest value when the cable
is almost vertically installed. The reason behind this is the
l{l Long Cable! variation of cable sag parameter log>... 2 with cable inclination,
a:: 0=0.91 as shown in Fig. 14. As the cable inclination becomes larger,
1x10-4 c=3.02X105
:~ =4t5° . the sag parameter becomes smaller. As a result, the frequency
crossover effect turns to the frequency avoidance effect first
1x10-5 and then the frequency avoidance effect becomes less and less.
1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 The maximum modal damping ratios in the higher modes of
Excitation Frequency III (rad/s) vibration are, however, only slightly reduced with the increase
of cable inclination. The variation of the optimum damper size
FIG. 10. Frequency Avoidance Effect on Dynamic Response with cable inclination, as shown in Fig. 13, is also small: a
(log A,' = 1.45) slightly increasing damper size with increasing inclination.
1x101 , '" 0.55 ~--,-------------,----,
: !: i

.;.. Witho~t D~m~er

1xlO° -r- With qamper i
!I~ 0.5~~~~~~~~
, ' I , >U'lot
I I. !: , : :
. ----l-·--r:--t+-----t---+-----i··
i! o
1X 10.1 I - ,- --. ~ 0.45

:t: OJ
i /\
<: 1x10-2
i Long Cable
0.4 X9/ L 02 io.
l!! i8 !-o-Mode 1
J 1x10-3

tong C~ble
.... :

-- ;+Mode2
! -o-~od~3
: ..... Mode, 4._
b=2.59x105j ..... Mod~5

1x1 0-5
'=~5° '
i 0.25 L.............L.......J.~w..............L~.L............................................,

12 1.41B 1B 2 ~2~4~6~8 3 &2 o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Excitation Frequency III (rad/s) Cable Inclination , (")

FIG. 11. Frequency Avoidance Effect on Dynamic Response FIG. 12. Variations of Maximum Modal Damping Ratio with
(log A,' = 1.6) Cable Inclination


J. Bridge Eng. 1998.3:194-203.

0.2 r----------,--~--,.--__, 0.6 ...------,.---,.-------:-~--,---.,

-oMode 1 ~able Inclination-If :

+ Mode 2
.:o-Mode ~ ..p1~·O.5 1og>.2;'1.0~O.;O.2i
Q.O,-Qi5.-1.O.-2.0 :
_Mode 4
;""Mode 5 ia: 0.4

~ 0.2
Long CEible- i
XcjL=O.02 .tl 0.1

o t.......-....L.~~-....L.~~....u.~w........-L.l..<.~w........-'-'
Iz OL...........L............L~..J...........J..........u..........J............J.~.............................
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o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

Cable Inclination 9 (") Normalized Damper Size ~L ~L
mO>OI ,

FIG. 13. Variations of Optimum Damper Size with Cable Incli- FIG. 15. Modal Damping Ratio Curves for First Mode of Vibra-
nation tion
0.6 r---------.,--~--,-,-,.-...,
Cable Inclination =d"

0.5 .u:1~0.5 IP9>.2 =1.0,O.8,Q.6,O.4,O.2,----
.Q ~
lD 0 l2 0.4 -r----
E g' I

; -Q.5
~ 0.3


;Lon9 Cable
'Xcj~=Oi02 I 0.2


t.......-....L.~~-....L.~ .......-L.l..<.~......."'"""'-......................
Z OL.......--.L-u..o.J.~.J...u..........~J........--.L-u..o.J. .....................................
o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Cable Inclination 9 (") 2c x
Normalized Damper Size --L-=L
mro.1 ,
FIG. 14. Variations of Sag Parameter with Cable Inclination
FIG. 16. Modal Damping Ratio Curves for Second Mode of Vi-
The foregoing discussions clearly demonstrate that both the in higher modes of vibration of horizontal cables. However, it
sag parameter and inclination of a stay cable may significantly does significantly affect the maximum modal damping ratio in
affect the performance of an oil damper to mitigate cable vi- the first mode of vibration: as the sag parameter is increased,
bration. The universal design curve (Pacheco et al. 1993) the possible maximum modal damping ratio is reduced rapidly.
based on a horizontal taut string is therefore not universal for The second set of graphs takes account of the effects of
all inclined sag cables in a cable-stayed bridge. However, its cable inclination on the maximum modal damping ratio and
simplicity is greatly welcomed by practicing engineers. Bear- corresponding optimum damper size only, which are actually
ing all these factors as well as the practical cable sag parameter the main concerns to engineers. Figs. 17 and 18 show varia-
range (- 2 :S log A2 :S 1.0) in mind, this paper presents two tions of the maximum modal damping ratio and corresponding
sets of graphs. The first set (Figs. 15 and 16) includes the optimum damper size for the first mode of vibration with cable
normalized modal damping ratio curves for the first mode and inclination and sag parameter. Figs. 19 and 20 display varia-
the higher modes of vibration of horizontal cables with the tions of the same quantities for the higher modes of vibration.
latter being similar to the previous universal design curve. The In Fig. 18, the curves for the sag parameters -2.0 and -1.0
second set (Figs. 17 - 20) reflects the effects of the cable sag overlap, while in Fig. 20 the curves for the sag parameters
parameter and inclination on the maximum modal damping -2.0, -1.0, and -0.5 overlap. It is seen from these graphs
ratio and the corresponding optimum damper size. that effects of cable inclination on optimum damper size for
Figs. 15 and 16 give the modal damping ratio curves for all modes of vibration (Figs. 18 and 20) and on the maximum
the first mode vibration and the second mode of horizontal modal damping ratio in higher modes of vibration are not con-
cables, respectively, as the functions of damper size, damper siderable (Fig. 19). To design an inclined cable, the sag pa-
location, cable span, cable mass, cable fundamental frequency, rameter of the cable can be calculated according to (12). Then,
and cable sag parameter in a nondimensional form. Since the based on the sag parameter and the cable inclination and the
modal damping ratio curves for the higher modes of vibration vibration mode desired to be mitigated, either Figs. 17 and 18
are very similar to those for the second mode of vibration or Figs. 19 and 20 can be used to determine the possible max-
shown in Fig. 16, Fig. 16 can be seen as valid for all higher imum modal damping ratio and the required optimum damper
modes of vibration. Clearly, the sag parameter does not sig- size for the designated mode. If the modal damping ratio in
nificantly affect the possible maximum modal damping ratio modes of vibration other than the designated mode needs to

J. Bridge Eng. 1998.3:194-203.

0.55 r--.,---------~:-1o-9-;~..,..2=-.-2!,-O---, 0.55 .--,-------,----,---,-----.
0.5 F=-===:::~E=:~§~~ 0.5F~~.........- _ .
ll:::' 0.45 r~--+-+_--'-=i=~~

~ O.4r---+-_i---+_f----.;....~ .g 0.4
~ 0.35 ~ 0.35
OJ r---4--l-+--+_-l---:"_ .
.~ 0.3 'K 0.3
~ 0.25 r~--+---+----l- ~ 0.25 --1---
o c i i
(ij 0.2 (ij 0.2 .; ----f---
I i
~ 0.15 r---~~.=:-.-.-::::~-=-.-~_.~-4-~J ~_J__ ~-_.+_~­ ~ 0.15 I - --i---
E 0.1 2'. .: ! i i
log). =.1.0,0.8,,0;2, i
~ 0.1
'x 0.05~--·; .0.q,.().5.~1.0••~Q.;.. ! .~ 0.05
ill ;' I , I
0 L..........L-~~....L-~~....L-.........u..........L.........J.............
::::!: ::::!: 0~ .............J~.J............l.~ .............L~.............L.......J
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o 10 20 3D 40 50 60 70 80 SO o 10 20 3D 40 50 60 70 80 SO
Cable Inclination, (") Cable Inclination , (")

FIG. 17. Cable Inclination Effect on Maximum DampIng Ratio FIG. 19. Cable InclinatIon Effect on Maximum Damping RatIo
In First Vibration Mode In HIgher Vibration Modes

0.12 r----,--------,--~--~---,----, 0.12 r - - ; - - - - - - - - - - r - - - ,

i ~og>.2L-2-0 log>.2"-2.0 :

..} i ~~E§~~~E~~~~E~~ i

Ie i'-~---,--i----r--+-+---+---+-
i Q) • . log>.' -,1.0
i ii! I
0.06 ~-i'--+--+-+----,j----I------~r
ilog>'~=1.0 i
~ I .

~ _j_~

0.03 !;! . J__ ~ 0.03 ~.

! i :
: ;
'oli 1~>.2=dk.0.0.$,O.6.b.4,O.~,
,0. ,-o.5,t1.0,-2.0 ,
: i I . i
! o ...............
, Q.O.-o.5,·1.0~-2.0 :
. iii .
i i 'i j
~L-o..o... ........~u..........L.~u..........L.~L..........J

o 10 20 3D 40 50 60 70 80 SO o 10 20 3D 40 50 60 70 80 90
Cable Inclination B (") Cable Inclination B (")
FIG. 20. Cable Inclination Effect on Optimum Damper Size for
FIG. 18. Cable Inclination Effect on Optimum Damper Size for
Higher Vibration Modes
First Vibration Mode

can be approximately estimated from the first set of graphs

be estimated, then use either Figs. 15 and 16 to obtain an (Figs. 15 and 16) and the second set of graphs (Figs. 17-20).
approximate estimation or carry out the computation according For instance, the achievable damping ratio in the first vibration
to the formulas provided in this paper to derive the exact so- mode of the long cable can be estimated in the following way.
lutions. There are many ways of applying these graphs to solve Based on the selected optimum normalized damper size of
different practice problems. The following is a typical example 0.09, from Fig. 15 one can find that the normalized first modal
demonstrating how to use these graphs. damping ratio for the corresponding horizontal cable is 0.32.
Select the damper size for the long cable (Table 1) to Then from Fig. 17 one may find that the ratio of the maximum
achieve the maximum damping ratio in its second in-plane first modal damping ratio in the inclined cable to that in the
vibration mode. The oil damper is assumed to be located at horizontal cable is 0.345/0.355. As a result, the achievable first
0.02L measured from the right support. modal damping ratio of the long inclined cable is
The long cable has an inclination of 16° and its cable sag
parameter log X. 2 is 0.56. From Figs. 19 and 20, the maximum ~1 = 0.32 X 0.02 X 0.345/0.355 = 0.62%
normalized modal damping ratio and the corresponding nor-
malized damper size are 0.51 and 0.09, respectively. The max- CONCLUSIONS
imum modal damping ratio and the corresponding optimum
damper size for the second in-plane vibration mode of the long The hybrid method developed by the writers has been ex-
cable are then calculated as tended to carry out both free and forced linear vibration anal-
yses of inclined sag cables equipped with oil dampers in cable-
~2ma. = 0.51 x (xjL) = 0.51 x 0.02 = 1.02% stayed bridges. The analyses on three typical stay cables in a
mWo,L, 0 260.62 x 1.74 x 460.46 cable-stayed bridge confirm that the installation of an oil
C20pt = 0.09 x = .09 X ----:...:....:.--~-- damper to a stayed cable can generate significant modal damp-
(xJL) X 2 0.02 X 2 ing ratios in the cables and hence reduce the dynamic re-
= 4.7 X 10' N's/m
sponses effectively in most cases if the damper parameters are
properly selected. However, it is found that if the sag param-
Once the damper size is determined based on the second eter X. 2 of an inclined cable falls in a certain range around one
mode of vibration, the damping ratios in other vibration modes of the frequency avoidances of inclined cables, the modal


J. Bridge Eng. 1998.3:194-203.

damping ratios provided by the damper in the corresponding Yu, Z., Xu, Y. L., and Ko, J. M. (1998). "A hybrid method for estimating
modal damping in sagged cable with damper." J. Adv. in Struct.
symmetric or antisymmetric or two hybrid modes can be con-
Engrg., in press.
siderably reduced. It is also found that the achievable maxi-
mum modal damping ratio and corresponding optimum
damper size depend on cable inclination. Two sets of graphs APPENDIX II. NOTATION
have been provided in this paper to facilitate the design of oil The following symbols are used in this paper:
dampers for inclined sag cables in cable-stayed bridges, and
one typical example has been presented to demonstrate how
to use these graphs.
A = cross-sectional area;
c= damper size;
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS c = cable internal damping;
E = Young's modulus;
The writers are grateful for the financial support from the Hong Kong F. = horizontal component of harmonic excitation;
Polytechnic University through an HKPU scholarship to the second Fy vertical component of harmonic excitation;
writer. F. Fourier transform of F.;
Fy = Fourier transform of Fy ;
APPENDIX I. REFERENCES Ix = force exerted by damper on cable in x-direction;
Downloaded from ascelibrary.org by University of Leeds on 07/05/15. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

Hikami, Y., and Shiraishi, N. (1988). "Rain-wind induced vibration of h = force exerted by damper on cable in y-direction;
cables in cable-stayed bridges." J. Wind Engrg. and Industrial Aero- G = resultant force from damper in damper direction;
dynamics, 29,409-418. H = horizontal component of static cable tension at left sup-
Irvine, H. M. (1981). Cable structures. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. port;
Kovacs, I. (1982). "Zur frage der seilschwingungen und der seidamp-
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1= y=T;
Pacheco, B. M., Fujino, Y., and Sulekh, A. (1993). "Estimation curve for k = damper stiffness;
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ASCE, 119(6), 1961-1979. La = unstrained arc length of cable;
Triantafyllou, M. S. (1984). "The dynamics of taut inclined cables." J. m = cable mass per unit length;
Mech. Appl. Math., 37,431-440. T = total static tension of cable;
Uno, K., Kitagawa, S., Tsutsumi, H., Inoue, A., and Nakaya, S. (1991). t = time;
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stayed bridges." J. Struct. Engrg., Tokyo, Japan, 37A, 789-798.
Watson, S. C., and Stafford, D. (1988). "Cables in trouble." Civ. Engrg.,
u = displacement component in x-direction measured from
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static equilibrium plane of cable;
Xu, Y. L., Ko, J. M., and Yu, Z. (1997). "Modal damping estimation of a = Fourier transform of u;
cable-damper system." Proc.• 2nd Int. Symp. on Struct. and Founda- V = vertical component of static cable tension at left support;
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Yoneda, M., and Maeda, K. (1989). "A study on practical estimation
x(s) = component of static profile in x-direction;
Xc = horizontal location of damper from right support of cable;
method for structural damping of stay cable with damper." Proc. Can-
ada-Japan Workshop on Bridge Aerodynamics, Ottawa, Canada, 119-
y(s) = component of static profile in y-direction;
128. y. = (dx/ds)/(dy/ds);
Yoshimura, T., Inoue, A., Kaji, K., and Savage, M. (1989). "A study on h sag parameter;
the aerodynamic stability of the Aratsu Bridge." Proc. Canada-Japan ~ = damping ratio; and
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J. Bridge Eng. 1998.3:194-203.

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