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India critical to US success: Republican aspirant

Arun Kumar, On Friday 2 September 2011, 11:33 AM Washington, Sep 2 (IANS) A Republican presidential hopeful has suggested that the US negotiate a bilateral free trade agreement with India to strengthen its relationship with a friend critical to America's success in the 21st century. Jon Huntsman, former governor of Utah, who resigned as US ambassador to China last April hoping to challenge President Barack Obama in 2012, Thursday proposed talks with India as part of his jobs plan and fix the US economy. As 95 percent of the world's customers live outside US borders, and with the US party to only 17 of more than 300 trade agreements worldwide, he said 'opening more markets for American businesses should be a commonsense tool to spark immediate growth.' Huntsman said he would make three trade agreements with South Korea, Colombia and Panama a top priority. 'Washington must also immediately start discussions with India to end in a bilateral free trade agreement strengthening our relationship with a friend who will prove to be critical to America's success in the 21st century,' he said. Suggesting that Obama's economic record has been marked by failure, he said: 'As the Obama Administration has dithered, other nations are making the choices necessary to compete in the 21st Century.' But much like Obama citing competition from emerging economies like India, China and Brazil, Huntsman said: 'In Brasilia and Beijing, New Delhi and Seoul, our competitors are making the hard choices that will help assure their children a better life,'. 'If we fail to do the same, we are robbing our children of an inheritance every previous American generation has had.' Huntsman said he was running for President 'because I'm prepared to lead the American people to that better and brighter future.'

Mohammad Farooqui 21 minutes ago Report Abuse India need to work based it own priorities. US had been far from friendly country in last 50 years to India. We must good relationship with all those who had been with us so far. Now we should consider US relationship based on it current merits not on past image we are carrying. Currently we are equal or better than than US except space technology. So we are open to any agreement sharing space technology period. Reply

0 Please sign in to rate this comment up. Please sign in to rate this comment down. 0 Pranab 1 hour ago Report Abuse Once a country's economy started believing only in export then it is time to introspect. The internal demand is almost saturated and it's technology is no more innovative for it's own people. India, be aware. Reply

0 Please sign in to rate this comment up. Please sign in to rate this comment down. 0 anand b 2 hours ago Report Abuse wake up, india will not sign FTA with US.It declined it already before in WTO meeting.The problem is your debt not trade.war is never cheap.get your troops back in your country and do what every country does. Reply

0 Please sign in to rate this comment up. Please sign in to rate this comment down. 0 vivek g 6 hours ago Report Abuse why dont america ask for help till not help to pak now remeberin india in trouble talking abt relation what about pak relation this is america that sunction india when india did neuclear test fr defence Reply

0 Please sign in to rate this comment up. Please sign in to rate this comment down. 0 arveen 7 hours ago Report Abuse To all those people saying BEWARE, you are fucked up. A trade agreement means a agreement which would help both the sides that why its called trade. Right now India needs U.S. more than U.S. needs India, learn something about Economy of India first, 70% of our material is exported to U.S. Replies (1)

0 Please sign in to rate this comment up. Please sign in to rate this comment down. 0 neha 9 hours ago Report Abuse We shud learn from the Americans, under the guise of friendship and business, we should do as much harm and damage as possible. It's a lesson we have learnt from them, split persons!!! Reply

0 Please sign in to rate this comment up. Please sign in to rate this comment down. 1 mow 10 hours ago Report Abuse what the @#$% economy r u talkin about , what the @#$% culture , ur @#$% culture is over ok Reply

0 Please sign in to rate this comment up. Please sign in to rate this comment down. 1 Ayush Elgoog 11 hours ago Report Abuse

America = Gen Next East India Company Beware!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reply

1 Please sign in to rate this comment up. Please sign in to rate this comment down. 0 sncbm,m nn 11 hours ago Report Abuse Be aware of !!!!!!!!!!! Reply

0 Please sign in to rate this comment up. Please sign in to rate this comment down. 1 harjot k 11 hours ago Report Abuse Indian politicians need to consider past before thinking or doing anything about our future,in this way Americans will create jobs for themselves,which ll increase there growth rate but what are the benefits Indian people ll have from these kind of agreements, definitely we get good products and there will be high competition in the market which will benefit the ultimate consumers but it will directly effect our small industries,domestic market.Because of Chinese products Indian industry suffered a lot and Americans are in line of taking advantage of us.

Food inflation a serious concern Ahluwalia

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A labourer (C) carries a 50kg sack of onions on her head as she moves it to a delivery truck at a wholesale market in Pune, south of Mumbai, May 12, 2011. REUTERS/Vivek Prakash/Files On Friday 2 September 2011, 1:39 PM NEW DELHI (Reuters) - India's high food inflation is a serious concern, Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission Montek Singh Ahluwalia said on Friday. India's food inflation accelerated to 10.05 percent, its highest in nearly six months, in the year to Aug. 20, government data on Thursday showed. Ahluwalia also said the economy is expected to grow at around 8 percent in the current fiscal year to March 2012. "Even if we grow at 8 percent this (fiscal) year, target of 9 percent (growth) from next financial year for the next five years is feasible, but not easy," Ahluwalia said. India's economy grew 7.7 percent in the quarter through June, its weakest pace in six quarters, but outperformed even gloomier predictions, reinforcing expectations the RBI will keep raising interest rates to put a lid on inflation. (Reporting by Manoj Kumar; editing by Malini Menon)

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0 Please sign in to rate this comment up. Please sign in to rate this comment down. 0 A Yahoo! User Sat 03 Sep 2011 12:33 AM EDT Report Abuse The inflation monster will eat up the indian middle class and poor , This is just the beginning , we will get hyperinflation and there will be a civil war . India becoming a super power by 2020-25 is the biggest joke I have heard . Joke of the century . India politics is divided and corrupt ,nothing good will come out of it . Reply

0 Please sign in to rate this comment up. Please sign in to rate this comment down. 0 joseph Fri 02 Sep 2011 11:11 AM EDT Report Abuse it is clear what rbi is doing is sqeezing money suuply.In an economy,where black money is very srong& powerful,this will not make any immpact.this will make the life of the ordinary people difficult. Those who r having black money will pummp it into the market,which will again add to price increase. The wage earners ,the small income agriculturists,s .m.e s have noway to improve their purchasing power.the only way to counter inflation is by supply side management&not by increasing interest rates, by tinkering the repo-reverse rates,Agood doctor will change his prescription,if the medicine prescribed by him is not giving any improvement in the health coditions of his patient.The text book treatment will not always give the desired results.If the diagnosis is not correct,then what is the meaning in continuing with the same medicine.i,THINK COMMON SE4NSE&PRACTICAL WISDOM R UNCOMMON AMONG THE SO CALLED ECONOMISTS who r taking decisions on the inflatin issues.

Indian workers amongst highest sickies: Survey

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Yahoo! India Finance, On Friday 2 September 2011, 10:53 AM BANGALORE: A survey has found that India is the second worst country where taking sick leaves are concerned. Conducted across Australia, China, France, United Kingdom, India, Mexico and the United States, the survey found the booming economy of China taking first place at 71 percent, followed by India at 62 percent and then Australia, the Courier Mail reported. Feeling stressed was the number one reason for sickies, according to the survey by workforce managers Kronos. Almost 40 percent of people surveyed would like to see the introduction of summer Fridays where staff could take either a half-day or full day off during the summer months and make the time up during the rest of the week. The option of flexible working hours, choice to take unpaid leave if required, and the ability to work from home were the three most desired attributes when it comes to what employers can offer their staff in order to help them manage work/life balance, reduce stress and address the number of sickies taken, Kronos general manager Peter Harte said. It said a third of people chuck a sickie to take care of a sick child or family member, while 10 percent cited a heavy workload as the motivator. Furthermore, 61 per cent ofworkers felt their employers should introduce flexible working hours in order to reduce the number of sickies that are taken.

Here three things disturbing a lot to the person 1. Job 2.Family 3. System About job: Very first reason is no Job security because of privatization. People of India work a lot,all most extra hours, even on weekends then after the company fire people according to their suitability not because of their capability in most of the cases. In office boss always threatening by deadlines.The deadlines you can get after each deadline. About Family: People of India having lot of responsibility towards their family & their workplace.Person is one but lot of expectation from that person.In spite of all these responsibility no one is happy. In home sometimes finance & some times relation between family member ,lot of Interruption of family member in each other life ,which is also disturbing a lot their life. Here is one fanda of life " na khud jiyo aur na he dusaro ko jeene do" About System: We don't have Managed system anywhere.No one is understanding the value of time as well. We don't have proper management in railways ,trains are almost late.No fast trains are available.All these things are also matter the employees coming far from office. We can get concept of Virtual office almost everywhere means if the person get permission to work from home then also it will reduce most of the issue.

Indian employees are most likely very much dedicated to their work specially those have more ambitions and it does not let realize them about their physical boundaries upto certain level. Most indian employees go beyond to work timing like coming early or staying late to make their presense stonger which leads physical disbalance and ends up taking sick leaves. What the reason behind I can see: Indians are the second largest work force in this world after Chaina and Indians are spreaded across the globe so its very easy to count them for anything and if something is easily countable most of the time you will find the negetive result for any survey. But in other sentences we can say that Indians utilize their sick leaves more oftenly then others..nothing wrong with this. But even after this result we as Indian are attracting to world for outsource for quality work and professionals. So never mind what the result of any survey says for us, we are making world depend on us. So never mind to make the work life balance .. nothing to change..nothing to worry. Reply 6 Please sign in to rate this comment up. Please sign in to rate this comment down. 0 Acharya Sat 03 Sep 2011 01:35 AM EDT Report Abuse Mindset of bosses is really a problem in India. However it has improved a lot in the recent time especially in Metro cities. Let me explain the typical mindset of these bosses. Consider an example of an employee who wants a leave for some personal problem. Empl: Sir, I need a day off. Boss: Why? Empl: Some personal work. Boss: What sort of work you need to do? Empl: I need to sort out the personal problem. Boss: Will you explain? I can't grant you leave without knowing actual reason. Now, employee needs to explain bits and pieces regarding his very very secret and personal matter. If it was US (I have been there) or some other country, Boss has no right to interfere in your personal matters. But few rigid people in India never understands the privacy. They act like they have bought the employee for lifetime. That's the reason people tend to lie and take sick leaves in such situations. Their boss will not understand the meaning of "PERSONAL".

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