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University - University of Sheffield Hallam

Program - Masters in Food and

Nutrion Sciences


I, Mrs Pathirathnage Madhurika

Hashani born on 10th February
1990 in Colombo, Western
Province and I wish to submit
my Statement of Purpose in
concern with the application of
request for a study permit in
UK. I look forward to join the
master program in Nutrition
and Food Sciences at University
of Sheffield focus on a variety
of aspects related to the
utilization of food and its
relationship to human growth
and metabolism. It will provide
me with various opportunities
to practice nutrition in a
position of authority in many
areas including the private or
public health care industry,
governmental, nonprofit and
research. I will have the option
of a wide variety of industry
positions as well as a solid
foundation for further
academic aspirations.


I started my primary education

at Horagasmulla Primary
School, Gampaha, after
obtaining high scores enough
to get a scholarship from the
grade 05 scholarship exam , I
transferred to Harischandra
National Collage,Negombo to
start my secondary education I
completed my G.C.E Ordinary
Level examination successfully
in 2006 and decided to
continue my senior high school
education through biological
Ordinary Level (2006)
Subject Grade
English A
Mathematics A
Business & A
Science & B
Sinhala A
Buddhism A
History B
Developmen B
t studies
Dancing A
Social studies A

Advanced Level
Subject Grade Grade
(2009) (2010)
Biology C B
Chemistry F C
Physics S C
After completion of my
secondary education, I started
my Bachelor’s Degree in
Agricultural Science at Eastern
University, Sri Lanka. A Wide
range of subject fields covered
during this degree program
including; Food science and
technology, Agribusiness
management, Animal
husbandry, Dairy science,
Animal nutrition, Agrostology,
Export agriculture,
Biotechnology, Tissue culture,
Crop science, Post-harvest
technology, Hydrology,
Development economics, Plant
breeding, IPM, Pathology,
Landscaping, Agroforestry, Soil
science, Environmental
management etc. I have
completed it in
the 2016 with Second Class.
(GPA 3.23) and I was Awarded
for Best research final year
student of the faculty of
Agriculture 2016. In 2017 my
was published at Eastern
University Agrieast journal
agrieast .v11i2.36/)
Performance of broiler chickens
raised in boric acid amended
chopped rice straw and paddy


After completion of my
bachelor degree in the Year, I
got an opportunity to work at
Delmo Chicken & Agro (pvt )
Ltd as Quality Assurance
Executive from August 2016 to
January 2019 under private
sector. Here after I was
appointed as Public
Management Assistant under
Government Health Sector
from October 2019. While
working there I learn my duties
and responsibilities include
some important knowledge.
After some years of experience
in the related I thought of
expanding my knowledge and
education with international
degree so that I can expand my
career in the future and
thought of continuing my
master degree in on the top
developed country like UK.
With the great interest to study
abroad, I prepare for my IELTS
examination for around three
months gave it on the May
2022 and 6.0 in overall (IELTS

I made this decision after

conducting my own research
through online sources and
with the advice from well
experienced friends I was
always motivated and
determined student during my
academic year. With perfect
understanding and clarity of my
responsibilities as an
international student, I decided
to continue my higher
education at the chosen
college, with the utmost
confidence that this program
will help me to achieve my
aspirations and I am certain
that education from this
International Institution of UK
will provide me with the right
opportunity to achieve my
career goals while enhancing
my academic standards and
professional acumen.
This course will provide the
core knowledge and skills to
enable individuals to work in a
wide variety of areas such as
public health and health
promotion, the management of
nutrition related disease. This
also includes disease related
malnutrition and in primary
care managing dietary needs in
long term health conditions. I
want to work as part of a team
to manage the health and
nutritional needs of individuals,
communities and populations.
Graduating with this course is
the start of lifelong learning
and an exciting and varied
career in nutrition, health and
disease management.


The master degree in Nutrition

and Food Sciences will provide
me with the opportunity to
work as a professor or a
nutrition specialist in a variety
of organization in Sri Lanka.
Furthermore, the master
degree in Nutrition and Food
Sciences will strengthen my
research abilities and will
encourage me to earn my PhD
degree in the same field later
on. I have a unique interest in
conducting researches related
to nutrition, human health and
the association between
metabolism and human health.
In Sri Lanka, most of people
have not better understanding
about their diet plan according
to nutritional fact. Nutrition
professionals who leads people
to live in healthy manner are
very scarce in Sri Lanka. In
addition, there is shortage for
nutrition professors in a variety
of academic institutions. This
area of study should make me
one of those who contribute to
filling that professional gap in
the Sri Lanka workforce with
the expertise and knowledge
that I would acquire
throughout my studies at your
In Sri Lanka, there is a need for
qualified public health experts,
so I will use my professional
skills, knowledge and the
exposure for the development
of the public health sector in
my community and the whole
My interest in Nutrition and
Food Sciences was initiated
through my readings in this
field. My Plans for my career
have set this major at the top
of my priorities. I am quite
confident that your university is
the place where my academic
dreams will come true.

I am self-confident that I have
the requirements and the skills
to pursue my master program
in Nutrition and Food Sciences
very successfully. It is true that I
might face some obstacles at
the beginning of my studies as
an international student that
comes from a different culture
and background. However, with
persistence, dedication and
insistence, I would succeed.
Hoping that the Admissions
Committee finds my credentials
adequate in this respect, I look
forward to have your favorable

Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
Pathirathnage Madhurika

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