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Name :- Divyansh Maru

Batch :- 2020-2025

Programme:- BBA+LLB

Subject :- Strategic Management

Topic :- Analysis Indian brands via International strategies.

Boat Company :-

1. Global strategy:

A global strategy involves treating the world as a single market and standardizing products
and services across all regions.

In the context of a boat company, this might mean producing the same model of boat and
selling it in all markets around the world. This strategy allows the company to achieve
economies of scale by leveraging its global presence to drive down costs.

However, it also means that the company may not be as responsive to local market needs
and may miss out on opportunities to tailor its products and services to local customers.

2. Transnational strategy:

A transnational strategy aims to balance global integration with local responsiveness.

In the context of a boat company, this might mean producing a range of boats that are
tailored to local market needs, but also leveraging global production and distribution
networks to drive down costs.

This strategy allows the company to benefit from economies of scale while also meeting
local customer needs. However, it can be difficult to achieve, as it requires balancing
conflicting priorities.
3. International strategy:

An international strategy involves treating each market as a separate entity with unique
needs and preferences.

In the context of a boat company, this might mean producing different models of boats for
each market and tailoring marketing and distribution strategies to each market.

This strategy allows the company to be highly responsive to local market needs, but can also
lead to higher costs and inefficiencies due to the need to manage multiple products and
distribution channels.

4. Multi-domestic strategy:

A multi-domestic strategy involves decentralizing decision-making and tailoring products

and services to each local market.

In the context of a boat company, this might mean producing different models of boats for
each region or even for each individual market within a region. This strategy allows the
company to be highly responsive to local customer needs, but can also lead to duplication of
effort and higher costs due to the need to manage multiple products and distribution

2. Dabur Company :-

Global Strategy :-

In this strategy, Dabur focuses on achieving economies of scale by producing and distributing its
products in large volumes.

Dabur has been successful in implementing this strategy through its healthcare and personal care
products that are popular across the world. The company uses the same product formulations,
packaging, and branding in different countries, enabling it to achieve cost savings in production
and marketing.
Transnational Strategy :-

In this approach, Dabur adapts its products and marketing strategies to meet the needs of each
market while maintaining a consistent brand image across different regions.

The company uses a decentralized structure to operate in different markets and encourages local
managers to make decisions based on the unique characteristics of each market. This approach
has enabled Dabur to succeed in markets such as the Middle East, where it has customized its
products to meet local preferences.

International strategy ;-

In this approach, Dabur focuses on markets where it can achieve economies of scale in
production and distribution.

The company uses this strategy in markets where there is a demand for its natural healthcare and
personal care products, but local regulations make it difficult to customize products. Dabur has
been successful in implementing this strategy in markets such as Africa, where it has exported its
products for over three decades

Multi-Domestic strategy ;-

In this approach, Dabur focuses on creating products that are tailored to local preferences and

The company uses this strategy in markets such as India, where it has a strong local presence and
competes with other domestic players. Dabur has been successful in implementing this strategy
by leveraging its knowledge of local markets and adapting its products and marketing strategies
to meet the needs of different regions.

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