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Feeling sad all of a sudden for no reason

There will be moments throughout my very short days when I would feel a sudden
burst of loneliness, a feeling so tiring it would put me to a sluggish attitude, would
just try to find comfort and not do anything for the rest of my day. These moments of
solitude have no causes and these times when I would just feel sad are extremely
tiring. I don't really know why such occurrences happen, I just know it really sours my
mood. It's like an itch you can't quite scratch.

Occasionally these thoughts are usually a form of an existential dread of my future,

would my current abilities suffice to the ever growing competitive nature of society,
sometimes I just think that my achievements are all worth nothing, or I would feel like
my worth is similar to that of a bug. These thoughts of being worthless accompanied
by the realities of society being in favor of those who have money all amount to these
dreadful thoughts of just letting go, and just let nature do its job. But my own
egotistical self would not allow myself to be something worthless in the future. I might
feel worthless now, but I can't let it be like that for my future.

There are also times where I would feel like my life has been such a waste or has been
full of regrets, I feel like I am not spending enough time to actually have a fulfilling life,
and life I would look back to and maybe laugh, cry, and have regrets. This burst of
sadness is making me reflect on my life, sometimes I would just blank out, completely
out of focus. And my mind wanders off to my regretful past and it would slowly make
it worse. I don't really know why this keeps happening when I really need to be

Sometimes it's literally moments you will feel a tear drop, dripping slowly from your
eyes and you haven't even realized it yet and only does when the salty taste of tears
reach your lips. You are crying and you haven't even realized it yet, the tears are
flowing yet you don't mind it.

Nothing is wrong, but everything feels like it. You don't really have the reason to feel
this way but for all the unknown reasons you do. You don't remember the moments
you felt happy during this time and all you can feel is this heavy emotional weight,
that slowly weakens your mind and body until such emotions are no longer stable and
you collapse.

I can only feel happy when it's the best reason, and I feel grief whenever there aren't
even any reasons to be. It's completely unfair how our mind tricks us into slowly
hating ourselves and feeling that what we are, what we believe, stand for, dreams, and
everything about us is worthless.

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