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A look back on the minds of the past

In every book there is a mind living inside, a heart that is beating; it's a life that is eternal in nature. Ever
since literature has become mankind's greatest means of sharing information, storing, and creating
wonders. Books store the mind of its author's, their beliefs, their imaginations, and the most important of
all is their years of effort. Writers are teachers of themselves, they teach themselves about the topics they
want to share, and they share that information for all of mankind. A teacher from the past and its students
is the future.

It has always fascinated me how much books have helped develop humans into such powerful beings,
every person who has had a significant impact on the technology of humans, scientific breakthroughs and
developments have relied on books to share their teachings. Although the saying that knowledge is man's
greatest weapon has been played out too much, it's a saying no one can deny. Because not one atomic
bomb is created if Oppenheimer didn't read a book. Knowledge can also be a curse, knowledge is not just
"good" knowledge but also the bad ones, and books have helped both sides propagate their knowledge
whether bad or good. Books might have been the reason we are so developed, but Books are have become
a tool of ideologies that are not good in nature. Knowledge is a weapon for both the good and the bad.

In the future there's a probability that a book is no longer needed, that one day the sheets of white paper
and the covers of wonderful literature are no longer needed, because technology has made such thing
obsolete. A nightmare scenario to imagine and I wish to not make it happen.

I've always wanted to create a book, specifically a fantastical world filled with creatures never seen before
with a world that is detailed and each description of it makes it alive, with characters you can admire and
relate to. And I can only say right now it is still a dream, everytime to make it come true, all sense of
imagination falls apart and my hands and mind stop writing, and thinking. I would start thinking I am just
tired, but I don't think I am tired for weeks. And everytime I try to pick up the story again and read it was
like a mind of the past who I really wish to beat up. I would read the words and sentences past me and I
would slowly die inside by just how bad I write. I am quite confident in my writing skills, but stories and
creatives have always been a nightmare for me.

Books are like time travel machines, it is not fancy and technology complex unlike its counterparts found
in science fiction, but it does its job, and it does it amazingly. With strings of words and compilation of
pages you can experience the lives of many people, know the minds of its author and find something you
can learn from. So remember every time you open a book, remember that it is alive and it longs for your
curious eyes.

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