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Smoking has been a popular pastime for centuries, but its detrimental impacts are

becoming increasingly clear. Smoking is linked to numerous health issues, including

heart disease and cancer. It also affects the environment by releasing harmful
chemicals into the air and water systems. Finally, smoking can have an economic
impact on individuals who must pay increased healthcare costs due to their habit or
secondhand smoke exposure from others.

The most obvious negative impact of smoking is on human health; it increases one’s
risk of developing chronic illnesses such as lung cancer, COPD (chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease) and stroke significantly more than non-smokers do according to
research conducted by The American Lung Association in 2020 . In addition to
physical harm caused directly by inhalation of tobacco smoke particles , secondary
smokers — those exposed indirectly through other people’s cigarette use — are at
increased risk for many serious diseases as well . This puts a strain not only on
individual budgets but also public healthcare services that bear much of these
additional medical costs associated with smoking – both direct and indirect – each
year    .   

Lastly , environmental damage resulting from cigarette use should not be

overlooked either: discarded cigarettes release toxic pollutants into soil , water
sources , vegetation etc., which can lead to long-term contamination problems in
affected areas if left unchecked . Moreover burning cigarettes produces carbon
dioxide emissions that contribute further towards global warming ; this means even
those who don't personally indulge in this habit will still feel its effects directly or
indirectly over time if nothing is done about it sooner rather than later    .     

In conclusion thus we see how far reaching the impacts of smoking really are:
affecting our bodies individually & collectively via public funds spent combating
diseases related thereto; damaging ecosystems & contributing towards climate
change alike - all without us necessarily being aware thereof until after considerable
damage has already been done unfortunately!

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