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Wizard 20 hohenheim77


Rock Gnome Custom Background 355.000

+0 Strength
ARMOR Max HP Current HP Temp HP
STRENGTH +1 Dexterity
+3 Constitution +1 11 142 --
+0 • +11 Intelligence
+1 Charisma
Total 20d6 SUCCESSES
Saving Throw Modifiers
Advantage Against Spells
Advantage on INT Against Magic
+1 Advantage on WIS Against Magic
Advantage on CHA Against

=== WEAPONS ===
Crossbow, Light, Dagger, Dart, Quarterstaff,
CONSTITUTION +1 Acrobatics DEX Sling
+3 P

Animal Handling WIS
Arcana INT
=== TOOLS ===
Alchemist's Supplies, Tinker's Tools

16 +0 Athletics STR === LANGUAGES ===

ABILITY SAVE DC Common, Draconic, Gnomish
+1 Deception CHA
+5 History INT
P +7 Insight WIS
25 ft. (Walking), 50 ft. (Flying), 60 ft.
+5 +1 Intimidation CHA
P +11 Investigation INT
20 +1 Medicine WIS SPEED


WISDOM +1 Perception WIS

+1 Performance CHA === ACTIONS === level that deals damage, you can deal maximum
+1 +1 Persuasion CHA
Standard Actions
Attack, Cast a Spell, Dash, Disengage, Dodge,
damage with that spell. If you use this feature again
before you finish a long rest, you take 2d12 necrotic
Help, Hide, Ready, Search, Use an Object, damage (+1d12 per use of this feature) for each level
P +11 Religion INT
13 Opportunity Attack, Grapple, Shove, Improvise, of the spell after you cast it. This damage ignores
+1 Sleight of Hand DEX Two-Weapon Fighting, Interact with an Object resistance and immunity.

+1 Stealth DEX === SPECIAL === Sculpt Spells

CHARISMA Arcane Recovery • 1 / Long Rest When you cast an evocation spell that affects other
+1 Survival WIS
Once per day when you finish a short rest, you can creatures that you can see, you can choose a number
of them equal to 1 + the spell’s level. The chosen
+1 choose expended spell slots to recover - up to a
combined level of 10, and none of the slots can be 6th
level or higher.
creatures automatically succeed on their saving
throws against the spell, and they take no damage if
they would normally take half damage on a successful
12 Overchannel • 1 / Other save.
When you cast a wizard spell of 1st through 5th



Dagger of Venom +8 1d4+2 Piercing +2d10 Poison, 1 Charge, Simple, Finesse, Light, Thrown, Range (20/60)

Staff of the Magi +8 1d6+2 Bludgeoning 50/50 Charges, Simple, Versatile


Fire Bolt +13 4d10 Fire V/S

Ray of Frost +13 4d8 Cold V/S

Darkvision 60 ft. Unarmed Strike +6 1 Bludgeoning


TM & © 2018 Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2018 D&D Beyond | All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to photo copy this document for personal use.
Wizard 20 hohenheim77
Rock Gnome Custom Background 355.000


* Potent Cantrip • PHB 117 * Gnome Cunning • BR 37
* Hit Points • PHB 113 When a creature succeeds on a saving throw against You have advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and
your cantrip, the creature takes half the cantrip’s Charisma saving throws against magic.
* Proficiencies • PHB 113 damage (if any) but suffers no additional effect from
the cantrip. * Artificer’s Lore • BR 37
* Spellcasting • PHB 114 Add twice your proficiency bonus to History checks
You can cast prepared wizard spells using INT as your * Empowered Evocation • PHB 117 related to magic items, alchemical objects, or
spellcasting modifier (Spell DC 19, Spell Attack +11) You can add your INT modifier (+5) to one damage roll technological devices.
and wizard spells in your spellbook as rituals if they of any wizard evocation spell you cast.
have the ritual tag. You can use an arcane focus as a * Tinker • BR 37
spellcasting focus. * Overchannel • PHB 118 You are proficient with tinker's tools and can use them
When you cast a wizard spell of 1st through 5th level to construct tiny clockwork devices.
* Arcane Recovery • PHB 115 that deals damage, you can deal maximum damage
Once per day when you finish a short rest, you can with that spell. If you use this feature again before you
choose expended spell slots to recover - up to a finish a long rest, you take 2d12 necrotic damage === FEATS ===
combined level of 10, and none of the slots can be 6th (+1d12 per use of this feature) for each level of the
level or higher. spell after you cast it. This damage ignores resistance * Svirfneblin Magic • EE
and immunity. You can cast nondetection on yourself at will, without
| 1 / Long Rest • Special needing a material component. You can also cast
| 1 / Other • Special blindness/deafness, blur, and disguise self once each
* Arcane Tradition • PHB 115 per long rest. INT is your spellcasting ability and you
* Spell Mastery • PHB 115 cast these spells at their lowest possible level.
| School of Evocation You can cast chosen 1st level and 2nd level spells at
their lowest level without expending a spell slot when
* Evocation Savant • PHB 117 you have them prepared. If you want to cast either
The gold and time you must spend to copy an spell at a higher level, you must expend a spell slot as
evocation spell into your spellbook is halved. normal.

* Sculpt Spells • PHB 117 * Signature Spells • PHB 115

When you cast an evocation spell that affects other You choose two 3rd-level spells and always have them
creatures that you can see, you can choose a number prepared and they don’t count against the number of
of them equal to 1 + the spell’s level. The chosen spells you have prepared. Once per short rest, you can
creatures automatically succeed on their saving throws cast each of them once at 3rd level without expending
against the spell, and they take no damage if they a spell slot.
would normally take half damage on a successful
| Special
* Darkvision • BR 37
* Ability Score Improvement • PHB 115 You can see in darkness (shades of gray) up to 60 ft.



CP 1,000 Bag of Holding 1 15 lb. Ring of Telekinesis 1 --

Bag of Tricks 1 0.5 lb. Ring of X-ray Vision 1 --

SP 500 Broom of Flying 1 3 lb. Wand of the War Mage, +3 1 --

Cloak of the Manta Ray 1 -- Bedroll 1 7 lb.

EP 500 Dagger of Venom 1 1 lb. Spellbook 1 3 lb.

Decanter of Endless Water 1 2 lb. Tinderbox 1 1 lb.

GP 200 Eyes of Minute Seeing 1 -- Torch 5 5 lb.

Ring of Free Action 1 -- Waterskin 1 5 lb.

PP 50 Ring of Regeneration 1 -- Alchemist's Supplies 1 8 lb.

Rod of Security 1 -- Tinker's Tools 1 10 lb.


105.5 lb. Staff of the Magi 1 -- Arcane Focus 1 --

ENCUMBERED Figurine of Wondrous Power (Silver Raven) 1 -- ATTUNED MAGIC ITEMS QTY WEIGHT

150 lb. Ring of Feather Falling 1 -- Ring of Free Action 1 --

PUSH/DRAG/LIFT Ring of Jumping 1 -- Ring of Regeneration 1 --

300 lb. Ring of Mind Shielding 1 -- Staff of the Magi 1 --


TM & © 2018 Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2018 D&D Beyond | All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to photo copy this document for personal use.
Male 400 Small 1,25 40
Hohenheim Chaotic Neutral Garl Glittergold Branca Castanhos Branco

I’ve read every book in the world’s greatest libraries—or I like to boast that I

There’s nothing I like more than a good mystery.

The common folk love me for my kindness and generosity.
My eloquent flattery makes everyone I talk to feel like the most wonderful and
important person in the world.


Knowledge. The path to power and self-improvement is through knowledge. (Neutral)

No Limits. Nothing should fetter the infinite possibility inherent in all existence.


I’ve been searching my whole life for the

answer to a certain question.


Unlocking an ancient mystery is worth the

price of a civilization.



TM & © 2018 Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2018 D&D Beyond | All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to photo copy this document for personal use.
INT 19 +13

=== CANTRIPS === (At Will)

O Ray of Frost Wizard +13 1A 60 ft. V,S Instantaneous PHB 271 V/S

O Frostbite Wizard CON 19 1A 60 ft. V,S Instantaneous EE 156 V/S

O Fire Bolt Wizard +13 1A 120 ft. V,S Instantaneous PHB 242 V/S

O Shape Water Wizard -- 1A 30 ft./5 ft. Cube S Instantaneous EE 164 5 ft. Cube, S

O True Strike <C> Wizard -- 1A 30 ft. S Concentration, up to 1 round PHB 284 D: 1Rnd, S

O Light Staff of the Magi DEX 19 1A Touch/20 ft. Sphere V,M 1 hour PHB 255 D: 1h, 20 ft. Sphere, V/M

O Mage Hand Staff of the Magi -- 1A 30 ft. V,S 1 minute PHB 256 D: 1m, V/S

=== 1st LEVEL === 4 Slots OOOO

O Absorb Elements Wizard -- 1R Self S 1 round EE 150 D: 1Rnd, S

O Alarm [R] Wizard -- 11m 30 ft. V,S,M 8 hours PHB 211 D: 8h, V/S/M

O Burning Hands Wizard DEX 19 1A Self/15 ft. Cone V,S Instantaneous PHB 220 15 ft. Cone, V/S

O Catapult Wizard DEX 19 1A 60 ft. S Instantaneous EE 150 S

O Charm Person Wizard WIS 19 1A 30 ft. V,S 1 hour PHB 221 D: 1h, V/S

O Comprehend Languages [R] Wizard -- 1A + 10m Self V,S,M 1 hour PHB 224 D: 1h, V/S/M

O Disguise Self Wizard -- 1A Self V,S 1 hour PHB 233 D: 1h, V/S

O Expeditious Retreat <C> Wizard -- 1BA Self V,S Concentration, up to 10 minutes PHB 238 D: 10m, V/S

O False Life Wizard -- 1A Self V,S,M 1 hour PHB 239 D: 1h, V/S/M

O Find Familiar [R] Wizard -- 1h 10 ft. V,S,M Instantaneous PHB 240 V/S/M

O Floating Disk [R] Wizard -- 1A + 10m 30 ft. V,S,M 1 hour PHB D: 1h, V/S/M

O Fog Cloud <C> Wizard -- 1A 120 ft./20 ft. Sphere V,S Concentration, up to 1 hour PHB 243 D: 1h, 20 ft. Sphere, V/S

O Hideous Laughter <C> Wizard WIS 19 1A 30 ft. V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB D: 1m, V/S/M

O Identify [R] Wizard -- 1m Touch V,S,M Instantaneous PHB 252 V/S/M

O Longstrider Wizard -- 1A Touch V,S,M 1 hour PHB 256 D: 1h, V/S/M

O Mage Armor Wizard -- 1A Touch V,S,M 8 hours PHB 256 D: 8h, V/S/M

O Magic Missile Wizard -- 1A 120 ft. V,S Instantaneous PHB 257 V/S

O Protection from Evil and Good <C> Wizard -- 1A Touch V,S,M Concentration, up to 10 minutes PHB 270 D: 10m, V/S/M

O Shield Wizard -- 1R Self V,S 1 round PHB 275 D: 1Rnd, V/S

O Thunderwave Wizard CON 19 1A Self/15 ft. Cube V,S Instantaneous PHB 282 15 ft. Cube, V/S

O Unseen Servant [R] Wizard -- 1A + 10m 60 ft. V,S,M 1 hour PHB 284 D: 1h, V/S/M

O Detect Magic [R]<C> Wizard -- 1A + 10m Self/30 ft. Sphere V,S Concentration, up to 10 minutes PHB 231 D: 10m, 30 ft. Sphere, V/S

O Earth Tremor Wizard DEX 19 1A 10 ft. V,S Instantaneous EE 155 V/S

O Feather Fall Wizard -- 1R 60 ft. V,M 1 minute PHB 239 D: 1m, V/M

O Grease Wizard DEX 19 1A 60 ft./10 ft. Square V,S,M 1 minute PHB 246 D: 1m, 10 ft. Square, V/S/M

O Ice Knife Wizard DEX 19 / +13 1A 60 ft./5 ft. Sphere S,M Instantaneous EE 157 5 ft. Sphere, S/M

O Illusory Script [R] Wizard -- 11m Touch S,M 10 days PHB 252 D: 10d, S/M

O Jump Wizard -- 1A Touch V,S,M 1 minute PHB 254 D: 1m, V/S/M

O Sleep Wizard -- 1A 90 ft./20 ft. Sphere V,S,M 1 minute PHB 276 D: 1m, 20 ft. Sphere, V/S/M

O Detect Magic <C> Staff of the Magi -- 1A Self/30 ft. Sphere V,S Concentration, up to 10 minutes PHB 231 D: 10m, 30 ft. Sphere, V/S

O Protection from Evil and Good <C> Staff of the Magi -- 1A Touch V,S,M Concentration, up to 10 minutes PHB 270 D: 10m, V/S/M

O Disguise Self Svirfneblin Magic -- 1A Self V,S 1 hour PHB 233 1/LR, D: 1h, V/S

O Comprehend Languages [R] Spell Mastery -- 1A Self V,S,M 1 hour PHB 224 D: 1h, V/S/M

=== 2nd LEVEL === 3 Slots OOO

O Aganazzar’s Scorcher Wizard DEX 19 1A 30 ft./30 ft. Line V,S,M Instantaneous EE 150 30 ft. Line, V/S/M

O Alter Self <C> Wizard -- 1A Self V,S Concentration, up to 1 hour PHB 211 D: 1h, V/S

O Arcane Lock Wizard -- 1A Touch V,S,M Until dispelled PHB 215 D: Until Dispelled, V/S/M

O Arcanist's Magic Aura Wizard -- 1A Touch V,S,M 24 hours PHB D: 24h, V/S/M

O Blindness/Deafness Wizard CON 19 1A 30 ft. V 1 minute PHB 219 D: 1m, V


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INT 19 +13

O Blur <C> Wizard -- 1A Self V Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 219 D: 1m, V

O Continual Flame Wizard -- 1A Touch V,S,M Until dispelled PHB 227 D: Until Dispelled, V/S/M

O Darkness <C> Wizard -- 1A 60 ft./15 ft. Sphere V,M Concentration, up to 10 minutes PHB 230 D: 10m, 15 ft. Sphere, V/M

O Darkvision Wizard -- 1A Touch V,S,M 8 hours PHB 230 D: 8h, V/S/M

O Detect Thoughts <C> Wizard WIS 19 1A Self V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 231 D: 1m, V/S/M

O Earthbind <C> Wizard STR 19 1A 300 ft. V Concentration, up to 1 minute EE 154 D: 1m, V

O Enlarge/Reduce <C> Wizard CON 19 1A 30 ft. V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 237 D: 1m, V/S/M

O Gust of Wind <C> Wizard STR 19 1A Self V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 248 D: 1m, V/S/M

O Hold Person <C> Wizard WIS 19 1A 60 ft. V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 251 D: 1m, V/S/M

O Invisibility <C> Wizard -- 1A Touch V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 hour PHB 254 D: 1h, V/S/M

O Knock Wizard -- 1A 60 ft. V Instantaneous PHB 254 V

O Locate Object <C> Wizard -- 1A Self V,S,M Concentration, up to 10 minutes PHB 256 D: 10m, V/S/M

O Magic Weapon <C> Wizard -- 1BA Touch V,S Concentration, up to 1 hour PHB 257 D: 1h, V/S

O Magic Mouth [R] Wizard -- 11m 30 ft. V,S,M Until dispelled PHB 257 D: Until Dispelled, V/S/M

O Maximilian’s Earthen Grasp <C> Wizard STR 19 1A 30 ft./5 ft. Square V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 minute EE 161 D: 1m, 5 ft. Square, V/S/M

O Misty Step Wizard -- 1BA Self V Instantaneous PHB 260 V

O Pyrotechnics Wizard CON 19 1A 60 ft./5 ft. Cube V,S Instantaneous EE 163 5 ft. Cube, V/S

O Rope Trick Wizard -- 1A Touch V,S,M 1 hour PHB 272 D: 1h, V/S/M

O Scorching Ray Wizard +13 1A 120 ft. V,S Instantaneous PHB 273 V/S

O See Invisibility Wizard -- 1A Self V,S,M 1 hour PHB 274 D: 1h, V/S/M

O Shatter Wizard CON 19 1A 60 ft./10 ft. Sphere V,S,M Instantaneous PHB 275 10 ft. Sphere, V/S/M

O Skywrite [R]<C> Wizard -- 1A + 10m Sight V,S Concentration, up to 1 hour EE 165 D: 1h, V/S

O Spider Climb <C> Wizard -- 1A Touch V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 hour PHB 277 D: 1h, V/S/M

O Suggestion <C> Wizard WIS 19 1A 30 ft. V,M Concentration, up to 8 hours PHB 279 D: 8h, V/M

O Warding Wind <C> Wizard -- 1A Self/10 ft. Sphere V Concentration, up to 10 minutes EE 170 D: 10m, 10 ft. Sphere, V

O Acid Arrow Wizard +13 1A 90 ft. V,S,M Instantaneous PHB V/S/M

O Dust Devil <C> Wizard STR 19 1A 60 ft./5 ft. Cube V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 minute EE 154 D: 1m, 5 ft. Cube, V/S/M

O Flaming Sphere <C> Wizard DEX 19 1A 60 ft./5 ft. Sphere V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 242 D: 1m, 5 ft. Sphere, V/S/M

O Gentle Repose [R] Wizard -- 1A + 10m Touch V,S,M 10 days PHB 245 D: 10d, V/S/M

O Levitate <C> Wizard CON 19 1A 60 ft. V,S,M Concentration, up to 10 minutes PHB 255 D: 10m, V/S/M

O Snilloc’s Snowball Swarm Wizard DEX 19 1A 90 ft./5 ft. Sphere V,S,M Instantaneous EE 165 5 ft. Sphere, V/S/M

O Web <C> Wizard DEX 19 1A 60 ft./20 ft. Cube V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 hour PHB 287 D: 1h, 20 ft. Cube, V/S/M

O Arcane Lock Staff of the Magi -- 1A Touch V,S,M Until dispelled PHB 215 D: Until Dispelled, V/S/M

O Enlarge/Reduce <C> Staff of the Magi CON 19 1A 30 ft. V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 237 D: 1m, V/S/M

O Flaming Sphere <C> Staff of the Magi DEX 19 1A 60 ft./5 ft. Sphere V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 242 2 Charges (50/50), D: 1m, 5 ft. Sphere, V/S/M

O Invisibility <C> Staff of the Magi -- 1A Touch V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 hour PHB 254 2 Charges (50/50), D: 1h, V/S/M

O Knock Staff of the Magi -- 1A 60 ft. V Instantaneous PHB 254 2 Charges (50/50), V

O Web <C> Staff of the Magi DEX 19 1A 60 ft./20 ft. Cube V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 hour PHB 287 2 Charges (50/50), D: 1h, 20 ft. Cube, V/S/M

O Blindness/Deafness Svirfneblin Magic CON 19 1A 30 ft. V 1 minute PHB 219 1/LR, D: 1m, V

O Blur <C> Svirfneblin Magic -- 1A Self V Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 219 1/LR, D: 1m, V

O Detect Thoughts <C> Spell Mastery WIS 19 1A Self V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 231 D: 1m, V/S/M

=== 3rd LEVEL === 3 Slots OOO

O Animate Dead Wizard -- 1m 10 ft. V,S,M Instantaneous PHB 212 V/S/M

P Bestow Curse <C> Wizard (Always Prepared) WIS 19 1A Touch V,S Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 218 D: 1m, V/S

O Blink Wizard -- 1A Self V,S 1 minute PHB 219 D: 1m, V/S

O Clairvoyance <C> Wizard -- 10m 1 mile V,S,M Concentration, up to 10 minutes PHB 222 D: 10m, V/S/M

O Counterspell Wizard -- 1R 60 ft. S Instantaneous PHB 228 Special: (See Description)*, S

P Dispel Magic Wizard (Always Prepared) -- 1A 120 ft. V,S Instantaneous PHB 234 Special: (See Description)*, V/S

O Fear <C> Wizard WIS 19 1A Self/30 ft. Cone V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 239 D: 1m, 30 ft. Cone, V/S/M


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INT 19 +13

O Flame Arrows <C> Wizard -- 1A Touch V,S Concentration, up to 1 hour EE 156 D: 1h, V/S

O Gaseous Form <C> Wizard -- 1A Touch V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 hour PHB 244 D: 1h, V/S/M

O Glyph of Warding Wizard DEX 19 1h Touch V,S,M Until dispelled or triggered PHB 245 Special: Spell Glyph (See Description)*, D: Until Dispelled or Triggered, V/S/M

O Haste <C> Wizard -- 1A 30 ft. V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 250 D: 1m, V/S/M

O Hypnotic Pattern <C> Wizard WIS 19 1A 120 ft./30 ft. Cube S,M Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 252 D: 1m, 30 ft. Cube, S/M

O Lightning Bolt Wizard DEX 19 1A Self/100 ft. Line V,S,M Instantaneous PHB 255 100 ft. Line, V/S/M

O Magic Circle Wizard CHA 19 1m 10 ft./10 ft. Cylinder V,S,M 1 hour PHB 256 D: 1h, 10 ft. Cylinder, V/S/M

O Melf's Minute Meteors <C> Wizard DEX 19 1A Self V,S,M Concentration, up to 10 minutes EE 161 D: 10m, V/S/M

O Nondetection Wizard -- 1A Touch V,S,M 8 hours PHB 263 D: 8h, V/S/M

O Remove Curse Wizard -- 1A Touch V,S Instantaneous PHB 271 V/S

O Slow <C> Wizard WIS 19 1A 120 ft./40 ft. Cube V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 277 D: 1m, 40 ft. Cube, V/S/M

O Tongues Wizard -- 1A Touch V,M 1 hour PHB 283 D: 1h, V/M

O Vampiric Touch <C> Wizard +13 1A Self V,S Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 285 D: 1m, V/S

O Fireball Wizard DEX 19 1A 150 ft./20 ft. Sphere V,S,M Instantaneous PHB 241 20 ft. Sphere, V/S/M

O Fly <C> Wizard -- 1A Touch V,S,M Concentration, up to 10 minutes PHB 243 D: 10m, V/S/M

O Erupting Earth Wizard DEX 19 1A 120 ft./20 ft. Cube V,S,M Instantaneous EE 155 20 ft. Cube, V/S/M

O Protection from Energy <C> Wizard -- 1A Touch V,S Concentration, up to 1 hour PHB 270 D: 1h, V/S

O Sending Wizard -- 1A Unlimited V,S,M 1 round PHB 274 D: 1Rnd, V/S/M

O Sleet Storm <C> Wizard DEX 19 1A 150 ft./40 ft. Cylinder V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 276 D: 1m, 40 ft. Cylinder, V/S/M

O Stinking Cloud <C> Wizard CON 19 1A 90 ft./20 ft. Sphere V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 278 D: 1m, 20 ft. Sphere, V/S/M

O Tidal Wave Wizard DEX 19 1A 120 ft. V,S,M Instantaneous EE 168 V/S/M

O Tiny Hut [R] Wizard -- 11m Self/10 ft. Sphere V,S,M 8 hours PHB D: 8h, 10 ft. Sphere, V/S/M

O Wall of Water <C> Wizard -- 1A 60 ft. V,S,M Concentration, up to 10 minutes EE 170 D: 10m, V/S/M

O Water Breathing [R] Wizard -- 1A + 10m 30 ft. V,S,M 24 hours PHB 287 D: 24h, V/S/M

O Dispel Magic Staff of the Magi -- 1A 120 ft. V,S Instantaneous PHB 234 3 Charges (50/50), Special: (See Description)*, V/S

O Nondetection Svirfneblin Magic -- 1A Touch V,S,M 8 hours PHB 263 D: 8h, V/S/M

P Bestow Curse <C> Signature Spells (Always Prepared) WIS 19 1A Touch V,S Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 218 1/SR, D: 1m, V/S

P Dispel Magic Signature Spells (Always Prepared) -- 1A 120 ft. V,S Instantaneous PHB 234 1/SR, Special: (See Description), V/S

=== 4th LEVEL === 3 Slots OOO

O Black Tentacles <C> Wizard DEX 19 1A 90 ft./20 ft. Square V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB D: 1m, 20 ft. Square, V/S/M

O Blight Wizard CON 19 1A 30 ft. V,S Instantaneous PHB 219 V/S

O Confusion <C> Wizard WIS 19 1A 90 ft./10 ft. Sphere V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 224 D: 1m, 10 ft. Sphere, V/S/M

O Conjure Minor Elementals <C> Wizard -- 1m 90 ft. V,S Concentration, up to 1 hour PHB 226 Creatures: (See Description)*, D: 1h, V/S

O Dimension Door Wizard -- 1A 500 ft. V Instantaneous PHB 233 V

O Elemental Bane <C> Wizard CON 19 1A 90 ft. V,S Concentration, up to 1 minute EE 155 D: 1m, V/S

O Fabricate Wizard -- 10m 120 ft. V,S Instantaneous PHB 239 V/S

O Faithful Hound Wizard +13 1A 30 ft. V,S,M 8 hours PHB D: 8h, V/S/M

O Greater Invisibility <C> Wizard -- 1A Touch V,S Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 246 D: 1m, V/S

O Locate Creature <C> Wizard -- 1A Self V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 hour PHB 256 D: 1h, V/S/M

O Phantasmal Killer <C> Wizard WIS 19 1A 120 ft. V,S Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 265 D: 1m, V/S

O Polymorph <C> Wizard WIS 19 1A 60 ft. V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 hour PHB 266 D: 1h, V/S/M

O Private Sanctum Wizard -- 10m 120 ft. V,S,M 24 hours PHB D: 24h, V/S/M

O Resilient Sphere <C> Wizard DEX 19 1A 30 ft. V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB D: 1m, V/S/M

O Secret Chest Wizard -- 1A Touch V,S,M Instantaneous PHB V/S/M

O Vitriolic Sphere Wizard DEX 19 1A 150 ft./20 ft. Sphere V,S,M Instantaneous EE 170 20 ft. Sphere, V/S/M

O Banishment <C> Wizard CHA 19 1A 60 ft. V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 217 D: 1m, V/S/M

O Control Water <C> Wizard STR 19 1A 300 ft. V,S,M Concentration, up to 10 minutes PHB 227 D: 10m, V/S/M

O Fire Shield Wizard -- 1A Self V,S,M 10 minutes PHB 242 D: 10m, V/S/M

O Ice Storm Wizard DEX 19 1A 300 ft./20 ft. Cylinder V,S,M Instantaneous PHB 252 20 ft. Cylinder, V/S/M


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INT 19 +13

O Stone Shape Wizard -- 1A Touch V,S,M Instantaneous PHB 278 V/S/M

O Stoneskin <C> Wizard -- 1A Touch V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 hour PHB 278 D: 1h, V/S/M

O Storm Sphere <C> Wizard STR 19 / +13 1A 150 ft./20 ft. Sphere V,S Concentration, up to 1 minute EE 166 D: 1m, 20 ft. Sphere, V/S

O Wall of Fire <C> Wizard DEX 19 1A 120 ft. V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 285 D: 1m, V/S/M

O Ice Storm Staff of the Magi DEX 19 1A 300 ft./20 ft. Cylinder V,S,M Instantaneous PHB 252 4 Charges (50/50), 20 ft. Cylinder, V/S/M

O Wall of Fire <C> Staff of the Magi DEX 19 1A 120 ft. V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 285 4 Charges (50/50), D: 1m, V/S/M

=== 5th LEVEL === 3 Slots OOO

O Wall of Stone <C> Wizard -- 1A 120 ft. V,S,M Concentration, up to 10 minutes PHB 287 D: 10m, V/S/M

O Wall of Force <C> Wizard -- 1A 120 ft. V,S,M Concentration, up to 10 minutes PHB 285 D: 10m, V/S/M

O Teleportation Circle Wizard -- 1m 10 ft. V,M 1 round PHB 282 D: 1Rnd, V/M

O Telepathic Bond [R] Wizard -- 1A + 10m 30 ft. V,S,M 1 hour PHB D: 1h, V/S/M

O Telekinesis <C> Wizard -- 1A 60 ft. V,S Concentration, up to 10 minutes PHB 280 D: 10m, V/S

O Seeming Wizard CHA 19 1A 30 ft. V,S 8 hours PHB 274 D: 8h, V/S

O Scrying <C> Wizard WIS 19 10m Self V,S,M Concentration, up to 10 minutes PHB 273 D: 10m, V/S/M

O Planar Binding Wizard CHA 19 1h 60 ft. V,S,M 24 hours PHB 265 Ext. D: (See Description)*, D: 24h, V/S/M

O Passwall Wizard -- 1A 30 ft. V,S,M 1 hour PHB 264 D: 1h, V/S/M

O Modify Memory <C> Wizard WIS 19 1A 30 ft. V,S Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 261 Special: (See Description)*, D: 1m, V/S

O Mislead <C> Wizard -- 1A Self S Concentration, up to 1 hour PHB 260 D: 1h, S

O Immolation <C> Wizard DEX 19 1A 90 ft. V Concentration, up to 1 minute EE 158 D: 1m, V

O Hold Monster <C> Wizard WIS 19 1A 90 ft. V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 251 D: 1m, V/S/M

O Dream Wizard WIS 19 1m Self V,S,M 8 hours PHB 236 D: 8h, V/S/M

O Dominate Person <C> Wizard WIS 19 1A 60 ft. V,S Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 235 Ext. D: (See Description)*, D: 1m, V/S

O Creation Wizard -- 1m 30 ft./5 ft. Cube V,S,M Special PHB 229 D: Special, 5 ft. Cube, V/S/M

O Control Winds <C> Wizard STR 19 1A 300 ft./100 ft. Cube V,S Concentration, up to 1 hour EE 152 D: 1h, 100 ft. Cube, V/S

O Contact Other Plane [R] Wizard -- 11m Self V 1 minute PHB 226 D: 1m, V

O Conjure Elemental <C> Wizard -- 1m 90 ft. V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 hour PHB 225 Special: (See Description)*, D: 1h, V/S/M

O Arcane Hand <C> Wizard -- 1A 120 ft. V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB D: 1m, V/S/M

O Animate Objects <C> Wizard -- 1A 120 ft. V,S Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 213 D: 1m, V/S

O Cloudkill <C> Wizard CON 19 1A 120 ft./20 ft. Sphere V,S Concentration, up to 10 minutes PHB 222 D: 10m, 20 ft. Sphere, V/S

O Cone of Cold Wizard CON 19 1A Self/60 ft. Cone V,S,M Instantaneous PHB 224 60 ft. Cone, V/S/M

O Geas Wizard WIS 19 1m 60 ft. V 30 days PHB 244 Ext. D: (See Description)*, D: 30d, V

O Legend Lore Wizard -- 10m Self V,S,M Instantaneous PHB 254 V/S/M

O Transmute Rock Wizard DEX 19 1A 120 ft./40 ft. Cube V,S,M Until dispelled EE 169 D: Until Dispelled, 40 ft. Cube, V/S/M

O Conjure Elemental <C> Staff of the Magi -- 1m 90 ft. V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 hour PHB 225 7 Charges (50/50), Special: (See Description)*, D: 1h, V/S/M

O Passwall Staff of the Magi -- 1A 30 ft. V,S,M 1 hour PHB 264 5 Charges (50/50), D: 1h, V/S/M

O Telekinesis <C> Staff of the Magi -- 1A 60 ft. V,S Concentration, up to 10 minutes PHB 280 5 Charges (50/50), D: 10m, V/S

=== 6th LEVEL === 2 Slots OO

O Wall of Ice <C> Wizard DEX 19 1A 120 ft. V,S,M Concentration, up to 10 minutes PHB 285 D: 10m, V/S/M

O True Seeing Wizard -- 1A Touch V,S,M 1 hour PHB 284 D: 1h, V/S/M

O Sunbeam <C> Wizard CON 19 1A Self/60 ft. Line V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 279 D: 1m, 60 ft. Line, V/S/M

O Programmed Illusion Wizard -- 1A 120 ft./30 ft. Cube V,S,M Until dispelled PHB 269 D: Until Dispelled, 30 ft. Cube, V/S/M

O Mass Suggestion Wizard WIS 19 1A 60 ft. V,M 24 hours PHB 258 Ext. D: (See Description)*, D: 24h, V/M

O Magic Jar Wizard CHA 19 1m Self V,S,M Until dispelled PHB 257 D: Until Dispelled, V/S/M

O Investiture of Wind <C> Wizard CON 19 1A Self/15 ft. Cube V,S Concentration, up to 10 minutes EE 160 D: 10m, 15 ft. Cube, V/S

O Instant Summons [R] Wizard -- 11m Touch V,S,M Until dispelled PHB D: Until Dispelled, V/S/M

O Guards and Wards Wizard -- 10m Touch/2500 ft. Square Feet V,S,M 24 hours PHB 248 D: 24h, 2500 ft. Square Feet, V/S/M

O Globe of Invulnerability <C> Wizard -- 1A Self/10 ft. Sphere V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 245 Special: (See Description)*, D: 1m, 10 ft. Sphere, V/S/M

O Flesh to Stone <C> Wizard CON 19 1A 60 ft. V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 243 D: 1m, V/S/M


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INT 19 +13

O Eyebite <C> Wizard WIS 19 1A Self V,S Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 238 D: 1m, V/S

O Disintegrate Wizard DEX 19 1A 60 ft. V,S,M Instantaneous PHB 233 V/S/M

O Create Undead Wizard -- 1m 10 ft. V,S,M Instantaneous PHB 229 Creatures: (See Description)*, V/S/M

O Contingency Wizard -- 10m Self V,S,M 10 days PHB 227 D: 10d, V/S/M

O Circle of Death Wizard CON 19 1A 150 ft./60 ft. Sphere V,S,M Instantaneous PHB 221 60 ft. Sphere, V/S/M

O Chain Lightning Wizard DEX 19 1A 150 ft. V,S,M Instantaneous PHB 221 V/S/M

O Freezing Sphere Wizard CON 19 1A 300 ft./60 ft. Sphere V,S,M Instantaneous PHB 60 ft. Sphere, V/S/M

O Investiture of Flame <C> Wizard DEX 19 1A Self V,S Concentration, up to 10 minutes EE 159 D: 10m, V/S

O Investiture of Stone <C> Wizard DEX 19 1A Self V,S Concentration, up to 10 minutes EE 159 D: 10m, V/S

O Investiture of Ice <C> Wizard CON 19 1A Self/15 ft. Cone V,S Concentration, up to 10 minutes EE 159 D: 10m, 15 ft. Cone, V/S

O Move Earth <C> Wizard -- 1A 120 ft. V,S,M Concentration, up to 2 hours PHB 263 D: 2h, V/S/M

=== 7th LEVEL === 2 Slots OO

O Teleport Wizard -- 1A 10 ft. V Instantaneous PHB 281 V

O Symbol Wizard -- 1m Touch/60 ft. Sphere V,S,M Until dispelled or triggered PHB 280 D: Until Dispelled or Triggered, 60 ft. Sphere, V/S/M

O Reverse Gravity <C> Wizard DEX 19 1A 100 ft./50 ft. Cylinder V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 272 D: 1m, 50 ft. Cylinder, V/S/M

O Sequester Wizard -- 1A Touch V,S,M Until dispelled PHB 274 D: Until Dispelled, V/S/M

O Whirlwind <C> Wizard DEX 19 1A 300 ft./10 ft. Cylinder V,M Concentration, up to 1 minute EE 171 D: 1m, 10 ft. Cylinder, V/M

O Plane Shift Wizard CHA 19 1A Touch V,S,M Instantaneous PHB 266 V/S/M

O Magnificent Mansion Wizard -- 1m 300 ft. V,S,M 24 hours PHB D: 24h, V/S/M

O Forcecage Wizard CHA 19 1A 100 ft. V,S,M 1 hour PHB 243 D: 1h, V/S/M

O Finger of Death Wizard CON 19 1A 60 ft. V,S Instantaneous PHB 241 V/S

O Etherealness Wizard -- 1A Self V,S 8 hours PHB 238 D: 8h, V/S

O Delayed Blast Fireball <C> Wizard DEX 19 1A 150 ft./20 ft. Sphere V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 230 D: 1m, 20 ft. Sphere, V/S/M

O Mirage Arcane Wizard -- 10m Sight/1 mile Square V,S 10 days PHB 260 D: 10d, 1 mile Square, V/S

O Mordenkainen’s Sword <C> Wizard +13 1A 60 ft. V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 262 D: 1m, V/S/M

O Prismatic Spray Wizard DEX 19 1A Self/60 ft. Cone V,S Instantaneous PHB 267 60 ft. Cone, V/S

O Fireball Staff of the Magi DEX 19 1A 150 ft./20 ft. Sphere V,S,M Instantaneous PHB 241 7 Charges (50/50), 20 ft. Sphere, V/S/M

O Lightning Bolt Staff of the Magi DEX 19 1A Self/100 ft. Line V,S,M Instantaneous PHB 255 7 Charges (50/50), 100 ft. Line, V/S/M

O Plane Shift Staff of the Magi CHA 19 1A Touch V,S,M Instantaneous PHB 266 7 Charges (50/50), V/S/M

=== 8th LEVEL === 1 Slots O

O Power Word Stun Wizard -- 1A 60 ft. V Instantaneous PHB 267 V

O Mind Blank Wizard -- 1A Touch V,S 24 hours PHB 259 D: 24h, V/S

O Sunburst Wizard CON 19 1A 150 ft./60 ft. Sphere V,S,M Instantaneous PHB 279 60 ft. Sphere, V/S/M

O Feeblemind Wizard INT 19 1A 150 ft. V,S,M Instantaneous PHB 239 V/S/M

O Dominate Monster <C> Wizard WIS 19 1A 60 ft. V,S Concentration, up to 1 hour PHB 235 Ext. D: (See Description)*, D: 1h, V/S

O Incendiary Cloud <C> Wizard DEX 19 1A 150 ft./20 ft. Sphere V,S Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 253 D: 1m, 20 ft. Sphere, V/S

O Control Weather <C> Wizard -- 10m Self/5 miles Sphere V,S,M Concentration, up to 8 hours PHB 228 D: 8h, 5 miles Sphere, V/S/M

O Clone Wizard -- 1h Touch V,S,M Instantaneous PHB 222 V/S/M

O Antipathy/Sympathy Wizard WIS 19 1h 60 ft./200 ft. Cube V,S,M 10 days PHB 214 D: 10d, 200 ft. Cube, V/S/M

O Antimagic Field <C> Wizard -- 1A Self/10 ft. Sphere V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 hour PHB 213 D: 1h, 10 ft. Sphere, V/S/M

O Demiplane Wizard -- 1A 60 ft. S 1 hour PHB 231 D: 1h, S

O Abi-Dalzim’s Horrid Wilting Wizard CON 19 1A 150 ft./30 ft. Cube V,S,M Instantaneous EE 150 30 ft. Cube, V/S/M

=== 9th LEVEL === 1 Slots O

O Wish Wizard -- 1A Self V Instantaneous PHB 288 V

O Weird <C> Wizard WIS 19 1A 120 ft./30 ft. Sphere V,S Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 288 D: 1m, 30 ft. Sphere, V/S

O True Polymorph <C> Wizard WIS 19 1A 30 ft. V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 hour PHB 283 D: 1h, V/S/M

O Time Stop Wizard -- 1A Self V Instantaneous PHB 283 V


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INT 19 +13

O Shapechange <C> Wizard -- 1A Self V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 hour PHB 274 D: 1h, V/S/M

O Prismatic Wall Wizard CON 19 1A 60 ft. V,S 10 minutes PHB 267 D: 10m, V/S

O Power Word Kill Wizard -- 1A 60 ft. V Instantaneous PHB 266 V

O Meteor Swarm Wizard DEX 19 1A 1 mile V,S Instantaneous PHB 259 V/S

O Imprisonment Wizard WIS 19 1m 30 ft. V,S,M Until dispelled PHB 252 D: Until Dispelled, V/S/M

O Gate <C> Wizard -- 1A 60 ft. V,S,M Concentration, up to 1 minute PHB 244 D: 1m, V/S/M

O Astral Projection Wizard -- 1h 10 ft. V,S,M Special PHB 215 D: Special, V/S/M


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