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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education



Name: __________________________________________ Score: __________________

Grade and Section: ________________________________ Date: ___________________

Test I. - Write T if the statement is correct, and F if it is not.

_______1..In order to appear credible, one must disregard the source's reliability and validity.
_______2.Authenticity and reliability are essential in the business environment, where any
research must be backed up by solid evidence.
_______3. .Representative evidence is the hardest to understand.
_______4.If the evidence is insufficient, we can say that the evidence is valid.
_______5.Typical evidence represents the whole topic.

Test II – Identify if the statement expresses bias or prejudices . Choose the letter of the correct
answer and wrte it on the blank before each number,

6. Jennifer was seated comfortably inside the bus going to Makati. Suddenly, the bus
stopped and several people including an old lady, a pregnant woman and a differently
aged person. Unfortunately, there was no vacant seats anymore, so she immediately
stood up and offered her seat to the old lady as she was reminded of her grandmother.
a. Bias b. prejudices
7. Joseph saw on the news that there are lots out wars happening in Mindanao. He also
knew that people in most wars are Muslims. He then believed that Muslims cause wars.
a. bias b. prejudices
8. Students who are accidentally inclined are more successful in life than those who settle
for passing grades only.
a. bias b. prejudices
9. Whenever Amirah sees a Filipina and foreigner together, she always says in her mind,
“ Isa na anumang Filipina ang naiaahon sa hirap.” Being with a foreigner means being
oppurtinistic according to her.
a. bias b. prejudices
10. According to Mr. Cruz, he will not vote for Robredo as president even if she has good
track record. When asked for the reason why, he said that women are naturally weak and
emotional. Hence cannot lead for the nation’s highest position.
a. bias b. prejudice

Test III - Read the clip and answer the questions that follow. Please use a separate sheet of

Dr Angela Pratt: Whenever there’s an outbreak of a disease, and especially in the current
outbreak of this new coronavirus, misinformation and rumors can spread much more quickly than
the virus itself. And it can be just as dangerous. That’s because when people have the wrong
information, they can make decisions which are actually harmful to themselves and to others. For
example, people are sharing information online about treatments that are not proven. We’re also
seeing fear based on misinformation, driving stigma and discrimination towards Chinese people.
At WHO we’re very focused working with our partners and our member states on getting the right
information out to the people who need it. It’s in fact one of the really important things that we do
to support countries in a disease outbreak. In all of our response teams on the ground we have
risk communications experts embedded as part of those teams so we can support countries to be
getting the right information out to their populations too. We know that the best way you can
protect yourself and your family is to wash your hands all the time. If you’re coughing or
sneezing, cover your mouth with your elbow. If you’re around somebody who is sick, stay away
from them, try to stay at least one meter away. And if you’re sick yourself stay home so you don’t
risk infecting others. If you’re really sick, if you’re having trouble breathing or if you have a fever,
please seek medical advice. But call ahead so that the health clinic of health facility knows that
you are coming. We at WHO will continue to stay focused on getting out this kind of information
to the public. But we need your help. Please don’t share misinformation or the wrong facts online
with your friends and families. But please do share information from us at WHO as well as advice
from your local health authorities. Thank you very much.

11. According from the clip, what spread much more quickly than the virus itself?
A. Misinformation and rumors C. true data
B. Rumors and fears D. fear and discrimination

12. Why is the spread of fake news dangerous?

A. People can make decisions that are significant to society.
B. People can make damaging decisions for themselves and others.
C. People can discover a cure for COVID-19.
D. People can protect themselves and society.

13. What does WHO do to combat misinformation?


14 -15. How can we assist the WHO to halt the spread of false information?

Test IV. Grammar

A. Verbals. Identify the underlined part of speech whether it is participle, infinitive or


16. The thief arrested for the robbery shot at the security guard.
a. gerund b. participle c. infinitive
17. The flag is waving in the wind is inspirational
a. gerund b. participle c. infinitive
18.They are sure the extra planning will make a difference in the end.
a. gerund b. particiole c. infinitive
19. Jamal’s confusing message did nothing to solve the mystery.
a. gerund b. participle c. infinitive
20. The politician’s broken promises were all that the voters remembered/
a. gerund b. participle c. infinitive
21. Delighted with the opportunity to learn, Christine took the internship in New York
a. gerund b. participle c. infinitive
22.While playing the Tuba, Orin tell as if his word was perfect.
a. gerund b. participle c. infinitive
23. The show offers everyone a chance to be a millionaire.
a. gerund b. participle c. infinitive
24. Samuel decided that missing the lecture every day was hurting his grade.
a. gerund b. participle c. infinitive
25.The swimmer driven bt the need to be the best in the world, make himself sick
with anxiety.
a. gerund b. participle c. infinitive

B. Literary Devices: Read the following sentences then write the letter of the best answer
to each questions that follows.

26. “ Father, give me my share of the state.” The son is ________.

a. envious b. disrespectful c. industrious
27.She spoke as if her tongue had been dipped in acid. She spoke ________.
a. cheerfully b. angrily c. calmly
28.I heard a mother sigh, “ I hope your father is safe on his way home tonight. “
She felt silent after that. The mother feels ______________
a. Bad b. worried c. confident
29. The night had come quickly and stars were twinkling overhead. We could hear
The mighty throb of the engine far below down thw deck. Where were the
the people?
a. on a train b. on a plane c. on a ship
30. “ We can only set out nets a few times a day. Setting the nets and hauling them
In takes a lot of time and work.” Who is the speaker?
a. A fisherman b. an acrobat c. a hunter
31. Left alone, cutie would lie down on her mattress with her forepaws under the
head. I can be inferred that cutie is a _______
a. Baby b. cat c. chick
32. Which word gives a clue to your answer in the item?
a. mattress b. head c. forepaws
33. “ His words cut deeper than a knife.” What figure of speech is used in the
a. Simile b. Metaphor c. Proverb
34. “ It’s raining cats and dogs because of the typhoon.” What type of speech is
used in the sentence?
a. Simile b. Metaphor c. idiom
35. “ You were as brave as a lion a white back!” What type of speech is used in
the sentence?
a. Simile b. Metaphor c. Proverb

Test IV - Identify the type of listening described in each item. Write the letter of your answer on
the space provided before the number.

A. Appreciative Listening C. Empathetic Listening

B. Comprehensive/ Active Listening D. Critical/Analytical Listening

_____36 Alfonso went to see Charles after a nasty car accident. What would be the best listening
style for Alfonso to use when listening to Charles explain the details of the accident?
_____37.Mariah is a huge fan of the song "The Feels," which she listens to on the radio all the
time. She smiles, sings along with every word, and occasionally dances when the music starts
playing. What is Mariah’s listening type?
_____38.Carla had spent an hour telling her friends about her most recent date with Ian. Her
friends are paying attention, asking questions, and generally showing an interest in her. What
type of listening is going on?
_____39.Four members of the committee make quite different suggestions regarding the date
and format of the school's annual party. Which listening style will assist you in deciding which
recommendation to support?
_____40.Assume your group proposes a meeting on Monday morning. Allysa seemed to be
upset. You'd like to know how she feels about the arranged meeting. What listening approach
should you use when she expresses her concerns?

Test VI. Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the questions.

41. The character in a work of fiction maybe defined as

a. people who are always the narrator
b. real people pretending to be someone else
c. people or animals involved in the action
d. people who build stages
42. Which of the following defines a short story?
a. a short story focuses on only one character
b. a short story is nonfiction
c. a short story focuses on one main plot and a single conflict
d. a short story focuses on more than one theme
43. What does the tone of the literary work generally express?
a. the mood of the characters
b. the attitude of the author
c. The color of the character’s costume
44. The setting of the work may best be defined as
a. the conflict or problem in the story
b. the point of view of the story
c. the time and location in a story
d. the series of events in the story
45. The exposition is
a. the end of the action in the story
b. the introduction of the characters, setting, and background
c. the high point of the story
d. the regulation of the conflict

Test VII – Matching Type

A. Idioms
Match the idiom in column A with its meaning in column B. Write the letter of the correct
answer beside the number.
___46. Sit on the fence a. Delay or avoid making a decision
___47. Hit the nail on the head b. Very frank and intimate
___48. Heart to heart talk c. Keep quiet, stop talking
___49. Bag of bones d. Guess correctly
___50. Bit the head off e. Very thin
___51. Hold your tongue f. Very angry, speak sharply
___52. Break the ice g. Make the guest feel comfortable
___53. Pull a tag h. A successful performance that
makes the audience applaud again
and again
___54. Pick a person’s brain i. Foul someone
___55. Bring the house down j. Get specific information through
tactical questions

Test VIII – Identify the types of Non- verbal Communication

a. body language b. movement c. gesture

d. posture e. space

______ 56. The way you move your arms and legs as walking quickly or
______ 57. The way you sit or stand can also communicate your comfort level,
professionalism and general disposition towards a person or conversation.
_______58. It is generally used both intentionally and unintentionally to convey
information to others.
_______59. The way someone positions their body depending on the situation, the
environment and how they are feeling.
_______ 60. Creating and closing distance between yourself and the people around you
can also convey messages about your comfort level, the importance of the conversation,
your desire to support or connect with others and more.

Prepared by:

Teacher III/ SANHS

Quality Assured by:


Head Teacher I, RNTVS Master Teacher II, Perpetual Help NHS

School Principal I, San Pedro NHS
Division JHS English Coordinator



EPS – English


S/Y 2022 – 2023


1. F 36. C
2. T 37. A
3. T 38. B
4. F 39. D
5. F 40. D

6. A 41. C
7. B 42. C
8. A 43. A
9. B 44. C
10. B 45. C
12. B 46. A
14- 15. ANSWERS MAY VARY 48. B
16. B 51. C
17. A 52. G
18. A 53. I
19. B 54. J
20. B 55. H
21. A
23. B 56. B
24. A 57. D
25. B 58. C
26. B 60. E
27. B
28. B
29. C
30. A
31. B
32. C
33. B
34. C
35. A
S/Y 2022 – 2023

Table of Specifications

No. of
No. of % of Knowledge Process Understanding Item
Competencies Days
Items Items (25) (35) (40) Placement

1. Determine
tone, mode,
technique, and 10 20 33.33 8 12 13
purpose of the

2. Use verbals 10 9 15 4 5 6
3. Use literary 26,27,28,29,30,
devices or 31,32,33,34,35,
15 20 33.33 8 12 13
techniques 46,47,48,49,50,
4. Employ
listening 5 5 8.33 2 2 3 36,37,38.39.40
strategies suited
to type of text
5. Use effective
and appropriate
non- verbal 5 5 8.33 2 2 2 56,57,58.59.60
TOTAL 40 60 100% 20 33 35 60

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