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Table of Specifications

No. of Days No. of % of Item

Competencies Knowledge (25) Process (35) Understanding (40)
Allotted Item Items Placement
 Compose an argumentative essay
 Use a variety of informative, persuasive, and 5 9 15 2 3 4
, 38,39
argumentative writing techniques.
 Compose an independent critique of a chosen 3,4,18,19,20,40,41
5 8 14 2 3 3
selection , 42
 Critique a literary text using a formalist
 Analyze a literary selection using a reading 5,6,21,22,
5 9 15 2 3 4
log 23,43,44, 45,46
 Write a formalist literary criticism or essay on
a literary selection
 Critique a literary selection based on feminist
approach 7,8,24,25,
5 8 14 2 3 3
 Read critically a story demonstrating feminism 26,47,48, 49
 Evaluate a story using the feminist approach
 Critique a literary selection based on feminist 9,10,27, 28,29,50,
5 8 14 2 3 3
approach. 51,52
 Critique a literary selection based on historical 11,12,30,
5 9 14 2 3 4
approach. 31,32,53,54,55,56
 Critique a literary selection based on reader 13,14,33,
5 9 14 2 3 4
response approach 34,35,57,58,59,60
TOTAL 35 60 100 14 21 25 60

Prepared by:

Substitute TI, SIS

Quality Assured by:


Head Teacher I, SIS School Principal, SIS Division JHS English Coordinator

Approved by:


EPS- English
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education



Name: __________________________________________ Score: __________________

Grade and Section: ________________________________ Date: ___________________

Read comprehensively the following questions below. Encircle the letter of the best and
correct answer.

1. Which part of an argumentative essay presents the reasons supporting the author’s
position about the topic?
a. body b. conclusion c. introduction d. title
2. What is the purpose of writing an argumentative essay?
a. to impress others
b. to persuade the readers
c. to provide useful information
d. to teach an important lesson
3. Which of the following is an example of a critique paper?
a. A professor writing notes about a student’s artwork
b. Dr. Stamos writes an article about polka music
c. The teacher gave an honest and fair judgment on the piece of writing of her
d. All of the above
4. Which is NOT found in the conclusion of a critique paper?
a. Description of the main purpose of the work
b. Overall evaluation of the work
c. Recommendations on the improvement of the work
d. Summary of the key reasons identified during the critical evaluation
5. Which of the following refers to the evaluation, analysis, description, or interpretation
of literary works?
a. Literary criticism
b. Literary approach
c. Literary device
d. None of the above
6. Which of the following best defines the literary theory known as formalism?
a. An approach that emphasizes literary devices in a text
b. An approach that emphasizes the historical context of a text
c. An approach that emphasizes the biographical intent of a text
d. An approach that emphasizes the racial issues in a text
7. A literary critic is analyzing a short story and wants to explore how the author’s
gender influenced the writing of the work. Which of the following literary criticism
does the critic use?
a. Feminist Criticism
b. Formalism Criticism
c. New Criticism
d. Psychoanalytic Criticism
8. Which of the following questions addresses a Feminist perspective?
a. What does the text reveal about the politics and/or psychology of anti-
colonialist resistance?
b. What is the binary opposition of the text?
c. What behavioral expectations are imposed on the characters?
d. How does the work’s organization affect the meaning of the text?
9. In the movie “G.I. Jane”, Lieutenant Jordan O'Neil, who is chosen specifically for her
femininity enters the grueling training program under the command of John James
Urgayle, who unfairly pushes O'Neil until her determination wins his respect. The
literary approach used is________________.
a. Feminist
b. Formalist
c. Historical
d. Reader-Response
10. Criticism that places literature in a social context and attempts to understand
representation from a woman’s point of view is called _________.
a. Feminist
b. Formalist
c. Historical
d. Reader-Response
11. “Apollo13” is a movie that tells the story of four astronauts Jim Lovell, Frad Haise,
and Jack Swigert who were sent to the moon by NASA in 1971. They have launched
into outer space successfully, however, a slight fault from inside the space module
caused an explosion that turned the exploration into a test for survival for the crew of
Apollo. The literary approach used is________________.
a. Feminist
b. Formalist
c. Historical
d. Reader-Response
12. Which of the following learning concepts differentiates Historical from the Reader-
response points of view?
a. Historical criticism talks about culture, nevertheless Reader-response seems
to dwell on sharing comments.
b. Historical criticism recounts details, but Reader-response displays various
c. Historical criticism involves beyond the literature at the wider historical and
cultural events happening during the text was written, while Reader-response
is centered on readers’ reactions to literature.
d. Historical criticism encompasses emotions, whereas Reader-response is
focused on possible replies taken from the reading selection
13. A literary critic is analyzing a novel and wants to explore how the audience’s
interpretation of the play is influenced by their personal experiences and beliefs.
What type of literary criticism does the critic use?
a. Feminist
b. Formalist
c. Historical
d. Reader-Response
14. This literary criticism recognizes the reader as an active agent who imparts “real
existence” to the work and completes its meaning through interpretation.
a. Feminist
b. Formalist
c. Historical
d. Reader-Response
15. Which is more likely to be a title of an argumentative essay?
a. Unusual Fruits and Vegetables
b. Artificial Intelligence: Everything About It
c. Beauty Pageant for Children and Teenagers
d. Climate Change is a Myth
16. What information should be given by the writer to make his or her informative text
a. Accurate and factual
b. Accurate and convincing
c. Accurate and precise
d. Accurate and concise
17. In which part of an essay can this sentence be found?
So, with all these in mind, there is no doubt that we should support the liquor ban.
a. body b. conclusion c. evidence d. introduction
18. Which statement is not true about a critique?
a. It is a purely opinionated piece of writing about a story, novel, film, etc.
b. It is usually done by experts or people with considerable knowledge about the
c. It does not place emphasis on giving recommendations to possible readers or
d. It is an in-depth evaluation or assessment of a piece of work such as a short
story or film.
19. What detail can a critic use best to support his/her evaluation of a story?
a. Opinions of those who read the story
b. Quotes from the story itself
c. Statements of the author
d. Reviews of other critics
20. Persuasive and argumentative texts are somewhat alike because____________
a. both of them are one-sided
b. both of them have a rebuttal
c. both of them are based on facts
d. both of them try to convince
21. Formalist criticism focuses on the text itself. Which of the following is not included in
critiquing the form of a particular short story?
a. Elements of a short story
b. Figures of Speech
c. Literary devices
d. Moral of the story
22. The introduction of critique may include the name the work being reviewed,
description of the purpose of the work, concluding sentence and ______________.
a. explanation of the context in which the work was created.
b. explanation of the situation in which the work was created
c. explanation of the title of the critique being written
d. explanation of the objective of the writer
23. A literary critic is analyzing a novel and wants to focus on the use of language and
narrative technique. What type of literary criticism is the critic using?
a. Feminist Criticism
b. Formalism
c. Marxist Criticism
d. Postcolonial Criticism
24. When making a feminist approach in critiquing a literary selection, it is expected to:
a. expose various ways to reinforce or undermine the economic, political, social,
psychological subjugation of women.
b. focus on several ways to emphasize that women are more powerful than
c. argue on numerous accounts that women can do better in producing outputs.
d. contend more ideas that women should learn how to control their emotions.
Tell whether the statement is TRUE or FALSE. Write your answer on the space provided
before the number.

_____25. Feminism is a collection of movements aimed at defining, establishing and

defending equal opportunities for women including gender roles.
_____26. Feminism deals with women only and how they are treated or written in the
_____27. Feminism can be used in short stories, novels or poems.
_____28. Gender-based differentiation means there is same chance given for both male and
_____29. Gender identity is/are the gender(s) based from person self- identifies.

Determine whether each of the given questions falls under historical or reader-response
approach. Write HA for Historical approach or RRA for Reader-response approach
_____30. In which period of French history does the novel take place?
_____31. How does your perception of Quasimodo change over the course of The
Hunchback of Notre Dame?
_____32. What thematic role does Notre-Dame Cathedral and its architecture
play in The Hunchback of Notre Dame?
_____33. What historical foreshadowing is referred in the novel?

34. Teenage Cady Heron was educated in Africa by her scientist parents. When her family
moves to the suburbs of Illinois, Cady finally gets to experience public school and gets
a quick primer on the cruel, tacit laws of popularity that divide her fellow students into
tightly knit cliques. After reading the story, Amber was very expressive in telling her
sister that she is very much like Cady Heron because she can relate to her experience.
The literary approach used is________________.
a. Feminist
b. Formalist
c. Historical
d. Reader-Response
35. How will the background information about the topic help the reader?
a. It gives the reader more time to read the essay
b. It helps the reader prepare to oppose the writer
c. It helps the reader know the stand of the writer about the topic.
d. It gives the reader more information about the topic
36. Whales have graced our oceans for millions of years. They are clever, magnificent,
and some say, magical animals. Not many of us ever get to see them in their natural
habitat and to really appreciate how special they are, but for many years these gentle
giants have suffered at the hands of the human race. What type of writing technique is
shown by given text?
a. Argumentative
b. Informative
c. Narrative
d. Persuasive
37. The fact that the world’s cities are getting more and more crowded is well-known.
Cities such as Tokyo, Sao Paolo, Bombay and Shanghai are now considered ‘mega-
cities’, because of their enormous size and huge populations. There are two main
reasons why these and other cities are becoming so crowded; one economic, the other
socio-cultural. What type of writing technique is shown by the given text?
a. Argumentative
b. Informative
c. Narrative
d. Persuasive
38. All in all, building more fuel-efficient cars would be a good thing; it would help the
environment, the economy, and will push technology forward. Instead of teaching our
children to settle for what they have, we will teach them to strive for only the best. Who
knows, in 20 years we might have cars that run off air. What type of writing technique
is shown by the given text?
a. Argumentative
b. Informative
c. Narrative
d. Persuasive
39. Given the supporting details below, what claim can be formulated?
If a full breakfast is taken in the morning, you will not eat more at lunch and supper.
In a recent study, people who eat more in breakfast lose 17.8 pounds in three
months more than people who eat more at dinner.
a. A good breakfast makes you energetic the whole day.
b. Taking a good breakfast in the morning prevents obesity.
c. Many people are obese because they don’t take breakfast.
d. More amount of food is usually consumed during breakfast.
40. The story was a classic, that of a son of Zeus, Perseus, who is challenged to kill
Medusa, the infamous Gorgon who has snakes for hair and whose gaze turns men to
stone. The set was inventive, transforming from a feast laden table into a stage where
bronze towers rose, and sea monsters were defeated. What part of a critique is shown
by this paragraph?
a. Summary
b. Conclusion
c. Critical Evaluation
d. Introduction
41. The main character puppets were elegant and simple forms, but with detailed
costumes and distinct personalities. The three grey ladies were a particular delight.
Voluminous dresses housed three withered hags with only one eyeball to share
between them, which they plucked out and passed between themselves in order to
see. It was skillful puppetry and brilliant to watch. What part of a critique is shown by
this paragraph?
a. Summary
b. Conclusion
c. Critical Evaluation
d. Introduction
42. Puppetry performances of all kinds continue throughout the week as part of the
Suspense festival. Whether you’re a puppetry connoisseur or a puppet virgin it’s worth
checking this festival out. What part of a critique is shown by this paragraph?
a. Summary
b. Conclusion
c. Critical Evaluation
d. Introduction

Read and analyze the excerpt from the story “God Sees The Truth But Waits”.
Answer the questions that follow. Choose the letter of the best answer.

In the town of Vladimir lived a young merchant named Ivan Dmitrich

Aksionov. When he was a young man, he had been given to drink and was riotous
when he had too much but after he married, he gave up drinking.
One summer, Aksionov was going to the Nizhny fair and as he bade farewell
to his family, his wife said to him “Ivan, do not go to the fair. I have had a bad dream
about you. I dreamt you returned from the fair, and when you took off your cap, I saw
that your hair was grey.”
Aksionov laughed and replied to his wife, “That is a lucky sign. My good will
be sold and I’ll bring you a present.” After saying this, he kissed his family goodbye.

43. What term is equivalent to the word “fair”?

a. complexion b. festival c. big gathering d. equal
44. How does the wife perceive her dream about her husband?
a. foreboding b. lucky charm c. farewell d. impossible
45. What do you think is the meaning of the “grey hair”?
a. Aksionov will come back in his old age.
b. He will meet a misfortune in his journey.
c. His merchandize will not be sold
d. He will die
46. If you are Aksionov, will you still go to the fair?
a. I will not go to the fair because my wife knows best.
b. I will still proceed to the fair because dreams do not come true.
c. I will not go to the fair because the dream may be a sign of misfortune.
d. None of the above
Read the except of Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women and answer the questions that follow.

When women are the advisers, the lords of creation don’t take the advice till they
have persuaded themselves that it is just what they intended to do. Then they act upon it,
and, if it succeeds, they give the weaker vessel half the credit of it. If it fails, they generously
give her the whole.

– from Little Women by Louisa May Alcott.

47. “When women are the advisers, the lords of creation don’t take the advice till they have
persuaded themselves...” What does this statement say about the perception of women in
the society?
a. It is perceived that women are wiser than men that is why men listen to their
b. Men and women’s counsel are equally treated as important.
c. The society thinks men’s counsel is more reliable than women.
d. Women play an important part in the society when it comes to making decisions.
48. “Then they act upon it, and, if it succeeds, they give the weaker vessel half the credit of
it. If it fails, they generously give her the whole.” What does the words imply about women?
a. Women take all the blame when they fail.
b. Women break easily when they experience failures.
c. Women are delicate and fragile and must be well taken care of.
d. Women are vessels incapable of bearing the weight of success.
Read the except of Jane Austen’s works and answer the questions that follow.

“A woman is not to marry a man merely because she is asked, or because he is attached to
her, and can write a tolerable letter.”

- Excerpt from Emma by Jane Austen

49. Which of the following is TRUE about Jane Austen’s view on women’s marriage?
a. Women must be educated before getting married.
b. Women must marry a man when he asked her to.
c. Women must not get into marriage out of her will.
d. Women must not get into marriage when not attached to him.
50. What does Jane Austen mean about “...can write a tolerable letter” in this excerpt?
a. Women express themselves well in writing.
b. Women become desirable for marriage when educated.
c. Women love to write letters for their loved ones.
d. Women bring honor to the family when they write a tolerable letter.
51. What can we infer about the society’s view on women’s marriage?
a. Woman can decide when they can marry or not.
b. Man and woman both decide when they can get married.
c. Woman’s education is not an issue when it comes to marriage.
d. Man’s relationship with the woman is considered a factor to be married.
Read the excerpt from the poem “Still I Rise” of Maya Angelou and answer the question that
You may write me down in history with your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt but still, like dust, I’ll rise.

-Maya Angelou

52. What made the lines feminist?

a. The poem was written by a female author.
b. Women before were discriminated and had suffered oppression.
c. Women empowerment was emphasized in the poem.
d. All of the above.

Read the following lines taken from the song “Magellan” (sung by Yoyoy Villame).
Then answer the questions that follow.

53. Based on the song above, who discovered the Philippines?

a. Lapu-lapu
b. Jose Rizal
c. Magellan
d. Douglas MacArthur
54. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the content of the song?
a. People were baptized and the church of Christ was built.
b. The song is all about the voyage of Magellan who landed on Limasawa Island.
c. Lapu-Lapu and his men triumphed over the Spanish invaders, led by Magellan.
d. People of Limasawa Island did not welcome Magellan because they didn’t
understand his language.
55. What factor may have influenced most the lyricist to write such a song?
a. culture
b. environment
c. history
d. nature
56. Which statement supports the correct answer in item #55?
a. The song shows the most beautiful places in the Philippines.
b. The song narrates one of the historical events in the Philippines.
c. The song focuses on informing readers/listeners about the wisdom of the elderly.
d. The song tells us about our rich cultural traditions.

57-60. Critique a literary selection by answering the given question.

There's a girl named Psyche who was more beautiful than Aphrodite, the god of beauty.
Men would go and look to see her but no one wanted to marry her. Aphrodite was so upset that the
people weren't worshiping her that she asked her son Cupid to make Psyche fall in love with the most
hideous creature. In the process, this would bring shame to her. Cupid looked at the girl and fell in
love with Psyche at first sight. Psyche's dad got so worried about Psyche not being married that he
went to Apollo to see why. Apollo told him that she's going to marry a hideous creature. When the dad
found out he told his daughter and they took her up to a mountain. In the mountain, Psyche couldn't
see anything, but heard many voices. She was at an unknown paradise. One day, a voice told her
that her family is coming up to the mountain to visit her. She begged the voice to let her see them.
The voice agreed but told her that there's a consequence for doing so. When she met them, she filled
her three sisters with jealousy. So much envy that they plotted for a way to have her lose everything.
Psyche did what they told her and found out that the person she loved and the voice was Cupid.
Cupid was highly angered by this and left her. She vowed to search for him. Which led her to
Aphrodite in the end. Aphrodite created many tasks that would have her lose her beauty but none of
them were successful, so she sent her looking for a box. Cupid finally went to find Psyche after he
realized he still loved her and once he found her, he went to the gods and asked them to give Psyche
immortality and to formally marry them. In the end, they got married, stayed in Olympus and Aphrodite
got over her jealousy.

57. What do you like or do not like in the characters?

58. What actions of the characters impressed you? What actions disappointed you? Why?
59. What can you say about the ending of the story?
60. What events and experiences of the main characters can you relate with?

Prepared by:

Substitute Teacher I, SIS

Quality Assured by:

Head Teacher I, SIS School Principal, SIS Division JHS English

Approved by:


EPS- English



1. A. 31. RRA
2. B. 32. RRA
3. D. 33. HA
4. A. 34. A.
5. A. 35. D.
6. A. 36. D.
7. A. 37. B.
8. C. 38. A.
9. A. 39. B.
10. A. 40. A.
11. C. 41. C.
12. C. 42. B.
13. D. 43. B.
14. D. 44. A.
15. D. 45. B.
16. C. 46. C.
17. B. 47. C
18. B. 48. A
19. B. 49. C
20. D. 50. B
21. D. 51. D
22. A. 52. D.
23. B. 53. C
24. A. 54. D.
25. True 55. C.
26. False 56. B.
27. True 57. Answers may vary
28. True 58. Answers may vary
29. True 59. Answers may vary
30. HA 60. Answers may vary

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