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Legal Ethics

1. Yes Atty. FFF committed a professional or ethical transgression.

According to the law, non-lawyers are forbidden from owning an interest in a law firm. A
non-lawyer who practice law may become guilty of illegal or unauthorized practice of
law. Atty. FFF being aware that his wife GGG is not a lawyer, may also be guilty of a
professional or ethical transgression by allowing GGG to represent herself as a lawyer in
his law firm.

Atty. FFF may be held administratively liable for disqualification and a complaint for
disbarment for the unauthorized practice of law of GGG by allowing her to represent as

a. The grounds for disbarment are the following:
1. Deceit
2. Malpractice
3. Grossly immoral conduct
4. Conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude
5. Violation of the Lawyer’s Oath
6. Willful disobedience to any lawful order of a superior court
7. Willfully appearing as attorney for any party without authority

i. Deceit – a fraudulent and cheating misrepresentation, artifice, or device, used
by one to deceive and trick another, who is ignorant of the true facts, to the prejudice
and damage of the party imposed upon.

ii. malpractice – an act or continuing conduct of a professional which does not

meet the standard of professional competence and results in provable damages to
his/her client or patient.

iii. moral turpitude – everything which is done contrary to justice, modesty, or

good morals; an act of baseness, vileness or depravity in the private and social duties
which a man owes to his fellowmen, or to society in general.

iv. gross misconduct – is severe behavior that is deliberate, unprofessional,

unethical, or illegal.

b. Notarization has a legal impact on the contract as it converts a private document to a

public instrument. Agreements on the contract are enforceable once the document is notarized
because it is a strong proof of the document’s authenticity.
i. Jurat – is a certificate attached to an affidavit or deposition to signify that the affidavit
or deposition was properly made before a duly authorized officer.

ii. Acknowledgement – refers to a formal declaration before an official that one has
executed a particular legal document.

iii. oath – a public pledge that a person will perform some action or duty.

iv. affirmation – a solemn declaration allowed to those who conscientiously object to

taking an oath.

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