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Lecobu-an, Mae Arra G.

BSN 3G Grp 2

Movie Analysis

A Beautiful Mind

A Beautiful Mind is a biographical drama film that tells the story of a man named Josh Forbes
Nash Jr., who is a mathematical prodigy, preoccupied with trying to come up with something that could
secure his legacy. He is married to a student, Alicia Nash, who catches his interest. Nash believes that he
had a cheerful and supportive roommate who became his best friend, named Charles Herman. The
majority of the movie was filmed at Princeton University, where he studied and became a professor
after his recovery from his mental illness. The movie also took place at the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, where Nash works as a professor and where he presumes that he is a codebreaker for the
US. The movie was a 10 out of 10 because it is an exceptional film that shows the struggles of a person
who has a mental condition, schizophrenia, and how he was able to cope with his condition with the
help of the people around him. This movie will enlighten the minds of the viewers about this condition
and help them understand it.

Nash is presented in the movie as a troubled student who strives to prove himself to others.
During his college days, his delusions stated when he met his roommate Charles and his niece, where he
thought they were real. He married his student, Alicia, while he was a professor at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology. He believed that he was hired by CIA agent William Parcher to do code-
breaking. Soon after it was revealed that Nash was having hallucinations, delusions, and paranoia and
struggling to become sane, his wife Alice became worried about his condition and decided to take him
to the doctor, where he was diagnosed with schizophrenia, a condition that affects behavior, emotion,
and the way a person thinks. Nash was having a hard time dealing with his condition, which has affected
his relationship with his wife and other people he worked with because he also developed anhedonia
and apathy, Alicia didn’t give up and helped him recover from his illness, and he eventually was able to
overcome and have control over himself and his mental condition to stay focused on what is real.

When Nash was being treated, he found out that some of the people he knows are not real, and
it was just his hallucinations: his roommate Charles, whom he thought was his best friend, and his
nephew, Marcee, were not real. The CIA agent who hired him to crack the code for the US military,
William Parcher, whom he was working with, was also not real. Nash was treated with a therapy in
which he was given shots of insulin in order to relieve his symptoms and also with antipsychotic drugs to
manage his symptoms. He also received support from society when the school he graduated from
decided to work with him again, which made him less stressed and more productive, and he could feel
his lifestyle was then again progressing back to normal.

At the end of the movie, the people around him handed over some pens. This pen signifies that
despite his condition, his works and contributions are appreciated and acknowledged by the people
around him for the exemplary contributions he has made despite his condition. Nash’s wife and society
helped him stay sane by letting him see reality, but the greatest contributor to his recovery was Nash
himself. Through Nash’s efforts and self-management, he made the decisions to continue his
medication, make lifestyle changes, and live as normally as he could by ignoring his hallucinations.
Lecobu-an, Mae Arra G.
BSN 3G Grp 2

A Beautiful Mind is a movie that makes us realize that people with mental conditions are special
individuals and that they are also extraordinary people who could accomplish things but need our
patience and understanding. This movie enlightens us on how people with mental disorders struggle and
see the world differently than we do, and how society reacts and deals with people like them, but they
also want to prove to others that they are worthy of recognition and that they can recover. And yes, I
agree with the message of this movie because each one of us can have a great mind. We may think and
see the world differently, but in the end, we are just individuals trying to prove ourselves to others and
make great accomplishments, and this condition is not a hindrance to success. The first part of the
movie is difficult to understand because of the equations the main character is trying to solve, and the
character's behavior for me was very odd, but it all makes sense when he is diagnosed with
schizophrenia and proves that some of his bizarre behavior was all caused by him having delusions and
hallucinations. What I like best in this movie is how the wife never gives up on her husband and
continues to be with him despite the harm that he may cause not only to her but also to their baby. She
remained patient and cared so much for him until he was able to recover. Also, the part where Nash
saved his wife from harming her because of his delusions, where he ended up realizing the real world,
All the scenes in this movie have some details we need to understand, and there is no part of the movie
that we could dislike. William Parcher is the one I disliked most in this movie because he ordered Nash
things to do and harmed his wife because of his orders. Every character in this movie contributed to
making it a success.

A Beautiful Mind is a movie that enlightened me most about the condition schizophrenia. This
movie shows real events and scenarios of how the people in the community would react to someone
who has a mental condition. This movie would help us understand and will inspire us more to
understand about their struggles and how they deal with them. I wouldn’t want to change the ending of
the movie because it was very satisfying that he was able to win a noble prize despite his illness and how
society acknowledged him. I recommend this movie to everyone who struggles mentally and to those
who are in need of knowledge about mental conditions. Also, for those who are struggling mentally,
they should know that despite the hardships they will encounter, they will still be acknowledged and

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