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Name: ____________________________ Grade/Section: ____________ Score: _______

The Male Reproductive System

A. Directions: Complete the sentences below by filling the blanks.

For males, ________are produced in the small ____________ of the _______.

These oval-shaped glands are protected by a sac called the ________. After the sperm
cells are produced, they are stored in a large coiled tube on the outer surface of each testicle
called the _________. From this tube the sperm go into a larger tube called the
___________ , which eventually carries them to the external male reproductive organ, the
_______. Along the way sperm is nourished by a sugary fluid from the __________ which are
two small glands 1ocated near the bladder. The ___________, which is the most common site of
cancer in men, produces fluid that makes up a part of semen. These fluids plus the sperm cells
combine to form _________, the fluid ejaculated from the penis during _______. Before a male
can ejacu1ate, the spongy tissue surrounding the penis becomes engorged with blood causing the
penis to become stiff and hard. This is known as an ________ .The tube that carries the semen
from the body is the _________ . This tube also carries ________ from the bladder. Males can
also have uncontrolled ejaculation during sleep, which are called ________________.
The entire male reproductive system is dependent on __________. These are chemicals that
stimulate or regulate the activity of your cells or organs. The primary hormones involved in the
functioning of the male reproductive system are ____________________, _________________
and _____________.
They are produced by the pituitary gland. ______________ is also important in the development
of male characteristics, including muscle mass and strength, fat distribution, bone mass and sex

B. Directions: Label the parts of the male reproductive organ.(2pts each)

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