Transportation Engg - General Information

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University of Southeastern

Obrero, Davao City

Transportation Engineering


September 2020


No part of this course pack may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in
any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise,
without the prior written consent of the University of Southeastern Philippines. This document
is owned officially by the University of Southeastern Philippines under the Teacher Training
and Research Center (TTRC). All rights reserved.

This course pack is prepared exclusively for the Civil Engineering Students of the College of
Engineering, University of Southeastern Philippines in Davao City.

Welcome to the 1st Semester of SY 2020 – 2021. This semester is quite

different from the usual physical face-to-face classes. With the present public
health emergency due to COVID-19, face-to-face physical classes are not
possible. We will be using flexible learning as mandated by CHED to cover the
108-hour requirements for this 3-unit lecture course in Transportation

The university provides you this course pack with self-directed activities,
and you perform it at your own pace, time, and place.

At the end of the semester, you will be able to demonstrate the expected
outcomes and gained knowledge that is useful in your field of specialization.

Good luck, everyone, and God bless!


Name: Eduardo S. Torrico, Jr.

Contact Number: 09324660130
Office: USeP, College of Engineering Office
Consultation Hours: by appointment – may be arranged through
• Official email
• Fb messenger/fb group chat
• Text or call

Getting help

For academic concerns (College/Adviser - Contact details)

For administrative concerns (College Dean - Contact details)
Transportation Engineering


This course pack is designed for asynchronous and synchronous, flexible

learning on Transportation Engineering. This course aims to help the students
explain the role of transportation system in the Philippines and can design the
geometric sections of the road considering the traffic and environmental
performance of the road traffic.

For the students to understand better and gain competency in this course
with minimal supervision from the instructor, this course is divided into four
modules as follows:

Module 1: Transportation System; Road Geometrics: Horizontal

Module 2: Road Geometrics: Vertical; Highway Surveys

Module 3: Traffic Characteristics

Module 4: Traffic Analysis

Students in this course need to read the lessons sequentially in every

module to understand and connect the topics. Exercises and lesson
assessments re-enforce student's learnings. Students are required to answer all
these exercises and assessments and submit it on or before the specified

For online submission, submit your answers/solution in the FB messenger

or email it to the teacher's official email address. Please take a picture or scan
your answer/solution and save it as a jpg file with a filename that starts with
your initial of first name, middle name, and complete last name followed by the
exercise/assessment number (example: estorricojr_exercise1.jpg).

For non-online submission, submit a hard copy of

answers/solution through courier or designated drop boxes. Make sure to put
your papers inside an envelope and label it with your teacher's complete name,
subject, and name.

Students can consult their instructor by appointment through official email,

Fb messenger, or text and call using the mobile phone.

Good luck, and God bless!

3 | Page General Information

Transportation Engineering


Course Information
Course Code: MEPCE 135
Course Title: Transportation Engineering
Pre-Requisite/Co-Requisite: Statistics
Credit: 3-unit lecture

Course Description
The course encompasses a wide range of topics covering the planning, design,
construction materials tests and management of transportation facilities. However,
in this subject, the highway engineering practice and design including the
geometric design, soils, drainage, surveys, earthworks, and plans were given
much emphasis. The Design Guidelines, Criteria and Standards of the
Department of Public Works and Highways will also be discussed and be given

Course Outcomes
On the completion of the course, student is expected to be able to do the following:
1. Explain the role of transportation system in the Philippines and the types
of the road in the Philippines according to system and function; and
2. Design the geometric sections of the road considering the traffic and
environmental performance of the road traffic.

1. Active email address and mobile number.

2. Active phone (with load) for those with limited internet
connectivity or no internet access.
3. Access to the UVE.
4. Answer all the assignments and exercises on or before the
specified due date.
5. Must take and pass all the quizzes and examinations.
6. Answer the comprehensive assessment.

4 | Page General Information

Transportation Engineering


Learning Evidence
Learning Evidence Description and Details Outcomes it
• Objective type or problem-solving exercises.
Results of the CO1
LE1 Midterm and
• To be conducted physically in the classroom if the CO2
situation permits, otherwise follow description and
Final exams
other details in AA.
Present in CAD the specifications of the
Submission of construction plan of a set of sections of the road CO1
LE2 the Geometric based on the following: a) specified in detail so the CO2
Design of Road road can be set out in the field, and b) so that the
total performance of the constructed road will be

Other Requirements and Assessment Activities (AA)

Assessment Activity Description and other Details Outcomes it

Progress • Present in CAD the specifications of the

Report construction plan of a set of sections of the road.
(Geometric Online submission of the report through FB
Design) messenger or official email.

• Objective type or problem-solving exercises.

• Picture or scan the answer/solution and save it as

a jpg file with a filename that starts with student’s
Exercises initial of first name, middle name, and complete last
name followed by the exercise/assessment number
(example: estorricojr_exercise1.jpg).

5 | Page General Information

Transportation Engineering

Grading System
Upon completion of the course, you will be graded as follows:

Assessments Activity Percentage

LE1 Midterm and Final Exams 25%
LE2 Geometric Design of Road 25%
Progress Report (Geometric
AA1 25%
AA2 Exercises 25%

Passing Grade 75 – 3.0

Passing Grade conditions: (Base 50)
Computation: %grade = (Score/ Number of

6 | Page General Information

Measurement Rubric
Problem Solving Presents definite idea Presents up 75% of Presents up 50% of Presents up 25% of Does not
• Solution to Problems of the work and logical appropriate strategies and appropriate strategies and appropriate strategies attempt to apply
steps of the solution. logical steps of the solution. logical steps of the solution. and logical steps of the basic principles.
All of the steps of the Up to 75% of work is Up to 50% of work is solution. Up to 25% of
problem is correct. accurate. accurate. work is accurate.
Geometric Design Organized presentation Organized presentation of Disorganized presentation Incorrect presentation Does not submit
• Proper organization, of basic principles basic principles using of basic principles using of basic principles the Geometric
analysis, format and using sketches or sketches or diagrams but sketches or diagrams to using sketches or Design.
application of basic diagrams to support incomplete to support final support final design/output. diagrams to support
principles final design/output. design/output final design/output.

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