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+ shortness of breath : khó thở

+ malaise : khó ở, khó chịu
+ fever : cơn sốt
+ worn out : kiệt sức
+ put on : tăng lên
+ fall out : rụng
+ complain of : triệu chứng
+ off-color : cảm thấy không khoẻ
+ feel/be out of sort : cảm thấy không khoẻ
+ present with : trình bày với
+ presented : khai bệnh
- Presenting symptom : triệu chứng bệnh
- Presenting complaint : khai bệnh
- Presentation : triệu chứng
- The patient presents : bênh nhân đến khám bệnh
- Presented someone : lời khai
- Presented something : trình bày
his presenting symptom was chest pain : triệu chứng của anh ấy là đau ngực
his presenting complant was chest pain : lời khai bệnh của anh ấy là đau ngực
the usual presentation was chest paint : biểu hiện thông thường là đau ngực

3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the

verb present
1. A 67-year-old man presented with a 9-month history of increasing shortness of
2. The most common......presentation......... is loss of consciousness.
3. Cranial arteritis may present as fever without any obvious causes.
4. The patien usually presents with a severe sore throat.
5. The presenting.. symptoms in this patient could perhaps be due to renal failure.
6. Other conditions with a similar presentation include acute cholecystitis.
7. Reduced growth is an important... presenting...... complaint of coeliac disease.
8. Two months following presentation..., .. the patient was able to walk.
* increasing : gia tăng
Consciousness : ý thức
Arteritis : viêm động mạch
Cranial : sọ
Obvious : rõ ràng, rành mạch
Cause : nguyên nhân

I was well until a few months ago. In the beginning, I just felt off-colour and
a bit tired. But lately I've been feeling completely worn out at the end of the day.
I'm not eating a any more than usual but I've put on nine kilos in the last year. My
motions are hard and my hair has started to fall out.
* Few : không nhiều, ít
In the beginning : ở thời điểm bắt đầu
Motion : đi ngoài, đi ỉa

A 50-year-old housewife, who had been well

until four months previously, complained of tiredness and malaise.
She had gained 9 kg in weight in the year
before she presented to her GP although she denied eating more than
usual. She was constipated and she noticed that her hair had started to fall out.
*previously : trước đây
Gained: tăng thêm
Denied(deny) : phủ nhận
Noticed : nhận xét, chú ý.
Constipated: táo bón

+ red blood cell = erythrocyte : hồng cầu

+ white blood cell = leucocytes : bạch cầu
+ platelet = thrombocytes : tiểu cầu
*investigation : nghiên cứu
Measure : thước đo
It may be due to : nó có thể do
Diet : chế độ ăn
Condition : điều kiện
Pernicious : nguy hại
Combination : sự kết hợp
Symetrical : đối sứng

- Full blood count (FBC) : công thức máu toàn phần

- Haemoglobin : huyết sắc tố
- Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) : tốc độ lắng của hồng cầu
- Anaemia : thiếu máu, vd : anaemia is one of the commanest diseases of the blood
- Bleeding-loss of blood : chảy máu – mất máu
- Excessive destruction of red cells : hồng cầu bị phá huỷ quá mức
- Low production : sản xuất thấp
- Deficient : thiếu hụt, không đầy đủ
- Pernicious aneamia : thiếu máu ác tính
- Pallor : xanh xao, tái nhợt
- Jaundice : bệnh vàng da
- Excesive breakdown : suy nhực quá mức
- Insidious : bệnh âm thầm
- Sudden : bệnh đột ngột
A medical student has examined an elderly patient with
a very low level of haemoglobin and is discussing the a
case with her professor: »

Professor: What’s the most likely diagnosis in this case? a

Student: Most probably carcinoma of the bowel with chronic blood loss.

Professor: What’s against that as a diagnosis?

Student: Well, he hasn’t had any change in his bowel habit, or lost weight.

Professor: What else would you include in the differential diagnosis of severe anaemia in a man
of this

Student: He might have leukaemia of some sort, or aplastic anaemia, but that’s rare — it would
be very
unusual. Another cause is iron deficiency, but he seems to have an adequate diet.

Professor: OK. Now, there’s another cause of anaemia which I think is more likely.

Student: Chronic bleeding ulcer?

Professor: That’s right. But what about pernicious anaemia? Can you exclude that?

- Mood : tâm trạng

- Refer : quy vào
- State : trạng thái, tâm trạng
- Permannent : thường xuyên, vĩnh cữu
- Emotional : cảm động, xúc đông -- permannent amotional sate=>> tâm trạng là trạng thái xúc
động thường xuyên
- Depression : trầm cảm
- Insomnia : khó ngủ

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