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1-Let me think about it! Is a stall ,not a real objection.--find out the true objection HOW?

Great, that means u r interested? Yes, I am. U R not just saying, let me think about its just to get rid of me-are you, Mr.X(in a humorous way) Oh, no, no, no (laughter) Do you have anyone else to discuss before you make a decision? When you think it over naturally you will develop some doubts-wont u? I know, that u are an expert in your field. Likewise I am experienced in NWM. Why dont we think it over together when I am right here to answer your concerns? Could you please tell me ,what was the main thing you wanted to think about? bring out the real objection) Reasons:Doesnt have money-Cant decide on his own-doesnt need your product-doesnt trust u or have confidence in u and business-he has his friend already in-doesnt like you)

2-No Contacts/dont know anybody

Is that the only problem? Do you really need it? If we suggest a practical way which we follow - something which is working for uswould you go for it? How many people you need? Help him to make a list of..

3-How pay this much commission

Product sales/cycle product Max-out Balanced Binary From where a company make profit-end user. Traditional business-infrastructure Salary and other operational cost of sales force go before sale-ONLY AFTER SALE

4-Will join-not work

Dont join

If you need a product, not business, go ahead

5-Too expensive
Presentation failure Anything on cost price? What is the cost of your shirt? Cost of BMW Who decide the price? Any gold shop staffs? Gold-Alukkas, Rolls Royce, dozens of shop Allowed Mark up + making charge Gold price+profit+royalty+minting charge+commision Why are you buying?Fascinated? Buy business How much-USD25000-40%-10,000-800 per month Time-hard earned cash-risk-inventories-tax people Which is cheaper

6-Where are the leaders? Who will support us/locally/o-seas

Why do you ask that question-no support. Do you really need it? PBO- Willing to take ownership? Self sustaining. You need support until you become able. We will support you. Leaders developing worldwide.

7-How much did you make?

Why do you ask that question? whether it will work. Which business make big money in 3 months? I am 3 months-have 4/3. 2 weeks/learning/1st person/ 8 months/did not take seriously-arrogant, secure job/potential


Company willing to share profit illegal? Traditional Marketing-Chain of distribution -Nike/ Sachin/ Amitha B Referral marketing/Visa Card System to share

9-Pyramiding Arrogant/Flexible
Feel.. You dont like pyramids-do you? Whats a pyramid? One on the top-Like a bank Top earn more-Like your company?1001 Shape-like a church/family/office 2 Column-Differentiate-Pyramiding-no product/not legal/head hunting-smuggling

10-I dont want this type of money/ friends money/spoil relationship

1. Presentation failure-No value in the business-LEARN!! 2. He is not your friend------if he is your friend, Do you think that I came to grab some money from you? I found opportunity-wanted to share. This Type of money May I ask you-what do you really mean? Easy money? Free Money? Do you really need it? If your concern is getting people-I will help you.

11-I cannot beg/I dont have this much time

Your presentation was a failure This is what you are doing Be professional/posture/be bold They need you more than you need them

15-I dont want to spoil my status

Dont do it

16-Where can I sell it?

Website Kerala Numismatic Exhibition Numismatic is new-GQ is making it more popular-will conduct auctions and exhibitions

17-Do I have to bring 6? I cannot get people Let me get my 2 first

Your presentation was a failure True, if you go now with 2% knowledge Learn and then start cautiously with up line Restaurantpeople will come food and service good-do it professionally Do you really need it-we will help you.

18-Saturation Last person

Presentation Failure Prove as Theoretical 1959-5% not covered by Amway Driving license/church/cars/TV Worried about your family or the proverbial last person! Do you really need it?

19-Stagnation For those who dont do it professionally, over a period of time

What? Buying a quality product like TV

21-Guarantee/product- cheque delivery/company there after 5 years

Credibility What is the guarantee-Business business people No guarantee-Your company-guarantee/your job-new blood5 years 10 million-6 years back-300 million IPO Diversification-showed in the presentation/website -QI GQ proceed with a 25 year plan Vision-to become a billion $ company by 2010 Let me tell you.. Cannot start business/what might happen Worried about my family

22- I dont know how to present/ I dont know computer

Feel What is our age? Could you run from day one? Sequential growth which took years Felt Do you really need it-train yourself

23-I dont believe in you

Commit suicide Reconsider your value If you are too Young Take your up line when dealing with hard-core people Arun/ Bala/ Manoj your professionalism self image and conviction

24-No Money Excuse/Real concern

Excuse Presentation was a flop Feel Only problem- if u had enough money would you have joined? When u say no money, no money at all or shortage? Do you really need it? Ask introducer-are you willing to help?YES-25% to 50% Genuine He lacks money-low paid-but can make if he wishes

Give him a shoulder-Feel Do you really need it? Recall the gap in money How many years are you working? When will u get money to build a better future/stay with family Practical options Did you bring anybody? Emergency leave/arranged money overnight

25-No time Excuse/Real concern

Excuse Presentation was a flop Only problem- if u had time would you have joined? How much time you need? Do you really need it? If I show some practical options, would u? Genuine He lacks time-but can make if he wishes

How many years are you working? Recall the gap in money When will u get time to build a better future/stay with family Do you really need it? If I show some practical options, would u?

26-Spouse Problem
Have you shared your vision with wife? Does she know how important it is? Take wife for presentation Include her Spend time with them

27-Too difficult to DO
Agree-deep in our heart we know it Business will be powerful-realistic-attractive and we will be respected if we say-I am showing an opportunity which can change your life in 3-4 yrs, hard, difficult but not impossible. Before presenting, let me ask you some questions-if u r not willing to humble yourself and go through training, sacrifice and learn new things- I and you will be wasting our time. This is highly rewarding, fulfilling and profitable-but be willing to pay the price.

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