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1. The Chart Catalogue (NP 131) gets revised and republished on which date every year?

December 1st
2. Its most portion comprises of a diagrammatic representation of limits of navigational
charts in various regions and in addition to this the BA chart number, title of charts, date
of the publication date of new edition & natural scale for all the charts are shown in the
geographical region. Chart Catalogue
3. Which of the following choices below, is a world-leading centre for hydrography,
specialising in marine geospatial data, world-leading range of navigational charts,
publications and data sets which can be found on board over 90% of ships trading
internationally? UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO)
4. These provide essential information to support port entry and coastal navigation for all
classes of ships at sea. Split across 72 volumes (Some volumes may consists of part A to
C), which covers the world's main commercial shipping routes and ports.
Admiralty Sailing Directions
5. These are used to get you from the harbor approach to your final destination. With
scales ranging from 25,000:1 up to 5:000:1 or greater. Harbor and Berth Charts
6. For General Charts, the scale they have ranges to: 1:500,000 up to 1:5,000,000
7. Which of the following choices below will guide the officer incharge of voyage planning,
during it's appraisal stage? Checklists
8. See image tracing paper image no.1, with regards to it's edition which following
statement is correct?

Edition December 2011
9. For Sailing Charts, the scale they have ranges to:
1:25,000 up to 1:100,000
10. What information is NOT found on the chart title? Date of first edition
11. This contains detailed information about the world's waterways and oceans. Navigation
12. There are 5 command types to follow when updating a chart, which of the following is
used when one feature ought to change positions but still have the same description and
symbol. Move
13. The following are information given by the Chart Catalogue (NP 131) except for? None
of the Above
14. An entrepreneur is a person who launches a company intending to invent or innovate a
certain good or service while being willing to accept all the risks of failure to generate
money. An investor is a person or a group that provides capital to a business in
exchange for the expectation of future gains and profitsWhat does UKHO stands for and
what kind of products do they make? United Kingdom Hydrographic Office, providing
hydrographic and marine geospatial data to mariners and maritime organisations across
the world
15. See figure tracing paper image no.1, what was the last Notice to mariner number and
the year applied to the chart? Notice to mariner no. 4939 on year 2015 should be written
on the left bottom of the chart
16. See figure tracing paper image no.1, with regards to it’s edition which following
statement is correct? New Edition December 2011
17. The following choices are information you can find in Sailing directions,which one is not?

contains astronomical information

18. See figure tracing paper image no.1, where is the position of the correction on the chart?
must be located in the bottom left corner of the chart
19. A briefing to all navigational officers led by the captain with regards to the next voyage,
when it is usually held? 24 hours before the voyage
20. If passage planning task is delegated to you by the captain. What must you check to
ensure that the navigational charts being used in the passage is current?Notice to
mariners and catalogue of hydrographic products
21. What kind of information is contained in UKHO NP 350 Admiralty Distance Table.Give
the shortest navigable distances between two important points, and has 3 volumes
22. With regards to the officers involved in Navigational Watch Keeping. Which of the
following choices is essential before a vessel departs for the next port of call? a pre-
departure meeting should be held and led by the captain with regards to the vessel's
23. If passage planning task is delegated to you by the Ships Captain. Which of the below
publications below you must consult to make sure all publications and Navigational use
for the voyage is updated to current weekly updates or corrections? Notice to mariners
and catalogue of hydrographic products
24. This publication is considered as a complementary to the Admiralty Standard nautical
chart with a world wide coverage of 72 volumes, which of the following choices below is
it? ADMIRALTY Sailing Directions (ASD)
25. These are notices to mariners issued by Admiralty Hydrographic Offices when the
information will only be valid for a short period of time or needs to be promulgated
quickly, since a normal chart correction would take too long to prepare and distribute.
Temporary and Preliminary Notices
26. Your next voyage will be crossing the atlantic ocean. Which of the following UKHO
publications, you would consult with information that supports the navigational
planning, taking advantage of favourable climatic conditions such as weather, currents,
ice hazards and distances between deep-sea voyages on most major ports? NP 136
Ocean passages for the world
27. Which of the following choices below will guide the officer incharge of voyage planning,
during it's appraisal stage? Checklists
28. See image tracing paper image no.1, what was the last Notice to mariner number and
the year applied to the chart? Notice to mariner no. 4939 on year 2015 should be written
on the left bottom of the chart
29. Which of the following UKHO publications provides clear and essential guidelines for
upkeep and maintenance of navigation charts and publications that are in paper or
digital format? NP 294
30. You have received a voyage instructions from the charterer and you were asked for the
shortest distance between your point of departure and next port of call, among the listed
publication below which one you would consult? NP 350 Admiralty Distance Tables
31. For your next port of call you need Maritime Radio Procedures to assist you such as,
when requiring a pilot and or entering port also includes information on ship’s reporting
systems, vessel Traffic dervices (VTS) and port operations.Which of the publication below
would you check this information from?
ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals (ALRS) Vol. 6 or NP 286
32. Which of the following choices below, is a world-leading centre for hydrography,
specialising in marine geospatial data, world-leading range of navigational charts,
publications and data sets which can be found on board over 90% of ships trading
internationally? UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO)
33. In which regulation of SOLAS states that “All Ships shall carry adequate and up to date
charts, sailing directions, list of lights, notices to mariners, tide tables and all other
nautical publications necessary for the intended voyage”? Regulation 27 of Chapter V of
34. There are pros and cons when it comes to digital publications, following choices are the
advantages over the conventional hard copy version, except: Requires huge amount of
storage space
35. There are 5 command types to follow when updating a chart, which of the following is
used when a feature is remains in its existing charted position but a characteristic has
changed. Ammend
36. This provides a comprehensive up-to-date reference of martime products and services.
Digital Service
37. In inserting a note, what procedure does not belong to the group? Write down the note
on the designated position using a magenta pen
38. Your have received a voyage order, your next destination is a foreign port. Which of
nautical publications below you would refer to obtain vital navigational information from
that port? Sailing Directions
39. You have prepared the UKHO paper charts that you will use for the next voyage, to
confirm that the each chart has been corrected to latest Notice to Mariners which of the
following Nautical Publication below gives the summary of all the corrections of the
paper charts? NP 247
40. Notices to mariners when received, should be retained board. How long should it be
kept onboard before being discarded? Two years
41. You have checked the Admiralty Notices to Mariners, Section II and you have one chart
affected indicated with NC (New Chart). Below are the following reasons except: newly
printed charts
42. On which section of weekly notices to mariners you could find the updates for Sailing
Directions? IV
43. How often does the Admiralty Charts Catalogue is published with current and updated
editions of charts? yearly with current and updated editions of charts
44. Which of the following chart below that gives a graphic form of information on average
winds, currents, barometric pressure, presence of ice and derelicts and the
recommended routes for low and high powered vessel? Pilot Charts
45. Once a paper charts and publications are published it is constantly changing due to
changing navigational features therefore subject for corrections and updates, which of
the nautical publications below you would refer to? Notices to mariners
46. Weekly Notices to Mariners are issued for any updates and corrections for: paper charts
and nautical publications
47. Which of the following charts below that covers a large area? General chart
48. There are four distinct stages in the planning and achievement of a safe passage, These
stages must follow each other in order. Which stages are considered as preparatory
stages? Appraisal and Planning
49. There are four distinct stages in the planning and achievement of a safe passage, These
stages must follow each other in order. Which stages are considered as the essential
elements and confirms the that the voyage is being conducted according to plan?
Execution and monitoring
50. Which of the following choices below best describe the Contingency Plan?
in the event of any emergency nesessitating abandonment of the passage plan
51. Which of the following choices distinctly states the practical guidelines and requirements
of voyage planning IMO resolution A.893 (21)
52. Which of the following statement below is correct concerning Passage Planning?
Covered in SOLAS Chapter V Reg 34
53. Passage planning is regulated by International Law such as SOLAS and the IMO, Which
governing body sets the qualification standards of Navigational watchkeepers? STCW
54. If you are the Navigating Officer, which of the following choices is not a vital aspect to
consider at the monitoring stage of voyage planning? Passage plan is properly
documented and signed by all ship's crew
55. Passage plan aims to develop a comprehensive berth to berth plan. Below choices are
the advantages, except: Bridge team have been briefed with the vessel's route and
simultaneously accomplish other paper works
56. During the execution and monitoring of the vessel's passage, what is the term for a
technique used as a measure to monitor the progress of a vessel on the track in relation
to a radar-conspicuous fixed target and to minimise the cross track distance? Parallel
57. Bridge Resource Management is a vital component during the execution and monitoring
of the vessel's passage. Which of the following choices below is the reason?
By establishing the resources and balance the abilities, limitations of ship's personnel to
achieve a safe passage
58. These are a convenient means to get the large and small scale charts for a region without
investing a fortune in individual paper charts.
None of These
59. It is a quick and visual way of knowing what the tides or tidal flow will be when out on
your boat. Providing you with detailed information about tidal stream direction and flow.
Tidal Stream Atlass
60. There are 5 command types to follow when updating a chart, which of the following is
used when a new feature ought to be placed.
61. There are 5 command types to follow when updating a chart, which of the following is
used when one feature is exchanged with another feature but position stays the same.
62. When moving a feature on a chart, the commands Insert and Delete will be used when
the feature is moved more than how many centimeters on the chart? 3 cm
63. A chart has extensive corrections to be made to it. When these are made and the chart is
again printed, what is the chart issue? New edition
64. This is often called General Charts, Sailing Charts, or Planning Charts offer the lowest
detail but cover the largest geographic area.
Small Scale Charts
65. This shows the daily predictions for the local time of low and high tides, as well as the
height of those tides for a particular coastal area. Tide Table
66. In applying an NM (Notice to Mariners) block to a nautical chart, what should you do
before pasting that said block on the nautical chart as precaution in case the block peels
off? Write the NM number on the chart within the block area using a magenta pen
67. This covers the voyage from berth to berth and is adapted into the bridge management
practices and should be detailed and easy to understand. Passage Plan
68. In reading and identifying areas of a nautical chart, which of the following colors are not
found to distinguish any meaning on a nautical chart? Yellow
69. A navigator should develop a detailed mental model of how the entire voyage
will proceed which consists of gathering and contemplating all information
relevant to the voyage. Appraisal
70. If you make a mistake during the application of an NM (Notice to Mariners), which of
the following procedures should not be observed?
Use Correction Fluid or Correction Tape when correcting pen markings
71. They are weekly updates that provide bridge crews with the latest safety-critical
navigational information. Notice to Mariners
72. This involves projecting various future events including landfalls, narrow passages, and
course changes expected during the voyage. This mental model becomes the standard
by which the navigator measures progress toward the goal of a safe and efficient voyage,
and it is manifested in a passage plan. Planning
73. This is considered to be the Guideline for Voyage Planning as per IMO Resolution
893(21) SOLAS Chapter V Regulation 34, Annex 24 and 25
74. How often the Catalogue of Admiralty Charts and Publications is published? Every year
75. The 4 stages of Passage Planning Appraisal, Planning, Execution and Monitoring
76. When inserting a legend, what is a rule one must remember when inserting one?
The legend should not be arrowed to a position
77. Content of which can be found within a Chart Catalog among the choices is/are? All of
the these
78. It also reiterates the captain's responsibility to treat the plan as a "living document" and
to review or change it in case of any special circumstances that should arise.
79. When ammending a range of a light on a chart, which of the following states true as to
its correction? All of these
80. Voyage planning is necessary for:
All types of vessels on all types of voyages
81. These charts are the ones of interest to most coastal sailors. With more detail and higher
resolution, they will cover most of the local hazards. These are the charts you will use to
plan most trips under a day or so that don't head far out of sight of land.
Large Scale Charts
82. In deleteng the light with its description and sector, what kind of lines should be done in
deleteing the symbols lik the light and flare itself Diagonal Double Strike-throughs
83. When replacing a depth with new information, what is accompanied by the symbol to
indicate that it has to stay on the same spot as the previous information? In Lieu
84. When inserting a buoy, which of the following is a procedure in inserting a symbol? All of
85. Charts should be corrected by using the information published in which of the following?
Notices to Mariners
86. These are probably the most important sources of information for a reliable passage
plan. Nautical Charts and Nautical Publications
87. How does one delete a note on the chart? Horizontal Double Strike-throughs on the title
and 4 diagonal lines on the rest of the note
88. A detailed list of navigational aids including lighthouses and other lighted navigation
aids, unlighted buoys, radiobeacons, daybeacons, and racons.Admiralty List of Lights and
Fog Signals
89. In deleteing a bouy along with its description, what is the very first thing you do when
updating your charts using NM (Notice to Mariners)? Check and Use the grid box to
locate the NM position on the chart
90. For Large Scale Charts, the scale they have ranges to:
None of These
91. Small corrections, whether already done in the chart store or made subsequently on
board are noted in which side? Bottom-left hand corner of the chart
92. This contain rough predictions of prevailing conditions on the world's oceans for every
month of the year which allow planners to know the wind, current and weather they
might expect, but they predict larger trends and historical probabilities rather precise
detailed forecasts. Pilot Charts
93. This requires that the ship's position be determined, using standard methods including
dead reckoning, celestial navigation, pilotage, and electronic navigation. Monitoring

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