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1. Call to order (voice over)

Good morning ladies and gentlemen. May i have your
attention please. We are about to begin our wedding
reception program so please locate your respective seats
and make yourself comfortable.

2. Host’s welcome remarks

A pleasant afternoonto everyone and welcome to aljon
and ellen’s wedding reception. Thank you for taking time
to be part of this journey of love. So, kita subong gin isa,
sang paghigugma.

Ladies, gentlemen, friends and loved ones, the newly

weds extend their heartfelt gratitude to all of you to
celebrate their new life as a couple. So sit down, relax and
enjoy the rest of the program.

I’m sir rio event host and i will be your host for today’s
video. Attendance check po muna tayo. Saan po ba yung
mga friends ng ating couple? Maka a sound of an animal.

Kapamilya ng ating bride?

Kapuso ng ating groom?

3. Introduction of principal sponsors

Ladies and gentlemen, it is with great honor and privilege

that we now introduce to you the young at heart and spirit,
the gracious and generous, the principal sponsors. As i
call your name, please wave or stand for a few seconds so
all our guests can recognize you.
Mr ______ & ms ________
Mr ______ & ms ________
Mr ______ & ms ________
Mr ______ & ms ________
Ladies and gentlemen, our most distinguished set of
principal sponsors.  A round of applause!  Thank you sirs
and ma’ams, for taking time out to be with us.
4. Introduction of parents
Let us recognize the parenst of the couple
Mr samuel & emilda detablan, parents of the bride
Mr gonzalo denaque & sister mrs. Dalyn togonon, parents
of the groom
5. March of the entourage
And now, may i  request everyone to turn your attention to
the entrance of the wedding entourage.

(candle sponsors)
Mr. ________          & ms.________
The pair that lit the paths of groom and bride
(veil sponsors)
Mr. ________          & ms.________
The pair that clothed groom and bride
(chord sponsors)
Mr. ________             & ms.________
The pair that bound groom and bride
The groomsmen and bridesmaids:
Mr. ________             & ms.________
Mr. ________             & ms.________
Mr. ________             & ms.________
The handsome best  man and the beautiful maid of honor
who assisted the couple in their needs:
The best man: ________             the maid of honor:
6. Entrance of couple
Today calls for a grand celebration and it is my distinct
pleasure to introduce them to you for the very first time
tonight as husband and wife. So without further ado, let us
all rise, tumayo po tayo and give our warmest welcome to
mr and mrs aljon and ellen.

(couple enters)
Thank you very much…let’s all be seated now. Truly, this
momentous event marks a milestone of two hearts
beginning a beautiful lifelong commitment.

Game: when i say mabuhay, you say, ang bagong

kasal. When i say ang bagong kasal, you say

8. First dance of the couple

Tonight is indeed a special night, and will be forever
etched in the hearts of our beloved couple. On this joyful
beginning what could be more fitting than to celebrate it
with their first dance.

This dance is the wedding couples’ first cooperative

engagement and joint endeavor. Ladies and gentlemen, it
is once again my privilege to present to you mr and mrs.
Aljon and ellen with their first dance.
9. Money dance
Ladies and gentlemen…. Find your purses and wallets …
it’s now time for our money dance where you will get your
chance to financially bless our couple.

(when finished) thank you all for your generosity that will
indeed go a long way for the couple.

12. Prayer
It is said that a successful marriage involves three hearts
becoming one. The hearts of the husband, the wife, and
god at the center. So let us give thanks to the one who
made this all possible, the author of life, love and
relationships. Our one true god. To lead us into prayer,
and also to say grace for the cake and wine and before
meals, let us welcome ________ .

10. Cake cutting ceremony

May we request the couple to proceed to the cake’s
table… ladies and gentlemen, please direct your attention
to the cake cutting tradition…

The husband and wife will put their hands together to slice
the cake.
The two hands moving as one with one purpose,
symbolizes that the two will work in unity to reach common
goals for their shared future and their life together as one.

The sharing of this food symbolizes the couple’s

willingness to fulfill each other’s needs, creating a bond so
simple and yet so strong…
11. Wine ceremony
To symbolize and celebrate the blending of your two lives
into one, I invite our best man, Warren De Asis to perform
the Best Man’s Toast in this wine toasting ceremony.

The arms of the couple will intertwine as they drink wine.

This ceremony represents your two individual lives, now
intertwined; combined like the two glasses wine into one
single life. The drinking of the combined wine signifies the
commitment you now make to live your lives as one

Ang pag-ibig ng mag-asawa ay parang isang alak.

Habang tumatagal, lalong __________.

13. Dinner instructions

The food is now ready and dinner will commence shortly.
At this point to maintain order, the coordinators will
approach your table beginning and the guests from that
table will be requested to proceed to the location of the
couple for pictorial. Right after that, they can line up at the
buffet counter to get their dinner. Please wait for the
coordinators to approach your table.

15. Message from godparents (during dinner)

In all sense of the word godparents are guardians of the
faith. The bride and groom should treat this role not merely
as gift givers during nuptials; but as co-sharers to the
promise of a lifetime of christian commitment.
And the godparents to give their message to the couple,
let’s welcome ________ and ________.
Thank you for your wisdom, a round of applause for ____
and  _____ .

22. Message from parents

Moving on, let us hear some messages of the family of our
bride and groom. They have been the couple’s source of
comfort, support and inspiration. Let us welcome them to
give their message.



17. Message from friends

A wedding brings two people and their friends together. It
refreshes the ties and takes friendships to another level.
Now, we would like to proceed with messages from the
friends of the couple. These are the people who literally
saw the romance between groom and bride blossom into a
serious relationship. May we call on ___   _ and ____ to
share with all of us what they know about the couple.
18. Singles games


25. Message from couple

This reception has almost come to an end but for our
newlyweds it is just a start of their new life together. As we
each go home, may this day be memorable for all of us as
it is to them. To personally convey their heartfelt gratitude
let us now lend an ear to the newlyweds ____ and _____

26. Closing
Ladies and gentlemen we have finally come to the end of
our program. It has been a great day and a wonderful
evening with you all. Again thank you all for your
presence. God bless and goodnight to each and everyone.

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