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I. Objective
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to;
 distinguish between Literal and Figurative Language;
 identify Literal and Figurative Language; and
 Appreciate the importance of the two kinds of language.
II. Subject Matter
 Topic : Literal and Figurative Language
 Reference: English Learner’s Material 7 pp.166-168
 Materials: Brown envelops, visual aids, band papers, and markers.
III. Procedures
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Setting of Objectives
 Motivation
a) Group the students into 6.
b) Give them their respective brown envelops.
c) Instruct them to look for the band-paper with numbers inside their
envelope and let them read what has been written.
d) Let the group representative answer what has been instructed in the
 Presentation
Ask the students if what will be the possible topic for the day.

 Discussion
a) Discuss with the class the definition of literal and figurative language.
b) Add some examples for clarifications.
Example statements:
1. My mother gave me a tongue lashing when she found out I lost the camera.(Fig)
2. I have a ton of essay to write before the week ends. (Lit)
3. The varsity player is so tall that his head could almost touch the ceiling. (Lit)
4. The guidance counselor was determined to get to the bottom of the problem.
5. Our classmate snorted like a pig when I told her the story. (Fig)

 Application
a) With the same group facilitate a Quiz Game
b) . Ask them to find the marker and white pieces of papers that was
numbered (2) in the envelope.
c) Instruct the representatives of each group to write LIT (Literal) or FIG
(Figurative) depending on the sentences.
d) Assign a monitor/scorer and the group with the most number of
points wins.
1. Berto was tasked by Delia to kill Eddies adopted dog.
2. Centipedes often scare people because of how they look.
3. Delia’s resentment towards Eddie could be traced back from their
mother’s death.
4. Eddie saw his sister as a thorn on his side – something which
should be plucked.
5. Eddie’s feelings towards his sister could be compared to that of an
overheated kittle.
6. Eddie’s sister was stunned when she saw the centipede.
7. Even as a young boy, Eddie already had the instincts of a hunter.
8. For most of the story, Eddie and Delia were like oil and water.
9. Once, Eddie though that Delia was extending the olive branch to
10. Their father often told Eddie and Delia to keep the peace.

11. Her mother’s cooking always works like a charm on her father.
12. His friend is good in cracking jokes.
13. The checks of the baby are pinkish.
14. We seldom fight like cats and dogs with my cousins.
15. My father cried tears of joy when he saw the baby.

 Generalization
a) What is a literal language?
b) What is a figurative language?
c) How would you differentiate literal from figurative language?
d) Why is this kind of languages considered important?

IV. Evaluation
In a ½ sheet of paper. Make a statements/sentences using literal and figurative
2. Literal Language
5. Figurative Language

V. Assignment
Make a research about Noun phrase and Verb Phrase and give 5 examples of

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