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Press and Public Opinion on Gandhian Movements in

Tamilnadu, 1920-1947

Thesis to be submitted in partial fulfilment

of the requirement for the award of the degree of

V.RAMYA, M.A.,M.Phil
Register No.P9048
Assistant Professor & Head
Department of History
The Standard Fireworks Rajaratnam College for Women, Sivakasi

Guide and Supervisor

Principal & Head, Research Centre in History,
Rajapalayam Rajus’ College,
Rajapalayam – 626 117.


MADURAI - 625 021.

MAY 2017

Certified that the thesis “Press and Public opinion on Gandian

Movement in Tamilnadu 1920-1947” submitted by Mrs. V.RAMYA, M.A.,
M.Phil., Associate Professor & Head, Department of History, S.F.R. College,
Sivakasi, is a record of research work carried by her for the Degree of Doctor of
Philosophy under my guidance.

The thesis is an original work of the candidate and to the best of my

knowledge, it has not been submitted, in part or full, for any Diploma, Degree,
Associateship, Fellowship or other similar titles in this or in any other University. No
portion of the thesis is reproduced from any other source, published or unpublished
work without acknowledgement.

Station: Rajapalayam
Date :

Signature of the Supervisor


I declare that the thesis entitled “Press and Public opinion on Gandian
Movement in Tamilnadu 1920-1947” is the result of the study originally carried out
by me independently under the guidance of Dr. V.Venkatraman, Ph.D., Principal
and Head, Research Centre in History, Rajapalayam Rajus’ College, Rajapalayam,
carried out at Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai. This work has not been
submitted earlier, in full or part, for any Diploma or Degree in this or any other

I also declare that no part of the thesis is a reproduction from any other source,
published work without acknowledgement.

Station: Sivakasi
Date :

Signature of the Candidate

Forwarded by

Page No



Introduction 1 - 17

Chapter I Origin of Press in Tamilnadu

Chapter II Programme and Ideology of Gandhian Movement

Chapter III Press and Non Cooperation Movement

Chapter IV Press and Civil Disobedience Movement

Chapter V Press Towards Independence




I express my profound sense of gratitude to my Research Supervisor

Dr.V.Venkatraman, Ph.D., Principal and Head, Research Centre in History,
Rajapalayam Rajus’ College, Rajapalayam for his guidance, care and patience right from
the selection of the topic to the completion of the thesis. He spent much of his time in
discussing the topic and providing other guidance. He gave useful criticism, comments,
advice and suggestion at every stage of my writing. His counseling helped on the
effective organization of my research and contributed immensely to the content and
format of this thesis. His wisdom, knowledge and commitment to the higher standard
inspired and motivated me.

I express my gratitude to Shri A.S.Shyam Raja, honourable Secretary and the

President Shri S.K.Chandrasekara Raja, Rajapalayam Rajus’ College, Rajapalayam
for their encouragement, support and guidance.

I am greatly indebted to Mrs.Thilakavathi Ravindran, President and

Mrs.Aruna Ashok, Secretary, Standard Fireworks Rajarathinam College, Sivakasi and
the members of the management for giving me suggestions and guide lines in my Ph.D
research and enlightening me then and there. I thank Dr.D.Sasireka, Principal of our
college, no word of mine is sufficient to convey my gratefulness to her.

I express my sincere thanks to Mrs.G.Sathiabama, Dr.P.Stella Muthurajam,

Dr.M.Kavitha, Ms.K.Neela Pushpam, Mrs.R.Kalaivani, staff members of the
Department of History, S.F.R College for their continuous encouragement., accelerated
my progress for writing the thesis and he helped me in many ways to complete this
I would like to thank the authorities of Tamilnadu Archives, Chennai;
Connemara Library, Chennai; Roja Muthaiah Research Library, Chennai; Maraimalai
Adigal Library, Chennai; T.P.M Library of Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai;
District Central Library, Madurai; J.R.L.R.Trust Library, Rajapalayam; Gandhi Kalai
Mandram Library, Rajapalayam, Dr.Regupathi Raja Memorial Library, Rajapalayam
Rajus’ College, Rajapalayam, S.F.R College Library and other institutions in Tamilnadu
for their help for providing source materials.
My reverence is always with my parents whose inspirations and blessings will
ever strengthen my career. I recall with gratitude to affection, prayer, support and
encouragement of my Husband and Sister. My beloved two sons are deserves my warm
thanks for her support, always makes me happy, cheering me up and stood by me
through all the times.


Asst. - Assistant
C.W.M.G. - Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi
Col. - Colonel
Comp. - Compiled
Confdl. - Confidential
Cr.P.C - Criminal Penal Code
D.D. - Development Department
D.M.K - Dravida Munetra Kzhagam
Dt. - District
dt. - Dated
ed. - Editor, edition, edited, edited by
e.g. - for example
etc. - and so forth
F.N.R. - Fortnightly Report
G.O. - Government Order
Gen - General
H.D. - Home Department
I.A.R. - Indian Annual Register
I.N.C. - Indian National Congress
I.P.C. - Indian Penal Code
Ibid - Ididem (Latin word) in the same place or work
J.D. - Judicial Department
J.M.D. - Judicial (Magistrate) Department
J.P.D. - Judicial (Police) Department
L.D. - Legal Department
L.G.D. - Law (General) Department
L.L.D. - Law (Legislative) Department
L.S.G.D. - Local Self Government
La.D. - Labour Department
loc.cit. - the article cited earlier
L.M.D. - Local and Municipal Department
M.L.A.D. - Madras Legislative Assembly Debates
M.L.C.P. - Madras Legislative Council Proceedings
N.M.M.L. - Nehru Memorial Museum and Library
mis. - Miscellaneous
N.A.I. - National Archives of India
n.d. - no date
n.y. - no year
Op.cit., - Opera Citato (Latin word) in the work cited
P.A.C.R. - P.A.C.Ramasamy Raja
P.Pol.D - Public (Police) Department
P.C.D. - Public (Confidential) Department
P.D. - Public Department
P.E.D. - Public (Election) Department
P.G.D. - Public (General) Department
P.R.R. - P.R.Ramasubramaneya Raja
P.W.D. - Public Work Department
p. / pp. - Page (s)
Pub. - Publisher
R.I. - Rigorous Imprisonment
R.T.C. - Round Table Conference
R.D. - Revenue Department
Secry - Secretary
S.I. - Simple Imprisonment
T.N.A. - Tamil Nadu State Archives
T.N.C.C. - Tamil Nadu Congress Committee
Tq. - Taluq
U.G.C - University Grants Commission
U.S.S.F. - Under Secretary Safe Secret File
v. / vide - see
V. / vol. - Volume
Viz. - namely

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