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Roll No:…………………………

Gautam Buddha University

End Semester Examinations (Jan 2022)
MBA-III, Integrated B.Tech + MBA – IX and Integrated MBA-IX
Course Name : Total Quality Management Maximum Marks – 70
Course Code : MB-511 Total Time: 2.00 Hours

Section A (30marks)

Q-1 Answer any six short answer type questions. (5 marks each)

a) “Pareto chart is a quality improvement tool”. Discuss in brief.

b) What do you understand by ‘MUDA’?
c) Explain in brief the concept of 5S.
d) What are natural variation?
e) What is Poka-Yoke? Give two examples of poka-yoke devices.
f) List the new Quality improvement tools.
g) Distinguish between q and Q.
h) What are the goals of TPM ?
i) How is the brainstorming methodology used to define a quality problem.
j) What are the benefits of ISO certification? Name one ISO certifying bodies of India.

Section B (40 marks)

Attempt any four long answer type questions. (10 marks each)

Q.2 What do you understand by House of Quality? Why is it considered as a quality

improvement tool?
Q.3 What are the various types of Benchmarking? Explain any two in detail.
Q.4 What do you understand by Quality Management System? State the key points of ISO
Q.5 Professor Sharma is fond of eating. Recently he had some health issues and doctor advised
him to be consciousness and take care. He is also being advised to follow a workout schedule.
Draw a detailed Ishikawa/cause and effect diagram for him and explain it.
Q.6 Explain the relationship between customer relationship management and total quality
Q.7 Draw the mean range chart for the given data and state the results about the process.

Sample Rotation time (m/sec)

1. 69 68 79 54 69 54
2. 57 54 75 53 80 80
3. 73 59 60 62 50 51
4. 80 69 56 60 65 66
5. 67 76 74 65 75 62
6. 73 75 72 54 70 66
7. 56 76 79 59 70 52

Factors A2=0.48, D3 =0.00 and D4= 2.00


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