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Unit 8

By Adam Bettio

Blood Cells
The Cardiovascular System
Heart Anatomy
Heart Physiology
Blood Vessels
The Lymphatic System
Learning Objectives
Outline the structure and function of blood

Discuss the different types of circulatory systems

Outline the structure and function of the human heart

Describe the anatomy and physiology of arteries, arterioles, veins,

venules and capillaries

Explain the concepts of blood pressure and cardiovascular disorders

Detail the structures and functions of the lymphatic system


When a blood transfusion goes really wrong…

Blood is a complex, living solution that provides nourishment and
protection to our bodies. Examine the images below to elucidate its
main functions:

Transportation Defense Homeostasis Blood clotting

Transports nutrients to Protects the body against Regulate physiological Limits blood loss when
body cells and wastes to invasion by pathogens. conditions such as body there is tissue injury.
liver + kidneys for temperature.
The “recipe” for building blood is extremely complex. In fact, it is so
complex that scientists are just beginning to trial the use of “artificial
blood” to mimic and fulfil some of its biological functions. So why is
it so complex?

To start, it has the following physical

The colour is red (not blue!)
Oxygen-rich blood = scarlet red
Oxygen-poor blood = dull red
The pH is 7.36-7.41
This is very tightly regulated by the kidneys and
respiratory system
The volume in an average male is 5-6 L

(55% of whole blood)
(<1% of whole blood)

2. Centrifuge the RBC

1. Withdraw blood and place
sample (45% of whole blood)
in tube

3. The different components of

blood separate based on density

Blood contains a variety of many complex ingredients. Interestingly,

the various components of blood can be separated using an instrument
known as a centrifuge.
When examining these components, you will see that blood is made of
non-living components called plasma:

Water (92%) Solutes (2%) Plasma Proteins (7%)

Used as the solvent and Ions/electrolytes (H+, Albumin: regulates
transportation medium. Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl-, osmotic pressure.
HCO3-) Most abundant.
Nutrients (glucose). Globulin: antibodies.
Wastes (urea). Fibrinogen: clots blood.
Gases (O2, CO2).
Blood is also made of living components called blood cells. These
elements are produced in bone marrow by hematopoiesis.

Red Blood Cells (RBCs) White Blood Cells (WBCs) Platelets

“Erythrocytes” “Leukocytes” “Thrombocytes”
Carry O2. Fight infections. Clot blood.
Most abundant. Fragments of cells.

How bones make blood…

Blood Cells
Blood Cells

Each type of blood cell has a unique life cycle.

Cells are created, mature, function and die.
Old cells are replaced by new cells
Blood Cells
Each type of blood cell has a unique life cycle:
Red Blood Cells
“Born” in the bone marrow.
A hormone called erythropoietin (EPO) is
released by the kidney during hypoxia (long
term, low blood O2) to stimulate their
EPO is one of the major blood doping
RBCs live about 120 days and “die”
after being destroyed by the liver and
the spleen (hemolysis).
Most components are recycled
Blood Cells
Each type of blood cell has a unique life cycle:
Red Blood Cells
Their role is to transport oxygen
around the body and they have several
features to aid with this:
They are packed with hemoglobin, a protein
that “traps” oxygen in its heme groups.
Once mature, they lose their nucleus
(anucleate). This provides more room for
They are biconcave (donut-shaped) and
flexible. This allows them to squeeze
through tiny capillaries.
Blood Cells
Each type of blood cell has a unique life cycle:
White Blood Cells
The 5 types of WBCs are “born” in the
bone marrow.
Can “live” for days to years.
Many WBCs “die” very soon after they are
created by the body. These are often
destroyed when “battling” bacteria or other
infectious particles.
Other WBCs linger in the body for several
years serving as “memory cells.” When they
die they are removed from the blood
primarily by the liver and the spleen.
Blood Cells
Each type of blood cell has a unique life cycle:
White Blood Cells
WBCs circulate through the blood and
tissues working to defend the body
against pathogens. To carry out this
function they have several important
They are flexible – can travel within the
blood but also squeeze through capillaries
and enter tissues.
They are large so that they can “battle”
invaders using phagocytosis.
They can distinguish between body cells and
Blood Cells
Each type of blood cell has a unique life cycle:
Thrombocytes are “born” in the bone
marrow. They consist of fragments of
large cells.
During their “life” they circulate the
blood and work to clot blood when
tissues are injured.
After several days, platelets begin to
“die” and are destroyed by the liver and
Blood Cells

…and in case you were wondering about blood types and blood
Blood Cells
Activity: Build a tree diagram to show how the components of blood
are categorized. Use all words in the word bank below:
Blood cells Plasma proteins Gases
Nutrients Wastes Erythrocyte
Albumin Red blood cells Fibrinogen
Leukocyte Globulin Thrombocyte
White blood cells Water Plasma
Platelets Ions Solutes
Blood Living Non-living
Hemoglobin Erythropoietin Monocyte
Neutrophil Eosinophil Basophil
The Cardiovascular System
The Cardiovascular System

The circulatory system is composed of two sister organ systems:

The Cardiovascular system: composed of the heart and blood vessels.
Pumps blood throughout the body.
The Lymphatic System:
“Pumps” (technically, sucks) extracellular fluid (referred to as lymph) back into the
cardiovascular system.
The Cardiovascular System

The cardiovascular system consists of the heart and blood

vessels. It connects to many other body systems.
Its primary purpose is to nourish all cells by delivering nutrients and
oxygen to tissues and removing wastes.
For this to occur, the it must:
Have a pathway for blood.
Generate blood pressure to push blood through pathway.
Control the amount of blood that flows through pathway.
Connect to other body systems so that nutrient/waste exchange can
take place.
The Cardiovascular System
The functions of the cardiovascular system are to:

Transportation Regulation Protection

Oxygen and carbon Temperature Blood clotting
dioxide vasoconstriction and Immune Cells
Nutrients vasodilation
Wastes Blood pressure in tissues
Vasoconstriction and
Hormones vasodilation.
The Cardiovascular System
There are two different types of cardiovascular systems:

Open Systems Closed Systems

Blood called hemolymph is pumped Blood is pumped through contained
out of a hemocoel and into a cavity vessels.
filled with interstitial fluid. Blood is never released out into an open
Fluid is pulled back in through pores called cavity.
ostia to recirculate. This is the type of circulation seen in
This is the type of circulation seen in vertebrates.
The Cardiovascular System

Closed circulatory systems are much more efficient than open systems:
Open systems have minimal mixing of fluids so blood maintains high
concentration gradients until it reaches its destination.
In closed systems hemolymph is constantly mixing with other fluids, diluting
down what it being circulated.
The Cardiovascular System

As we have done in the past, for the rest of this topic we will be
focusing on human anatomy and look in detail at closed systems.
Heart Anatomy
Heart Anatomy

Cardiac muscle cells have 1 to 3

centrally located nuclei.
Striated, branching cells.
Intercalated discs:
Desmosomes and gap junctions.
Important for conduction of electrical impulses
(heart beat).
They have many mitochondria.
Mitochondria are usually large, to help
produce the energy needed.
Prevents the heart from fatiguing
Heart Anatomy

The human heart is a cone-shaped,

muscular organ that acts as a double
It beats 100,000+ times each day.
2 tissue types
2 sides
4 chambers
4 valves
3 major arteries
2 major veins
Heart Anatomy



External portions of the heart are made of 2 main tissues.

Pericardium (outer layer).
Double-walled sac that supports and protects.
Myocardium (most of the heart).
Contains cardiac muscle tissue.
Heart Anatomy


The inner walls of the hear are lined with a thin epithelial membrane
called the endocardium.
Heart Anatomy

We are about to learn how blood moves through the heart and body.
Knowing the names of the structures and their order is very important to know
(hint, hint).
You’ve been warned…
Heart Anatomy

Blood enters the heart through two blood vessels:

The superior and inferior vena cava.
Heart Anatomy
Internal portions of the heart have 4
chambers, 4 valves, and 1 septum.
Chambers: pump blood.
Atria: loads blood into the
Right and left atrium.
Ventricle: Pumps blood out of the heart.
Right and left atrium.
Valves: prevent backflow. There are
two main types:
atrioventricular valves (AV valves) guard the
entrance to ventricles.
Tricuspid valve.
Bicuspid (Mitral) valve.
semilunar valves (SL valves) guard the
entrance to blood vessels.
Pulmonary valve.
Aortic valve.
Heart Anatomy

Chordae tendineae: “heartstrings”

Connective tissue that holds av valves in the correct position to close
Heart Anatomy
Deoxygenated blood enters on the right
side of the heart and is loaded into the
right ventricle for transport through the
pulmonary circuit (to the lungs and
Blood leaves the heart in the
pulmonary arteries, travels to the lungs
to get oxygenated and returns back to
the left side of the heart.
Oxygenated blood enters on the left
side of the heart and is loaded into the
left ventricle through the systemic
circuit (to the body and back) via the
This cycle occurs continuously to keep
delivering nutrients removing waste.
Heart Anatomy
1. Vena Cava
2. Right Atrium (START)
3. Right AV (Tricuspid) valve
4. Right Ventricle
5. Pulmonary SL Valve
6. Pulmonary Arteries
7. Lungs
8. Pulmonary Veins
9. Left Atrium
10.Left AV (Bicuspid) valve
11.Left Ventricle
12.Aortic SL Valve
13.Aorta (to body)
Heart Anatomy

How blood flows through heart.

Heart Anatomy

Why do your lungs get a special circuit to themselves while every
other organ in your body (including your brain) is part of the the
systemic circuit?
Heart Anatomy

That being said, there is one other

organ with its own special circuit:
The Coronary Circuit moves blood within the
heart via the coronary artery and vein.
Heart Physiology
Heart Physiology

Since the heart is a muscle its function is the result of contractions

that are controlled by nerve impulses from the brain.
Heart Physiology

External Control
The medulla oblongata is the cardiac center of the brain.
Can alter the beat of the heart using the sympathetic (stimulating) and
parasympathetic (relaxing) portions of the nervous system.
Heart Physiology
A heartbeat contraction is a three-step process resulting from the
stimulation of nerve bundles on the surface of the heart:

SA node
AV node
branches of
AV bundle

First, nerves from the brain stimulate the sinoatrial (SA) node.
This projects electrical impulses to:
The left and right atria.
Results in the atria contracting.
The Atrioventricular (AV) node.
Heart Physiology
A heartbeat contraction is a three-step process resulting from the
stimulation of nerve bundles on the surface of the heart:

SA node

AV node

branches of
AV bundle

Next, the stimulation of the AV node results in electrical impulses

being sent to the ventricles.
This results in the ventricles contracting.
Heart Physiology
A heartbeat contraction is a three-step process resulting from the
stimulation of nerve bundles on the surface of the heart:

SA node

AV node

branches of
AV bundle

Between stimulation from the brain the myocardium relaxes.

Pressure from the vena cava, results in the atria filling back up with blood.
Heart Physiology
The relationship between the SA and AV nodes
means that the SA node will always fire before the
AV node.
This, in turn, means that the atria will always contract
before the ventricles.
This, in turn, means that the ventricles will always be loaded
with blood before they pump it out of the heart.
Since stimulation of the SA node triggers a
heartbeat it is often referred to as the pacemaker of
the heart.
Also, remember that myocardial cells are connected by their
This allows nerve impulses to propagate through the muscle
tissues with ease, allowing for strong, uniform contractions.
Heart Physiology
The rhythmic contraction of the heart generates its iconic “lub-dub”

When the ventricles contract the AV When the ventricles relax the SL valves
valves shut, making the “lub” sound. shut, making the “dub” sound.
Heart Physiology
The rhythmic contraction of the heart is also what is measured with
blood pressure. It involves two blood pressure measurements:

Systole Diastole
The rest phase. The active phase.
All chambers are relaxed AV valves are The ventricles are contracting and
“open” and SL valves are closed. All pumping blood into the pulmonary
chambers are filled with blood. artery and aorta.
AV valves are closed and the SL valves open.
Blood Vessels
Blood Vessels

Blood vessels are the tubules that carry blood throughout the body.
There are three major types:
1. Arteries: carry blood away from the heart.
2. Veins: carry blood towards the heart.
3. Capillaries: exchange nutrients and waste with cells.
Blood Vessels
Blood vessels perform several essential functions in the body:

Metabolic requirements
Tissues that need more oxygen and nutrients
require more blood flow.
Body temperature
Increased temperature causes vasodilation.
Decreased temperature causes vasoconstriction.
Blood volume
An increase in blood volume increases blood
pressure and flow to all areas of the body because
it increases cardiac output; the kidneys play the
most significant role in regulating blood volume.
Blood viscosity
Viscosity is the thickness of the blood
Anemia (decreased red blood cell numbers) can
cause decreased resistance
Blood Vessels

Blood flows from your heart → arteries → arterioles → capillaries →

venules → veins → back to your heart.
This happens in the systemic, pulmonary and cardiac circuits.
Blood Vessels
Based on this we can not add to how blood flows through the body:
1. Right Atrium (START)
2. Right AV (Tricuspid) valve
3. Right Ventricle
4. Pulmonary SL Valve
5. Pulmonary Arteries
6. Pulmonary Arterioles
7. Capillaries (lungs)
8. Pulmonary Venules
9. Pulmonary Veins
10. Left Atrium
11. Left AV (Bicuspid) valve
12. Left Ventricle
13. Aortic SL Valve
14. Aorta (to body)
15. Arteries → Arterioles → Capillaries (body) → Venules →
16. Superior and Inferior Vena Cava (back to beginning)
Blood Vessels

Arteries and arterioles carry blood from heart to tissue (away from
Arteries branch into arterioles.
Blood Vessels
Outer layer

Middle layer

Inner layer

Arteries and arterioles have thick walls composed of 3 layers:
The outer layer is made of connective tissue.
The middle layer is made of smooth muscle that controls blood pressure.
The inner layer is made of endothelium prevents friction.
Blood Vessels

Why are the walls thick?
Blood pressure is high in arteries (close to heart).
Walls are thick to prevent bursting of vessel walls.
Blood Vessels

The middle layer of the artery controls
blood pressure by narrowing or
widening the diameter of the blood
Widening of blood vessels.
Decrease in blood pressure.
Narrowing of blood vessels.
Increase in blood pressure.
Blood Vessels

Arterioles branch into tiny networks of capillaries (capillary beds) that
are the site for nutrient exchange between the blood and body tissues
Tissue cells take nutrients from the blood and expel waste into the blood.
Blood Vessels

Walls of capillaries are only 1
layer thick!
Gases (O2 and CO2) pass from
tissue to capillary through
Blood pressure is low.
It decreases in capillaries because of the
branching. Blood flow is increased through
all the branches.
Blood Vessels

The body regulates how much blood enters a tissue - blood only flows
into capillary beds when the tissue needs it.
If tissue needs nutrients:
Precapillary sphincters open and blood travels into capillary bed.
If tissue does not need nutrients:
Precapillary sphincters close and blood bypasses the capillary bed through arteriovenous shunt
Blood Vessels

Veins and venules carry blood from tissues to heart (towards the
Capillary beds converge to form venules. Venules converge to form veins.
Blood Vessels

Veins and venules have thin walls.
Blood pressure is much lower in veins (far from the heart).
Walls do not need to be as thick as thin walls are capable of preventing blood
vessel from bursting.
Blood Vessels

Connective Tissue

Smooth Muscle

Endothelium Tissue

Veins and venules are composed of 3 layers:
The outer layer is made of connective tissue.
The middle layer is made of smooth muscle.
The inner layer is made of endothelium tissue.
Blood Vessels

Many veins carry blood back to the heart against the force of gravity.
Especially our lower extremities.
Veins have 2 special features to aid in this process:
1. Muscle contractions move the blood back to the heart.
2. Special valves in the veins open and close at appropriate times to prevent back flow.
Blood Vessels

Sometimes arteries are describe as the blood vessels that carry

oxygenated blood, and veins as carrying deoxygenated blood.
Why might this not be entirely correct?
Blood Vessels
Veins Arteries

Complete a Venn diagram to compare the structure and function of

veins and arteries.
Blood Vessels

Cardiovascular disease
Atherosclerosis is the primary cause of
cardiovascular disease, which is the build-
up of plaque .
This leads to reduced blood flow, which increases
the resistance and decreases both flow to that
tissue and clot formation.
Diuretics decrease blood volume.
Vasodilators decrease vascular resistance.
Blood Vessels

2012/13 data from the Public Health Agency of Canada's Canadian

Chronic Disease Surveillance System (CCDSS) indicate that:
About 1 in 12 (or 2.4 million) Canadian adults age 20 and over live with
diagnosed heart disease.
Every hour, about 12 Canadian adults age 20 and over with diagnosed heart
disease die.
The death rate is:
3 times higher among adults age 20 and over with diagnosed heart disease compared to those
4 times higher among adults age 20 and over who have had a heart attack compared to those
who have not.
6 times higher among adults age 40 and over with diagnosed heart failure compared to those
Blood Vessels
Blood Vessels

Cardiovascular disease often results in heart attacks…

The Lymphatic System
The Lymphatic System

A brief overview of the lymphatic system.

The Lymphatic System
There are 5 main functions of the lymphatic/immune system:

1. Draining excess fluid from tissues and returning

it to the bloodstream.
2. Transporting dietary fats and fat-soluble vitamins
from the small intestine to the bloodstream.
3. Recognizing and killing infectious organisms.
4. Recognizing and tolerating our own cells and
non-harmful foreign molecules.
5. Producing memory cells that prevent infection
from the same organism in the future.
The Lymphatic System

Lymph consists of the same components as blood plasma and

interstitial fluid: water, ions, vitamins, nutrients, oxygen, carbon
Only difference in these three fluids is their location.
The Lymphatic System
Lymphatic vessels carry lymph from the periphery of the body towards
the heart. Lymphatic capillaries eventually merge into larger vessels as
they get closer to the heart.
Like blood vessels (veins), lymphatic vessels must use
aids to push fluid back to the heart against the force of
One-way valves
Smooth muscle
Skeletal muscle pump
Unlike blood vessels, this pathway is a one-way circuit.
Once it gets close to the heart the lymphatic vessels
merge with the blood vessels to return the lymph to the
The Lymphatic System
Lymphatic Organs
Gland found superior to the heart.
Site where T-cells mature. Lymph Nodes
Also contains macrophages (phagocytic WBCs) that engulf and remove dead cells.
Red bone marrow
Found within the center of bones. Spleen
Produces all types of blood cells.
Site where B-cells mature.
Lymph nodes Red
Site where lymph is filtered. Bone
Macrophages engulf pathogens. Marrow
Mature B and T cells reside here.
Site where blood is filtered.
Largest lymphatic organ.
Macrophages engulf pathogens.
Breakdown of old red blood cells (red pulp).
Adaptive immune response (white pulp).
Lymphatic Nodules (Tonsils, Appendix, Peyer’s patches)
Similar to lymph nodes but not surrounded by a capsule.
Found in high numbers in areas where infectious organisms can enter the body. Peyer’s Patches
The Lymphatic System
Lymph Nodes lymphatic
Lymph nodes filter lymph as they travel Capsule
through lymphatic vessels.
Lymph enters a lymph node through the
afferent lymphatic vessel where it. encounters
reticular fibres.
These fibres act has a screen to slow the movement
of lymph and to trap unwanted particles. WBCs then
initiate an immune response to remove any
pathogens. Filtered lymph exits through the efferent
lymphatic vessel. Reticular
WBCs are fibre
Lymph nodes are located in places where present here
microorganisms can easily enter the body (E.g.
ears, mouth, lungs, etc.). Efferent
The Lymphatic System
The Spleen
Located in between the stomach and the Red pulp
diaphragm. White pulp
Similar to the lymph node, the spleen also
acts as a filter. However instead of filtering
lymph, it filters blood.
Blood enters the spleen through the splenic artery
where it encounters reticular fibres that slow the
blood down so that 2 distinct regions can remove
unwanted materials: Splenic artery
Red pulp: breaks down old RBCs. Splenic vein
White pulp: contains WBCs that initiate immune
Filtered blood exits the spleen through the
splenic vein.
Blood is composed of many types of cell, solutions and
Red blood cells help deliver oxygen to the body.
White blood cells aid in the immune response.
Platelets help in the process of coagulation (clotting).
Cardiovascular system performs the following functions:
transportation, regulation, and protection.
It consists of heart, blood vessels, and blood.
Heart is composed of cardiac muscle tissue and separated in
four chambers (two atria and two ventricles).
Arteries always carry blood away from the heart.
Veins always carry blood toward the heart.
Systole is the contraction phase, and diastole is the relaxation
Blood vessels include arteries, arterioles, veins, venules,
capillaries, and lymphatic vessels.
Movement of blood through our blood vessels is related to
flow, pressure, and resistance.
The lymphatic system returns interstitial fluid to blood and
filters lymph.
Additional Resources
DC Resources Video Resources
DC Connect Practice Questions Amoeba Sisters
Textbook Circulatory System
Relevant sections from Chapter 40.2 – 40.4 and .
Practice: Crash Course
Pg. 1171-1172 : The Circulatory System
#1,2,3,6,9,11,12,14,16,17,19,20,22. The Lymphatic System
SALS Biology Online
Khan Academy
Blood flow through the heart
Arteries and Veins
The Lymphatic System

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