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Carcer, Alyssa Nicole D.


Activity 1: Sustainable Development Goals BAMA402

Choose at least one UN SDG per Pillar of ESG that you would want to support the most. After
choosing, answer the following:

1. Why did you choose the particular SDGs? Discuss each in more detail.

In the Economic Pillar, I chose the Good Health and Well-Being goal because I
believe in the saying "Health is wealth." In order to ensure the sustainability of the economic
pillar, we must first look after our health, because without good health and well-being, we
won’t be able to maintain and enjoy the future’s sustainability in economic terms. The future
generation might still enjoy it, but it would be a little in vain if we’re already in bad shape
and don't witness the results of our goals.

            For the Environmental Pillar, I choose the Responsible consumption and production
goal. I think minding the consumption and production of goods from natural resources is a
must. It is better to keep everything in moderation. In doing so, we could assume the growth
of our natural resources without any fear of losing them all.

Quality Education is my choice for the Social Pillar. Lately, it has been reported from
the Department of Education that the educational system in the Philippines ranks second to
last among all Asian countries. Meaning the latest generation is getting less literate in
English and Math or most of the basic subjects. This must raise awareness because how can
we prove to ourselves that we have the capability of maintaining our social sustainability if
we ourselves do not improve for the sake of helping our nation?

2. What could you do, as an individual, to support your chosen SDG?

For the Good Health and Well-Being program, I think this also promotes self-care or
self-love, so I support it by generally taking care of my health. Specifically, by investing time
in exercising, drinking a lot of water, and eating healthy. Honestly, I personally hated
exercising during my early years. Presently, I think I’ve been regularly working out for
almost three years, and now I am thanking my past self for truly dedicating and not stopping
in this kind of lifestyle.
In the Responsible consumption and production program, I think this is quite
difficult to apply in our lives but not completely impossible to do. In my opinion, I could start
little by little, like minimizing the usage of shampoo sachets, and as I get used to it, I could
start using bulk shampoo bottles that are easier to recycle or convert into some D.I.Y. crafts.
Likewise, in the consumption of stocks of food, our families should prevent cooking too
much food to avoid wasting or eating excess food.

Then, for the Quality Education program, I think I could help by initiating it within
myself. I could improve my study habits, and I must set an example. In that way, I could
encourage my younger siblings to be more serious and wiser in their studies. Not only with
my siblings but also with the other younger friends and acquaintances I know.

3. What could businesses, on an organizational level, do to support your chosen SDGs?

As far as I’m concerned, the organizational level could support the good health and
well-being program by embracing not only their physical health but also their mental health,
which could be affected by the possible pressure and stress from their work. They must know
how to have work-life balance and at least squeeze in one workout session per week to regain
their dopamine levels and lower their anxiety or stress from work.

            For the Responsible consumption and production program, I would say that the
organizational level could support this program by doing their jobs efficiently to save the
energy of their computers for work. Also, by simply throwing their waste properly in the
recycling trash bins. These little steps toward sustainability could result in bigger hopes for
its attainment.

Lastly, in the Quality Education program, in my opinion, they could support this by
allowing and accepting internships from universities to teach the college students what the
real business sector really is. If more organizational levels are ready for this sort of joint
objective with universities, the unemployment rate could decrease.

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