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Answer the following:

a. Choose one international business company, describe it briefly.

An international oil and gas corporation with its headquarters in London is called Shell
plc. Shell is one of the biggest firms in the world and ranks second among investor-owned oil
and gas companies in terms of revenue. Shell was the ninth-largest corporate emitter of
greenhouse gases between 1988 and 2015, considering both its own emissions and the emissions
of all the fossil fuels it sells.
b. Discuss its international entry choices.
Shell corporation have its operations in many regions in the world: Arctic region,
Australia, Brunei, China, North America, Nordic countries, Russia, United Kingdom, and couple
of countries in Asian region. The international corporation Shell uses four basic entry methods:
exporting, contractual agreements, joint ventures, and completely owned subsidiaries. Different
resources are allocated to risk, control, and flexibility in these four entrance modalities.
c. What transnational strategy they implemented? Explain.
“We know the energy transition is unfolding, and we must be part of it if we are to
survive as a business. Those companies that do not stay in step with society will be left behind.”
Says Ben van Beurden, the Chief Executive Officer of Shell Corporation. In that being said, Shell
has more specific strategic ambition that continuously drives their purpose. First is the thrive in
the energy transition by responding to society’s desire for more cleaner, convenient, and
competitive energy. Second is to have world-class investment case which involves growing
organic free cash flow and increasing returns. Then lastly, to have strong license to operate and
make a positive contribution to society through their activities.

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