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NAME: _________________________________________________________ DATE:______________________________
YEAR AND SECTION: ______________________________________________ SCORE: ____________________________
TEST I. DIRECTION: Choose the letter of the correct answer. USE CAPITAL LETTERS.
1. Pertains to the population size, density, heterogeneity, changes and development in an area.
a. Demographics
b. Geography and environmental influences
c. Health and welfare systems
d. Educational facilities and programs
2. The aspect of the community that looks at employment opportunities exiting in the area.
a. Sources of Information and public opinion
b. Income distribution
c. Local economy and business
d. Housing
3. A figure who is with direct relation with you through familial relations, affinities or feeling of kinship, and social network.
a. Organization
b. Interrelationship
c. Legal authoritative decision-makers
d. Informal Power Structure
4. This person is usually appointed based on qualification, attitude or other characteristics.
a. Influencer
b. Leader
c. Community Leader
d. Organization member
5. Refers to the changes that occur in the social order of society.
a. cultural change
b. social change
c. political change
d. technological change
6. The study of development, structure, and functioning of human society.
a. Politics b. Culture c.Economics d.Sociology
7. It is a group of people based upon physical characteristics, ethnic background, and geographic roots.
a.Race b.Community c.People d.Society
8. It pertains to the role of the community plays, the types of activities involved, their scale and their integration within the
a.Community Dynamic b.Community Action c.None of the above d.Communicative Strategy
9. He is a renowned Sociologist in which it emphasized that action is social if the acting individual takes account of the
behavior of others and thereby oriented in its course.
a.Auguste Compte b.Max Weber c.Emile Durkheim d.Peter Berger
10. It is a social structures and social mechanisms of social order and cooperation that govern the behavior of its members.
a.Social Institution b.Local or Grassroots level c. Civil Society d.Non-Governmental Organization
11. It is an abstract standard in a community that defines the ideal principles of what is good, just, and desirable
a.Values and Beliefs b.Behaviors c.Norms d.Language
12. It refers to specific cultural expectations on how to behave in each situation.
a.Norms b.Values c.Beliefs d.Attitude
13. What is community?
a. A group of associated nations sharing different interests or a different heritage.
b. A feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing different attitudes, interests, and goals.
c. A shared attitude of the people in it and/or by the strength of the connections among them.
d. A social unit (a group of living things) with commonalities such as norms, religion, values, customs, or identity.
14. What is community engagement?
a. It is a powerful vehicle for bringing about environmental and behavioral changes that will improve the health of the
community and its members.
b. Involves partnerships and coalitions that help mobilize resources and influence systems, change relationships among
partners and serve as catalysts for changing policies, programs, and practices.
c. A stagnant relational process that facilitates communication, interaction, involvement, and exchange between an
organization and a community for a range of social and organizational outcomes.
d. The process of working collaboratively with and through groups of people affiliated by geographic proximity, special
interest, or similar situations to address issues affecting the well-being of those people.
15. What is community dynamics?
a. The process of change and development within communities.
b. To bring about positive social change through organized-based programming.
c. The process of positive change and development in communities of all none and living organisms.
d. An activity that increases the understanding, engagement and empowerment of communities in the design
and delivery of local services.
16. Below are the dynamics in community level, EXCEPT:
a. Integrative Forces c. Gender and development
b. Functions of sub groups d. Participative group and groupism
17. What is sociology?
a. Study of social problems
b. Study of mental characteristic of a person
c. Branch of science concerned with earthquakes
d. Study of human societies and cultures and their development
18. What is power?
a. Identify and hold a greater influence over a community’s development.
b. Community key leaders acting together to affect what gets done and how it gets done
c. The capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events
d. The ability to affect the decision making process and the use of resources for public only, within a community or
watershed group.
19. The word community was derived from Latin word ________.
a.Communis b.Cumuni c .Comunista d. Comuniti
20. It is the study of social relations and human society.
a.Anthropology b. Sociology c. Social Science d. Applied Social Science
21. A type of community perspective that encourages local citizens to volunteer.
a.Institutional Perspective c. Local & Grassroots Perspective
b.Civil Society Perspective d. Social Science Perspective
22. Girl & Boy Scouts are examples under what community perspective?
a.Institutional Perspective c. Local & Grassroots Perspective
b.Civil Society Perspective d. Social Science Perspective
23. It is an institutional dimension that talks about members of community must go for a certain purpose.
a.Physical space b. Social model c. Roles d. Statuses
24. . Which statement will not support about the ideas in a community.
a.Most communities belong to the same geographical vicinity.
b.People in a community share something in common.
c.Decision-making in a community is an important activity to consider.
d.It is important to identify the different needs of the community that should be addressed.
25. This level of community refers to large group affiliations such as national and international communities.
a.Micro b. Low c. High d. Macro
26. It is an activity that aims to increase the understanding, engagement, and empowerment of communities for the intention
of giving services to people.
a.Community power c. Leadership
b.Social change d. Community action
27. These communities are formed based on needs, ideas, interests, identities, practices, and roles.
a.Geographical communities c. Formal communities
b.Non-geographical communities d. Informal communities
28. Members in a community consult one another to be able to implement their plans, and collaborate with oneanother to
achieve them.
a.Community consultation c. joint delivery
b.Joint planning d. Collaboration
29. What example can you find to explain the Civil Society Perspective of a community.
a.The International Committee of the Red Cross consistently accepts donations for distribution todifferent areas in the
Philippines that needs relief goods.
b.Marriage or friendship, roles such as a mother or police officer, status or class, and other patterns of human behavior.
c.When Typhoon Haiyan hit the country in 2013, children and the elderly became weak and sick, and amedical mission was
implemented to improve their health condition.
d.In the Northern Mindanao Indigenous communities their leader is called the datu which is a localterm for village chief.

30. What is the relationship between Economics and community?

a.The members of community should understand how its political system works, how power and influence are distributed
and what changes occurs.
b.The ultimate goal of economics is to improve the lives of people, such that their needs are satisfied.
c.Through Economics understanding the situation through interacting with the people in the community will be addressed,
connecting its history with its present conditions, and eventually solving the community’s concerns.
d.All of the above
30. Below are the different features of community power except.
a.One of its determinants is the member’s knowledge that he/she has the power to make community decision.
b.The success of a community will be more meaningful if its members have harmonious relationships with each other.
c.Developing structures or systems for shared power and decision-making.
d.There should be knowledge, relationship, programs, members and leaders in achieving an effective community power.
31. What is the relationship between Economics and community?
a.The members of community should understand how its political system works, how power and influence are distributed
and what changes occurs.
b.The ultimate goal of economics is to improve the lives of people, such that their needs are satisfied.
c.Through Economics understanding the situation through interacting with the people in the community will be addressed,
connecting its history with its present conditions, and eventually solving the community’s concerns.
d.All of the above
32. How would you show your understanding about collaboration as component in improving good leadershipin a community?
a.Develop networks among community leaders within diverse fields.
b.There should be free access to important information concerning social issues and public matters.
c.Train younger generation of leaders so that they are ready to take over when time comes.
d.Must develop a resilient capital for successful community leadership.
33. Which statements below best describe the educational facilities and programs aspect of community.
I.Perceptions of residents as part of the community.
II.Adherence to intended curriculum of the Department of Education
III.Adequate preparation for adults to enter the labor force,
IV.The resident’s view on public safety and justice system.
a.I & II c.III & IV
b.II & III d. I & IV
34. Every sector plays an important role in society and focuses on the appropriate projects related to their sector’s objectives.
The members of each sector will determine ways to address related concerns and strengthen their good programs. What is
the theme of the statement?
a.Community Power b. Social space c. Community Sector d. Typologies
35. What examples can you find under social spaces that owned by the government.
a.Social center, online social media c. Malls, convenient stores,
b.Town squares, parks, beaches d. Private Schools, bridges, farms
36. What facts would you select to show knowledge about Informal Communities.
I.The group is formed according to the likes, interest, and attitudes of the members.
II.There is a professional relationship among members.
III.There is a personal relationship among members.
IV.The flow of communication stretches in all directions.
a.I & II c. I III & IV
b.I II & III d. all of the above
37. Why do you think community action is important in our community?
a.In a community action, local citizens engage in the planning, design, and delivery of local services. b.Community actions is
important because it is since then part of our community.
c.Community action aims to build community and social capacity, foster community resiliency, preventupcoming problems,
and maintain and create wealth through corruption.
d.People in community share the same environment and conditions through community action plan
38. ______is putting communities as the center of service development and service delivery.
a. Community b. Community Action c. Community Dynamics d. Community Development.
39. . Why do we need to understand community dynamics and community action?
a. These will propel success and stability of the communities c. for community improvement
b. for community change d. for community service development
40. How will you determine the dynamics of community?
a. By its nature and structure b. by its reaction with external or internal forces
c. a and b d. none of the above
41. Which of the following are the features of the community?
a. sociological construct or a set of interactions c. imprecise boundaries
b. exist within a larger community d. all of the above.
42. Which point of view states that community is a group of people whose connections and relations are formed by their
shared history, experiences, geographies and identities?
a. Social Science b. Economic Institutions c. Government Institutions d. Religious Institutions
43. It is the core establishments that bind people toward a specific advocacy or goal?
a. Community b. Institutions c. Church d. Society
44. Which institutions grant its citizens liberties and rights?
a. Economic b. Government c. Education d. Religious
45. Which institutions stand as the mechanism in which goods, services, and money are distributed?
a. Government b. Education c. Economic d. Religious
TEST II. Match column A with column B. write the letter of the appropriate example that corresponds to the given sector.
Column A Column B
________46. Environment A. regional, provincial, state
________47. Agriculture B. self-employed fisherman
________48. Youth C. conservation land thrusts
________49. Business D. confined in rural areas
________50. Government E. viewed as 18 years and younger
TEST III. Modified TRUE or FALSE: Examine the underlined word from the given statements below. Write T if the statement is True
and F if the statement is False. If false, write the correct word or words to make the statement correct.

1. One of the importance in studying the community is that the people see an opportunity to understand the policies within and
values cultural capital.
2. The interaction taking place in the community is community dynamics itself.
3. Changes in the community can be brought about by social, cultural and historical experiences.
4. Geographical communities are formed based on needs, ideas, interests and identity, practices and roles in social institutions.
5. Macro-level perspectives are focused on pursuing common interests or goals like forming a small organization to hold an
6. Empowerment is to raise awareness about certain communal issues that needs to be addressed.
7. Community Action is any activity that aims to increase the understanding, involvement and empowerment of communities for the
intention of giving services to people.
8. It is important to identify the different needs of the community that should be addressed.
9. People in a community share something in common.
10. It is important that engagement occurs so that members will be able to involve meaningfully in the activities that they have


1. This field is focused in the study of society, social orders, socialization and culture.
2. One of the perspectives in community wherein it understands that community is composed of the ways people interact
with each other, react, and expect each other to act and interact.
3. Institutional community is a _______ model as it is defined by its networks and institutions.
4. The ultimate of this discipline is to improve the lives of others such that their needs are satisfied.
5. Civil society perspective is considered as __________ model since because of collaboration a sense of belonging is achieved.
6. One highlight of civil society perspective wherein the members of the community may involve themselves in various
community activities.
7. It is most often associated with the study, diagnosis of mental illnesses.
8. It is described from social science perspective as a group of people interacting together.
9. This community perspective uses self-organization and encourages the local citizens to contribute to the community by
taking responsibilities and actions.
10. It explains the connection between the individual and the community.

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