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Top 16 Mobile Technology Trends in 2022

Mobile development has become a priority and the new normal for many

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The following are some popular use cases:
• Chatbots and virtual personal assistants in service industries
• Personalized ads and recommendations in eCommerce
• Motion and facial detection apps for surveillance systems
• Financial forecasting solutions
• Medical software that helps determine diagnoses and suggests treatment
• Voice recognition apps for gaming, entertainment, and hands-free

2. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

Today, the mobile world leverages augmented and virtual reality for more
practical purposes, such as:
• object measurement
• navigation
• education
• interior design
• user manuals
3. Mobile IoT Apps
Applications are the tools for remote management of connected devices,
allowing users to:
• monitor readings of mobile devices and sensors
• analyze data, build charts and generate reports
• manage devices (configure, open/close, turn on/off, trigger notifications)

IoT apps are equally beneficial for customer-focused solutions (smart home
appliances, wearables, traffic sensors) and enterprise-grade management (oil
and gas networks, railway lines, autonomous cars).

4. Mobile Payments
In addition to numerous banking applications, the most widely used
payment apps include Apple Pay, Google Pay, PayPal, AliPay, WeChatPay.

5. Cloud-Based Mobile Applications

Mobile apps that integrate advanced technologies such as artificial
intelligence, machine learning, IoT, etc., require a lot of storage in a mobile
device’s internal memory. But a gigabyte-sized app is not a solution of choice
for users.
The cloud means:
• secure functioning across multiple devices
• saving money on hosting
• much more computing power
• better storage and loading capacity
• increasing user retention
• streamlining operations.

6. 5G Connectivity
5G is transforming the world of mobile app development. The implementation
of advanced technologies such as IoT, AI, AR, and cloud computing into
mobile devices is possible due to the enhancement of wireless connectivity. It

the four main benefits for mobile solutions:

• Speed — the 5G standard is up to 100x faster than 4G.
• Low latency — ultra-reliable low latency communication (URLLC) that
comes with 5G ensures real-time data processing.
• Connectivity — with 5G, it is possible to connect up to a million mobile
devices, compared with a couple of thousands supported by 4G. This opens up
new opportunity for the development of IoT apps.
• Bandwidth — 5G offers excellent connectivity when working with low, mid
and high bands.

7. Wearable Technology Impact on App Development

The emergence of wearable devices and their expanding use cases open up
new opportunities for businesses. Mobile app development for wearables is
one of the most booming industries because applications ensure a tighter
connection between brands and users.

8. Enhanced Mobile Security

App security remains the hottest issue for providers and consumers. Since
users are feeding and managing confidential information on their smartphones
and other mobile devices, they need excellent security measures in place.

9. Mobile Devices for Home Automation

Mobile technology together with IoT devices allows users to ensure the
comfort and security of their homes.

10. Mobile Apps for Small Businesses

Using an app, any business can optimize its workflow, attract more
clients and leverage analytical insights. As a result, companies benefit
from improved user experience and increased sales.

11. Transportation Apps Strengthening

There are two broad categories of mobile solutions for transportation:
• For consumers — route optimization apps, car rental apps, public
transport schedule monitoring, traffic tracking and parking
information systems, etc.
• For businesses — fleet management solutions, utility monitoring
systems (fuel theft prevention is especially essential), delivery
schedule optimization solutions, etc.

12. Mobile App Revenue on the Rise

The revenue of mobile apps across segments increases year by year, and
2022 is not an exception.

13. Cross-Platform Mobile Development

Android and iOS solutions dominate the mobile apps market (altogether
over 99%). Hence, for many businesses, it’s more cost-efficient to create
a cross-platform app that will be equally compatible with all required

14. Biometrics Technology Reshapes Mobile Apps

Since the security of sensitive data in mobile devices remains the hottest issue,
applications are equipped with more advanced technologies to ensure their
protection. The most popular types of biometrics used in apps are:

• face recognition
• voice recognition
• fingerprint scanning
• iris recognition
• hand geometry recognition
• signature recognition.

15. Location-Based Technology

Applications are widely used in telematics for tracking the physical
location of assets (vehicles, animals, people) and taking corresponding
actions. This is done with the help of location-based services and
geofencing. Some popular use cases of the technology include:
• taxi services
• marketing and advertising
• fleet management
• travel and hospitality.

16. Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

The BYOD concept implies that employees can use their personal mobile
devices at work, which previously was mostly forbidden.

Information Technology Trends

1. Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is the go-to solution for brands who want to improve their
work and make it more efficient digitally.

2. Mobile Apps
Brands and industries worldwide are trying to find ways to improve their work
through the use of mobile apps and the implementation of new resources that
can make working on the go more efficient.
3. Big Data Analytics
Big data analytics allows brands to process their information better and reach
a much better understanding of the areas they need to develop.

4. Automation
Automation has also enabled processes to work faster and enable companies to
reach their goals in a much more efficient manner.

5. Artificial Intelligence
The past year saw the introduction of several new mediums of artificial
intelligence. This year, industries are looking at ways in which they can grow
these resources and implement the work they do. Artificial intelligence is now
starting to see implementation on a larger scale which is only set to grow more
over the coming years.

6. Smart Technology
Smart machines that use artificial intelligence or automation are on the rise,
even in small-scale units and smaller implementations Simple tools such as
Alexa have become an essential part of homes and are only estimated to
increase over the next year.

7. Virtual Reality
The gaming industry has always been one that has experienced growth
alongside the field of information technology, and virtual reality has taken this
one step further, giving customers the epitome of digital experience.

8. Augmented Reality
Augmented reality is another approach to ‘artificial experiences’ that
individuals are now being given access to. This has improved how the field
has been able to develop.

9. Blockchain Data
Cryptocurrency might have been at an all-time high in 2017 and 2018, but the
fact remains that this is yet to see significant development. Blockchain
technology is only starting to grow in popularity and is being implemented by
industries worldwide for all it offers.

10. Cyber Security

With the growth of digital mediums and technology, the potential threats that
people can face are only rising.

- Netiquette is a made-up word from the words net and etiquette. Netiquette
thus describes the rules of conduct for respectful and appropriate
communication on the internet.
-Netiquette is mostly used for dealing with unknown people on the internet.

20 General recommendations for conduct on the internet

1. Stick to the rules of conduct online that you follow in real life
2. Netiquette: Think of the person
3. Present your best side online
4. Read first, then ask
5. Netiquette: Pay attention to grammar and punctuation
6. Respect the privacy of others
7. Respect the time and bandwidth of others
8. Forgive the mistakes of others
9. Netiquette: Don't abuse your power
10. Help keep flame wars under control
11. Know where you are in cyberspace
12. Hate speech and netiquette
Netiquette: Safety rules for children
13. Children on the internet: Do not give out personal information
14. Use a neutral nickname
15. Netiquette and bots/troll posts
16. Rules for children on the internet: Do not trust chat participants
17. Fairness first: Do not exclude anyone
18. Netiquette for children: Keep it short and clear
19. Netiquette and online learning (tips for pupils)
20. Do not break your parent’s trust.

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