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3 A-l MATHEMATICS 1, 72loef is equal to D5 2) Log,35 8) Log, 25 4) 25 2, In the group (G ®5), where G ={3, 6,9, 12}, ®,5 is multiplication modulo 15, the identity element is D6 2) 3 39 4) 12 8. Agroup (G *) has 10 elements. The minimum number of elements of G, which are their own inverses is ed 2) 2 3) 0 49 4. Ifa and § are vectors such that [a+ 6 , then the angle between @ and § is D 60° 120° 3) 30° 4) 90° ax? 41 5 i to FZ eerg equal 49 13 D 2-4) ~ 2-2) 49 fe 13 -49 * 13 3) Be=4) * 2@-2) 4) 26-4) * 2-2) (Space for Rough Work) SR-17 Turn Over 8. 10. The ninth term of the expansion ( 4 A-l Ia +2j-5k, the plane containing § and ¢ is, i+3j- 5j—, then a vector perpendicular to @. and in VD 17i421j-123k 2) -17i+21j-97k 3) -17i-21j-97 4) -17i-21j+97k > > > OA and BO are two vectors of magnitudes 5 and 6 respectively. If [BOA = 60°, then OA-OB is equal to 1) 15 2) 0 3) 15v3 4) -15 ‘A vector perpendicular to the plane containing the points A(1,-1, 2), B(2,0,-1), (0,2, 1) is 1) Bitajrak 2) 4i+8j-4k 4) 3isjs2k 1 . “(Bn -1)(8n +2) D Gn+3 nel n » Gn+4 ® Grea 51229 256-2 4 356-2 (Space for Rough Work) SR-17 1-31 42 2 ll, IfA=/2 1 -3],10B=|-5 0 a@| and Bis the inverse of A, then the value of a is lis 1 2 3 vo 2) 2 / 34 45 0 x 16 12, IfA=|x 5 7 | is singular, then the possible values of x are 09 x 1) 0,1,-1 2) 0, #12, -12 3) 0, 5, -5 4) 0,4, = 12 2 18. IfA=|0 2 -3], then A-adj(A) is equal to 3-2 4 500 511 » 050 2) 51 005 15 000 800 3) oo00 4) oso 000 008 14. If f:RR is defined by f(x)=|x|, then, 2) f(x) 4) The function f(x) does not exist. PP 15. The value of ? * 4% is ‘ Pe@ * D (e-p) (x~a) (e+ P +4) 2) x(x-p)(-4) 8) pa{x~p)(x-4) 4) (p-a)(x-a) (e-p) (Space for Rough Work) Turn Over 6 A-l 16. The number of common tangents to the circles x? + y? =4 and x” + y? -6x-8y-24=0 is, 4 2) 3 a1 42 17. If 3x+y+k=0 isa tangent to the circle x” + y? = 10, the values of k are, 1) #5 2) #7 3) +9 4) +10 18. The negation of the proposition “If 2 is prime, then 3 is odd” is 1) 2is prime and 3 is not odd 2) If2is not prime then 3 is not odd 3) If2isnot prime then 3isodd 4). 2is not prime and 3 is odd. 19. The equation to two circles which touch the Y-axis at (0, 3) and make an intercept of 8 units on X-axis are D x+y? +6x-10y+9=0 2) x? +y?+10x-6y+9=0 3) x+y? +10xt6y+9=0 4) x? +y?-Bxt10y+9=0 20. The orthocentre of the triangle with vertices A(0, 0), B(0, 94), C(-6, 0) is DvD (-% %) 2» (% %) 3) (0, 0) 4) (5, %) (Space for Rough Work) SR-17 7 ot QW. x2 4y?-6x-6y+4=0, x2 4+y%-2x—4y+3=0, x2 +y242kx+2y41=0 Ifthe Radical centre of the above three circles exists, then which of the following cannot be the value of k ? D1 2) 2 34 4) 5 22, Ifthe circles x? + y?-2x-2y-7=0 and x* +? 44x+2y+k=0 cut orthogenally, then the length of the common chord of the circles is D2 2) Yas 3) 8 4) 5 23, The co-ordinates of the foot of the perpendicular drawn from the point (3, 4) on the line Qx+y-7=0 is 9 17 1) (5) 2) lps 3) (a, -5) 4) (5,1) 24, ‘The area enclosed by the pair of lines xy=0, the line x-4=0 and y+5=0 is 1) 10sq. units. 2) 20sq. units 3) Osq. units. 4) § sq. units. 2 25. If the area of the auxillary circle ofthe ellipse “y+ =1(a > 6) is twice the area of the ellipse, then the eccentricity of the ellipse is iB a yy 2 1 1 3) 2 4) B (Space for Rough Work) SR-17 Turn Over 27. 8 A-l AA graph G has ‘im’ vertices of odd degree and n’ vertices of even degree. Then which of the following statements is necessarily true? 1) m+nisaneven number 2) m+nis an odd number 3) m+1isanodd number 4) n+1is aneven number 2 2 Ifp is any point on the ellipse iets =1,and g and g’ are the foci, then PS + PS’ D8 24 3) 12 4) 10 v5 ‘The value of Sin) 2Cos™” | ig 2B v5 db 3 2) 3 2B 4v5 a» o> 2 9? If 35 ~ jz 7} is a hyperbola, then which ofthe following statements can be true ? (3, 1) lies on the hyperbola 2) (-8, 1) lies on the hyperbola 8) (6, 2) lies on the hyperbola 4) (10, 4) lies on the hyperbola ‘The focus of the parabola is, =1 3 2) (3:4) 13 ) 1p g (Space for Rough Work) SR-17 e rd 2 31. The solution of Tan + 2Cot"be = ig tL yo Day ) Tg 3) 8 4 8 82. Sin?17.5° +Sin?72.5° is equal to D Tan?45° 2) Cos*90° 3) Sin?45° 4) Cos?30° 33, ‘The conjugate of the complex number D isi qi 3) -1-i 4) -14i 84. ABCis a triangle with |A=30° B A The area of the circum-circle of the triangle is Ay = c 1) 5 sq. cms. 2) 1007 sq. cms. 100; 3) 7 6q, ems, 4) 25 sq. cms. 35. If Sin3@ = Sin@ , how many solutions exist such that -2n<0<2n? yp 9 2) 8 3) 7 45 (Space for Rough Work) SR-17 Turn Over 10 36. ‘The imaginary part of j! is, D1 3) -1 87. The amplitude of (1+i)° is esa D> bn a4 38. Al 20 42 3a » 5x oF ABCis a tringle. G is the centroid. D is the mid point of BC. If A=(2, 3) and G=(7, 5), then the point D is 19 9 D (B 6) 2) G. ‘) 18 uu 3) ( 2) 4) (h 3) 39. »} 2) 2 D5 ) a» > 4) -2 40. If y=2!8*, then 7 is 1) 2/8* Loge 2) Log x yen a 4 x (Space for Rough Work) SR-17 ul A-l aflex a See === la then & is 41. If ( y , ther x ype 2) x 4) 2) -afi-y? 4) -9y A2G08% for x40 48. If the function f(#)=) is continuous at x=0, then the value k for x=0 of kis no 21 3) ow 44, 11, w, w* are the cube roots of unity then (1+) (1+w*) (1+w*) (1+w®) is equal to DO 21 3) w 4 w 45, If x*=y% thon 2 is »y - 2 -2 x L+Logx * 3) TyLogy 4) r+tor( 5) (Space for Rough Worl) SR-17 Turn Over 12 Al 46. The point on the curve y? =x, the tangent at which makes an angle 459 with X-axis is v (4 %) » (%» %) » (% %) 0 (% %) 47. The length of the subtangent to the curve x*y* =a* at (-a, a) is D 2a »% a» % 4a 48, ‘The number of positive divisors of 252 is D5 2» 9 3) 10 4) 18 49. The remainder obtained when 51% is divided by 124 is, no 2) 5 3) 1 42 50. Which of the following is not a group with respect to the given operation ? 1) The set of odd integers under additon. 2) The set of even integers under addition, 8) {1,-1} under multiplication. 4) {0} under addition. (Space for Rough Work) SR-17 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 13 ‘The range in which y =—x? + 6x —3 is increasing is D x>3 3) 5

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