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New views on the pathogenesis of acute otitis media

and its complications

Martine Franqois
Service ORL, H6pital R o b e r t Debrk, Universiti: Paris VII, Paris, France

The pathogenesis of acute otitis media is complex and multifactorial. Bacteria infecting the middle ear come from the
nasopharynx via the eustachian tube. This colonization is facilitated by bacterial adherence on the pharyngeal and
the eustachian tube cells. Otitis media is characterized by inflammation of the middle ear with an infiltration of the
subperiosteal space by leukocytes, macrophages and mast cells. The effusion contains great amounts of inflammatory
mediators (eicosanoids, cytokines, histamine). Elimination of the effusion and/or the bacteria is based on non-specific
factors such as mucociliary clearance and phagocytosis, and on a specific immune response which apparently is not the
same for Haemophilus influenzae and for Streptococcus pneumoniae. The main complications of acute otitis media are
otitis media with effusion, mastoiditis, sensorineural hearing loss and meningitis.
Key words: Acute otitis media, pathogenesis, adherence, mucociliary clearance, immunoglobulin, inflammation

INTRODUCTION Bacteria responsible for AOM are the same as those in the
Acute otitis media (AOM) is the most common organic Nasopharyngeal colonization with potential middle ear
disease in infants and children. During the past decade, pathogens appears to be a prerequisite for their ability
many important contributions have been made in to infect the middle ear [l]. In episodes of AOM,
the area of its pathogenesis, which is complex and the bacterial strains found in the middle ear cavity
multifactorial. Studies have been focused mainly on the are also generally found in the nasopharynx. This was
bacterial colonization of the middle ear and on the demonstrated:
middle ear reaction to this colonization. The under- By bacterial cultures of both middle ear effusion
standing of the pathogenesis of middle ear infection will (MEE) and nasopharyngeal secretions. Recently in
lead to a better therapy for this disease and better a multicentric study, 63.3% of 359 children suffering
prevention of both complications and recurrences. from AOM had the same bacteria in the MEE and
in the nasopharyngeal secretions, either alone or
among other pathogens [l].The lack of sensitivity
BACTERIAL COLONIZATION OF THE MIDDLE EAR (or exhaustivity) of nasopharyngeal sampling may
explain why the correlation between middle ear and
All experimental and clinical data are leading towards nasopharyngeal pathogens was not 100%~
the conclusion that bacteria responsible for AOM come By the analysis of outer membrane proteins and
from the nasopharynx via the eustachian tube. lipo-oligosaccharides of non-typeable Haernophilur
infuenzue strains isolated simultaneously from the
nasopharynx and middle ear which showed that
these strains were generally identical in a given
individual [2].
With genetic fingerprinting [3].
Corresponding author and reprint requests:
Dr Martine Francois, Service ORL, HBpital Robert Debre, Colonization of the nasopharynx
48 boulevard Seruier, 75 019 Paris, France Faden et al. demonstrated that during episodes of AOM,
Tel: +33 1 40 03 24 49 Fax: +33 1 40 03 47 17 both the carriage rate and the absolute quantity of the

3S6 Clinical M i c r o b i o l o g y a n d I n f e c t i o n , Volume 3, S u p p k e m e n t 3

bacterial pathogens causing AOM, such as Haemophilus Stenstrom et al. investigated the possible involve-
infuenzae, Stveptococcus pneurnoniae and Moraxella ratav- ment of a dysfunction of the ET in the etiology of
rhalis, increase in nasopharyngeal secretions [4]. rAOM [9]. They tested the E T functions of children in
The mechanisms of the colonization of the a healthy state and compared results of otitis-prone
nasopharynx are only partly understood. Bacterial children to those of children with no history of AOM.
adherence to epithelial and pharyngeal cells depends on They found that children with a history of AOM had
several factors. The predilection of some strains of a lower residual middle ear pressure after closure and a
bacteria such as S. pneurnoniae types 6A, 6B, 14, 19F poorer active tubal function than healthy children. Yet
and 23F to induce AOM may be based on their there is no clear evidence as to whether the dysfunction
enhanced ability to adhere to and colonize the is a primary cause or only secondary to otitis media.
nasopharynx, ascend the eustachian tube (ET), and
invade the middle ear [S]. Contiguous spread
The colonization of the nasopharynx depends also The third hypothesis is that bacteria may spread
on host and environmental factors. Differences in the gradually from the nasopharynx to the middle ear. This
ability of bacterial pathogens to colonize the naso- process is probably facilitated by viruses and/or by the
pharynx of different individuals may partially explain production of a number of exoproducts by respiratory
why certain individuals become infected and others do bacteria. These enzymes m o d i e receptors on the E T
not. The colonization is clearly an age-dependent cells, facilitating adherence and colonization as they do
phenomenon [6]. It is more important in infants on the pharyngeal cells.
than in older children or adults. Shimamura et al. have Exposure of part or all of a S. pneumoniae adherence
demonstrated that strains of H . infnenzae and S. pneu- receptor structure by the pneumococcal enzymes,
rnoniae adhered better to nasopharyngeal epithelial cells such as neuraminidase and glycosidase, may facilitate
of children than to those of adults and to those of colonization, invasion of the middle ear, and induction
children with otitis media than in normal subjects [7]. of AOM. Linder et al. studied the evolution of the cell
Aniansson et al. have reported that the casein fraction surface carbohydrates in the E T and the middle ear
of the human milk inhibits the attachment of S. mucosa after intranasal inoculation of S. pneumoniae in
pneumoniae and H . infnenzae to human respiratory the chinchilla [S]. They demonstrated that such an
epithelial cells, suggesting a possible mechanism by inoculation leads to the removal of the terminal sialic
which breast-feeding may protect against AOM [8]. acid, and also to the exposure of N-acetylglucosamine,
The attachment of H . infuenzae and S. pneumoniae, a component of a pneumococcal trisaccharide receptor
which is a prerequisite to middle ear infection, was previously identified on human pharyngeal cells, which
significantly decreased in children demonstrating specific progressed on the tubal surface from the nasopharyn-
secretory IgA in nasopharyngeal secretions compared geal to the tympanic orifice.
with children without such activity [7]. Lindberg et al.
demonstrated that the level of nasopharyngeal cyto- Bacteria present in the middle ear during AOM
kines, which may play a role in the regulation of the In this paper only two points will be discussed: the
local inflammatory response to bacteria, was lower in presence or absence of bacteria in middle ear effusion
children with recurrent AOM (rAOM) than in controls (MEE) during current AOM and their load.
[6]. From these data the authors hypothesize that rAOM
children have a local defective immune reactivity. Sterile cultures
Bacteria are cultured from MEE obtained from children
Colonization of the middle ear with AOM in only 5 5 4 2 % of the cases [lo-131. In
Three mechanisms may explain how bacteria reach the the remaining cases, other microorganisms, such as
middle ear via the ET. anaerobic bacteria or viruses, were regarded as the
causative agent(s) [10,14]. However, recently more
Aspiration sensitive methods have revealed that culture-negative
Negative middle ear pressure induced by sniffing opens samples of MEE may contain bacteria remnants. For
the ET and may induce an aspiration of pathogenic example, Virolainen et al., who have compared a
bacteria into the middle ear [9]. pneumococcal polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to
bacterial culture with 180 MEE samples of children
lnje ction with AOM, have found a positive pneumolysin
Another possible way for bacteria to reach the middle PCK for 51 (28%) of 180 MEE samples, whereas
ear is by injection from the nasopharynx when its S. pneumoniae was cultured in only 33 (18%) samples
pressure increases, as during nose blowing or sneezing. ~51.
FranGois: N e w v i e w s o n t h e p a t h o g e n e s i s of acute o t i t i s m e d i a a n d i t s c o m p l i c a t i o n s 3S7

Bacterial load contain many PMNLs as mucopurulent MEEs of

The high bacterial load found in MEE is not specific OME, whereas inucoid MEE samples obtained during
of an acute infection. Raisanen and Stenfors demon- OME contain very few cellular elements.
strated that the bacterial load of the MEE was Apart froni these cells and bacteria, MEE contains
iionsignificantly different in AOM and otitis media secretory products from glands of the middle ear
with effusion (OME), since the effusion was of the mucosa, and products from inflammatory cells or
niucopurulent type [13]. They have collected 49 bacterial organisms in the middle ear mucosa or in the
samples from AOM and 128 samples from OME. middle ear cavity [ 191.
When MEE obtained during AOM was not sterile, Neutrophils release free radicals such as H202,
bacterial counts were in the range 106-10X/niL. When which may inhibit the cell nietabolism and thus
niucopurulent MEE obtained during OME was not prolong the niiddle ear inflammatory response and
sterile, the bacterial count was also between 106and 108 lead to chronic tissue damage. The effect of neutrophil
bacteria per mL, whereas in serous and mucoid effusions metabolic products on middle ear epithelial cells of the
the bacterial count was nil and 104-10s, respectively. chinchilla was studied in vitro by Kawana et al. [20].
They demonstrated that cell growth was inhibited by
MIDDLE EAR REACTION TO ACUTE INFECTION activated neutrophils whereas tinstimulated neutrophils
did not affect the viability of these cells. Other in vitro
Structural changes experiments with huniaii neutrophils showed that the
Otitis media is characterized by inflammation of the stimulation of neutrophils by bacterial components
middle ear. There is a continuum of the pathologic modifies ion transport. This effect was inhibited by
changes, progressing from an acute to a subacute and catalase, which allowed Herinan et al. to advocate the
then to a chronic phase, in which irreversible tissue role of free radicals in the effect of neutrophils on
damage is observed. epithelial cells [2 11. Neutrophils also produce various
In the earliest stage of AOM, the middle ear enzymes such as phospholipase and myeloperoxidase.
niucosa shows alterations characteristic of an inflam- In the middle ear cavity, where inflammatory
matory response, particularly dilatation and increased effusions may stagnate, immune coniplexes may have
permeability of capillaries, edenia of the laniina the potential to activate complement, release pharma-
propria, and leukocytic infiltration [I 61. cologically active mediators, and thus evoke persistent
The histopathology of experimental purulent otitis inflammatory responses.
media caused by viable bacteria has been extensively
studied in rodents. In the chinchilla, 3 days after Inflammatory mediators
inoculation of the middle ear space with viable S. Infection and E T dysfunction induce secretion of
pneimoniae there was an acute inflammation of poly- inflammatory mediators, which in turn cause increased
niorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNLs) in the subepithelial vascular permeability and stimulate epithelial secretory
space of the middle ear mucosa and subepithelial activity, resulting in niiddle ear inflanirnation and
edema [ 171. Epithelial nietaplasia, increasing edema, effusion.
and middle ear effusion containing PMNLs, were
apparent by day 7. In rats, 1 day after infection of the Eicosanoids
middle ear with Staphylococcus sums there was an acute Phospholipases release arachidonic acid (AA) froni the
inflammation of PMNLs and lymphocytes, and a membrane phospholipids. AA metabolites (such as
purulent discharge. Histopathologic studies revealed an prostaglandins and leukotrienes) are continuously syn-
increase of the ciliated and secretory cells. Another thesized by lipoxygenase and cyclo-oxygenase and are
experimental study performed by Widemar et al. continuously and rapidly destroyed [ 191. This activity
in the rat showed that niast cells, usually located seems to be important during infection, since levels
beneath the outer epithelial layer, could be observed of AA metabolites were higher in purulent than
thoughout the whole depth of the connective tissue in non-purulent (serous or mucoid) OM. The pre-
layer in cases ofpurulent otitis tnedia [18]. All mast cells dominant AA metabolite in chinchilla middle ear
contained rather few granules, as if they had been mucosa was hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid in the puru-
released shortly before the death of the animals. The lent O M group. These experimental data suggest that
niast cell granules contain several mediators which may steroids, which inhibit both lipoxygenase and cyclo-
initiate and sustain the inflammatory reaction oxygenase pathways, may prove to be more effective
diminishing the inflammatory process of AOM than
Effusion non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which inhibit
Usually the MEE samples obtained during AOM only the cyclo-oxygenase pathway.
358 Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 3, Supplement 3

Cytokines may lead to AOM. Ciliated dysfunction in the middle

Cytokines are glycoproteins produced by many cells, ear may also contribute to the ongoing inflammatory
including lymphocytes and macrophages. Some cyto- process in AOM by preventing efficient clearance of
kines act as mediators of inflammation and regulators infected or irritating middle ear fluid.
of the immune response so that they may have an effect Impairment of mucociliary function may be due
on the outcome of the disease. Juhn et al. have analyzed to loss of cilia or ciliated epithelium, lowered ciliary
70 effusion samples from children who had O M for beating activity, changes in the amount or the com-
two cytokines (IL-1p and TNF-a) and total colla- position of the mucus, or periciliary fluid. Many studies
geiiase [22]. The highest concentrations of all three have shown that infections by respiratory viruses are
inflammatory mediators were found in purulent O M , associated with transient abnormalities of cilia in the
and concentrations were higher in younger than in upper respiratory tract epithelium [25,27]. In vitro and
older patients. in vivo experimental studies in the guinea pig showed
that injection of Staphylococcus aureux into the middle ear
Histamine cavity modifies the ciliary beating activity [26]. Various
Chonmaitree et al. have measured the levels of histamine endotoxins and inflammation mediators were also
in 677 MEE samples from children with AOM [23]. proven to affect the ciliary activity [28].
Histamine levels were higher in bacteria-positive than
in bacteria-negative MEE samples. They were higher Chemotaxis and phagocytosis
in samples from patients with viral infection than in Bacteria such as H. influeuzae, S. pneumoniae and
those from patients with n o viral infection. Bacteria and Staphylococcus aweus may be destroyed by phagocytosis.
viruses together had an additive effect on histamine This mechanism is perhaps impaired in children with
content in MEE. Histamine concentrations in the AOM. Pneumococcal capsular polysaccharide was
initial MEE sample tended to be higher in patients with detected in about half of the effusion samples from
persistent otitis than in those with good response to children with acute pneumococcal O M [29]. These
treatment. Kesults suggest that viruses or bacteria, or subcellular components, if retained in the middle ear,
both, induce histamine production, which leads to may sustain the inflammation.
increased inflammation in the middle ear. In fact, chemotaxis and phagocytosis were studied
MEE samples obtained during AOM always show mainly in OME. Complement-activation products,
great amounts of inflammatory mediators. Yet it is not which comprised only a small fraction of the chemo-
known whether and to what extent inflammation of tactin mediators, are present in MEE of children with
the middle ear is beneficial for the recovery of AOM. O M E [17]. The presence of live and dead Staphylococcus
aureus bacteria was almost the same in peripheal blood
neutrophils and in middle ear neutrophils and macro-
ELIMINATION OF THE EFFUSION AND/OR THE phages of children with O M E [30]. But it appeared
BACTERIA that S. pneurnoniae was not phagocytosed well by either
peripheral blood or middle ear phagocytes. Bernstein
Some bacteria probably continuously reach the middle hypothesized that this may be related to the absence of
ear cavity via the ET. But infection occurs only when specific antibody in the patient’s serum at the time of
there is an important increase of the inoculum (as infection.
shown in experimental models of AOM) or when
both non-specific and specific defense mechanisms are Miscellanous
impaired [24]. The network of fibrin present in middle ear effusions,
particularly in purulent effusions, restricts movement of
Non-specific factors organisms and facilitates phagocytosis 1251. Destruction
A variety of non-specific factors, present in the middle of white blood cells and cells lining the mucosa
ear, may play roles in defense against infection. produces lactic acid and a decrease in p H sufficient to
kill or inhibit growth of many bacteria [25]. MEE also
Mucociliary clearance contains proteins which inhibit bacterial proliferation,
The epithelium of the E T and middle ear is lined with either by iron chelation (transferrin) or by their
mucus-producing ciliated cells that are equipped to own bactericidal activity. Lysozyme, the major serum
trap and expel small particles such as bacteria [25,26]. murein hydrolase, is present in MEE. It appears to be
It is expected that any impairment of the mucociliary derived from PMNLs as well as frotn other sources,
clearance may induce a pooling of secretions in the perhaps lysozyme-secreting cells in the middle ear and
middle ear, facilitating multiplication of bacteria which E T epithelium [25].
FranGois: N e w v i e w s o n t h e p a t h o g e n e s i s o f a c u t e o t i t i s m e d i a a n d i t s c o m p l i c a t i o n s 3s9

Specific immune response pathogens in AOM. The MEE levels of specific anti-
The role of systemic and local immune responses in bodies seemed to correlate well with the corresponding
the pathogenesis and natural history of, and the serum antibody levels. Thus, it seems that the MEE
mechanism of recovery from, AOM is not completely antibodies in the early phase of AOM derive mainly
determined. from the serum by transudation 1121. The antibodies in
Normal middle ear niucosa contains only a few the MEEs against H . injuenzae and 111.catarrlialis usually
ininiunoconipetent cells 1121. During infection, how- consisted of both IgG- and IgA-class antibodies, as well
ever, the middle ear inucosa appears to be transformed as secretory antibodies, whereas antibodies against
into a secretory organ capable of immunologic S. pneurnoniae consisted mainly of IgG and IgM types.
reactivity. There is a local synthesis of serum type Secretory type IgA-class antibodies against S. pneu-
antibodies and secretory component in the plasma rnoniae and serum type IgA-class antibodies against
cells and epithelial cells of the middle ear mucosa, S. pneunzoniae were more often found in the later
respectively. phase ofAOM. It therefore seems that the IgA response
to S. pneunzoniae develops slowly during AOM and
Experimental studies is at least partly mediated by local immune mechanisms.
Several investigations in experimental animal models These results are in contradiction to other data
have been carried out to examine the role of local and which demonstrated that in the case of established
systemic immunity in the clearance of bacteria from the AOM, elimination of the effusion was faster at
mucosa [h]. higher concentrations of pneumococcal antibodies
Two longitudinal studies of the efficacy of anti- [34]. Furthermore, Prellner et al. noted that rAOM
biotics in the treatment of pneumococcal AOM in a of children whose cord serum contained a low level of
chinchilla model suggest that early administration of specific IgG antibodies against pneutnococcal types 6A
systemic antibiotics interferes with the local immune and 19F was mainly due to S. pnetrinoniae (although
niechanisni in the middle ear 1311. The investigators their cord serum concentrations of total IgG or the
suggested that systemic humoral immunity probably subclasses IgGl or IgG2 were normal) [34].
played little part in protecting the middle ears of these
animals when directly inoculated with S. pneumoniae. PHVSIOPATHOLOGV OF THE COMPLICATIONS
It seems that bacterial antigens must reach imniuno- OF AOM
competent cells at the local immune site for some local
protective immune response to occur. Chronic otitis media or otitis media with effusion
A similar experiment with non-typeable H. irzfu- Clinically, 5-10% of episodes of AOM lead to chronic
enzae demonstrated that the protection against a second O M E 1171. Animal studies have shown that chronic
AOM with the same strain was bilateral, which suggests O M E lies on a continuum with acute suppurative O M
that it depends on a systemic immune response [32]. 1161.
There is accumulative evidence that OME is not
Clinical studies only due to tuba1 dysfunction and that bacteria or
A variety of immunologic disturbances have been pro- subcellular bacterial components play a role in the
posed as contributing to the development of rAOM. transition from AOM to chronic O M E (291. Recent
It has been suggested that proneness to otitis may studies in chinchillas suggest that bacteria, as well as cell
be due to an impaired response to protein antigens from envelope and cell wall components released during
non-typeable N.injuenzae [12]. In contrast, the role of bacterial lysis, may contribute to OME [17]. Less than
the local immune response is predominant in recurrent half of the effusions from children with chronic O M E
pneumococcal O M , as it may occur even in the yield bacteria on culture, but endotoxin was detected
presence of serum type-specific antibodies [33]. in 80% of effusions, and pneumococcal capsular poly-
Karjalainen et al. demonstrated the appearance saccharides were detected in 33% of 202 sterile
of MEE antibodies against the three most common middle ear effusions from children with chronic OME.
bacteria causing AOM before the thirteenth hour in Purified pneumococcal cell wall alone caused patholog
children suffering from AOM 1121. About one third of similar to that seen in ears inoculated with killed,
the children also had specific antibodies in MEE to encapsulated pneuniococci. Unencapsulated pneumo-
bacteria other than the causative one. Even culture- cocci caused more inflammation than encapsulated
negative effusions contained specific antibodies. These ones. Bacterial lipopolysaccharides (i.e. endotoxin) of
findings suggest that any infection in the middle ear Gram-negative organisms may also be responsible for
may evoke local antibody production of lymphocytes persistent inflammation of the middle ear. Researchers
sensitized to antigens of the most frequent bacterial have demonstrated that as little as 1 ng of endotoxin
3510 C l i n i c a l M i c r o b i o l o g y a n d I n f e c t i o n , V o l u m e 3, S u p p l e m e n t 3

from H. inzuenzae induces severe inflammatory changes Meningitis

in the niucoperiosteum of experimentally inoculated Haernophilus in fluenzae
chinchillas [17]. In the clinical setting, endotoxin has A number of experiments in the rat model and
been detected in MEE in substantial numbers ofpatients. observations in humans led to the conclusion that
H . inzuenzae meningitis occurs by the hematogenous
Mastoiditis route, rather than by contiguous spread from the naso-
The proximity of the mastoid to the middle ear pharynx or the middle ear. Bacteremia during acute
cleft suggests that most cases of suppurative O M are infection with H . injuenzae type b may lead to a
associated with inflammation of the mastoid air cells. central nervous system invasion when the number of
Clinically significant mastoiditis is rare since the intro- organisms is high (>lo3 colony forming units/mL)
duction of antimicrobial agents. Infection in the 1401. The intranasal route has been shown to lead to
mastoid proceeds after middle ear infection through the H . injuenzae meningitis by hematogenous dissemina-
following stages: (1) inflammation of the mucosal lining tion in the infant rat model and the infant primate
of the mastoid cells; (2) accumulation ofpus in the cells; model [41].
(3) impairment of the bony walls due to both pressure
of purulent exudate and ischemia, and infection of the Streptococcus pneumoniae
periosteum from the mastoid air cells by venous channel; In contrast, pneumococcal meningitis secondary to
(4) destruction of the cell walls and coalescence of AOM is secondary to bacterial passage from the middle
adjacent cells; and (5) escape of pus into contiguous ear to the inner ear. This has been demonstrated in
areas. This process may halt at any stage with sub- rodents (24,381. All gerbils whose ear was inoculated
sequent resolution [25]. Since the introduction of with lo4 CFU of S. pneumonia presented AOM, and
systematic treatment of AOM by antibiotics, the disease 76% developed a brain tissue infection in 25 cases,
rarely oversteps stage 2. whereas only 42% had a bacteremia. The degree of
S. pneumoniae is by far the most frequently isolated dissemination was markedly related to bacterial counts
organism in acute mastoiditis, followed by group A in MEE. This result suggests a direct extension from
streptococci [35]. It remains unexplained why such the middle ear to the brain. Anatomic bacterial path-
organisms, susceptible to most antibiotics used for ways promoting meningeal extension of pneumococcal
treatment of any infection of the upper respiratory tract AOM remain to be determined. An experimental study
in children, are consistently isolated in acute mastoiditis in the chinchilla model of AOM supports the hypo-
while the more resistant species H . inzuenzae is rarely thesis that infection spreads along neuronal preformed
found. Some authors hypothesized that H . influenzae pathways after inner ear penetration via the round
causes disease of mucous and serous membranes but is window membrane [38].
less likely to attack bone.
Acute mastoiditis can occur without any recent
symptom of AOM. It still remains unknown if the CONCLUSION
AOM in these cases takes a subclinical course or if
failure in diagnosis plays a role, especially in young AOM is due to the bacterial colonization of the
infants [35]. middle ear by nasopharyngeal bacteria. Recent studies
have shown that this colonization is facilitated by the
Sensorineural hearing loss enhancement of bacterial adherence on the E T lining
Although rare, sensorineural hearing loss is a possible by viruses and/or bacterial enzymes. The mucociliary
complication of AOM [36]. The involvement of the clearance, which seems to be the main protective
inner ear during AOM seems to be through the round mechanism of the middle ear against infection, appears
window membrane. It has been demonstrated that the to be impaired during AOM by combined respiratory
thickness of the round window membrane is increased viruses, endotoxins and inflammatory mediators. The
in temporal bones from subjects with otitis media as infection prompts an inflammatory response with
compared to non-otitis media temporal bones [37]. increased permeability of capillaries and leukocytic
This increased thickness has been suggested to serve as infiltration which participate in the fight against
a protective mechanism for the inner ear, inhibiting the infection by both phagocytosis and immune responses.
passage of toxins. Evidence supporting this hypothesis Clinical and experimental data have demonstrated that
includes a decreased permeability of the round window an incomplete clearance of bacteria may be responsible
membrane in temporal bones with experimentally for persistence of inflammation in the middle ear
induced chronic OM, and those at the resolved stages which leads to chronic OME, the main complication
of purulent OM [38,39]. of AOM.
Franqois: New views o n t h e pathogenesis of acute otitis media and its cornulications 3S11

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