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[Last Name] 1

Smith, Benton

Mr. Rauzon


July 1, 2022

“STUFF”: my thoughts

First, I would like to say that our government is a horrible example of what is FOR THE

PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE. I don’t know very much about geography, but I know when

things are done in a manner that affects populations of humans. So by that, I can truly say that

this 20 minute video has changed my life, and the way I will be dealing with my stuff from here

until I die.

1. EXTRACTION – exploitation of our planet, trashing our land.

2. PRODUCTION – Energy used to make toxic products, which affects humans.

3. DISTRIBUTION – cheap labor, loss of natural resources, space and clean air, just to

keep all toxic products selling and out to us humans.

4. CONSUMPTION – the heart of the system (Golden Arrow)

5. DISPOSAL – 99% of what we consume is discarded in 6 months after purchase.

(Materials Economy)

So let me say I’ve lived My entire life conscious, but totally unaware of that I am

contributing to the destruction of our Planet. Shopping is the main reason we have so

much STUFF.
[Last Name] 2

I buy things every week and now I see why I have clutter in certain areas of my

life/home. Our nature is being destroyed and invaded by the government 80% of our

natural forests are gone, land being taken, trees and mountains also destroyed by the

government for their agenda, if you don’t own or buy stuff you don’t have value at all.

The energy used mix with toxic products, it starts with the extraction, the chopping of

the trees, the destruction of the mountains and the land, the using up of all the waters,

wiping out the animals, we are running out of resources we are trashing the planet being

greedy in our consumption through advertisement and tempting products we think we

need or want, seems like nothing’s any good anymore toxins in products we use daily

and in our workplace shortly after World War guys like Victor LeBeau use these methods

to keep us in the money washery system for times to come it will get worse if we carry on

as a country and the entire world if we don’t make any immediate change in how we live

here on earth there will surely be no more earth for our grandchildren and their

grandchildren to live in procreate for the future.

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