4 Inorganic Chem - Lee 5ed-451-500

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OXYGEN COMPOUNDS 423 COCI, + H,O > 2HCI + CO cl “NH \ feme, C=O + 2HCI \ C=0 + 2NHs al NH; Carbonyl chloride is extremely toxic, and was used as a poisonous gas in: World War I. Nowadays it is produced in quite large quantities to make tolylene diisocyanate which is an intermediate in the manufacture of polyurethane plastics. Carbon dioxide CO CO, is a colourless, odourless gas..It is a major industrial chemical, with 5.3 million tonnes produced in the USA and 10 million tonnes worldwide in 1993. The main industrial source is as a by-product from the manufac- ture of hydrogen for making ammonia. CO + H,0 = CO, + Hp CH, + 2H,0 — CO, + 4H, It is also recovered from fermentation processes in breweries, from the gases evolved from calcining limestone in lime kilns and from the flue gases from coal-burning electric power stations, The CO, is recovered by ab- sorbing it in either aqueous Na,COs or ethanolamine. yeast under CoH 120s 2C:H;OH + 2CO, anaerobic conditions strong heat — Caco; Itis obtained in small amounts by the action of dilute acids on carbonates. It can also be made by burning carbon in excess of air. CaO + COz CaCO; + 2HCI—> CaCl, + CO + HO C+ 0,4 CO, Recovery of CO; cool Na,CO, + CO, + H,O == 2NaHCO; hot Girbotol process 2HOCH,CH,NH> + CO, + H,O cthanolamine 100-150°C (HOCH,CH;NH;),CO; CO: gas can be liquified under pressure between —57°C and 431°C. About 80% is sold in liquid form, and 20% as solid. The solid is produced 6 nite now by expanding the gar Gom cylinders (Expansion ces cine) Tas w compacted into blocks aed so Sold CO, shies ‘duet tothe vapour te (thou pony through te hed st) 2 SSe¢ onder sumoaphene pressure Overball the CO, produced ots drclngeam SolCO;wealed ry sce or eatdee’' and sed feat tment faze foods and ie cream, and the laboratory abel Ove ‘Teuaer wed to carbonate dans (Coca Calo evonade, bee et) ‘ther tie cade the manfture of ures, sa er stmoepher, a for neiaham aks Over 38 malhon toate of urea vere prods twornde ve 191 (Urea the most wday ened mtogenne ea ‘nd ae for making formaldehyde wea tes) 60, + 2814, 7. NH.COWNHL = COME): + LO Saal sale ase of COs nude we i re extnguhes Ding fines stam serial propellant and forage rat "COs gus dteted ys acton on hme water Co OH)-or any wer, ‘BuOtth ae ante malabl reautste of CsCO4 BaD, ome Wimore CO. psc trough the miu the eoadnes peas the vlads enone formed COM). + €O.-+ CACO. + HO 20044 C014 HO CALICO COs mse aude sed eect wath Bees forming salts Isat ster hat only shgilyRyrated to ebone eed HsCOy 0 he Solution conta ew caronat ot estboruteroas AbydateCOs SHO ane eptttaed a U°C under prestare of 0 stmaxpheres CO> C++ HO = HCO, Carbone acd his nose been wate ut ger ae to tno ses of ‘ite hjunguae tonite (here sates) seearbons NaH1CO. sium icrtonae 2 (Geils) NOH (H-COW N. 'Na.CO, usdnm cuore ‘core at) + CO, can so at a5 bes and for 4 few compose such 3 © jRulCo.jenPR py sed [CO(CO.}PP tn the et mp the © omin COvts bonded tothe etl he scondeonple the CO-2835 CARBONATES 425, a bidentate ligand with one C atom and one O atom bonded to the metal, and the CO, molecule is bent. ‘The structure of CO> is linear O—C—O. Both C—O bonds are the same length. In addition to & bonds between C and O, there is a three- centre four-electron m bond covering all three atoms. This adds two x honds to the structure in addition to the two o bonds. Thus the C—O bond order is two. This is described in more detail in Chapter 4. Biologically. carbon dioxide is important in the processes of photosyn- thesis, where the green parts of plants manufacture glucose sugar. Ulti- mately all animal and plant life depends on this process. 6CO, + 6H,0 2". CyH)20¢ + 602 glucose ‘The reverse reaction occurs during the process of tespitation, where animals and plants release energy. : CcHi20x + 60, > 6CO, + 6H,O + energy Carbon suboxides Carbon suboxide C3; is a foul-smelling gas, boiling point 6°C. It is made by dehydrating malonic acid with P,O,o. HOOC-CH;- COOH 2", 0=C=C=C=0 + 2H,0 wuloneacid SC Itis stable at ~78°C and the molecule is linear, At room temperature the 82s polymerizes to a yellow solid, and at higher temperatures to red and Purple solids. The oxide reacts with HO, giving malonic acid, and with HCI and NH; as follows: ° €;02 + 2HCI> CH,(COCI), (acid chloride) C,02 + 2NH3— CH,(CONH,)2 (amide) There are disputed reports that CxO. is formed by thermolysis of C;02. The only other stable suboxide is C20. This is a White solid, and is the anhydride of mellitic acid C(COOH),. CARBONATES ee ate two series of salts from carbonic acid HyCOs, namely carbonates roe ia hydrogencarbonates HCO3. The CO3" ion is flat. The COf- feo sn hot exist, even though SiO3~ does. This is probably because C is Small, and the situation is analogous to the formation of NOZ and POT in Group 15 ‘The struct of the CO} ton may be represented at ercesors ty foe Scepter I loa or gtr me emane sac enmapine irae (ener | “The bonding m the CO} on best deserted wang 2 deloesiaed x Inosclor vbal covering al four atoms (See Chapter 4) "Many eatbonsc of forma NI#COs have the sae ature ase tutotien hve the sragontestrctre The siucure adopted eset the see of the metal fone Ma Mg* Cat zatt Fer Gy 067 07 07% 07% O78 O97 lene seucte a [see ee ae rool tas 121 138 aragonite rate Some eatbonates ate produced over lage smours_ 315 mics tonnesgear of NCOs, 900000 ontesiyear NSHCOs, and SOD tances Year of L4COs Gee Chapters 9nd 10) ‘Carbonate oe are cole and ence te cabonsts of Groep 204 2 metas ate wile ‘Though A sate ae iypliy hte, APsCOs 8 low due tothe song polaron lect of AB" (NIL),CO aa Gro Fearonats are tend sable sn water, encopt 4,CO) wind 8 2 Signy soluble TCO, 8 modettely salable, tut the other Groep Catbonsts are spaigly soluble or msoable Caronates al rat sah bes, erating COs Na,CO, + 2HCI—+ INCI + CO, +10 Group 1 carbonates are stable to est and melt wahout decompose {Group 2 esoonates a decomp if ictedsatcemly sory THe Stebity sevesees 36 the wae ofthe meal tm inresee Mast eis sebonats decomp ey ato)! 0 + 605 BECO, MgCO, CaCO, SCO, B2CO1 Decompostion dissolved in the oceans, and more slowly with carbonate minerals formed on the sea bed. An equilibrium exists between them. The proportion of CO; in the atmosphere is approximately 0.046% by weight, and 0.031% by volume. Though only a small percent- age, CO; is essential for life, and amounts to 2500 billion tonnes (2500 x 10” tonnes). Photosynthesis by the.green parts of plants and some brown and blue algac removes about 360 billion tonnes of CO; from the atmosphere a year = roughly 15%. Glucose sugar is the first product formed. This may be used for respiration and energy release by the plant, or incorporated into plant cells. These may be eaten by animals, and used for respiration or for producing animal cells. Eventually the same amount of CO is returned to the atmosphere either by respiration of the plant or animal, or by death and putrefaction of plant or animal remains, Combustion of fossil fuels, mainly coal, oil and natural gas, and burning tropical rain forests adds about 25 billion tonnes of CO; to the atmosphere each year. (Coal production in 1992 was 4545 million tonnes, crude oil 3034 million tonnes, natural gas 2.1 x 10'*m*. Important amounts of CO3 are released by burning limestone to make lime for making cement. Lime production in 1992 was 127.9 million tonnes so about 100 million tonnes of CO; was produced. CaCO; CaO + CO; Itis estimated that in 1992 the USA added 1.2 billion tonnes of CO, to the atmosphere, the USSR 1 billion tonnes and western Europe 0.8 billion tonnes. If all of this CO, remained in the atmosphere, it is estimated that the CO, content will double by the year 2020. With the ever increasing use of fossil fuels the amount of CO> could double even sooner. The CO; molecule absorbs strongly in the infrared region, and its Presence in the atmosphere decreases the loss of heat from the earth by radiation. This global warming is called the ‘greenhouse effect’. (Other Bases, including the oxides of nitrogen from car exhausts, Freons from aerosols and refrigerators and methane from bacteria in the soil and in the Tumen of cows, also add to the greenhouse effect.) The magnitude of this effect. and whether it exists at all are controversial. The concentration of atmospheric CO, has increased by 10% since 1958, and on the basis of measurements of CO, from ice cores is some 25% higher than before the ‘dural revoltion Ths coresponds to about hall the CO; product fom burg fo fue, an mont ofthe remainder ht been abe by the oceane A United Nao report suguet tht sing ave the ‘pean emperature cf the earth wl rise by 25°C the ent 30 yes Th ‘an average, vari from 2°C atthe eguatr to °C athe ples Tes ‘Souldtave demas on the crate. Some fertile sear ie the pan ficin he USA would become desert and crope would ot grow ‘The Ineeatd temperature would ease mote evaporation of water an heb tore am, ooding tnd tropa toms cera parts ofthe weld Pa hth pola ce cape would mek and ths fopther wth the thera ‘apzonon ofthe es woud ood vast ates of land Tess by no cane cetia tat hese estrone changes wil oscar smut be emphisred tht here lng tmesae or the expel war, oe Yo gieemouse gases Furthermore mnatore one change in he Wo Sphere usually balneed by another tah he opposte elect aloes hdoerleedbaks ae ely tale he ure cncenraens of res oure gar More CO. nthe staosplere may eakance plant groxh| then wll use up_A whale forest Ean grown 30 yee Since le mounts of CO: dsavg im the sen ths should make the pH of te fu decrese In he exteme ths nese ety git rea te falsreoe tele moe and other se thes etoying the TS ‘Slr from eta smcef loa warming et oct. the obit of CO: fm ster wl decree However. an terse tt COv an the ute ‘ees coldwell lead to an meres i panko ~ sll mane pls Iehich we COs in potajben Tn ation low resco cect 08 te frean Foor OF +60; + 1,0 2105 “The sete sediments on the oeean for ay a9 portant 19 ‘ung the competion ap pH ofthe water ‘Am actsee a pH co erated by be dsehmon feet minerals a the pecan ot ‘thers Ths seate rks may change to carbonates and SiO he pl ‘Subsequent ebanges the oter way then hese process ae erred "The weenoure debate 3 fertader ofthe led erence, ee tanya log esse ofthe pbs of bal wma The stor’ ‘pon that st be pron toconewe energy. ompeot es) andrei wsell pct sce ters ined aerate Sight to wg fv foe. Neves power the only major aera egy soure, ad at present many people find it wnaceptbe Th hydrogen economy long way Of dnd solar power an the power of ‘nd and waves an tet roid oly aes atm 6c requrements suLraEs Carton dupe C5. tbe most smpotant spite of carton Ie colours volute ga, Bp 46°C He dungeons Yo handle Bee i SULPHIDES itis very flammable, it has a very low flash point (30°C) and it ignites spontaneously at 100°C. It is very poisonous. affecting the brain and central nervous system. Pure samples smell like ether, but organic im- purities frequently give it an extremely foul smell. It is a commercially important chemical, and world production was 280400 tonnes in 1991. At cone time it was produced by heating charcoal and $ vapour at about 850°C. Nowadays it is produced mainly from a gas phase reaction between natural gs and sulphur, catalysed by Al,Os oF silica gel. cH, + 4s2@°S cs, + 2H:S ‘The main uses of CS2 are as follows: . The manufacture of viscose rayon (artificial silk) and cellophane. CS» reacts with cellulose and NaOH to form sodium cellulose dithio- carbonate (cellulose xanthate). celluloe—O CS; + cellulose—OH + NaOH > c=s Ue NaS ‘sodium cellulose xanthate This is dissolved in lye (aqueous alkali) to give a viscous solution called ‘viscose’. On acidification, ‘viscose’ is converted back to cellulose in the form of fibres (either rayon or cellulose wool), or as a thin film (cellophane). . The manufacture of CCl, (see later under ‘Halides’). . Smaller amounts are used as a solvent for S in the cold vulcanization of rubber. ene CS) reacts with aqueous NaOH, giving a mixture of sodium carbonate and sodium trithiocarbonate: 3CS, + 6NaOH —> Na,CO; + 2Na,CS; + 3H,0 CS, reacts with NH, giving ammonium dithiocarbamate: CS) + 2NH3 —> NH,{H,NCS)] CS; is a linear molecule vith a similar structure to CO>. CS, forms complexes more readily than CO2. The complex [Pt(CS,)(PPh;)] is struc- ‘urally similar to [Co(CO,)(Ph;)}. The CS, “cts as a bide tate "'gand with one C atom and one S atom bonded to the metal, and the CS2 molecule is bent. The S atoms may bond to other metal atoms, giving more complicated complexes. The bonding cannot be explained by classical localized bonds. : Sunlight changes CS, to CS, which is why CS, is stored in dark coloured ae A high frequency electric charge also converts CS, vapour to CS. Sis unlike CO, and is a highly reative radical even at the temperature of [429] lau air Passing a are through C33 gues Cy Thi thought hae the srctre Sirsa fed gu that polymers soy [sdoe GO) (OXIDES OF SILICON “Twoondes ofan S:0 andS10; have been reported Sion one ‘thought tbe forme by gh temperate doen of SO, wth ba Is exstnce oom tempera doub! 803 + 51-+250 Sito donde 50> como called ale, and dey Fund as sand snd quarts Group 1 elements tcl foe our bonds Caton ‘hn toum pp double bonds ang hence COs decrete lene se gas Sion ennot for dose bonds ins way sig pa rb (Atustntl nuber of sieon compounds ate now Keown to cot (proe bonde ta wich the alzoa alow appeae to uke oa fo ona ) Thus Si; Corns ya nite tees dmcnonal Set. and SiOz igh meling sold 10s ents at et 12 diferent forme The ‘sin ones are quis indymic and eraohulte each of ch Ao Steen struts ugh ap low terpertres wu Qua by fr the ‘most common and 3 ajy eomettucn of prte an supdone Poe 510s clout rages of ther male miyelour gig mn recius gamstones teh a ametys (lt). ror qr (enh. mae {quart (rowa) erie (tlw) and non-precious matey sch thet {bien ik de oC), spate Sd ony (unde) (ow temp aque atndyente——wenwobale fom) ee ee awe temp iarte 22S pudyrace SS pensioatne ME toon) Sn allo these fons each Sts tee srrounded by Four © aos Esch creer shred sth spoterteraedron, th pang a9 ae stay The eference Getneen these statues the a) whch Ge ictoedra$10, us are acanged Qua the vost able fora oom temperate and ths the tetrahedra form hea chains Teese me tnterinked Since the hela maybe left rep and. thay cot Be Supermposed, so texsasdand opel womens India est beteparaed by hind In enstbsite the State ave the aune sare rmentas the Catomsin diamond, ws atoms may etme hem) The felanon erveen tndyinte and eratobaie the sme tat BeveER Srurtte snd ne bende: Heating ony sl fom of S10 tt sare Tenpestie, or stow cookng often Os, perl aod TS OXIDES OF SILICON 431 amorphous, and contains a disordered mixture of rings, chains and three- dimensional units. Silica in any form is unreactive. It is an acidic oxide and so does not react with acids. However, it does react with HF, forming silicon tetrafluoride SiE,. This reaction is used in qualitative analysis to detect silicates: when the SiF, comes into contact with a drop of water it is hydrolysed to silicic acid, This can be seen as a white solid forming on the surface of the drop of water. H,SO, + CaF) > HF2S° sir, —“%°, + H,O SiO, is an acidic oxide: it dissolves slowly in aqueous alkali, and more rap- idly in fused alkalis MOH or fused carbonates MjCOs, forming silicates. SiO, + NaOH — (NaSiO;), and Na,SiO, This reaction accounts for ground glass stoppers sticking in reagent bottles containing NaOH. Of the halogens, only fluorine attacks SiO. SiO, + 2F) > SiF, + O2 Quartz is important as a piezo-electric material for the crystals in gramophone pickups, for cigarette and gas lighters and for making crystal oscillators for radios and computers. There is insufficient natural quartz of high enough purity, and so it is made synthetically by hydrothermal growth of seed crystals from aqueous NaOH and vitreous silica at 400°C under pressure. Vitreous silica has a low coefficient of expansion, is quite resistant to shock, and is very transparent to visible and ultraviolet light. It is used for laboratory glassware, and for optical components such as lenses and prisms and cells to hold samples in UV-visible spectrophotometers. Silica gel is amorphous and very porous. It is obtained by dehydrating silicic acid, and contains about 4% water. It is widely used as a drying agent, a catalyst, and in chromatography. The mineral opal, which is used as a white or pearl-like gemstone, is hard (amorphous) silica gel. The beginnings of ordered structures are shown by various minerals, many of Which are cut and polished as gemstones: agate (often banded colours) onyx (often white and black bands) carnelian (yellow or red) bloodstone (green with red spots) Jasper (usually red or brown but sometimes green, blue or yellow) Aint (colourless ‘or black if C present) Si(OH), or ae (39 -2H,0 These are best written SiO, + nH;0. Kieselguhr is another form of SiO,. It is a fine white powder, and about 2 million tonnes/year are obtained by open cast mining in Europe and North America. It is used in filtration plants, as an abrasive, and as an inert OT ees > fer (Gelgnte wa mature ofthe exponve mtrobenene (bait) an wrested) ) (OXIDES OF GERMANIUM, TIN AND LEAD “The dondes GeO, 0x and PHO, normally adopt 8 TO, strate | 6" eoorinaton he Day ofthe ones icreares down he 009 Ths {the uta tend ‘This COy and SiO, ar purely ac GeOy els Strongly asd a SOs, ad $40; 3 POO, sre apotene Ges, S00, find POO, desl sits fo form gemnaptes, stanoats aed pombe respectively ‘The permanaesbave complied sutures sm 10 te Iileate bu the sannates and pumbstes contain [Sa(OH}~ ay iPocornal compien ons There sso endence ofthe exten: cf GelOtlhy Store ana POCOHT) ae hee ae beer eepecnted (MO,(H:6), where ms aboot |All ee ondes re soluble ac ‘rept whe 3 complexing gent sich au For Cl” pete, when omples ons such as (GeFlt "and (SCL ae formed "The lower oxides GeO, SO and FEO hav aerate rather than he type nie suuctures They are sigh more base and owe than he ‘Crspomtng hiphereader‘GeO edt sce wht SO 284 PLO amphotenc and davolve both andr andres Theierested ty ‘tthe inwer valence states on descending group stated by he ft ‘hat Ge and Se are quite stooge ages wheres Po is sable 0 scommeralyenportamt ents as aed fom eed thereat a yellow form eed maseototge wed age amount fo mse fet ples. and iq ceramic plzes Word producton i about 25000 tonesjear” Black onde’ of lead msture of POO and Pb, and extensively sed wo maketh plates In lee storage batlenes fr wot its The node onde fo POO, and the eathode rede to png) tend About 30000 tonneiyeat ae uted wordwide Lead alo forms mined atde Fo.0, Ths called red fead and raybe represented a6 2760 POO, clearly 1 cotans POI) aad POLY) FODe 1 gato geevent the rating of on and ee te a eid (o colour tad vlanzeplste and ruil rubber Sar secs are ued i crams and gasmalig, Worl production abo¥ OD tonecieat POO; sed a strong nung agent nd produced sai kad storage tater stucares ‘Occurrence theca crust Aout 95% ofthe eats cust compote af eit minerals, alumine Sieate ele oe ea These wake op the ltt al ck sand td ‘eve breakdown procs cys nd sol Many building mate te Siiets grant slaes bret. and coment Ceramics at i at a0 SILICATES 433 olivine MiSIO« 7 pyfoxenes MUSiO3)2 amphiboles MI(AL,Si)4O11-(OH)2. . biotite micas (K,H)2(Mg,Fe")2(AlFel}(SiO4)s orthocase feldspars KAISI:05 muscovite micas KAI(AISis010) - (OH)2 quartz SiO, last zeolites Naz(AleSiOx0)2H20 (Leaving a small amount of water, SOz, S, Pb, Cu, Ag, Sn, As, Sb, Bi and other transition metals in solution under a very high temperature and pressure) Figure 13.6 Sequence in which minerals are thought to have crystallized. The three most abundant elements are O. Si and Al. Together they make up 81% of the earth's crust, that is four out of five atoms are one of these. This is a much higher abundance than in the earth as a whole or in the universe. During the cooling of the earth the lighter silicate materials crystallized and floated to the surface, resulting in the concentration of silicates in the earth's crust. N.L, Bowen has summarized the sequence in which these crystalline minerals appeared as the magma cooled. and this is called Bowen's Reaction Series (Figure 13.6). Several points arise: . The simpler silicate units crystallized first: 2. Hydroxy! groups appear in the later minerals. and F may be substituted instead of OH: 3. Isomorphous replacement, i.e. changing one metal for another without changing the structure. occurs particularly in the later minerals. . The orthoclase feldspars, muscovite mica ‘and quartz are the major minerals of granite. . As the silicates cooled further. they shrank and cracked. The hydro- thermal (hot water) solution moved through the cracks nearer the sur- face to regions of lower temperature and pressure where the elements Precipitated and then combined with S, forming veins of sulphides. Soluble silicates Silicates can be prepared by fusing an alkali metal carbonate with sand in an electric furnace at about 1400°C. ere 0s Na.CO,~"S, CO, + Na,0 82: NaySiOy, (NaSiO,),, and others me Product is a soluble glass of sodium or potassium silicate. It is issolved in hot water under pressure, and is filtered fom any insoluble Neetal. The composition of the product varies, but is approximately 22Si0s-6H,0. In 1991, 2.6 million tonnes of soluble sodium silicates “ere produced (measured in terms of SiO2 content). They are used in (cy gu etree preparations to Lee the pl ap, 50 that pease anda ‘in bs doled by fring a soap. Soa setes ee nthe ted i the wster hard, o ey il eat wah C= to form insu xem iMleste Sod sete eho wed ab an adhesive (or example for pasting paper, Bonds paper pulp and covrqated carat). mbes Foot tie, reproct punt and pay, aod slag sien gl Pane of ‘The majonty of seate minerals ate very soluble because they have nate tone stocure and Beene of the reat stensth of the SO ond ‘Thesnade alt stay th setts snd pal pope ‘essuchaclevage andthe hares of eke ere orm Te ‘Sactrat pnapes sae setts have only Become sparen a ‘he store Rave been shed by Xray erysaliogaphe metbose 1 The eletonegtnny sference between O an Si.35— 18 = 17 sagen thatthe bond ate slat 30% tome and Si covlent 2 The setare may therefore be condeed theoreti by bth wae nd covalent methods The rate nano SO 029. hh gene tat Sicour coordinate ands surrounded by four O stones the tomer of tetthedson Thiscan also be preted fom the week the Sand three 3p oval by Si or bonding Thus sieates reas (SO, tetrahedral us 3 The 10s tetrad may en 38 dare uns o may polymense | lator a's by sharing corners that by Shsiag © sm8 4 The O atoms are uen cose packed. ot neal lose packed Cle picked tutes have tetabedral and etaheda oes ed mt ons ‘Bay eccupy exer oaahedral or tetaberal ate Sepencing ont Sve, Mast metal ons are the ph size to Bt ans ype of ale Thou ‘AD can tinier ‘Thu Atco replace eer metal mone of foes ora sion atom i he lau Tse pately pore = the aiomestientes ‘Occasional Li may occupy ses wath cooednaton auber of 6 ae ‘ante wl 4 and Kand Comey tate acoerdinaen number of Bra than the wal 6 The radi ato pnp ea fl unde, Bot | sry apple some compounds and estes are party covalent | these compound the ul charge seperation to ge Stand OF doe 26 ‘czar and empna ‘fcc an rad may be wed send of re ‘ome tad (ce Further Renin. R_D- Shanna) (CLASSIFICATION OF SILICATES “The way im which the (10. teahedal unis re tanked togetst [rower a convementeracron ofthe any ste mera CLASSIFICATION OF SILICATES 435 Orthosilicates (neso-silicates) A wide variety of minerals contain discrete (SiO4)*~ tetrahedra, that is they share no corners (see Figure 13.7). They have the formula M}'[SiO,), where M may be Be, Mg, Fe, Mn or Zn, or M'¥[SiO,], for example ZrSiO,. Different structures are formed depending on the coordination number adopted by the metal. In willemite Zn,[SiO«], and phenacite Be2[SiO,], the Zn and Be atoms have a coordination number of 4, and occupy tetrahedral holes. In forsterite Mga{SiO,], the Mg has a coordination number of 6 and Table 13.8 Types of holes occupied in close-packed structures Oxide Radius Coordination Type of hole ratio number ‘occupied 0.25 4 Tetrahedral 0. 4 Tetrahedral 0.42 40r6 { Tetrahedral or Octahedrat 0.59 6 Octahedral 0.68 6 Octahedral occupies octahedral holes.When octahedral sites are occupied, it is quite common to get isomorphous replacement of one divalent metal ion by another of similar size, without changing the structure. The mineral olivine (Mg. Fe)2[SiO,] has the same structure as forsterite, but about one tenth of the Mg”* ions in forsterite are replaced by Fe* ions. The ions have the same charge and similar radii (Mg?* 0.72 Are 078 A), and occupy the same type of hole. Thus substitution of one metal for another does not ‘change the structure. This mineral may also have Mn" in’some octahedral sites, thus giving (Mg, Fe, Mn)2[SiO,]. These structures are all related to hexagonal close-packing. Zircon ZrSiO, is used as a gemstone as it can be cut to look like a SiO” ion Oxo | : -go Po o- a Figure 13.7 Structure of orthosilicates. (After T. Moeller.) darond bet mich cheaper Zircon im ‘soe than dimond the eu edges whch make the gem arate venta wes an 8p th inst the stone Zrcon hae a eoordinaon umber OF The rete sot close packed "The prot te another mportant group of minerals wth ert tea tees ‘Large erste of poet are eu ad poled and ued a5 3 res {emstone Much ger amount (10609 tones 198) are used o make SStuper The formals = MUM (SAOah BM may Be Ng. Ca on Fey Ad these ate sx enrdnate AM" may be Fe, Cron A apd thee até fae coordinate Pyrosenes (oro-seates dese) Two tetsheda uns ate jrned by shang the © atone comme, that fBvng the unt (Ss0y)™ The the simplest ofthe condensed siete fone The nae pyro cmcs from the emit) 19 stu wth pyro Despite such st NeyPOs, and these Were nae Because they eda Be fade by beating ornoponpates (ce Fugu. 13 8). Pyoatieaersrerare One examiesihousestteSe{Si0y) A number ot aothande scte have amar frmolve LrSi0,] Tete ae at fue the sane, ss he Si-~O-St angle sno IB? a5 0 he Se compound, Btvanes dow to 137, an the coordination mamber a he metal hates fiom 610" and then to ste ae ofthe metal ineeaes, Hemomorpe ZagOH{S:05} HO waeotker example, bul tactural user hon Sferencem te lng af the brgng sed terminal SiO bonds. Thus Ihe epteentaion a8 deat on maybe misleading ae he state tay be ter conered ae (104 amd [2n0 (OH ered inked 0 [ve a tteesamenworal retook Oe 5120; en gue 18 Seat of ponies OF (Aft T Mester) phe eats Itt oxygen atoms ger tetrabedron are sured. tng secure ay be foumed of general forma (S10, (Figure 139) Rings cooing ‘vee for sad ext letebedeal unt re knoe, bu hoe wee and scare the wos camimon The cli fon $05” cout wollte {Ca[04] apd in bentote BaTSH Os} The SuO!” unt occurs im Bs] CLASSIFIZATIIN ~7 LILICATES 437 i012 SigOyg 1? fon Figure 13.9 Structure of cyclic silicates SisO$- and SigO}}”. (After T. Moeller.) BesAl,[Si,Oj,]. In beryl the SisO,x units are aligned one above the other, leaving channels. Na*, Lit and Cs* are commonly found in these channels, and because of the channels the mineral is permeable to gases consisting of small atoms or molecules, ¢.g. helium. Beryl and emerald are both gemstones. Beryl is found with granite and usually forms pale green crystals which are six-sided prisms. Emerald has the same formula as beryl except that it contains 1-2% Cr which gives it a strong green colour. Chain silicates Simple chain silicates or pyroxenes are formed by the sharing of the O atoms on two corners of each tetrahedron with other tetrahedra. This gives the formula (SiO;)3"~ (see Figures 13.10 and 13.11). A large number of important minerals form chains, but there are a variety of different struc- tures formed because the arrangement of the tetrahedra in space may vary and thus affect the repeat distance along the chain. The most common arrangement repeats after every second tetrahedron, for example in spodu- mene LiAl[(SiO;),] (which is the main source of Li), enstatite Mgo[(SiOs)2], and diopsite CaMg[(SiO3)2}. Wollastonite Cay{(SiO;)3] has a repeat unit of ‘he tetrahedra, and others are known with repeat units of 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 Double chains can be formed when two simple chains are joined ‘opether by shared oxygens. These minerals are called amphiboles, and they are well known. There are several ways of forming double chains, giving formul 5305)2"-, (Si. on (Gh 10— Fee oie (Si05)2"", (SidO11)"". (SigQr7)!"" and others. (See Fee 1241 Stators of proces (0,9, (ater. Mower) ‘The most mumerous and best brown ainea, Thee a based on the sural une (SeOmiee: i Oe Brace (Figure 1.12) some tetra shae two coer et ee share the corners, Earp inclode enlte, Cae iecoaToy and rocidlte NaFel Fel" (Si0n) (OH. Aptos aways oe thon! soups, which are sachet the nc oe “The SO fonds nh ins so Sa Secon. Ad fans ae eld topeter bythe metal ons present, Thos pyaeass amplioes lave ready pra! tthe ens leaning es Far 8 ‘esto they ae aed rons minerals The eae sop fr pores {9 and for amphiboles Se. Thi ted 2 tea eaisg He isiners. Tes angles are telted fo the sae of tne ceo eal Ue npioles are the shes CLASSIFICATION OF SILICATES cross section ‘of choin Figure 13.13 Structure of amphiboles (Si,O,,)$"~. (After T. Moeller.) pezium of the chains and the way in which they are packed together (see Figure 13.14). Asbestos is of considerable commercial importance, and 2.8 million tonnes were mined in 1993 (Soviet Union 36%, Canada 19%, Kazakhstan 14%, and China and Brazil 9% each). It is useful because it is strong, cheap, resistant to heat and flames, and also resistant to acids and alkalis. Most is used to make asbestos reinforced cement and roofing sheets. Smaller amounts are used for brake linings, clutch linings, asbestos paper, adding to vinyl floor coverings, and thermal insulation for pipes, and fibres may be woven into asbestos cloth to make fire fighting suits. Asbestos minerals come from two different groups of silicates: 1. The amphiboles. ’ 2. The sheet silicates, The amphiboles include crocidolite NagFe!!Fe!"'[si,0 2](OH)>. which is called blue asbestos, and others derived from it by isomorphous replace- Ree Fee 1M Clog angen proven: aed aioe peat, for example smoste or brown asbestos (Ma, Fe")SiOr)(OH: ‘Togetier thse makeup about 3% the astestos sed “The mineral chrytte MeOH) {ShOd called white abet, ad this dened fom serpenune,andisa het siete Ths constes 3% “Thoaph asbestos chemvcaly mer presents ascrius heh hazed Intalingaabeor dint cours aobestons or aang ofthe angst 0 causes fang cancer Bloe asbestos appeat to be the worst ozad, The ‘sease may hve a sent period of 20-30 years The best camol © ‘mmmzeatestos Sst and fo Bane averos wet if pombe Sheet sate (phyle eae) When S10, unis share tee cormers the suocure formed an mie two damental sheet of empencalferls (S04) Ge Pg 1319) “There ae strong bonds win the Si-O Set, ut meh weaker Forse ald each set tothe next ‘Thus tese meas ten To clever ‘Stuctores wih simple plans sheets terre lige umber of set sists are portant and well known These have ghly 0 fompleated scores, apd ate: made up of ener two oF te eS yomed ogetber Teese wed 1 Chy manera (katte, orophyite, 1) 2 Whe atero (cheat, bate) 3 Mica (museonte ae msrp) 4 Monimorlomtes (Faller ext, bento and veiclte) CConiee how 3 two layer stacture may be formed we sat wh 2 sample cate sect then one side of he sot coms al the ote (Ging boun) O atoms Tne puretydeoides AKOH) and MefOM), toh ‘ttn wth Layer secre (and Al sed Mg ae se coorate 0 ‘csupy otbedral tes) ‘The unshared Om a ete shet have also CLASSIFICATION OF SILICATES 441 (Si205)2™ sheet Figure 13.15 Structure of sheet silicates (Si03)2"". (After T. Moeller.) the same relative positions as two thirds of the OH groups on each side of these hydroxide layers. If a SizOs layer is placed alongside a layer of ygibbsite AI(OH)3, then many of the O atoms will coincide. The OH groups in AI(OH); can be removed and an electrically neutral two-layer structure is formed. These double layers stacked parallel give the mineral kaolinite, which has the formula Alz(OH).[SizOs]. It is a white solid and is formed by the decomposition of granite. Large amounts are used for filling paper, and as a refractory. World production of kaolinite was 22.5 million tonnes in 1992 (USA 41%, UK 11%, and South Korea 8%). China clay or kaolin is mined in Cornwall. It is a high grade ‘of kaolinite, and when small amounts of SiO, and mica are removed it can be mixed with water to give a white or nearly white plastic clay. Small amounts are used for making porcelain, china cups and plates, sanitary ware, and other ceram- ics, and for chromatography, as treatment for indigestion and for poultices. One Al(OH); layer has two equivalent sides. A Si,Os layer was com- bined with one side in kaolinite, but a second SiO sheet can combine with the other side thus giving a three-layer structure. This is made up of silicate, Al(OH);, silicate. Pyrophyllite Al(OH)2{(SizOs)2] has this three- layer structure (Figure 13.16). A layer of brucite Mg(OH)2 may be combined with a SiOs layer to form 3 two-layer structure. This gives the mineral chrysotile Mg3(OH).{Si2Os] (white asbestos), which is of considerable commercial importance. Alter- Fgwe 146 Two and ee er secure ney brace may combine wth 10 SiO yer form 2 we Sheet swucure eed tale or soapsone May(OH)|S:O4)] Those whe Sheets ae elena near and tere are no metal soe olan = fect tothe nests the srctre rea very eal nod vey Slt Sovpstone has sper feeling (hence same) Heact try ae ‘Woal reduction ulas 84 mon tanessn 192 les ated al | ‘sion era, paper and pant. Sms mponte are edn coum, {Bale canbe ground mo a fine ponder and used as acum powde: Suisitanon of toms may aceurim the tnpicloyersrctres of pyrophyienypes 115) patly placed by Alon tetabedal ie) i The snet becomes neatvely charged. Thve charges ae balsa! postvely charged tl srs whch are peed Betwers the lage THE bres eses0 he mca minerals These te group minerals Inv the fact that they ate fea lt gistenng taneparen eb ‘Sheets of waned colour Mascvnte has the formals RAL(OHD {AIO Snuveslled tte mes Marpanteharthe fomila CAM OHA OM Subsitaon of atoms may alo oer fale MOH) sSuOy. Repo Ing 5 by AL + K goer a mica called phlogopite KMg(OHQAIS:Ood anal fplacemert of Mg by Fel ges the cammon metal DOR KGMaFE"|(OHMAISYOgl oF Bick mea Mest are much hare ht tale andthe otter ier m thi secon Beets of the eles aracon between te acgawely charged ple sheets and The post Imetalons However tha sil pont of wesknese nthe srr. 23 rics cleave Between the layers qe veadly World prosction of Was 216000 tonne 01952. Te man sures are the USA a, SMe Union 16% and Canada 88 Set mica wed ae electra! ss tnd as former on which to and eee flee om) It mo wed a eect aps furnaces finely pound mica ued at ler np ana obi Insulting board, 20d poebvorave and ger pat (eg or et us) “The clay minerals reformed from other sates by wethents 9 hnysrethermalprocesies¢ by theactonef vate under beat pres ‘They conta lees etl ayers ep acne, and prey ‘The ay minerals sbosnctade the montmonionts which fave nea ‘charged ayes bat he mamberofcharges smc lower han 0 he m= CLASSIFICATION OF SILICATES 443 Some, but not all, of the octahedral Al!" in pyrophyllite Ala(OH)2{(Si2Os)2] are replaced by Mg", giving (Mgo.s1. Ali «7)(OH)2{(Si2Os)2]”""". The triple sheets thus have a small negative charge, and 1/3 M* or 1/6 M?* must be incorporated between the layers. These metal ions can be hydrated, and the minerals are sometimes called hydromicas. Finely divided particles suspended in water have thixotropic properties. The particles are small plates with negative charges on the surface, and positive charges on the edge. The particles are free to move in water, and they arrange themselves + to — and thus give a semi-solid gel-like mass. If, stirred the +/— attractions are broken, and the suspension becomes watery, that is of lower viscosity. They are used in thixotropic non-drip emulsion paints. These minerals can also act as ion exchangers. Fuller's Earth is a calcium montmorillonite. It is very absorbant: about 4.2 million tonnes were produced in 1992, mainly to decolorize and deodorize veget- able and mineral oils, fats and waxes. It is also used to mop up oil spills, and as litter for pet animals. It can act as an ion exchanger for Ca?*, and replacement of Ca?* by Na* gives the mineral bentonite. This has marked thixotropic properties and is used as drilling mud, and in water-based emulsion paints (9.2 million tonnes of bentonite were produced in 1992). If in talc Mgs(OH)z{(SizOs)2} substitution of Mg’* in the brucite sheet occurs, and if also replacement of Si** with Al** occurs in the silicate sheet, then vermiculites are formed. A typical formula is Na,(Mg, Al, Fe)s(OH)z{((Si, Al)2Os)2]“H20. If vermiculites are heated they dehydrate in an unusual way by extruding little worms: hence the name. These materials are porous and light in weight, and are used for packing and insulation, and as ‘soil’ for growing plants by ring culture. About half a million tonnes are produced each year. Three-dimensional silicates Sharing all four corners of a SiO, tetrahedron results in a three- dimensional lattice of formula SiOz (quartz, tridymite, cristobalite etc.). These contain no metal ions, but three-dimensional structures can form the basis of silicate structures if there is isomorphous replacement of some of the Si’* by At* plus an additional metal ion. This gives an infinite three- dimensional lattice, and the additional cations occupy holes in the lattice. Replacing one quarter of the Si** in SiO» with Al** gives a framework ion AISi,Of. The cations are usually the larger metal ions such as K*, Na*, Ca®* or Ba’. The smaller ions Fe**. Cr** and Mn?* which were common in the chain and sheet silicates do not occur in the three-dimensional silicates because the cavities in the lattice are too large. Replacements of oe quarter or one half of the Si atoms are quite common, giving structures MIAISi:0,] and M"[A1,SixO,]. Such replacements result in three groups of minerals: 1. Yeldspars 2. zeolites 3. ultramarines, ao cece Ts Cr Las eee] “The fediars ee the mon portant yak forming manera 2nd cn solute two tide of the sacous racks Fr example, gant made up tt iedspors with some mies and gust Feldspas ate Gnded mote ‘aes Orocla fedyart Papi fedoars, fonorkse “RUAISHO, alte NIAISWO4) felsan—BA{ALSuO,) anonine CARRS) “The onhosoet are more syrmetnel than ate plagicaes at Kad [By are just the gh sist Bt he tice wat Na” and being ‘male alow orvon “Zeolites havea much mre open stractre tas the felsprs The an shelton is penetrated by channel, ginng a honeyeomibtke svucae These channels te lare enough ow thet exchange cen os ‘They can ako sbsory or lose water and other small molecules snes the tratare besking doin Zeolter are oll eed ton exchange materi, and a rolsulsr sieves ‘Natiokie NAJALSiO,)24,0 2 furl von etchanperPermunt water totter ote sod zee Zeoles take Ca™ ne com has water ea replace hen by Nae, hey tote he watt The wi ee eae gal bo 3 ‘nun Sole and eventual ae vo be operated by tettrent wl Stongohrton of Ns) wha he ever proses tater pace To nen to naturally occuring minerals many yn acsiey base been me Zeoites aso sets melee seve by absotane molecules NhEhae ‘all enough fo enter the ears but na hove which ate 100 1 Enter ‘They cat sbsoe water, COy,Nityand E1OH, and ey ae wei far separating staph chan hyorcarbon fom branched eh eo founds Some other uites ae heuandte CaAI/SH0 HO, chabate ECSAL;SuO 1,0 sed anaes NafAIS.OnH50. Molecular ews can be made with pores of spproprate ze to remove sll molecule feletvely “The mitra ops lle splendid blu alr and as hl peed ‘pigment foro parungs the mile ages Tt comin ultamance $a{(AI810,4 15, whch the colours prosuced bythe pays en ‘The lramaries are prop of relted compounds, which coma 2 water at do comtan cations seh as CI” SOF and} Some exams ‘of witamannes re aomenne Nag(AlSOd4)6: fodsite— Paf(AlSiOaeIC rosan—_Naf(AIS10,4)50, ‘he ulvamannes ate now produced eyeball. Ulamanine nl | made by ging Kale sadam eartonate snd uiphrin thease of Shr “Te product may be green blue err depend onthe pars folnclpide species presen Typaly mui a hoe gment based pas aad cere Before the dye of detergent wth steal SILICATES OF TECHNOLOGY | [445 brighteners, synthetic ultramarine was used as a blueing agent (called dolly blue) to make domestic washing appear white by masking “any yellowness. SILICATES IN TECHNOLOGY Many silicates are used as a direct result of their physical properties. For example, clay minerals are used for absorbing chemicals, micas are used for clectrical insulation, asbestos is used for thermal insulation, agate and flint are used as hard or sharp surfaces, and a variety of gemstones are used for ornaments and jewellery. . Silicates are extremely important because the cement, ceramic and glass industries are based on their chemistry. Metallurgical extraction processes often produce silicates as waste products or slag. either because the minerals are silicates, or because the minerals contain silicate impurities. Some of the main technological applications are as follows. Alkali silicates ‘These are used mainly as glue, as described earlier. Cement Both Portland and high alumina cement are described in Chapter 12. ' Ceramics , . Ceramics are inorganic materials that can be made into a paste and shaped it normal temperatures: the shape is then ‘fired’ at a high temperature. Firing gives the product strength, either .by sintering the crystallites together. or partly melting the paste. A number of carbides, oxides, and, in Particular, clays, are treated in this way. The process is important for making bricks, tiles and pottery. On heating, kaolinite Al(OH).[SizOs] loses water at 500~600°C, giving Alz03-2SiO2, and at about 950°C forms a solid solution of mullite (approximate formula 3A1,03-2Si02) and SiO. This remains solid till at Teast 1595°C, and then softens only slowly. Since this is an iron-free clay, the product is white. : The Porosity of the product depends on the temperature reached. If the firing temperature is high, the product does not absorb liquids. The Presence of Fe** in the clay imparts a red or purple colour, and clays with a high proportion of CaO give a yellow or buff coloured product. Most ceramics except bricks and floor tiles are covered with a glassy coating ete a glaze. This is done by dipping the article in an aqueous suspension ao heavy metal oxide such as SnO2 or PbO, before firing. Pigments may « applied either before glazing (underglaze colour), or after firing and on op of the glaze, when a second firing is required. sierra ~~ hs Asmallamountofshasismaieofsiea Thshasexcellen properties, it Xeiy igh temperatures are needed fo produce Si plat w102 Cryer for general se but wed a soente stamens "Fe tempestre rere for ming canbe reduced by ading vas ones tothe melt tos obtasng lc glae A number of ont maybe {hed meting NiO, KO, MgO, C20, BO, 8:0), ALO, P90 20d 2x0 "Glace 1 3s slovon, d $0 Hs compontion may vary TRE Srmoun of onde ade sno ve lrg, and so the SiO, taeda he 2 Savant rem te stout ony NO or KO were wid he gS ‘ould be ster solble Normal domaste gs or wandows wets (taste lass ade by Tsing he alka metal xfbonte, CAC at 510; (The eatbontes decompon Io ondeson beating HNSCO, uel ste abi oda lar wich aloo wid Vor cheap Iboratogy lame UUnng KsCO, ges por gles Mont ofthe CaO may be repaed 2 0, gg ead lr, hich iat a ager retrace nde, ae sed ‘Baking pts! parts anges omaments If Al4Oy weds AP may Desert the suture aa fee meal yon, ort may replace Sim 804 fesaheda. 1 8.04 6 tied Bi" replaces some Stn he tetas Seletoe Borowicate lanes contang, and somtimes Als well ‘portant They have’ low cosfcent of expansion, and can wah heat changes wthout cracking They cont les fk and sae | prone to chemeat ack Such gates are dey wed for abot) Egurpment arn Fyex glsenare “Gloss produced ery lage amounts Ta 193,254 mlon tonnes of fla for bates wae produced and n 388ton? lo Tonnes fs [Bats was produced Tos was taed manly os endows “Addves for fang. for decolonzing ta for colon may be wt shen making las Fing agents such st NaNO, or AssOy ar ae ‘emave buss Te Gung agent deenmqes nd geo ge BE ‘of gses nthe me, wich Sheep ost he sal buble that re ab formed Decolonzng agents ay be added to eleinate punts 23 ‘bi claus: las Fe" ges 2 sellow-byown colour, 3 tre of Fo" and Fee pores a green colour and Fe™ pes ight Boe cle, ter cotounng apets may be aed ~ Co™ ges 3 deep bse 78 tallota pares of Cu give ube colours CaF, scmetnes add A load agen 0 make ope! gat ‘ORGANOSILICON COMPOUNDS AND THE SILICONES Organonion compounds SiC bonds are almost as srong 48 C—C bonds Thus ion crbde SC ‘entfemey hard fd sable Mun housoads of oganoneon eon poetes esta SiC Poms have beea mas, mow singe 195. May ef he Be tert aed sable to hea (eg SPhy can be dled ene tC) Hover th vn ange of orgasm epee 48 ORGANOSILICON COMPOUNDS AND THE SILICONES 447 . Silicon has little tendency to bond to itself (catenate) whilst carbon has a strong tendency to do so. The largest chains formed by Si are contained in SigFaq and SigHjg, but these compounds are exceptional. This is related to the weakness of Si—Si bonds in contrast to the strength of C—C bonds (see Table 13.4). . Silicon does not form px-px double bonds, whilst carbon does so readily. (Note that a disilene Me,Si=SiMeH has been isolated, but only by using matrix isolation methods with solid argon. Various transient reaction species with Si=C and Si=N bonds are known, and (Me;Si)Si=C(OSiMe3)(CioHhs) exists as crystals at room tempera- ture, and is stable in the absence of air. These are rare exceptions.) Silicon forms a number of compounds containing pr—dx double bonds in which the silicon atom uses d orbitals (see later). Preparation of organosilicon compounds There are several ways of forming SiC bonds: By a Grignard reaction SiCl, + CHsMgCl — CH,SiCl; + MgCl, CH,SiCl, + CH3MgCl > (CH,),SiCh + MgCl (CHy),SiCl, + CH;MgCl — (CH3)3SiCl + MgCl, (CH);SiCI + CH;MgCl > (CH;),Si + MgCl « This is useful in the laboratory, or on a small scale. Using an organolithium compound 4LiR + SiCl, > SiR, + 4LiCl This also is useful in the laboratory, and R may be alkyl or aryl. By the Rochow ‘Direct Process’. Aikyl or aryl halides react directly with a fluidized bed of silicon in the presence of large amounts (10%) of:a copper catalyst. Si + 2CHH,c Seay 2H", (CHs)2SiCl, This is the main industrial method for making methyl and phenyl chlorosilanes which are of considerable commercial importance in the Production of silicones. The yield is about 70%, with varying amounts of other products: MeSiCl, (10%) and MesSiCl (5%), and smaller amounts of Me,Si and SiCl, and others such as MeSiHCl,. Both Grignard and direct methods yield a mixture of products, and very careful fractionation is important as the boiling points are close: MesSiCl (57.7°C), MeSiCl, (66.4°C) and Me2SiCl; (69.6°C). - Catalytic addition of SiH to an alkene. This is a useful general method, but is not applicable to making the methyl and phenyl silanes Fequired by the silicone industry. Excpt for PhSiCl whch sz he products ze volale bade They are ng ose at Rasa sn the reason wth water strong Scones The scones ate a foup of organcalicon polymers They havea we ‘aney of commerce fas, elastomers (rabben) and reps ‘Knnuaprodecuor ws eximsted at abot 30000 tonnes They se ‘ow prodoeed on seer Sale thar any other proup of orpanometle formpounds "The complete Byers of SiC elds SiO, which has 2 very ble ttvee dmensone rctre Thefundamentl eearchof FS. Kipngen the hydrous ot alg subwtated clooelans ley ott the expested ‘con compound analogous toa Ketone Wut long cham polymer eld Df oo Nf mo, 4-H, x sf te, Ss ate, SS oat a a cleans on R R ROR : i bo Homb--on + HO—H-oH-A2. Ho-f--0--0 t 1 a “The staring mater forthe manufac of scones ar ll! eta ‘butted hlovonines Met eompounds a many wed, to tome phenyl devas are ted st wel Hydelyn of Senet leon ‘lane (CHS ges se to steph chats poner and a am 0 Odtgrospietatcochendof the cn pynerzton conve aed ‘hin wereares in engh (CHs}SCY ws erfore chan bang unt Normally. igh poymers ae obtained { ORGANOSILICON COMPOUNDS AND THE SILICONES 449 CH, ‘CH; CH, CH; CH; chs CHs | | I | | ; ; HO-$-0-Si—O-Si—O-Si--O— SOS 0-80 | | | | | CH, CH; CH, CH, CH; CH; CH; Hydrolysis under carefully controlled conditions can produce cyclic structures, with rings containing three, four, five or six Si atoms: Me O Me Me Me \S\ 7S | | Sige Si Me—Si—O—Si—Me EN | | Me O OO Me ° ° Ne | \ Si Me—Si—O—Si—Me 7 7N\ | Me Me Me Me tus egelo-dimethyloxane ———_tetrahisevelo-dumethybloxane Hydrolysis of trimethylmonochlorositane (CH);SiCI yields (CH);SiOH trimethylsilanol as a volatile liquid, which can condense, giving hexa- methyldisiloxane. Since this compound has no OH groups. it cannot poly- merize any further. CH, CH, CH, CH, i | a ° i—CH; > CHy—SiO—Si—CH; I | | CHy CH, (th (ein hhevamethyldiitoxane If some (CH,);SiCI is mixed with (CH,),SiCl, and hydrolysed, the (CH,),SiCI will block the end of the straight chain produced by (CH)2SiCl,. Since there is no longer a functional OH group at this end of the chain, it cannot grow any more at this end. Eventually the other end will be blocked in a similar way. Thus (CH3)3SiCI is a chain stopping unit, and the ratio of (CH);SiCI and (CHs),SiCl, in the starting mixture will determine the average chain size. wt CH,—Si—OH + HO— | CH; CH; CH; CH; CH; wooo! i oe [i ee cH, CH; CH; CH; CH; CH; CH, wo-to bh ob ob ok cry tx by ba by be, | | O—Si—OH + HO—Si—CH, — CO “The hydogss of methyl tnshorone SIC, es avery compl cross inked poymer In. aie way aion of» all amount of CHSC tthe byes | rinture produces few ess hnks of provides ate for ata eer taoeeuler By conta mag of the reactants 20 pen pe of Pipe ca be pode “Siiones fal expen Bat hae many dessbl ropes Tay ssere ompmaly developed elect raters. Beaute ey oe Rae Sable to heat han ae pane plymes and they do break doen hey oor produce conducing mater a afboa does. Thsy ae Fesstan heat ovation and mot chemeas They ae strongly water replete fod eect ytlators and hve non sk popetes ad at org Properues “Tew strength and mernes are elated tot feos, 1 Thor sable shea he skeleton of $.—~0-S1—O-S; The $0 tnd energy ery gh (502K mol 2 The high stent ofthe SC bond “Thar water repllnsy ares becase« shea chan i srauRde ‘ygame sae groups and Joos hike ap alage Iam the oul Ses tay be guts ce. reaes elastomers (bes) o ese Sas char polymers of 20 0 00 unsafe aed a ane fe “They make ype abe scans ued TFthey are made by Reabsng | ruaure of (CH)Siclosed (CH,)SCl then tee lengths vr con frably Commercial they are made by eaung wmustute often Simztyisonane (M810), sd Rexel dona (Me}SOSHtl. Sm 100% FSO, The clo compound proves cham bing aid ‘chexametiytetonne ponies chan soppng groupe Te strap cho Tengh determined the extovof tere reatants The FSO, Sp Sr=O-"Si bonds foming S~O—SO,M esters sod SiON The ee bydretae tak ove SOS bot Th process goes om repel tnd esse these fehl becorungsemlar The snp ‘eos nereare seth chan length peng compounds range | ‘ster igus to Guous oe and grees “The Pans ate aed ale ‘pele for esting Masry and baling gasses tabs TR) Steak eluded mea pols ds polish Sieoe us venom ne nd ave low surface tnsonAddivon of few parts pot milion 9 451 [ HYDRIDES _ silicone greatly reduces foaming in sewage disposal. textile dycing, beer making (fermentation) and frothing of cooking oil in making potato crisps or chips. Silicone oils are used as dielectric insulating material in high voltage transformers. They are also used as hydraulic fluids. Methyl silicones can be used as light duty lubricating oil. but are not suitable for heavy duty applications like gearboxes, because the oil film breaks down under high pressure. Silicones with some phenyl groups are better lubri- cants. These oils can be mixed with lithium stearate soaps to give greases. Silicone rubbers are made of long, straight chain polymers, (dimethyl- polysiloxanes) between 6000 and 600 000 Si units long. mixed with a filler — usually finely divided SiO. or occasionally graphite. They are usually produced by hydrolysis of dimethyldichlorosilane with KOH. Great care must be taken to exclude chain blocking and cross-linking groups. Rubbers make up about 25% of the silicones produced. Silicone rubbers are useful because they retain their elasticity from —90°C to +250°C. which is a _ much wider range than for natual,rubber. They are also good electrical insulators. They may be vulcanized to give hard rubber as follows: 1. By oxidizing with a small amount of benzoyl peroxide which produces accasional cross-links (up to 1% of the Si atoms may be cross-linked). 2. By building a cross-linking unit into the chain. The most heat-stable side groups are phenyl groups, followed by the methyl. ethyl and propyl groups in descending order of stability. On heat- -ing in air to 350-400°C, silicones are rapidly oxidized and cross-links are formed. The-polymer becomes brittle and cracks, and low molecular weight polymers and cyclic structures are evolved. Strong heating in the absence of air causes silicones to soften and form volatile products, but oxidation and cross-linking do not occur. Silicone resins are rigid polymers rather like bakelite. They are made by dissolving a mixture of PhSiCl, and (Ph),SiCl; in toluene and hydrolysing with water. The partly polymerized product is washed to remove HCI, and can then be shaped or moulded. Finally the product is heated with a “quaternary ammonium salt as catalyst to condense any remaining OH groups in the structure, The final product is extensively cross-linked. About 12% of silicones produced are resins. These resins are used as ~clectrical insulators. often mixed with glass fibre for additional strength. They are used to make printed circuit boards and to encapsulate integrated circuit chips and resistors. They are also used as non-stick coatings for Pans, and for moulds for car tyres and bread. HYDRIDES All the elements form covalent hydrides. But the number of compounds formed and the ease with which they form differs greatly. Carbon forms a Vast number of chain and ring compounds including: 1. The alkanes (paraffins) C,H2y.+2 2. The alkenes (olefines) C,,H. 43 The aypesacetsenes) GM 4 Aromaoe compounds ‘These at the ba of organi chemstiy Theresa song tndesey Io tatenaon (orm caps) Deca he CC bond very song ‘Sihcon formated mopiber of sautes Byes, has cael the sates "These may exst a sagt chats or branched has, coh taming upto eight atoms Rang compounds are er ate No analogs tr akenes of alynes are known Monoslone Sify the oa sey Inde of importonce Sil and SICH were st made by Weang ‘AUS alloy wth eilte HCI A mere of snes was prepare by iymg mapnesiom sede, Mg. wath ulphoncor phosphor sed Tae compoupis are eaouless gases or vole ats. They are © Seve andeateh fre orexploge ae Apart om St they at thermal ‘raabe only Became posnbl to stay thom wbea A. Stock mented rethod of Panling rescve gate 3 vacsam ame aM + 8 Mass: MpSi+ H$0s-+ Sil, 0%) Sul, (0%) Sul (3%) Sully (0%) Su sand & More rcenly monosiane has been prepuied by redueng SiC wi LU[AIBL Ll or Nala ether souvon lowe mpertures Ti 5 | Iauch Better method. a 1 ges one product ether Mons mature an Desa qusnttaive veld SiC + LYAIHA) + Sil + AICI + ct SC + GLE Saf, + 6c SuCle + BNOH Sie + SNACT Sones may abo he prepered by des reson byhesngS.orferoseo® nth ankydror HX or RX an he presence of» copper aay S14 2HCI-+ Stich S14 SCI SHC, + He Se 20H. CHRSHICL, + C+ Ms ‘Te slanes ace much mre reactive than the alas Te alkanes 5 ‘hemvealyuneacne apart rom ean wih the fen ad Wart Ina In Contos the slones are tong recurs agent ge 31 lode n ly Pure stanes do mot ee: wth ue Seo pure water ® Site apart, bat hey hydrotee resdly i ake slo, ve? tril the nace a lat bch keaches out am hss parton, CYANIDES 453 |. SisHy + (4 + n)H20 SE, 210, -nH,0 + 7H: Compounds with SiH bonds undergo an important hydrositation reaction with alkenes, in the presence of a platinum catalyst. The re- retion is similar to hydroboration, and the products may be used to make silicones. RCH=CH, + SiHCl; > RCH,CH,SiCl; The difference in behaviour between alkanes and silanes is attributed to several factors: . Pauling’s electronegativity values are: C = 2.5. Si = 1.8, and H = 2.1 Thius the bonding electrons between C and H or Si and H are not equally shared. leaving a 8° charge on C and a * charge on Si. Thus Si is vulnerable to attack by nucleophilic reagents. a a C-H Si-H The larger size of Si makes it easier to attack. Si has low energy d orbitals which may be used to form an intermediate compound, and thus lower the activation energy of the process. Several germanium hydrides or germanes Ge,H,.2 are known up to n = 5. They are straight chain compounds and are colourless gases or volatile liquids. They are similar to the silanes. but are less volatile. less flammable and are unaffected by water or aqueous acids or alkalis. GeHy can be made: GeCl, + LifAlH] 25 Get, + LiCl + AICI; GeO, + Na[BH,] 2", GeH, + NaBO; Stannane SnH, is much less stable. It can be made by reducing SnCl, with Li[AIH,] or Na[BH,]. It is a strong reducing agent. It is unaffected by water and dilute acids and alkali, but it reacts slowly with concentrated solutions. Distannane SngH, is known and is even less stable. No higher stannanes are known, Plumbane PbH, is even Jess stable and even more difficult to prepare. The preparative methods used for the other hydrides fail. It has been made in trace amounts and at low concentrations by cathodic reduction and detected using a mass spectrometer. CYANIDES fe alkali metal cyanides, particularly NaCN, are made in quantity, about 12000 tonnes/year. Until about 1965 it was made by the Casiner process high temperature reactions from sodamide. Na + NH; > NaNH, + JH, NaNH; + C25, Nacn + H iE GROUP 1 BLEMENTS 7 Singe 1965 tydiogen qande HCN has become commereiy al be (erenty 30100 tonrenlyear) NACH made tem thn HES ot fervely pepe by action of NBCR or CAIN) INSCN + HO, HEN + NaS, CCN). + 1580, — HCN + C350, Jn the modern indus processes_a gas phase reaton ocus bette CHnd NH at aoe 00°C nthe pretence of eae, Drguse proces CH + NH HEN + 3Me (Ptah, ‘andraon process 2Cits + 28K + 30)— HCN + 6.0 (PUR ca) CN as enemy posonoes It has an abnormally bg bring ps! of 28°C Beene of hydrogen bonding. is one of he weaken seshnosn ‘reer than HE" Or Mal the HCN produced vated Io mate folymer meth metherylate andthe rematnde 6 used to mabe RECN [eich and sanous tyamde compleney such KAPACNHL 2 UFe(CNR) snd the enrction oF Ag and At (CIN) + INH, HCI + CONNIE, (ete) 14 + ANRCN + 211,0 + 0, SNGLAM(CN] + GOH HW haben wed ton agers oman set Se onsen tpn ome se comers pat wie el oe Cine Ce God as as Tee onnon gumples ne feurendsr (CS and mse {Fe{CN),]*" The tater transition elements form stable cyanide comletes Sst they ean etch net fr pe bck sate Sorgen coat ond = (€8)- “The bmang mir inieanbogtranlic eNom actus ateper Tempe tak mater ceengs mannan batecge cane ectecinenss of Ness repo “Te eaeme omy of ead ae 0 CN” ompennewh e ss ents hemi nt by, pose nore Pea ‘olism “Besides forming many complexes analogous to halite compleres the ya en Egsot he macaroni 2 ree Tao FO forme FEC waco br TeCNN Santa May mtn has Ge Noe Ma ae an ek arto tna my sloon gute Sule eet flscd wi eae tons Te rman cooper po {Rcvacnn ofsered gol te mess sve aon Nactin he procnes of rbd fv som aenpoand ‘orn, om whch be mel rervere y retonh Sag + ENACN + 2H,0 + Os ANGlAgLCND| + ANAOH AAU + ENACN + 2H0 + Os + ANs[An(CN)e + 4801 {Cyan ons may sta both complening and educng agents COMPLEXES 455 2CuP* + ACN” > (CN), + 2CUCN =, [cu(en},}*- In this reaction the cyanide ion is itself oxidized to cyanogen (CN), in much the same way as I~ is oxidized to I, by Cu?*. In alkaline solution, cyanogen disproportionates into cyanide and cyanate ions. (CN); + 20H™ > H,O + CN™ + NCO™ The cyanate ion is isoelectronic with carbon dioxide; hence they have similar structures and are both linear. COMPLEXES The ability to form complexes is favoured by a high charge, small size and availability of empty orbitals of the right energy. Carbon is in the second period and has a maximum of eight electrons in its outer shell. In four- covalent compounds of carbon, the second shell contains the maximum of eight electrons. Because this structure resembles that of a noble gas, these compounds are stable, and carbon does not form complexes. Four- covalent compounds of the subsequent elements can form complexes due to the availability of d orbitals, and they generally increase their coordination number from 4 to 6. SiF, + 2F> — [SiF,)?- GeF, + 2NMe3 — [GeF,-(NMes)o] SnCl, + 2CI~ — [SnClg}?- ‘The VSEPR theory suggests that because there are six outer electron pairs these complexes will be octahedral. The valence bond theory requires that four covalent and two coordinate bonds are formed and give an octahedral structure. For example, [SiF.]°~: Electronic structure yl *? — atsitcon atom in inner [tu] [t [rt ground state shells Silicon atom in excited state a) We Silcon atom having gained a share in four te electrons from four fluonne atoms in the SiF, molecule (SIF. where two. F* each donate share in tection pai, forming tw bongs)? ornate six electron pairs give an octahedral structure (sp"¢? hybridization) “Ta arguments over hybridizing d ofa hve been dscusedw Cape 2 Fee Savon ly formed fom SiO, 20d Squsous HE S10; + 6HP—= 2H" + (SiR 4 2440 “The [iF comple sable tm water ag ska, ba he others me itoup ae tesesisle [GePyP™ and [Sal are hralyed by sey et frotel= ws hyde by both ash and water Ge, Stand Fo ao fara horde omplencesueh as [POCLF, and oxlote compleser sich Peon ead ieuanctate PCH COO), a be obtained 83 colores eke tptreaingPyOxwih glia aesucaed Itwwater serie, sods ey ted at aacleene exdznng stent im orgame chery. Ie bet Kew ‘ypicaon ei the centage ot L-dls (gjeal) aspen arene, enbohydrtes l H t FO raccoon, “FW, { iscone, Teh (cH,COO), + ++ PO(CHCOO), ~c-on 6-0! —o=0 t i C INTERNAL» BONDING USING d ORBITALS, “The compounds methylamine (CH,).N and tnalamine (SiH) hve tum Formatae, but have ttl diferent stvtures (Fore 1 17) Te rete aw El ni ily “ree unpaved elections tom : = In tsylrne thee 4 orbs are used for 0 bonding. pag 2 pt a {mangle strsire Te lone pat of elects oceopy 3p etl 2 EH vee 1817 Tomehylanie anesthe plane angle Tes overlaps wth empty dba on eae ot CHasasdemipamee’™ the three scon atoms, and resus i x bong, more seul sch. ‘ssn apd boning, Dena from a fal pobtal on eS ‘Festal Ths shrtent the ond lengths NS Sts the mivopen fonger has ne pao eecvons, the melee ss no donor popes Siler pre Sending 1s posible te (CH) becuse C dos 9% ousted orbuale dad Beneethe meee ve pytomaat About 20 Eompounds are now thought ocentom prmd bonds (gare 131) Gee Fuster Reading, Renbe and ch) TETRAHALIDES 457 Figure 13.18 pr—dr bonding in trisilylamine. (From Mackay and Mackay, Intro- duction to Modern Inorganic Chemistry, 4th ed., Blackie, 1989.) TETRAHALIDES All the tetrahalides are known except Pbl,. They are typically covalent, tetrahedral, and very volatile. The exceptions are SnF, and PbF,, which have three-dimensional structures and are high melting (SnF sublimes at 705°C, PbF, melts at 600°C). The clements after C have d orbitals available, and the Si-F, Si-Cl and Si-O bonds are stronger than the corresponding bonds with C. This is thought to be due to the donation of electrons from F, Cl or O to Si, giving rise to pn—dn bonding. Carbon Tetrafluoromethane (carbon tetrafluoride) CF, is an exceptionally unre- active gas. It can be made as follows: CO, + SF, CF, + SO, SIC + 2F, > SiF, + CF, CE,Ch + F,—> CF, + Cl (industrial method) Other fluorine compounds such as hexafluoroethane C)F, and tetrafiuoro- ethylene C.F, are known. Under pressure CF, polymerizes to (C2F4)s siving polytetrafluoroethylene or PTFE. This is a hard, white solid plastic’ with a greasy feel to the touch, and is much heavier (more dense) than one would expect. It is a good electrical insulator, and is chemically inert. It is expensive, and is used in the laboratory because of its inertness. It has a very low coefficient of friction and is used for coating non-stick pans and ‘azor blades. Fluorocarbons are useful lubricants, solvents and insulators. CHC) + HRSEHSS, Cp. CF,’ CRESS (CF), Figure 13.19 px—dn over! in SiF.. “Tewathoromethan (ion tetaclonde) CCl manufactured may ftom exon dente cs: +30 cel + S.C 65, + 25:01, SESH, Cor, 65 (Ci extemal wes solvent, and for the preparation of Fears “is also teed in fe exinguthers where the Mest vapour exudes, dlonypen sr thos pts the fee out co, + 2HF cour, + 2801 “The carbon has ate not hydrolysed under normal condons ezate they fave 20-4 tt, sad canst form a ve coordinate hyabes tnteomedae In contra the con hls hydrlys tea She hes $ioroal eninhe, and these maybe ted to cooeiate OR onset seater oft septa hystelyss_ In ay atm there are lays empty ‘nbn but these te usly to igh energy to Be wed If aft ‘horgy prone by wsngsuperbented steam then CCl wil hytchee cay + Ho: cock + 2861 ‘Phosgene shah toi nd wat Wed a poonous ean Worl Wer eve now mads by combining CO and Cl th atl mel ‘wed to make toeyanates forthe manufacture of pojutethanes Med chropuorocartons (sometines called CFCS) such as CFC, CFG, and CECI ae hrown at Freons ‘They are worse and non tone and ate wndely used ab fengeration fous, 36 the peopel it ‘eos en for washing computer Doares At one te, testy 70000 tones of Freont were prosuced anally, though proached fen to 100000 tonnes wn 1992 espe emg inet they sue enone mage Thc ane serosa Denne 1 the USA st TSE, a ‘Barpe fren 90" They are stil wc eer, od ta Ban o> Freon Europe plated by the yeat 200 "Hoon ae ery mach more efetve“peemhoure gen the anos phere an COs, thogh the amouet of eons present 6 enemy Siall Mech more secu. the Freons have penetrated the upper tas here (5-20 mles gh), andare ening dnnage to he ozone ayer Thee arbesna loot sho i ofthe ocon between 18) and 190 A Bole ‘he cuore ayer happened over the Sth Poe ans aa alee tobe developing over he North Pole “The oronelaeretmparot ler the ration from the am and prevents mt of te haral UV TETRAHALIDES 459 radiation from reaching the earth. Excessive exposure to UV radiation should be avoided as it causes skin cancer (melanoma) in humans. In the upper atmosphere Freons undergo a photolytic reaction and produce free chlorine atoms (which are radicals). These react readily with ozone. The CIO radicals formed decompose slowly, re-forming chlorine radicals, which react with more ozone. . .and so on. The chlorine radicals do not recombine to form Cl, because they need a three-body collision to dissipate the energy, and such collisions are extremely rare in the upper atmosphere. There is no effective sink for chlorine radicals. Once formed they are used again and again, so a small number of radicals make a very effective scavenger for ozone. co a) CrCl ci+0;, 2% 0, + clo clo——+ C1+O clo+O>Cl+0, Overall reaction: 203 > 302 Several less harmful aerosol propellants are now in use. Hydrofluoro- carbons (HFCs) such as CH,FCF and hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) such as CHCI,CF; are being used as substitutes. They are also greenhouse gases, and may damage the ozone layer, but they do less damage than CFCs because they do not remain in the atmosphere for so long. The H atoms are attacked by hydroxyl radicals in the upper atmosphere, forming trifluoroacetic acid. The latter is not very toxic, and is eventually decom- Posed by bacteria in the soil. CO, is an alternative propellant, but when cold it has a low vapour pressure and is therefore no use for windscreen de-icers. Butane also gives difficulties, since it is flammable, and cannot be used with food. Silicon The silicon halides can be prepared by heating either Si or SiC with the appropriate halogen. In marked contrast to the inertness of CFs, CCl, and the Freons, SiF, is readily hydrolysed by alkali. SiF, + 80H™ + SiO}- + 4F- + 4H,O ‘The silicon halides are rapidly hydrolysed by water to give silicic acid. SiCl, + 4H,O > Si(OH), + 4HCI |i the case of the tetrafiuoride, a secondary reaction occurs between the ae HF and the unchanged SiF,, forming the hexafluorosilicate ion FP CO S42 2H? + [SP ‘SiC commerely unporatt Srl mounts ae wed fo make pure Si for anasto. Lasge quanttes of icy ae ysroard sa ‘emperatue (mon ony Rydeopen ae) ang very Brely pondered Dy father then {OH}. Thi laine SO: weed a thtrope set pobjtter snd spony punts snd ren, and ts 80 ert Ble =e rbber ‘Other members of the senes SuXouz ean be produced by prs (srong tenting) “These ate eer sole bquite Sr sos The ees ‘hans Keown ae Sh, SuCl td Suey The hse lng hae howe formed inthe hysider The w Ove fo prods bonding fo fl Dalen pot wa fob on 8 ‘SICA + S1-+ SuCl, + ger members ofthe sees (540) Germans tn ad ead Ge, Sa and Pb forest sees of halides, MX, and Ny With te (Gv) oxaation tate the most sabe bt wth Po th PI sae the os tle "Te teraalies are al pout vlatie guts excep for Gea Sal which ate bgt erage hs Compounds formed by he man Peo ‘kone are normaly whi Clour te sasaated wth cktrons Fk [romoted fom one energy evel to another, and ssorbag oem ‘neryaiflerenc between the two levels Tr common thease ‘ements, where tee ate cen und enegy levels the d Sl Stoning promotion from one devel to another In the man rou, Be? and elecuon shells re vocally led wen copouad ot 2 ‘romotion thin he same tel ot possible Promotion for on tel {o arotber, Yor example tom the 2p fo the 3p lve, elves so 28h ‘ety tht sation nes woukt appean te ame rer aN {herve region, Thus he fetaaldes woud be expeted fo te WME ‘aloar The orange colour of Set, seaused bythe absorption flo the rected ight thus contig 2 her proporuon a ed and oF ‘The eneigy absorbed ths way esses the trarser ofan cetron fo 19 Sn" (ies Crreaponds othe temporary tedaruon of Sn) to SD) ‘Since tafe an elector Yo another stom we tanternng » CE Soh setae ele hare maser species Ths osu Snd tcatte the atoms hive sla energy levee The wou be exec because they ate lose the pero abe and have umd sace CHE ‘nse specra do no occur mh the oy hale ‘GeCi and Gear hosed ess ealy SACL ond POC ONE ‘nut futons, bu barely fen compe aod ca Be rep bythe addition ofthe nppeopate halogen sid Seton, esac, 29g [ DIHALIDES Inthe presence of excess acid, halides of Si, Ge, Sn and Pb increase their coordination number from 4 to 6, and form complex ions, such as [SiFe]°~. [GeF,}*.[SnCle]?- and [SnClg]~. Pbl. is not known, probably because of the oxidizing, power of Pb(+:IV) and the reducing power of I~, which results in Pbl always being formed. Catenated halides Carbon forms a number of catenated halides, perhaps the best known being Tefion or polytetrafluoroethylene, which is described above. The polymers formed have chain lengths of several hundred carbon atoms Silicon forms polymers (SiF),, and (SiCl,), by passing the tetrahalide over heated silicon. These polymers decompose on heating into low mol- ecular weight polymers (or oligomers) of formula Si,,Xoq+2- The longest chains known are SiyeFasy SisCha and Si,Bryo. Germanium forms the dimer Ge,Cl,, but Sn and Pb do not form any catenated halides. DIHALIDES There is a steady increase in the stability of dihalides: CX: « SIX, < GeX2 < SnX2 < PbX2 SiF, can be made by high temperature reactions. and can be trapped by cooling in liquid No. When the product warms up, polymerization occurs giving a range of compounds up to SiyFi- SiF, + Si = 2SiF, GcF, is a white solid made either by heating Ge with anhydrous HF. or from GeF, and Ge. It has an unusual fluorine.bridged polymeric structure. based on a trigonal bipyramid. GeF, units share two F atoms (giving the formula GeF;), and the Ge also forms a weaker interaction to another F. With a lone pair in the fifth position. These units are linked into infinite spiral chains. SnF, and SnCl; are white solids, and are obtained by heat- ing Sn or SnO with gaseous HF or HCI. Stannous fluoride SnF2 was used together with tin pyrophosphate SnzP,0; in the original ‘Crest’ fluoride toothpaste. This is surprising as Sn is toxic, and NaF is now used instead. The crystal structure of SnF; is made of SnsFe tetramers. These form an cight-membered puckered ring —Sn—F—Sn—F—, with weaker inter- actions linking the rings together. SnCl, partly hydrolyses in water, forming the basic chloride Sn(OH)Cl. SnF, and SnCl, both dissolve in Solutions containing halide ions. SnF, + F~— [SnF3J- = pK ~1 SnCl, + Cl” [SnClJ- pK ~2 24 Sn®* ions do occur in n perchlorate solutions, but the stannous ion is readil oxidized by air to 7 Sn! unless precautions are taken. Sn?* ions are [461] hyérolyed by woter mazaly wo [SoyOH).)* wh small mouse of [SnOHF and [Sas(OH,* The [S(O 0 probably ete ad {he compounds [S1(OH))S0, and [S0{0H).]INOs) ate krown Ihe ‘pons POX; ae uch more ible than POX Poe he ony lees Inthe prop wth wel defined extons ‘hess POX; ca al be made om {eater soluhe Po salt nd the corresponding lide ono halogen se “The plombous ro partly hyarayiea by water Per + 21,0 — [POOH + 140" (CLUSTER COMPOUNDS ‘Thate sa wll sabe tendency for the heamer members of Grogs 141 ana 1610 form potjtomse tons These may Be cars org oe shuns Reduction of Ge Sm and Pb by Na hqu amon pes metas centarnng steal stms These ave been sbowe Yo be mel een {Cpstatine compounds contarng such ars con be slated by forming femplenes wh etbsenedarne or a erptand 22 bands Eup tnclde (Naeryptand 22)" [Sn [Roeryptend 222); [Pa [NasenyGea} ane [aaCenS} The shape of Me calers 3 terl ward and My cstrs ae unsapped agen a pss (The et fonts of sgare ant prem te ave mith the fp face wh fat Emer coated 43" relane tote bottom fae Unapped meant nex ‘tom project from on ofthe faces) REACTION MECHANISMS Many morgane reactions ach ae dove decomposition snate ony tort and thee cecr tay mtanancooey Typ organ reste te some becuse thay vale bresang covalent bonds ad they Ot ‘iter by sabeiing ene yroup for anther or by add on ane {roupta give an mtermedite wh then chmmates another rou OE the proc “he hydichs of SiC, raped Hecate Ss ean wie 2 dbl wo forms five cooedte stermadate an the reaction acute by a9 Sy2 melon ssm (igre 1320) Alone pur of eectrors fom the oxygen dont lnemptydortutal oa forming ave coordinate nermedate whe 2 tngona pyramid sare . Pier 19.29 Hydoyst f SC, ‘ORGANIC DERIVATIVES 463 as 3P ad Electronic structure full of sicon inner (t tit it excited state shell Silicon having gained 7 Teles four electrons in a melee Sich. eee ae four orbitals — tetrahedral molecule (sp* hybridization) SiCl, having gained H te] [ts|ts|te] [te a fone pair from OH" in the ee intermediate five orbitals ~ trigonal bipyramid (spd hybridization) If the hydrolysis is performed on an asymmetrically substituted, and con- sequently optically active, silicon compound such as MeEtPhSi*Cl, then ‘Walden inversion will occur, resulting in inversion of the structure from d to I or vice versa (Figure 13.21). In a similar way, the reduction of R,R,R; Si*Cl with Li[AIH,] to give R,R2Rs Si*H also involves inversion of structure. Other mechanisms are possible because the conversion of R}R2R3Si*H Et Hoa- 97 Et Me. cy OH" Me Ph c fe Ph Figure 13.21 Walden inversion of structure. to RURR,Si*Cl occurs with the retemion of structure. If Ri{R2R3Si*Cl is dissolved in ether or CCl; it is recovered unchanged, but dissolving in CHACN results in racemization. ORGANIC DERIVATIVES The elements of this group have an extensive organometallic chemistry. The divalent state becomes increasingly stable and important on descend- ing the group (the inert pair effect), yet rather surprisingly the organo- metallic derivatives of Sn and Pb all contain M'Y and not M™. The alkyl silicon chlorides are important as the starting materials for the manufacture of silicones. The silicone polymers have already been described. Tetra organic derivatives of Si, Ge, Sn and Pb may be prepared from the halides using Grignard or organolithium reagents. SiCl, + MeMgCl -> MeSiCl;. Me2SiClz, Me3SiCl, Me,Si PbCl, + LiEt + PbEt, + Pb + PbEt, mC ares > “eva! lead produced i large amounts std used nanan Kost ‘Mawes the one numberof perl The cormercal pep ton wes a sodiumead alloy ‘i NiuPb + 4EXCI + Poet, + «Nat Lead possonoes to mat, and buenas peta contain FEEL clese ‘ead uno the tmoephere” In Ie about 230000 tones of POE, wet frodsed inthe USA, S500 tonnes the UK, and an estimated total of foot tonnes worldude At tot te, POE was produced i ger tonnage than any other oranometie compound. Prodoeton 192 ‘wos 15000 toons and sl acm aa result epson equg Tat new ere most ron oo led free petal “About 40000 tonneyen of erganotn compounds R,SA%: and .SaX axe teed About teo thre ae tied toate PVE plates ond the femainder ewe pute o control ung. and peste sch anes ind lime FURTHER READING ‘ ‘Ag EW {07 Gn ong Chay, Ve 2(Cape To ‘Ate E Wan tone. (8051) The coms of vansaon mt “sibs @ er Chem fot Pt Set comets 3,35 Pat Sth an enc 1 ie SB oe wt ne ort se ce vstenh, EW and Brode AM (98) Asdesos — srucs, wes ae "Scopes Econ Chamany Shs ag RA (20 rnd hy Marhaba od Mote ee, ese, JRC GE) A purer pte wson fr he contin ef re Bode (59 Lad Ad Bren ey. New Yor Baie 8 Isto, Te cb ye Seem Amencon, Speer og, Com) An oleion wo alee sits Chem, ®, Cr an 28 ‘saat 7 Fullerenes, Scenic Amencen, 2688), ‘eggan 1. U9 Chest naps oe aoe, Een Bowne oe MSAD. a “ OSCE Ea cm va anna = cranes fe ee ea SSS Aa ei re, Rr eh Sar eee ea neem speia soem nreon eee eee ear

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