Quiz 6 - Summary Notes

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Quiz 6

(Rule 10 to rule 13)

Section 1. Amendments in general. –  Amendments are allowed so as not to
Pleadings may be amended by adding or incur additional expenses in the
striking out an allegation or the name of any payment docket fees due to the filing of
party, or by correcting a mistake in the name of another complaint or pleadings.
a party or a mistaken or inadequate allegation  Amendments have no retroactive effect.
or description in any other respect, so that the  Amendments to pleadings are favored,
actual and should be liberally allowed in order

- Determine every case as far as

possible on its actual merits without
regard to technicalities;
- Speed up the trial of cases; and
- Prevent unnecessary expenses

 The option of the party-litigant to amend

a pleading is not without limitation. If
the purpose is to set up a cause of
action not existing at the time of the
filing of the complaint, amendment is
not allowed.

Section 2. Amendments as a matter of When a pleading may be amended as a

right. — A party may amend his pleading once matter of right:
as a matter of right at any time before a
responsive pleading is served or, in the case of  Before the Answer is served
a reply, at any time within ten  Before the Reply is served
(10) calendar days after it is served.  Before an order for dismissal becomes
final (Noche)
 Within 10 days from service of Reply

Amendment cannot confer jurisdiction

Amendment cannot be allowed where the
court has no jurisdiction over the original
complaint and the purpose of the amendment
is to confer jurisdiction upon the court, xxx.

2 Kinds of amendments:
 As a matter of right – can be both
formal and substantial amendments
 As a matter of judicial discretion –
amendments with leave of court (sec.3)

Formal amendment – spelling, date

Substantial amendment – changing the cause
of action

Shesoko vs. CA provides where some but not

all defendants filed their answer, the petitioner
may amend his complaint once as a matter of
right, and respect to claims asserted solely
against non-answering defendants.

Section 3. Amendments by leave of court. – This is a matter of judicial discretion.

Except as provided in the next preceding
Section, substantial amendments may be made *Substantial amendments
only upon leave of court. But such leave shall - e.g., changing the cause of action from culpa
be refused if it appears to the motion was aquiliana to culpa contractual
made with intent to delay or confer jurisdiction
on the court, or the pleading stated no cause of *The amendments to pleadings are favored and
action from the beginning which could be should be liberally allowed in furtherance of
amended. Orders of the court upon the matters justice. This liberality is greatest in the early
provided in this Section shall be made upon stages of a lawsuit, but it decreases as the
motion filed in court, and after notice to the lawsuit progresses.
adverse party, and an opportunity to be heard.
*An answer containing a general denial may be
amended so as to contain a specific denial.
(Rule 8, Sec 11, ROC)

*Amendment by leave of court should be with

justifiable ground.

*A plaintiff cannot, after defendant’s answer,

amend a complaint without by changing the
cause of action or adding a new one without
previously obtaining leave of court.

*A cause of action which has not yet accrued at

the time of filing of complaint (when amended
or supplementary pleadings proper)

Section 4. Formal Amendments. A defect in *Formal amendments are made as a matter of

the designation of the parties and other clearly right before the responsive pleading is
clerical or typographical errors may be served.
summarily corrected by the court at any stage
of the action, at its initiative or on motion, *Formal amendments that may be summarily
provided no prejudice is caused thereby to the corrected by the court:
adverse party. - defects in the designation of the parties
- other clerical errors.

*How may the court correct such errors?

- motu proprio; or
- on motion of the parties

*When may the court correct said errors?

- at any stage of the action,
- provided no prejudice is caused thereby to the
adverse party

*Amendment to cure defect of a party plaintiff

may be made in the SC even after final
decision rendered.

*The SC ruled that a complaint may be

amended by substituting the real party in
interest as party plaintiff after case had been
submitted to the SC or decision upon the merits
(Chua Kiong v. Whitaker, et. al.)

Section 5. No amendment necessary to The amended Section 5 now categorically

conform to or authorize presentation of provides that the amendment of pleadings
evidence. —When issues not raised by the deemed amended is no longer necessary to
pleadings are tried with the express or implied cause them to conform to the evidence
consent of the parties, they shall be treated in presented on issues not raised in the said
all respects as if they had been raised in the pleadings.
pleadings. No amendment of such pleadings
deemed amended is necessary to cause them
to conform to the evidence.

Section 6. Supplemental pleadings. — Upon *A supplemental pleading serves to bolster or

motion of a party, the court may, upon add something to the primary pleading.
reasonable notice and upon such terms as are
just, permit him or her to serve a supplemental *The purpose of supplemental pleading is to
pleading setting forth transactions, occurrences bring into the records new facts which will
or events which have happened since the date enlarge or change the kind of relief to which the
of the pleading sought to be supplemented. The plaintiff is entitled.
adverse party may plead thereto within ten
(10) calendar days from notice of the order *Admission of supplemental pleadings remains
admitting the supplemental pleading. at the sound discretion of the court. These
pleadings may even be filed before the
appellate court.

Distinction between Amended and

Supplemental Pleadings

Amended Supplemental
Proper in order to allege Proper in order to allege
facts which occurred facts which occurred
prior to the filing of the after the filing of the
original pleadings, but original pleadings.
which, for some reason,
such as oversight,
inadvertence or
subsequent discovery,
were not alleged therein
Designed to include Designed to cover
matters occurring before matters subsequently
the filing of the bill but occurring but pertaining
either overlooked or not to the original cause
known at the time

*Supplemental answer cannot be filed after the

judgment has become final.
Section 7. Filing of amended pleadings. - *Unlike a supplemental pleading which may be
Where any pleading is amended, a new copy of allege separately the events that occurred after
the entire pleading incorporating the the original pleadings, an amended pleading
amendments, which shall be indicated by should incorporate the events which occurred
appropriate marks, shall be filed. prior to the original pleadings in a new copy of
the entire pleading.

Section 8. Effect of amended pleadings. — *As a consequence of an amended complaint,

An amended pleading supersedes the pleading the original complaint is deemed withdrawn and
that it amends. However, admissions in abandoned an no longer considered part of the
superseded pleadings may be offered in record xxx.
evidence against the pleader, and claims or
defenses alleged therein not incorporated in the
amended pleading shall be deemed waived.

Section 1. Answer to the complaint. — The *The date of the service of the summons is
defendant shall file his answer to the complaint excluded in the computation of the 30 CD
within thirty (30) calendar days after service of (including holidays and Saturdays and Sundays
summons, unless a different period is fixed by in the counting)
the court.

Section 2. Answer of a defendant foreign When a defendant is a foreign private juridical

private juridical entity. — Where the defendant entity:
is a foreign private juridical entity and service of a) Within 30 days after service of
summons is made on the government official summons if there exists a resident
designated by law to receive the same, the agent
answer shall be filed within  sixty (60) calendar b) Within 30 days after service of
days after receipt of summons by such entity. summons if there is no resident agent
but there is an agent or officer in the
c) Within 60 days after receipt of
summons by the home office of the
foreign private entity, if there is no
resident agent nor agent or officer in
the Philippines and summons is made
to the proper government office which is
tasked to send a copy of such to the
home office of the foreign private entity.
Section 3. Answer to amended complaint. — Answer to Amended Complaint
When the plaintiff files an amended complaint a. Where filing is a matter of right –
as a matter of right, the defendant shall answer defendant shall answer within 30 days
the same within  thirty (30) calendar days after after being served with a copy thereof.
being served with a copy thereof. b. Where filing is NOT as a matter of
right – within 15 days from notice of the
Where its filing is not a matter of right, the order admitting the same. (An answer
defendant shall answer the amended complaint earlier filed may serve as the answer to
within fifteen (15) calendar  days from notice of the amended complaint if no new
the order admitting the same. An answer earlier answer is filed.)
filed may serve as the answer to the amended
complaint if no new answer is filed.

This Rule shall apply to the answer to an

amended counterclaim, amended cross-claim,
amended third (fourth, etc.)-party complaint,
and amended complaint-in-intervention.

Section 4. Answer to counterclaim or cross-

claim. — A counterclaim or cross-claim must
be answered within twenty (20) calendar days
from service.

Section 5. Answer to third (fourth, etc.)-party The time to answer a third (fourth, etc.)-party
complaint. — [No amendment] complaint shall be governed by the same rule
as the answer to the complaint, i.e., 30 days
after the service of summons.
Section 6. Reply. — A reply, if allowed under
Section 10, Rule 6 hereof, may be filed within
fifteen (15) calendar days from service of the
pleading responded to.

Section 7. Answer to supplemental

complaint. — A supplemental complaint may
be answered within twenty (20) calendar days
from notice of the order admitting the same,
unless a different period is fixed by the court.
The answer to the complaint shall serve as the
answer to the supplemental complaint if no new
or supplemental answer is filed.

Section 8. Existing counterclaim or cross-

claim. — [No amendment]

Section 9. Counterclaim or cross-claim arising

after answer. — [No amendment]

Section 10. Omitted counterclaim or cross-

claim. — [No amendment]

Section 11. Extension of time to file an A motion for extension to file any pleading,
answer. — A defendant may, for meritorious other than an answer, is prohibited and
reasons, be granted an additional period of not considered a mere scrap of paper. The court,
more than thirty (30) calendar days to file an however, may allow any other pleading to be
answer. A defendant is only allowed to file one filed after the time fixed by these Rules.
(1) motion for extension of time to file an

A motion for extension to file any pleading,

other than an answer, is prohibited and
considered a mere scrap of paper. The court,
however, may allow any other pleading to be
filed after the time fixed by these Rules.

Section 1. When applied for; purpose. —
Before responding to a pleading, a party may
move for a definite statement or for a bill of
particulars of any matter, which is not averred
with sufficient definiteness or particularity, to
enable him or her properly to prepare his or her
responsive pleading. If the pleading is a reply,
the motion must be filed within ten
(10) calendar days from service thereof. Such
motion shall point out the defects complained
of, the paragraphs wherein they are contained,
and the details desired.

Section 2. Action by the court. — [No


Section 3. Compliance with order. — If the

motion is granted, either in whole or in part, the
compliance therewith must be effected within
ten (10) calendar days from notice of the order,
unless a different period is fixed by the court.
The bill of particulars or a more definite
statement ordered by the court may be filed
either in a separate or in an amended pleading,
serving a copy thereof on the adverse party.

Section 4. Effect of non-compliance. — [No


Section 5. Stay of period to file responsive

pleading. — After service of the bill of
particulars or of a more definite pleading, or
after notice of denial of his motion, the moving
party may file his responsive pleading within the
period to which he was entitled at the time of
filing his motion, which shall not be less than
five (5) calendar days in any event. 

Section 6. Bill apart of pleading. — [No


Section 1. Coverage. — This Rule shall Rule 13 only applies to all pleadings or
govern the filing of all pleadings,  motions, and motions, etc. after the complaint. (Ex.
other court submissions,  as well as their Answer)
service, except those for which a different mode
of service is prescribed. *Rule 13 shall NOT govern:
- those for which a different mode of service
is prescribed (ex. Service of the complaint
which is under Rule 14)
-before the answer, Rule 14 applies. Answer
onwards, Rule 13 will apply.

Section 2. Filing and Service, defined. —

Filing is the act of submitting the pleading or
other paper to the court.

Service is the act of providing a party with a

copy of the pleading or any other court
submission. If a party has appeared by counsel,
service upon such party shall be made upon
his or her counsel or one of them, unless
service upon the party and the party's
counsel is ordered by the court. Where one
counsel appears for several parties, such
counsel shall only be entitled to one copy of
any paper served by the opposite side.

Where several counsels appear for one party,

such party shall be entitled to only one copy of
any pleading or paper to be served upon the
lead counsel if one is designated, or upon any
one of them if there is no designation of a lead

Section 3. Manner of filing. — The filing of Different Manners of Filing:

pleadings and other court submissions shall be
made by: Filing of pleadings and other court submissions
shall be made by:
(a) Submitting personally the original i. Personal filing
thereof, plainly indicated as such, to the - Made by submitting personally the
court; original thereof, plainly indicated
as such, to the court.
(b) Sending them by registered mail; - Failure to comply with the
requirement be accompanied by a
(c) Sending them by accredited courier; duplicate original or certified true
or copy of the judgment, order,
resolution or ruling being
challenged is sufficient ground for
(d) Transmitting them by electronic mail the dismissal of said petition. (W.
or other electronic means as may be Golangco Construction Corp v. Ray
authorized by the Court in places where Burton Development Corp.)
the court is electronically equipped. - Filing is deemed made based on
the clerk of court’s endorsement on
In the first case, the clerk of court shall the pleading of the date and hour of
endorse on the pleading the date and hour of filing.
filing. In the second and third cases, the date
of the mailing of motions, pleadings, and other ii. By registered mail;
court submissions, and payments or deposits, - Made by sending the pleading or
as shown by the post office stamp on the other court submission to the court
via registered mail.
envelope or the registry receipt, shall be - It is required that the envelope shall
considered as the date of their filing, payment, be attached to the record of the
or deposit in court. The envelope shall be case
attached to the record of the case. In the fourth - The date of the mailing of
case, the date of electronic transmission shall motions, pleadings, and other court
be considered as the date of filing. submissions, and payments or
deposits shall be deemed as the
date of filing, payment, or deposit
as shown by either: a) the post
office stamp on the envelope; or b)
the registry receipt.
- If the date stamped on one is earlier
than the other, the former may be
accepted as the date of filing,
presupposing, however, that the
envelope or registry receipt and the
dates appearing thereon are duly
authenticated before the tribunal
where they are presented (GSIS v.
NLRC, GR No. 180045, Nov. 2010)

iii. By accredited courier;

- Made by sending the pleading or
other court submission to the court
via accredited courier.
- The date of mailing of motions,
pleadings, and other court
submissions, and payments or
deposits via accredited courier,
shall be deemed as the date of
filing, payment, or deposit.

iv. By electronic mail or other

electronic means, (as authorized
by the court in places where it is
electronically equipped.)
-filing is made by sending the
pleading or other court submission
to the court
-the date of electronic transmission
shall be considered as the date of

Section 4. Papers required to be filed and

served. — Every judgment, resolution, order,
pleading subsequent to the complaint, written
motion, notice, appearance, demand, offer of
judgment or similar papers shall be filed with
the court, and served upon the parties.

Section 5. Modes of Service. —Pleadings, Different Modes of Service

motions, notices, orders, judgments, and other Pleadings, motions, notices, orders, judgments,
court submissions shall be served personally or and other court submissions shall be served:
by registered mail, accredited courier,
electronic mail, facsimile transmission, other i. By personal service;
electronic means as may be authorized by the ii. By registered mail;
Court, or as provided for in international iii. By substituted service;
conventions to which the Philippines is a party. iv. By accredited courier;
v. By electronic mail, facsimile
transmission, or other electronic
means; and
vi. By other means as provided for in
international conventions where the
Philippines is a party.

*The modes of service are mandatorily

intended to provide a uniform procedure
affecting a matter of public interest which may
not be changed by the parties. Thus, notice
given orally in open court as to the denial of a
motion is not sufficient and does not constitute
service. (De Pineda v. Veloira, GR. L-15145,
June 1961)

*A party is not considered as having been

served with the judgment merely because he
heard the judge dictating the said judgment in
open court; it is necessary that he served with a
copy of the signed judgment that has been filed
with the clerk in order that he may legally be
considered as having been served with the
judgment. (Ago v. CA, GR. L-17898, 1962)
Section 6. Personal Service. — Court
submissions may be served by personal
delivery of a copy to the party or to the
party's counsel, or to their authorized
representative named in the appropriate
pleading or motion, or by leaving it in his or
her office with his or her clerk, or with a
person having charge thereof. If no person is
found in his or her office, or his or her office is
not known, or he or she has no office, then by
leaving the copy, between the hours of eight in
the morning and six in the evening, at the
party's or counsel's residence, if known, with a
person of sufficient age and discretion residing

Section 7. Service by mail. — Service by How Service by Registered Mail is Made

registered mail shall be made by depositing the Service by registered mail shall be made by:
copy in the post office, in a sealed envelope, 1. Depositing the copy in the post office;
plainly addressed to the party or to the 2. The deposited copy must be:
party's counsel at his or her office, if known,
otherwise at his or her residence, if known, with i. In a sealed envelope;
postage fully pre-paid, and with instructions to ii. Plainly addressed to the party or to the
the postmaster to return the mail to the sender party's counsel at his or her office, if known,
after ten (10) calendar days if undelivered. If no otherwise at his or her residence, if known;
registry service is available in the locality of 3. The postage fully pre-paid; and
either the sender or the addressee, service may 4. An instruction must be given to the
be done by ordinary mail. postmaster to return the mail to the sender
after 10 calendar days if undelivered.

Section 8. Substituted service. — If service of

pleadings, motions, notices, resolutions, orders
and other papers cannot be made under the
two preceding sections, the office and place of
residence of the party or his or her counsel
being unknown, service may be made by
delivering the copy to the clerk of court, with
proof of failure of both personal service and
service by mail. The service is complete at the
time of such delivery.

Section 9. Service by electronic means and

facsimile. — Service by electronic means and
facsimile shall be made if the party concerned
consents to such modes of service.

Service by electronic means shall be made by

sending an e-mail to the party's or counsel's
electronic mail address, or through other
electronic means of transmission as the parties
may agree on, or upon direction of the court.

Service by facsimile shall be made by sending

a facsimile copy to the party's or counsel's
given facsimile number. 

Section 10. Presumptive service. — There

shall be presumptive notice to a party of a court
setting if such notice appears on the records to
have been mailed at least twenty (20) calendar
days prior to the scheduled date of hearing and
if the addressee is from within the judicial
region, or at least thirty (30) calendar days if the
addressee is from outside the judicial region

Section 11. Change of electronic mail address

or facsimile number. — A party who changes
his or her electronic mail address or facsimile
number while the action is pending must
promptly file, within five (5) calendar days from
such change, a notice of change of e-mail
address or facsimile number with the court and
serve the notice on all other parties.

Service through the electronic mail address or

facsimile number of a party shall be presumed
valid unless such party notifies the court of any
change, as aforementioned.

Section 12. Electronic mail and facsimile

subject and title of pleadings and other
documents. — The subject of the electronic
mail and facsimile must follow the prescribed
format: case number, case title and the
pleading, order or document title. The title of
each electronically-filed or served pleading or
other document, and each submission served
by facsimile shall contain sufficient information
to enable the court to ascertain from the title:
(a) the party or parties filing or serving the
paper, (b) nature of the paper, (c) the party or
parties against whom relief, if any, is sought,
and (d) the nature of the relief sought.

Section 13. Service of Judgments, Final

Orders or Resolutions. — Judgments, final
orders, or resolutions shall be served either
personally or by registered mail. Upon ex
parte motion of any party in the case, a copy of
the judgment, final order, or resolution may be
delivered by accredited courier at the expense
of such party. When a party summoned by
publication has failed to appear in the action,
judgments, final orders or resolutions against
him or her shall be served upon him or her also
by means of publication at the expense of the
prevailing party.

Section 14. Conventional service or filing of

orders, pleadings and other documents. —
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the following
orders, pleadings, and other documents must
be served or filed personally or by registered
mail when allowed, and shall not be served or
filed electronically, unless express permission
is granted by the Court:

(a) Initiatory pleadings and initial

responsive pleadings, such as an

(b) Subpoenae, protection orders, and


(c) Appendices and exhibits to motions,

or other documents that are not readily
amenable to electronic scanning may,
at the option of the party filing such, be
filed and served conventionally; and

(d) Sealed and confidential documents

or records.

Section 15. Completeness of service. —

Personal service is complete upon actual
delivery. Service by ordinary mail is complete
upon the expiration of ten (10) calendar days
after mailing, unless the court otherwise
provides. Service by registered mail is complete
upon actual receipt by the addressee, or after
five (5) calendar days from the date he or
she received the first notice of the postmaster,
whichever date is earlier. Service by accredited
courier is complete upon actual receipt by the
addressee, or after at least two (2) attempts to
deliver by the courier service, or upon the
expiration of five (5) calendar days after the first
attempt to deliver, whichever is earlier.

Electronic service is complete at the time of the

electronic transmission of the document, or
when available, at the time that the electronic
notification of service of the document is sent.
Electronic service is not effective or complete if
the party serving the document learns that it did
not reach the addressee or person to be

Service by facsimile transmission is complete

upon receipt by the other party, as indicated in
the facsimile transmission printout.

Section 16. Proof of filing. — The filing of a

pleading or any other court submission shall be
proved by its existence in the record of the
(a) If the pleading or any other court
submission is not in the record, but is
claimed to have been filed personally,
the filing shall be proven by the written
or stamped acknowledgment of its filing
by the clerk of court on a copy of the
pleading or court submission;

(b) If the pleading or any other court

submission was filed by registered
mail, the filing shall be proven by the
registry receipt and by the affidavit of
the person who mailed it, containing a
full statement of the date and place
of deposit of the mail in the post office
in a sealed envelope addressed to the
court, with postage fully prepaid, and
with instructions to the postmaster to
return the mail to the sender after ten
(10) calendar days if not delivered.

(c) If the pleading or any other court

submission was filed through an
accredited courier service, the filing
shall be proven by an affidavit of service
of the person who brought the pleading
or other document to the service
provider, together with the courier's
official receipt and document tracking

(d) If the pleading or any other court

submission was filed by electronic mail,
the same shall be proven by an affidavit
of electronic filing of the filing party
accompanied by a paper copy of the
pleading or other document transmitted
or a written or stamped
acknowledgment of its filing by the clerk
of court. If the paper copy sent by
electronic mail was filed by registered
mail, paragraph (b) of this Section

(e) If the pleading or any other court

submission was filed through other
authorized electronic means, the same
shall be proven by an affidavit of
electronic filing of the filing party
accompanied by a copy of the
electronic acknowledgment of its filing
by the court. (12)

Section 17. Proof of service. — Proof of

personal service shall consist of a written
admission of the party served, or the official
return of the server, or the affidavit of the party
serving, containing a statement of the date,
place, and manner of service. If the service is
made by:

(a) Ordinary mail. - Proof shall consist

of an affidavit of the person mailing
stating the facts showing compliance
with Section 7 of this Rule.

(b) Registered mail. - Proof shall be

made by the affidavit mentioned
above and the registry receipt issued by
the mailing office.  The registry return
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card shall be filed immediately upon its

receipt by the sender, or in lieu thereof,
the unclaimed letter together with the
certified or sworn copy of the notice
given by the postmaster to the

(c) Accredited courier service. - Proof

shall be made by an affidavit of service
executed by the person who brought
the pleading or paper to the service
provider, together with the courier's
official receipt or document tracking

(d) Electronic mail, facsimile, or other

authorized electronic means of
transmission. - Proof shall be made by
an affidavit of service executed by the
person who sent the e-mail, facsimile,
or other electronic transmission,
together with a printed proof of

Section 18. Court-issued orders and other

documents. — The court may electronically
serve orders and other documents to all the
parties in the case which shall have the same
effect and validity as provided herein. A paper
copy of the order or other document
electronically served shall be retained and
attached to the record of the case.

Section 19. Notice of lis pendens. — In an

action affecting the title or the right of
possession of real property, the plaintiff and the
defendant, when affirmative relief is claimed in
his answer, may record in the office of the
registry of deeds of the province in which the
property is situated a notice of the pendency of
the action. Said notice shall contain the names
of the parties and the object of the action or
defense, and a description of the property in
that province affected thereby. Only from the
time of filing such notice for record shall a
purchaser, or encumbrancer of the property
affected thereby, be deemed to have
constructive notice of the pendency of the
action, and only of its pendency against the
parties designated by their real names.

The notice of lis pendens hereinabove

mentioned may be cancelled only upon order of
the court, after proper showing that the notice is
for the purpose of molesting the adverse party,
or that it is not necessary to protect the rights of
the party who caused it to be recorded.

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