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Int. J. Electron. Commun.

(AEÜ) 127 (2020) 153407

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Design of broadband absorptive optimum frequency selective rasorber

without loaded circuit elements
Mustafa Özdin a, *, Salim Orak b, Faruk Erken a
Kastamonu University, Turkey
University of Health Sciences, Turkey


Keywords: In this work, unlike conventional ones, an optimum rasorber was designed which does not require circuit ele­
Frequency-selective rasorber (FSR) ments loaded by soldering. With high physical protection and wide absorption band, this proposed rasorber is
Absorber radome suitable for stealthy antenna radomes. This structure is easy to manufacture as the absorption and frequency
selectivity are achieved only by resistive and conductive square patch elements integrated into the dielectric
layers. Firstly, using computer simulation results, predetermined value sets of equivalent circuit elements of the
impedance of a frequency selective surface (FSS) are obtained depending on the dimensions in a unit cell. Then,
the reflection and transmission coefficients of the whole structure are expressed as the functions of all variables
in the rasorber. The transmission coefficient calculation is carried out with a newly introduced formulation. The
optimum values of the variables are determined by using multi-objective optimization. A broadband rasorber
prototype containing three resistive FSS and a conductive FSS is manufactured and the test results are shown
quantitatively. The designed structure transmits 4.2 GHz operating frequency with slight attenuation and it
provides reflection less than − 10 dB in the 8–23.4 GHz band and less than − 15 dB in the 8.6–21.4 GHz band.

1. Introduction sheets of these reported rasorbers are designed by soldering loaded re­
sistors and other circuit elements to conductive patterns [11–24]. Since
Rasorbers are structures that provide invisibility by reducing the these rasorbers contains tens of thousands of loaded circuit elements per
radar cross section (RCS) in stealthy antenna radomes. In order that the square meter, the manufacturing of these structures requires a large
antenna out-of-band signals do not reflect back from the target object to amount of soldering labor. Whereas, resistive surfaces made of resistive
the source, scattering them in different directions [1] or passing them patches are easily formed in just one step by screen printing method
through the radom wall [2,3], does not really reduce RCS. Reduction of [1,6–9]. The lossy layers of some rasorbers are made from resistive films
the RCS can only be achieved by absorbing the incident signal energy in [10]. The insertion loss (IL) of both resistive surface and resistive film
the radom wall body [4]. Wideband planar absorbers are designed by rasorbers is slightly higher [6,9,10]. The results of previous designed
forming a pattern from resistive surfaces [5]. Since these structures do some rasorbers without loaded elements could not be shown experi­
not have a transmission feature, they cannot be used in radomes. mentally, as these designs were difficult to manufacture [6–8]. In this
Resistive FSS (rFSS) elements can also be used in rasorber design study, a rasorber with wide and effective absorption band without
[1,6–9]. Rasorbers have a transmission band either below [6,7,10–16], loaded circuit elements is manufactured and the results are shown
among [1,8,9,17–19] or above [20–22] the absorption band. Some experimentally.
rasorbers are designed as dual transmission bands [23,24]. Absorptive Although there are no physical protection features, it was proposed
frequency-selective reflection/transmission structures in the literature to use the foam or air spacer with a permittivity of εr = 1 as the main
are reviewed in [25]. material of the wall structure in most rasorber designs, since it allows for
The unit cells of conventional rasorber with loaded circuit elements wider bandwidth [1,7,8,10–24]. Whereas, radomes of airborne that
may have a complex structure including resistors, capacitors, inductors, exposed to excessive pressure or malicious attacks must have high
diodes, even 3-D resonators [11,12,19] and magnetic materials. Lossy physical strength [26]. In our design, no foam or air spacer is used in the

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M. Özdin).
Received 8 May 2020; Accepted 5 August 2020
Available online 29 August 2020
1434-8411/© 2020 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
M. Özdin et al. AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 127 (2020) 153407

wall structure to provide high physical strength. Nevertheless, it still has Since the impedance Z12 is the parallel equivalent of Zs and Z21 then
a wide absorption band. The designed rasorber consists of four dielectric surface impedance can be determined with relation;
layers with permittivity of 2.5 and each of the interfaces has rFSS. A
1 1 1
conductive FSS (cFSS) is located on the inside surface, which faces the = − (3)
Zs Z12 Z21
To determine the optimum values of the dimensions in the unit cell
and the layer thicknesses, we followed a new procedure that consists of 2.2. Equivalent circuit elements
the following steps:
The usage of series RC or RLC equivalent circuit [6,7] to model an
• Determination of freestanding impedances of the FSSs using simu­ rFSS consisting of resistive square patches is insufficient in the frequency
lation results. bands where Floquet modes occur. Each mode can be modeled by adding
• Determination of equivalent circuit element values of these imped­ a parallel RLC circuit whose resonance frequency fp corresponds to the
ances by curve fitting method and preparing their pre-determined mode frequency [12,19,22]. The equivalent circuit of such single mode
value sets. rFSS impedance Zs is given in Fig. 2.
• Coding a function that calculates the S11 and S21 coefficients of the The value of the six elements in the equivalent circuit can be
whole structure using dielectric laminates and FSS features. determined using the impedance obtained from the simulation result.
• Optimization of system parameters according to desired S11 and S21 We investigated equivalent circuit element values for the sample sizes of
coefficients. p = 6 mm, and r = 3 mm, where a Floquet mode occurs in the band of
interest. The rFSS surface resistance of 50 Ω/sq and relative permittiv­
ities for both sides of the FSS were taken as εr = 4. The real and imag­
2. Determination of FSS equivalent circuit and elements value
inary parts of Zs calculated using S11 obtained by simulation are shown
in Fig. 3. Parallel resonance was observed at 26.71 GHz.
The equivalent circuit element values of this rFSS were determined
In this section, predetermined value sets of equivalent circuit ele­
by the curve fitting method. The lumped parameter values were ob­
ments of FSS are prepared. For this purpose, the reflection coefficient
tained as Rs = 0.608 Ω, Cs = 11.34 pF, Ls = 3.04 pH, Rp = 4.12 Ω, Cp =
obtained by simulation is used. FSSs are simulated for all appropriate
75.6 pF, Lp = 0.47 pH. The real and imaginary parts of the impedance
values of unit cell periodicity and patch size.
calculated with the obtained parameters are also shown in Fig. 3.
The analysis of such an arbitrary rasorber is based on the impedance
2.1. Determination of FSS impedance of the FSSs. For this, the equivalent circuit element values of this
impedance must be determined through the variables in the system. The
Since there is no FSS in the 1st and 3rd air-dielectric interfaces in variables affecting this impedance are the unit cell size p, the resistive
Fig. 1, the impedances on both sides of these surfaces are equal. The FSS patch size r, the surface resistance rs, and the permittivities. The resistive
impedance Zs can be obtained from Z12 and Z21. The Z21 can be calcu­ patch’s surface resistance affects only the lumped resistor, and the
lated by the known equation for layered structures by taking Z22 = Z0. In relationship between them is linear [6,7]. The permittivities affect ca­
this work, all impedance values have been normalized with respect to pacitors only, and capacity is directly proportional to the sum of the two
the free space characteristic impedance, 377 Ω [1]. Therefore, the free permittivities. If the capacity for the εr1 and εr2, permittivity values of
space impedance at the final output is taken as Z0 = 1 Ω. Since the the two sides is C12, the Cxy capacity corresponding to the εrx and εry
dielectric layers are nonmagnetic (μr = 1), the characteristic impedances permittivities can be expressed as follows.
can be determined by the Z0 = 1/ εr relation. To obtain the Z12
impedance, ZI must be known. This impedance is obtained from the Cxy =
C12 (
εrx + εry
reflection coefficient S11 evaluated from CST simulations as follows. εr1 + εr2

ZI = Z0 (1 + S11 )/(1 − S11 ) (1)

2.3. Lumped parameter sets
If Z12, which is unknown in the relation between Z11 and Z12, is
solved, the following expression is obtained; In our study, the interpolation method is used to determine lumped
parameters based on p and r variables. For this purpose, pre-determined
Z11 − jZ01 tan(k1 d1 )
Z12 = Z01 (2) value sets of all lumped parameters are needed for the values of unit cell
Z01 − jZ11 tan(k1 d1 )
and patch size that can be used in the targeted design. For the corre­
sponding frequency band, the values of p and r in mm, (3, 4, …, 10) and
(2, 3, …, 9) were considered respectively. Of these, only p > r ones are
Interface 1 Interface 2 Interface 3 possible values. For each (p, r) pair, the six element in the equivalent
d1, 1, Z01 Ef1 Ef 2 d2, 2, Z02 circuit are determined by the curve fitting method.
For each of the elements, a set of values expressed by an 8 × 8 matrix
k f1 kf2 having 36 realizable values satisfying the p > r condition is obtained,
Forward H f1 Transmission
Layer 1 Er1 Er 2 Layer 2
k r1 kr 2
Hr2 Ls
Reflection H r1 Zs
Rp Lp Cp
ZI Z11 Z12 Z21 Z22 Z0
Fig. 1. Forward and backward waves and their directions in a two-layered Fig. 2. Equivalent circuit of the rFSS for the frequency band in which a single
structure with FSS at the interface. Floquet mode occurs.

M. Özdin et al. AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 127 (2020) 153407

r d1 d2
Unit Cross d, Ls
p r Zs p Zc Air
cell section Cs
r Lp
Rp Cp
ZI Z1 Z2 Z0=1

Fig. 3. The actual values of the real and imaginary parts of the rFSS impedance
and also the values calculated by the equivalent circuit. d1 = d2 = 3 mm.
Fig. 4. Real and imaginary parts of the cFSS impedance and imaginary part
calculated by equivalent circuit. p = 12 mm, r = 10.6 mm, d = 3 mm.
corresponding to the vector pairs p and r. As an example, the set of Cs
series capacitor values is given in Table 1. The lumped parameters are
× 8 matrices with 36 realizable values are formed. Having obtained the
determined by interpolation using these sets for arbitrary values of p and
lumped parameter sets for FSSs, the equivalent circuit element values of
r. Then the overall effect of permittivity and surface resistance is
a random FSS can easily be determined by interpolation and hence its
included to the calculations.
impedance can be calculated.

2.4. Conductive FSS and its equivalent circuit 3. A new formulation for calculation the transmission of FSS-
containing surfaces
At the inner surface of the designed rasorber a cFSS exists that is used
as ground plane. The pattern elements on this surface are also square In the stratified structures, S11 and S21 calculations were performed
shaped copper. Since the signal frequency to be transmitted is lower by ABCD matrices and circuit models [1,6,7,13,14,16,21]. A formula
than the absorption band, the cFSS periodicity is greater. All of the that can be used to calculate the transmission of a surface containing FSS
evaluations performed in the previous section are also carried out for is unavailable in the literature. Here, a new and easy-to-use formula is
cFSS. A substrate on which cFSS with Zc impedance printed on its surface introduced for calculating the S21 of an FSS-containing surface only
is taken considered and the arrangement is shown inset in Fig. 4. The ZI through impedances. In this way, the analysis of a structure containing
was determined with (1) using the S11 obtained by simulation of the unit an arbitrary number of layers and FSSs, can be accomplished step-by-
cell. Then, by (2), the Z2 was calculated. The impedance Z2 is the parallel step, backward from the output to the input. The overall value of S21
equivalent of Zc and Z0 then it can be calculated with Zc = 1/(1/Z2 − 1/ in the whole structure is obtained by first calculating transmissions
Z0). through all layers and surfaces and then multiplying the resultant
An example cFSS unit cell, the real and imaginary parts of its transmissions. The transmission of a layer with a thickness d, can be
impedance obtained with explained method are shown in Fig. 4. The real expressed as: Td = e− jkd
part is approximately zero, except in the vicinity of frequency in which It is more complicated to compute the S21 in a surface including FSS.
the Floquet mode occurs. This indicates that the equivalent circuit has In Fig. 1, the impedances on both sides of the interface are the ratio of
no serial resistance. The remaining five elements was determined by the the total tangential electric field here to the total tangential magnetic
curve fitting method as Cs = 103 pF, Ls = 0.4 pH, Rp = 4.5 Ω, Cp = 460.7 field. The total tangential magnetic field on both sides of the interface
pF, Lp = 0.16 pH. The imaginary part calculated with these values is also containing FSS is not equal due to the interface current with density Js
shown in Fig. 4. [6] However, since there is no electric charge on the interface (σs = 0),
Pre-determined value sets were also prepared for each of the cFSS the total tangential electric fields on both sides are equal. Using the
lumped parameters. Eight values within the ranges of p (5–12 mm) and r impedance relations and this equality, the transmission coefficient of an
(4–11 mm) were taken into consideration. For each (p, r) pair, the ele­ interface with FSS is obtained as follows.
ments in the equivalent circuit impedance obtained from simulations
Z12 Z21 + Z02
were determined through curve fitting method. The r values for each FSS
S21 = (5)
corresponding p value can range from 4 mm to (p − 1) mm. Therefore, 8 Z21 Z12 + Z01

Table 1
Set of serial capacitor values versus p and r (pF).
Periodicity: (mm)

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3

2 1.26 1.64 2.04 2.52 3.52 4.37 7.83 15.2

3 3.40 4.5 6.14 8.13 11.34 17.8 30.2
4 9.11 11.6 15.2 20.8 29.71 48.2
5 18.8 24.1 31.3 44.1 67.78
Patch size: (mm)
6 34.5 44.1 59.2 89.2 Impossible
7 57.2 76.3 111 values
8 93.5 135
9 160.2

M. Özdin et al. AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 127 (2020) 153407

The impedances on both sides of interfaces without FSS are equal. If structure was not implemented.
this impedance is denoted by Z, the transmission coefficient formula For multi-objective optimization, a total of 23 targets which are 11
becomes the following. reflection and 11 transmission coefficients with equally spacing between
8 GHz and 23 GHz, and a transmission coefficient at 4.2 GHz were
Z + Z02
S21 = (6) defined. The target values of these objectives are as mentioned above.
Z + Z01
The whole optimization scheme was performed using a sequential
The accuracy of the formulation proposed to calculate S21 through quadratic programming (SQP) algorithm. Since the in-band trans­
these impedances can be observed in Sections 4 and 5. S11 is obtained mission and absorption band reflection targets are difficult to achieve,
from the ZI calculated from the cascade structure. their weights were initially taken as 1. On the other hand, transmission
objectives in the absorption band are relatively easier to perform and
4. Optimization of rasorber parameters hence their weights were taken as 0.5. While lower and upper limits of
layer thicknesses were used as 1.6 mm and 6 mm, we preferred 3 mm
The aim of this study is to determine the optimum values of system and 8 mm limits for resistive patches. The optimum values could not be
variables for a rasorber with the desired characteristics instead of the obtained in one step. Although a local minimum could be found at the
analysis of an arbitrary rasorber. For this purpose, S11 and S21 were first end of each run, these results give an idea of the optimum values of the
expressed in terms of system variables, i.e. periodicities, patch sizes and parameters for the global minimum. Considering these results, the
layer thicknesses and then their optimum values were investigated. The optimization process was reevaluated repeatedly by changing the limits
optimum rasorber to be designed should have three main and constraints of the parameters and the weights of the objectives.
characteristics; Eventually, the optimum values of the parameters that satisfying the
targets, were determined.
• In the absorption band in the range of 8–23 GHz, the reflection The reflection of this optimum structure is less than − 10 dB and − 15
should be less than − 10 dB and in the middle region of this band dB in the 7.6–23.5 GHz (102.3%) and 8.2–21.4 GHz (89.2%) bands
should be less than − 15 dB. respectively. The reflection for the mentioned structure becomes less
• Insertion loss should be minimum at 4.2 GHz, which is assumed to be than − 17 dB in the middle region. The optimum values of the parame­
the operating frequency. A loss of − 1.5 dB is taken as an acceptable ters have been updated considering the cost and ease of production of
value. (We aimed to reduce S11 thoroughly at the expense of a FSSs and the manufacture of dielectric laminates at standard thick­
slightly increased S21 [1,6,9,10].) nesses. The optimized and updated parameter values of the structure are
• The transmission in the absorption band should be less than − 15 dB. given in Table 2. Though the update of values was caused a decrease in
the absorption bandwidth by 0.5 GHz and increase in the reflection at
The designed structure consists of four layers as shown in Fig. 5. the middle of the absorption band by about 2 dB, the target reflection
Since easy-to-manufacture square patches are used instead of complex and transmission criteria were satisfied. A macro unit cell structure of
shaped surface elements, the number of resistive surfaces has been the radome wall and the alignment of square patches are given in Fig. 6.
increased to achieve broadband absorption [6]. In order to reduce the The coefficients S11 and S21 obtained by both the simulation and the
number of variables, to facilitate optimization and production, the derived new formulation of the determined structure are shown in
permittivity of all layers was considered equal and the surface re­ Fig. 7. Inspection of the figure shows that the results are in correlation
sistances of all rFSSs were taken as the same. To be able to absorption at with each other. Fig. 7 also shows the coefficient S11 simulated with
higher frequencies, the relative permittivities were chosen as a low εr = optimum values as well as the absorption rate calculated as
2.5, and surface resistances are 50 Ω/sq. absorption = 1 − S211 − S221 using the updated simulation results. Absorp­
In this case, there are a total of 12 variables that need to be opti­ tion is greater than 80% in the range 7.96− 26.9 GHz, which is a 108.7%
mized, which are four in each of the unit cell periodicity, patch sizes, and band.
layer thicknesses. Some constraints are present in the optimization of The IL at the 4.2 GHz antenna operating frequency is about 1.28 dB
these variables. To make the designed structure easier to produce, the and is within the acceptable limits. Since the S21 at frequencies higher
patch size r was taken at least 0.5 mm smaller than the unit cell size p. than 7.5 GHz is less than − 10 dB, the signal passing through the radome
Because the values obtained by optimization were to be verified by may be accepted to be insignificant. These minor differences between
CST Microwave Studio, the FSS periodicities could not be selected at simulation and the analysis in this region are negligible.
random values. The model created with CST, the FSS periodicities must S11 is less than − 10 dB in the range of 8–23.4 GHz and less than − 15
either be equal or have a reasonable multiple of each other [7]. As a dB in the range of 8.6–21.4 GHz. In this absorption band, the difference
practical case, rFSS periodicities were considered to be equal. Since cFSS between the analysis and the simulation results was less than 1 dB. This
is correlated to the transmission frequency, its periodicity must be minor variance proves the efficiency the proposed analysis formulation.
larger. As a reasonable constraint, cFSS’s periodicity was used as twice
that of the rFSSs [7]. A rasorber with better characteristics may be ob­ 5. Manufacturing and experimental results
tained in the absence of periodicity constraints. Since such a design
cannot be verified by the simulation software, production of such a 5.1. Manufacturing

All FSS substrates are AD250 laminates with a relative permittivity of

rFSS 1 rFSS 2 rFSS 3 cFSS 2.5, a loss tangent of 0.0014. Masking-etching method was used to
create cFSS. rFSSs were formed by screen printing using liquid carbon
Outside d1 , 1 d2, 2 d3 , 3 d4, 4 Inside black, then cured at 250 ◦ C [7]. Surface resistance was measured as
about 65 Ω/sq at the first print and roughly 35 Ω/sq at the end of the
Air Air second print-curing. Unfortunately, since the 50 Ω/sq value could not be
Zs1 Zs2 Zs3 Zc
Z0 1 Z0 1 achieved, all rFSS surface resistances were accepted to be 35 Ω/sq. The
fact that the surface resistance was smaller than the targeted did not
significantly affect S21, but it did increase S11 by 2 dB in the 14–18 GHz
ZI Z0 band. Absorption bandwidth also decreased by about 1 GHz.
When screen printing, the spread of the liquid carbon black adversely
Fig. 5. Four-layer rasorber cross section including three rFSS and one cFSS.

M. Özdin et al. AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 127 (2020) 153407

Table 2
Values of system parameters (mm).
p r p1 , p2 , p3 r1 r2 r3 d1 d2 d3 d4

Opt. 11.6 10.6 5.8 3.7 5.2 5.4 3.1 1.9 2.4 5.0
Upd. 12 10.5 6 3.7 5.3 5.3 3.17 2.03 2.29 5.21


p1 , p2 ,
p3 p


Fig. 6. The placement of the patch elements and dielectric layers in the macro
Fig. 8. Pictures of laminates that make up the rasorber, one with cFSS and
unit cell of the determined structure.
three with rFSS. The laminates were superimposed and shifted diagonally.

(a). The reflection tests at oblique incidence were performed using the
NRL Arch method (b). While calibration data is obtained in reflection
tests, there is a metal plate in the place of rasorber. In transmission tests,
calibration data are obtained with reference to the space (air).
At normal incidence with 35 Ω/sq surface resistance, the measured,
Absorption Rate (%)

simulated and analyzed results of S11 and S21 are shown in the Fig. 10.
The measured results show that the rasorber provides less than − 10 dB
reflection in the 7.8–21.86 GHz band (%94.8). At the S11, except for
frequencies around 12.5 GHz, the difference between the measured and
expected results is less than 2 dB. The similarity in-band is significant.
Considering the occurring undesirable situations when forming FSSs and
combining laminates, the differences between simulation and mea­
surement results are within tolerance.
In-band IL is about 1 dB in both simulation and measurement results.
But there is a 0.5 GHz difference between the frequencies where the
minimum loss occurs. This difference results from the previously
explained adverse circumstances. Differences in the high-frequency re­
Frequency (GHz) gion where the signal is thoroughly weakened are not significant.

Fig. 7. Reflection and transmission coefficients of the designed rasorber ob­

tained by both simulation and the new formulation. 5.3. Oblique incidence

affected the patch sizes. The fact that exact homogeneity cannot be The S11 varies depending on the polarization and incidence angle
achieved results in different surface resistance of resistive patches. One [22]. Fig. 11 shows the simulated and measured results of two incident
cFSS and three rFSS-containing laminates are shown in Fig. 8. These angles (30◦ , 45◦ ) at TE and TM polarization. As the Fig. 11 inspected, it is
laminates are fixed at their edges such that the unit cells are aligned
overlapping. Since the flatness of the laminates is distorted during the Port1 Port2
Horn Port1 Port1 Port1
curing, a small amount of space remains between them. All these un­
desired conditions negatively affect the results.

5.2. Measurements Rasorber

An Agilent E8363B PNA network analyzer and two broadband horn Port2 Port2
antennas were used for all measurements. Reflection and transmission (a) (b) (c) (d)
test setups at normal and oblique incidence are shown in Fig. 9. Because
of its easier calibration, time-gating method was used for normal inci­ Fig. 9. Reflection (a, b) and transmission (c, d) tests at normal (a, c) and
dence reflection measurements which are carried out with a single port oblique (b, d) incidence.

M. Özdin et al. AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 127 (2020) 153407

Fig. 12. Simulated and measured results of the transmission coefficient at TE

and TM polarization for 30◦ and 45◦ incidence angles.
Fig. 10. Simulated, measured and analyzed results of S11 and S21 for 35 Ω/sq
surface resistance. In TM polarization, as the incidence angle increases, the transmission
frequency shifts slightly upwards, bandwidth extends to the upper fre­
observed that the results are approximately in correlation. In TE polar­ quency region without changing the IL [15]. In the measurements, the
ization, as the incidence angle increases, more reflection is expected in increase in the transmission frequency is slightly higher than expected
the absorption band [13,15]. It is observed that the increase in reflection and the IL is about 0.5 dB.
test results is slightly higher than expected. Although the reflection in­
creases, it is discovered that the bandwidth does not change significantly 5.4. Performance comparison
In TM polarization, it is expected that reflection and bandwidth will The performance of the designed rasorber is compared to the re­
decrease as the incidence angle increases [14,22]. Although the ported conventional designs in Table 3. Conventional rasorbers include
measured results are not exactly as expected, they exhibit the general tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of loaded elements per
characteristics of TM polarization. square meter. The rFSSs in rasorber we designed solely consists of
The transmission characteristic of the rasorber also changes screen-printed patches, so no soldering is required to load any circuit
depending on the polarization and incidence angle [14,15]. Fig. 12 elements. However, it has a wide and effective absorption band. In the
shows the simulated and measured results of S21 around the antenna comparison, both reflection and transmission coefficients with values
operating frequency for 30◦ and 45◦ angles at both polarizations. Since less than − 10 dB were considered to be effective absorption criteria
IL is large enough at high frequencies, we did not show them in the [9,12,16]. Notice that, in the absorption band we targeted the reflection
figure. upper limit as − 15 dB, while in the other reported, it was − 10 dB. As a
As the incidence angle increases in TE polarization, it is expected that second and more effective absorption criterion, S11 ≤ − 15 dB and S21 ≤
the transmission frequency shifts to higher values and IL increases [14]. − 15 dB were adopted and shown in the Table 3. To get rid of the effects
The measured results introduce the general properties of TE polariza­ of manufacturing defects and measurement errors, the comparison was
tion, although not exactly as expected. Transmission frequencies for based on simulation results. It is observed that our design has the widest
angles 30◦ and 45◦ are observed as 4.4 and 4.6, respectively. ILs differential absorption bandwidth. The fractional bandwidth of the
measured for the same angles are 1 dB and 1.9 dB, respectively. design is very high compared to the others in the comparison where the
criterion is − 15. In addition to the wide and effective absorption
bandwidth, the proposed design is easy to manufacture due to its simple

6. Conclusion

In this paper, unlike conventional ones, an optimal rasorber is

designed which is easy to manufacture since it does not contain loaded
elements by soldering. Frequency selectivity and absorption are ob­
tained by FSSs consisting of printed conductive and resistive patches.
First, the transmission and reflection coefficients of such a multilayer
structure are directly expressed as functions of dimensional variables
and electrical properties. Using these functions, for a rasorber with the
desired transmission and reflection properties, the optimum values of
unit cell periodicities, patch sizes and thickness of the layers were
determined with the use of multi-objective optimization scheme. The
designed rasorber containing 3 rFSS and a cFSS has a wide and effective
absorption band above a transmission band at 4.2 GHz. The reflection in
absorption band is less than − 10 dB in the region of 8–23.4 GHz and less
than − 15 dB in the region of 8.6–21.4 GHz. A rasorber prototype
without loaded elements is manufactured. Its metric properties are
Fig. 11. Simulated and measured S11 results under the oblique incidence. procurable values that are close to the determined optimum values. In

M. Özdin et al. AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 127 (2020) 153407

Table 3
Comparison of the rasorber with some other previously reported designs.
Ref. nFSS L.E. nLE Thickness Transmis. Absor.{(S11 & S21) < − 10 dB} (S11 & S21) < − 15 dB

(mm) λ0 fT IL Band (GHz) ΔBW %BW Band %BW

[13] 2 4 R1 53,459 8 0.025 1.5 1 4.95–7.0 2.05 34.3 5.28–6.23 16.5

[14] 2 4 R, 1 D2 12,500 9.16 0.088 2.88 0.8 4.1–10.45 6.35 87.3 4.74–5.5 14,8
8.17–9,4 14
[15] 3 8 R, 4 D 53,333 5.75 0.04 2.1 0.8 5.46–16.97 11.51 102.6 6.14–7.16 15.3
[16] 2 2R 31,250 8,5 0.026 0,915 1 4.58–8.52 3.94 60.2 5.5–6.8 28.6
[18] 2 4R 17,777 7 0.24 10.3 0.3 4.7–8.9/11.5–16.8 4/5.3 62/38 5.0–6.5 24.8
13.6–14.4 5.7
[20] 3 2R 24,691 14.5 0.469 9.7 0.5 2.36–8.23 5,87 110,9 2.6–3.83 38.3
[21] 2 2R 12,345 12.5 0.042 10 0.5 3.05–7.82 4.77 87.8 3.44–4.24 20.8
[23] 2 4R 12,345 6.5 0.184/0.234 8.5/10.8 0.15/0.31 4–5.88 /13.48–15.53 1.88/2.05 38.1/14.1 – –
[10] 6 – – 12 0.32 8 2 16.5–27 10.5 48.3 – –
Fig. 7 4 – – 12.7 0.178 4.2 1.28 8–23.4 15.4 98.1 9.3–21.4 78.8
Fig. 10 4 – – 12.7 0.178 4.2 1 8.1–22.1 14 92.7 9.6–13.3 32.3 &
17.5–20.6 16.3

nFSS: FSS layer number, L.E.: Loaded elements in unit cell, nLE: Number of loaded element per square meter, λ0: Free space wavelength, fT: Transmission frequency,
ΔBW: Differential bandwidth, %BW: Fractional bandwidth, 1: Resistor, 2: PIN diode, 3: Capacitor, 4: Inductor, 5: Printed resonator.

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