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Week 4 (Posted on: Thursday, 30 March 2023, 18:43)

ACS Code of Ethics

Six fundamental ethical principles are listed along with the standards of professional
behaviour in this Code of Professional Conduct (the Code) which are as follows: -

1) The primacy of public interest: - Under the context of the law "The primacy of the
public interest," the public good gets priority over the individual. In accordance with
this code, all disputes must be settled in the interest of the public((ACS code of
professional conduct 2014). You will: -

 Determine those affected

 bring up any potential inconsistencies
 Inform interested parties of any conflicts of interest or moral concerns.
 Preserve the confidentiality and privacy of other people's information.

2) The enhancement of quality of life: - ICT has both positive and harmful
consequences on society, and it is important to use ICT ethically to reduce the latter.
With respect to this value, ((ACS code of professional conduct 2014)you will:

 Enhance the way people live, especially for those with disabilities.
 Make sure the well-being and security of all who are impacted by your
activities and support it.
 enhance other people's emotions

3) Honesty: - Professional conduct requires honesty and integrity, and dishonest

behaviour is never acceptable. (ACS code of professional conduct 2014) You will: -

 Any bribe offer will be rejected, and I will not offer any.
 Never deceive a client or designated person.
 Separate your private and work-related thoughts and suggestions
 Do not improve one’s personal image on expense of others.
 Give credit where it is deserved for work completed by others.

4) Competence: - Accept only the work you are confident in your ability to complete,
and when required, seek out extra knowledge from those who are qualified to do so.
Recognize your own limitations and avoid giving the impression that you are more
competent than you actually are. Know when you require more knowledge and
information. You will: -

 Provide items and amenities that satiate stakeholders' monetary and

operational needs.
 not overstate your abilities or understanding
 Be sure to be knowledgeable about any applicable laws and requirements.
 honour and safeguard the private interests of your stakeholders.
 Taking ownership of your work
 Ask your co-workers for advice.
5) Professional Development: - Maintain a current understanding of new techniques,
norms, and technology. Provide specialised knowledge and assistance. To be more
effective and assume new tasks, impart knowledge and experience. You will: -

 keep improving your knowledge and abilities.

 raising awareness of the public's interaction with the profession.
 Recommend your co-workers, staff, and students to grow their own
professional capacities.
 Promote professional development, education, and training according to the
needs of each individual.

6) Professionalism: -The ACS supports professional standards and offers assistance in

resolving ethical quandaries in an effort to build public trust in the ICT sector. You
will: -

 Approach professional work in a cool, impartial, informed, and knowledgeable

 Act upon members who disobey the Code.
 The ACS's corporate conduct is governed by the Code and is serious business.
 The Code neither mandates nor seeks to inspire any behaviour that might
violate it.
 want to increase public awareness of and familiarity with ICT

References: - Australian Computer Society. (2015). Our past. Retrieved March 30, 2023,

Australian Computer Society. (2014). Code of professional conduct and practice. Retrieved
August 11, 2019, from

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