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Bocohan, Lucena City


Name: Del Rosario James C. Score/Mark:

BSMT 2- CAPELLA October 13, 2022
Year and Section: Date:

NAV 3 LEC Week 5

I. Type of  Concept Notes  Laboratory Report

Activity  Essay/Task Report  Skills: Exercise/Drill
 Illustration  Other:

II. Activity Title: Week 5 – Position Lines and Positions

III. Learning LO1: Differentiate position lines and position.

Outcome(s): LO2: State and explain dead reckoning and line of position.
LO3: Define the different terms dead reckoning.

IV. Activity Introduction/Information/Directions:

A. Define and explain the following.

1. How to plot a DR (Dead Reckoning) position?

In Computing the DR position computing a new position or positions from a known
departure point using speed, course, and elapsed time estimations The DR course is
shown on the chart by a succession of DR positions, which may reflect the intended
path of travel..The process of estimating a new position or positions from a known
departure point using estimations of speed, course, and elapsed time is known as dead
reckoning. The DR course is shown on the chart by a succession of DR positions, which
may reflect the intended path of travel. It is sometimes merely a planning tool because
the known path of travel is elsewhere. This happens in current-driven seas. Section 8
will go over this topic. A DR path should be charted ahead of time or from the moment
a boat leaves port or weighs anchor until it arrives safely at its destination. The
navigator can avoid dangers and plan and monitor an effective trip using the projected
course. The DR positions at regular intervals along the route provide estimations of the
boat's position relative to a known position. In an emergency, the DR position may
represent the best estimation of the boat's true location.

2. What are the five golden rules for plotting a DR course ?

Bocohan, Lucena City

▪ Six Rules of Dead Reckoning (DR):

▪ every hour on the hour.
▪ after every speed change.
▪ after every course change.
▪ after plotting a single LOP.
▪ after every fix or running fix.
DR out twice after every fix.

This is a short evaluative test at the end of the lesson. The students will be asked to reflect on the
topic in order to deepen their understanding of the lesson .

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