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Francheska Marie M.



Hello guys! It's me, Fran, and I am here to teach you how to promote the seven corporal works of
mercy, and that's why I created this video. As you may all know, the seven corporal of mercy
means that we help people by giving them food, clothes, and a place where they can stay as long
as they want, helping them with their psychical needs. First, in your whole life, is there a
particular moment when you did the seven corporal works of mercy? I'm sure there is because
helping people and seeing them happy with what you gave them makes you happy, and there's a
feeling of fulfillment. Seeing people, you helped smile and thank you for giving them what they
need is so good. Whenever I see them smile and be happy, I get so glad too, and I help others as
much as possible. The seven corporal works of mercy are what we do in our everyday lives. We
are doing it without knowing that it's a part of seven corporal works of mercy. The seven
corporal works of mercy gave us an insight into how we should treat other people regardless of
their status in their life.

When I was young, my family loved to give relief goods, old books that could still be used, and
clothes that could still be worn. Every material thing that other people can use. We donate the
books to the school in front of our house so the kids can still use them while studying. We donate
relief goods every Christmas in our barangay, and seeing people happy makes me happy, and it
makes me want to do more for others, and it's all worth it in the end. That's why when I get old, I
want my blessings on others, and I want to donate as much as I can and continue doing good
deeds because I want to, not because I expect something in return. I will help because I am happy
that I am helping others. You know, guys, giving someone who can't eat three times a day food,
makes them so happy and grateful, sheltering them when they don't have a home to stay in and
just living in the streets will make them happy, caring for those who's sick, praying for them or
donating for the surgeries that they can't afford, will make them happy. Many people who are not
lucky to live comfortably need to work every day to eat something or to provide for their
families. They need to work 10x harder for them to survive in this world. You see, everyone,
helping others will not make you less of a human. Helping other people gives a great feeling, and
it makes you want to do more good deeds.

The seven corporal sins are an eye-opener for us to help and share our blessings with others. It's
not that bad to help them as much as you can. I know that I've said this many times, but helping
other people makes me happy, and I want to do more for them. I want them to experience all the
things that have been excellent experiences for me. Money is not always a way for you to help
others; donating your old clothes and old books that can help with the education of other people,
doing funds for sick people, and encouraging other people to join you in fundraising for people
who are suffering can make a lot of changes too. Doing this seven corporal works of mercy is a
mission for us to live in this world. Helping other people is a part of our life. I urge you to do the
seven corporal works of mercy, do all these things to help other people, because trust me, helping
others will make you happy and feel something that you will have in your heart. Be a good
human and do good deeds for others who need our help. You will find joy in helping other

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