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Definition Critique:

"What is critical race theory, and why do

Republicans want to ban it in schools?"

Critical race theory (CRT) is defined in this article in a clear and comprehensive manner as a
framework for studying how race and racism interact with the law and legal institutions. The
main ideas and tenets of CRT, such as its emphasis on systemic racism, intersectionality, and
the part played by law in maintaining racial inequality, are accurately described in the article. In
addition, the essay gives historical background, outlining how CRT came to be in response to
the shortcomings of earlier civil rights strategies for combating racial disparity.
The article's examination of the practical uses of CRT in schools, however, is relatively
constrained. Although it mentions that some schools have included CRT in their curricula, it
doesn't include any examples or case studies of how CRT has been applied to instruct pupils
about racism and discrimination. The reader's comprehension of how CRT might be applied in
educational settings may be constrained by this omission.
A more nuanced discussion of the political and ideological arguments surrounding CRT would
also be beneficial for the article. The article mentions that Republicans have been trying to get
CRT out of schools, but it does not fully discuss why they are trying to do this or the larger
political context. For example, the article does not explore how the debate over CRT fits into
larger discussions about race, education, and political polarization in the United States.
Overall, the essay clearly describes the fundamental ideas and principles of CRT and offers a
strong introduction to it. The discussion of CRT's practical applications in schools and a more in-
depth examination of the political and ideological arguments surrounding the framework,
however, would both be helpful.

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