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Question 1: People are talking about Marice at the anniversary ball.

- Guest 1: “Don’t you think Marice _____ ?”
- Guest 2: “ I agree, she looks gorgeous in that white dress.”
A. get the hang B. know the rope C. is off the bat D. cut a fine figure

Question 2: I think it was completely thoughtless of you to have turned your _____ on the friends asking for
your help.
A. fist B. neck C. head D. back

Question 3: After a couple of politicians won elections by promising to cut taxes, most of the others jumped on
the _____.
A. heels B. bandwagon C. ship D. curtain

Question 4: We need to discuss this problem carefully and get to the _____ of it in the end of the meeting.
A. core B. bottom C. heed D. corner

Question 5: I am not trying to put you on the _____, but could you explain why you did that?
A. spot B. corner C. stage D. pot

Question 6: Layla is such a hasty girl, she always _____ before getting the situation well.
A. sits on the fence B. turns round the corner C. keeps a cool head D. jumps in with both feet

Question 7: Those information such as college life is a _____ have never been true.
A. bed of roses B. well-known C. can of worms D. apples and oranges

Question 8: (OPPOSITE in meaning) Judy has just won a full scholaship to one of the most prestigious
universities in the world, she must be on cloud nine now.
A. extremely panicked B. obviously delighted C. incredibly optimistic D. desperately sad

Question 9: After a momentary _____ of concentration, Simon managed to regain his focus and completed
the test.
A. lapse B. fault C. failure D. error

Question 10: When I say I want you to be here at six o’clock, I mean six o’clock _____. You mustn’t be late
under any circumstances
A. on the edge B. at the moment C. on the dot D. in the detail

Question 11: Shakespeare’s plays have stood the _____ of time because they are so well-written.
A. test B. quiz C. exam D. road

Question 12: It took me a while to learn the _____ when I started my new job.

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A. paths B. laws C. ladders D. ropes

Question 13: (CLOSEST in meaning) I take my hat off to all those people who have worked hard to get this
project off the ground.
A. discourage B. respect C. detest D. loathe

Question 14: I am sorry it’s taking so long but we have to do it by the _____.
A. flower B. law C. book D. vine

Question 15: He planned to explain this problem as detail as possible at the _____.
A. dungeon B. begin C. vocal D. outset

Question 16: The manager’s decision to retire put _____ to his distinguished career.
A. paid B. known C. voice D. end

Question 17: The landlord and his tenants soon came to _____ regarding repairs.
A. harmony B. conclusion C. agreement D. terms

Question 18: Martha is making a _____ for herself as an excellent chef.

A. outlet B. fame C. voice D. name

Question 19: The boy woke up and changed into his uniform on the _____.
A. hexagon B. quarter C. triple D. double

Question 20: Finishing the whole test without a mistake in a short period of time is not _____.
A. down the hill B. a walk in the park C. an ABC D. the push of the button

Question 21: (CLOSEST in meaning) The union is up in arms over the reduction in health benefits.
A. happy B. satisfied C. excited D. angry

Question 22: I love my aunt, but she’ll talk your ____ off if you let her!
A. head B. knee C. hand D. eye

Question 23: In most countries. photocopying books without the publisher’s permission is clearly a copyright
A. interference B. interpretation C. infringement D. infliction

Question 24: Despite careful preparation, the candidate got _____ when asked a challenging question and
gave an unsatisfactory answer.
A. kiss of death B. cold feet C. warm hands D. a turn down

Question 25: The kids have had a _____ at the park yesterday.
A. vale B. rope C. blast D. whale

Question 26: Thanks to the new infrastructure, the run-down areas in this city have _____.
A. come up in the world B. made a world of difference
C. done the world of good D. had a world of their feet

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Question 27: The kids were _____ to the new set of video game released two days ago.
A. drawn B. slashed C. pulled D. replenished

Question 28: My cousin is a _____ person. She does not worrry about anything at all.
A. weather-beaten B. happy-clappy C. down-to-earth D. happy-go-lucky

Question 29: The project has progressed in _____ and starts due to a constant change in funding.
A. wits B. fits C. cuts D. pieces

Question 30: When I was little, I always expected everything to come to me at the _____.
A. push of the button B. end of the day C. bottom of the ladder D. change of throne

Question 31: Living completely on your own is not simple at all. It is not a matter of _____.
A. rolling the cans B. painting by numbers C. axonometric D. tapping the wall

Question 32: A project has been launched to get the women scientists _____ with all the latest knowledge
after their maternity leave.
A. up to the sky B. up to seconds C. up-to-the-minute D. up to speed

Question 33: As a writer, she has both style and humour at her _____.
A. side B. downward C. command D. instance

Question 34: As my wife is in the last week of her pregnancy, so I’m at her _____.
A. load of cobblers B. beck and call C. part and parcel D. bits and bobs

Question 35: As it is the requirement of this subject, I have to find it in my _____ to run seven rounds .
A. heart B. mind C. brain D. hand

Question 36: As soon as the kids saw the pool, they were _____ at the bit to get in.
A. chafing B. rushing C. urging D. thrilling

Question 37: I only go to the gym _____.

A. hale and hearty B. roughly C. hill and dale D. ever and anon

Question 38: It is hard to not realise that we are flying off on a _____.
A. tangent B. radius C. circle D. diameter

Question 39: We are totally at cross _____ - I said next year, not next month.
A. space B. mind C. purpose D. mood

Question 40: It is hard to choose between Havard and MIT. I’m in two _____.
A. hearts B. eyes C. minds D. brains

Question 41: I’ve just told you that for a minute ago. You do have a mind like a _____.
A. monkey B. sieve C. gold fish D. tanner

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Question 42: I have a _____ that their relationship will not end well.
A. microcism B. gut feeling C. reaction D. tense

Question 43: A person who is good at meeting and getting to know people is called a(n) _____.
A. hasty file B. inspiring speaker C. good mixer D. great talker

Question 44: I do not want to make a decision _____, so said I’d like to think about it.
A. here and there B. there and then C. now and then D. here and now

Question 45: Although he came to work the day before his retirement, everyone knew he was just _____.
A. going with the flow B. going through the motions
C. going against the grain D. going along with them


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