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(Difficulty: 9+)
Question 1: With the economic crisis happening, most employees of the company are having the fear of
being _____ .
A. laid off B. struck off C. turned down D. roughed through

Question 2: Lisa’s just told me about a large amount of money she got after that huge project. It’s really
worth of ______ away for months.
A. taking B. easing C. beavering D. working

Question 3: That disobedient kid has done ______ damage to her Macbook. I hope he will be given a
teaching for this.
A. unregenrate B. irreparable C. irrational D. unrepairable

Question 4: _________ was that my sister has accidentally thrown away my homework.
A. What needs to say B. What happens

C. The only thing can D. It is clearly

Question 5: If she tells you to go home and leave her deal with the problem herself, then ______ .
A. it will be done B. do it C. leave it to fate D. so be it

Question 6: Being procastinated and ______ will not bring you anywhere.
A. indecent B. indocile C. indolent D. inedible

Question 7: His room was ______ decorated in gold and silver, whereas his brother’s was extremly plain
and dowdy.
A. ostentatiously B. tantalisingly C. simplistically D. benevolently

Question 8: The voyage has been _______ with danger, waves swamped the ship and the navigation
system broke.
A. imminent B. packed C. thick D. fraught

Question 9: His obsession with anime figures makes him slaves away to earn money and ______ to
satisfy himself.
A. shoots all the works B. packs a punch C. thickens on the ground D. looks at leap

Question 10: A ten-hours working job for that amount of salary is ______ .
A. an extra miles B. not worth the candles

C. not up to speed D. in buckets

Question 11: Mal was hoping a few people would like her cookies. That’s why she was very surprised
when she got the compliments ______ .
A. in spades B. on the level C. in large D. at a lick

Question 12: She used to have a hard time _____ knowledge about programming.
A. metabolizing B. assimilating C. imbibing D. covering

Question 13: After studying the topic, you need to come up with a ______ thinking.
A. big-picture B. massive-conversing C. deep-down D. anti-plaque

Question 14: Rie has been propsed to take over from the previous leader in that he is _______
Information Assurance.
A. good in for B. packed on at C. well up in D. head for

Question 15: He kept telling us about his operation in the most ______ detail.
A. diagammatic B. programmatic C. graphic D. photographic

Question 16: When I saw the mouse scuttling towards me, I nearly jumped out of my ______.
A. belly B. skin C. head D. bone

Question 17: Jim Carrey’s latest film is a ______ comedy in which he once again plays the loveable
A. ridicule B. charade C. slapstick D. prank

Question 18: Nam was busily ______ in finishing his thesis for the graduation in the end of this school
A. spent B. executed C. employed D. headed

Question 19: Historians have long been ______ by the demise of the Akkad culture of central Irag
around 4000 years ago.
A. puzzled B. searched C. considered D. sought

Question 20: Sleep deprivation over a single night can ______ mania.
A. impose B. discharge C. release D. induce

Question 21: The exhibition football match was held to ______ goodwill between two teams.
A. spur B. motivate C. promote D. increase

Question 22: I don’t think she will find the solution to the problem,______ .
A. do I B. don’t I C. won’t she D. will she

Question 23: On the battle field, ______ .

A. tanks that lay B. lied the tanks C. lay the tanks D. where the tanks lay

Question 24: It was our teacher who was ______ when seeing Liz’s report card this month .
A. wide-eyed B. google-eyed C. narrow-eyed D. double-eyed

Question 25: Vy has a bad habit which isn’t suitable for a teacher. She is so ______ .
A. short-tempered B. hot-temperd C. good-tempered D. quick-tempered

Question 26: Ross is having ______ difficult understanding the lecture.

A. big B. large C. full D. great

Question 27: Why do you look like ______ ? Did you stay up all night?
A. death warmed up B. under the night C. glovered with touch D. off and on

Question 28: Stop picking on the parrot, Tom! That ______ .

A. puts its back up B. takes its eyes off C. holds its wings down D. turns its neck out

Question 29: It was the sudden rain that ______ .

A. turned me down B. made me down C. got me down D. put me down

Question 30: That ______ came out of his mouth was the last straw.
A. brickbat B. nagging C. clanger D. binman
Question 31: His friends are going to throw him a ______ party before the big day.
A. stag B. single C. goodbye D. shower

Question 32: This puzzle has well and truly ______ me!
A. doubted B. foxed C. lashed D. rooted

Question 33: We caught a _____ from Paris to New York at three this morning .
A. blue-eye B. white-eye C. red-eye D. flight-eye

Question 34: That new tour guide is having trouble dealing with a ______ of tourists .
A. horde B. bunch C. pack D. gang

Question 35: The word “ ______” is used to refer to a person with dull tedious life.
A. koala B. vegetable C. bird D. earth

Question 36: The appeal was turned down _______ there was insufficent evidence.
A. seeing B. on the ground that C. because of D. but that

Question 37: Drug-taking is a crime which society should not ______ .

A. condone B. approve C. forget D. consent

Question 38: The company cannot accept ______ for injuries resulting from improper use of rental
A. validity B. liability C. compensation D. priviledge

Question 39: The air and sound pollution problems in the town have been _____ by a number of tourists
in the summer months.
A. exacerbated B. deepened C. augmented D. demised

Question 40: Because of children involved, they want to resolve the court case as quickly and ______ as
A. grudgingly B. discemingly C. discreetly D. judiciously

Question 41: That disgusting old man has just made a _______-whistle to me!
A. dog B. kettle C. camel D. wolf
Question 42: It’s already late and dark outside, so drive carefully and watch for the cat’s ______ .
A. eyes B. nose C. lips D. tail

Question 43: My grandma used to say that charging high prices will keep the ______ out.
A. tic-tac-toe B. riff-raff C. creepy-crawly D. illy-silly

Question 44: She found a stray of hair and a faint waft of female perfume on her husband’s shirt. It must
be a ______ sign that he was having an affair.
A. hint B. telltale C. divulge D. falsehood

Question 45: He has just finished his ______ of compulsory military service.
A. stint B. bout C. patch D. spurt

Question 46: The road is packed with vehicle! That’s ______ at rush hour!
A. a going concern B. a cautionary tale C. par for the course D. part and parcel

Question 47: Ross is having a ______ to pick with Rachel for all the evil pranks she taught his son.
A. word B. trouble C. matter D. bone

Question 48: The kids are playing and having their ______ in the Child’s Park with supervisors, so don’t
A. pitter-patter B. tittle-tattle C. topsy-turvy D. shilly-shally

Question 49: As a full story ______, the public reacted with shock.
A. uncovered B. unfolded C. unlocked D. unwrapped

Question 50: The use of the Internet in education during the period of the pandemic ______ the question
of how much knowledge a student can absorb through the online learning method.
A. pleads B. petitions C. urges D. begs

Question 51: News that the country’s largest corporation has filed for bankruptcy has left the market all
of ______ .
A. a buzzkill B. a dog C. a doodah D. an end

Question 52: A great way to get your fans ______ about your movie is to release a teaser trailer that
leaves them wanting more.
A. posted B. stocked C. urged D. kept

Question 53: We thought taking the family out for a vacation in the country would be a nice break from
the city life, but we got a little bit ______ after just a few days.
A. stir-crazy B. stired-wires C. home-crazy D. hustle-bustle

Question 54: Writing a long essay in limited time is quite difficult for Liam since his writing speed is as
slow as ______ .
A. molasses B. turtles C. snails D. cloths

Question 55: Canadians were ______ by their loss of purchasing power in 2022 because no one in the
federal government or Bank of Canada warned them their income gains during the pandemic were
momentary and unsustainable.
A. sudden-called B. blind-sided C. stir-crazy D. all-drifted

Question 56: The aim of the repetitions of the same commercial on television is nothing but to brainwash
consumers into ______consumption.
A. consummate B. comprehensive C. confirmed D. compulsive

Question 57: The money was taken out of the bank in small amounts so as not to ______suspicion.
A. awake B. arise C. arouse D. ahead

Question 58: Against all the ______, he graduated from the university as the valedictorian.
A. odds B. successes C. failure D. chances

Question 59: With a good ______ of both English and Korean, Hoa has been choosen to be the translator
of the Korea-Vietnam Conference of Science and Technology.
A. insight B. knowledge C. command D. proficiency

Question 60: The hotel’s description in the brochure was ______ in the extreme and we were left utterly
disappointed on arrival.
A. fallacious B. pretentious C. perplexing D. baffling

Question 61: With an election ______ , the mayor is getting nervous.

A. in the offing B. on the bank C. out of the blue D. in spades
Question 62: Mariah Carey now has passed her prime. But at the ______ of her career, she was called
“Songbird Supreme” and was a part of the Diva Trinity.
A. zenith B. best C. spotlight D. top

Question 63: Anyone who engages in any defined ______ act, for political reasons, will be under arrest.
A. substandard B. subordinate C. subversive D. subliminal

Question 64: There’s an old saying: “______”. It means you will get the advantage if you do your
something right away or before somebody do it.
A. The early bird catches the worm B. It’s the thought that counts

C. Can’t judge the book by its cover D. East or West, home is best

Question 65: The spotlight in the showbiz is ______ to those who cannot tolerate the pressure from the
genaral and the press.
A. permanent B. vague C. absent D. ephemeral

Question 66: The elder often ______ prejudice against new trends of the young.
A. produce B. deliver C. show D. give

Question 67: The COVID-19 pandemic occurred, resulting in numerous sports events around the world
being either postponed or canceled to avoid large ______ of international spectators and athletes in recent
A. congregations B. summoning C. compilation D. delegation

Question 68: We were willing to ______ our friend’s defense when she was accused of doing something
she didn’t do.
A. take on B. get up C. spring to D. spur on

Question 69: Throwing party and being loud all night are something I can put up with, but throwing trash
into my house and others is so ______ .
A. out of the blue B. no laughing matter

C. no hard and fast rule D. beyond the pale

Question 70: The forest authority just ______ allowed for deforestation and let all those forests burn to
A. vehemently B. immaculately C. commendably D. flagrantly

Question 71: He _____ denied the accusations, saying they were totally false.
A. excessively B. superficially C. strenuously D. unstintingly

Question 72: And undoubtedly, their mysterious, indefinable quality is the source of their ______
A. disconcerting B. disembodied C. dismissive D. discordant

Question 73: The depths of this understanding - which I had not at all expected - put me in a ______.
A. doubt B. quandary C. hitch D. complexity

Question 74: He walked out after a ______row with his wife.

A. blazing B. heated C. stormy D. smouldering

Question 75: Residents will continue to be included on the electoral roll ensuring they are not ______
from voting in any election or referendum.
A. unreservable B. disqualified C. ineligible D. disenfranchised

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