I Reakcje .: Agnieszkakopacz - PL

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Choose the correct option.

1. Zaproponuj babci spacer.

a) How about going for a walk?
b) I don’t think a walk is a good idea.
c) I wouldn’t go for a walk.
2. Nie masz ochoty na kanapkę teraz. Wolisz coś do picia.
a) I’d rather have something to drink.
b) I feel like a sandwich.
c) I didn’t get anything to drink.
3. Zapytaj nowego kolegę, skąd jest.
a) How are you?
b) Where are you from?
c) How about you?
4. Kolega organizuje urodziny. Chciałbyś przyjść, ale nie możesz. Poinformuj go o tym.
a) I’m afraid to come.
b) I’m afraid I can’t come
c) Sorry I couldn’t come.
5. Powiedz tacie, że mikrofalówka nie działa.
a) The microwave is switched off.
b) The microwave is out of order.
c) The microwave is overpriced.
6. Chcesz się dowiedzieć, jak się czuje siostra kolegi. Zapytaj go o jej zdrowie.
a) How is your sister?
b) What is your sister like?
c) How old is your sister?
7. Poproś sprzedawcę o coś do pisania.
a) Should I have something to write?
b) Do I have to have something to write?
c) Could I have something to write?
8. Zapytaj koleżankę, skąd jest.
a) Where were you?
b) Where are you from?
c) Where are you going to stay?
9. Powiedz rodzicom, że masz jutro kartkówkę.
a) I have just had a test.
b) I’m having a test tomorrow.
c) I rarely have tests.
10. Kuzynka nie zdała egzaminu na prawo jazdy. Powiedz jej, że jest ci przykro.
a) You’re welcome.
b) So far, so good.
c) It’s a pity.
11. Kolega ma jutro trudny test z matematyki. Zaproponuj mu, że pomożesz mu w nauce.
a) I could help you.
b) We should learn on our own.

c) Why don’t you help me?
12. Kuzynka jest głodna. Zaproponuj, że zrobisz jej kanapkę.
a) Would you like a sandwich?
b) Help yourself.
c) What about the sandwich?
13. Idziecie z siostrą na przystanek autobusowy. Obawiasz się, że możecie się spóźnić. Co jej
a) We need to hurry up or we’ll be late.
b) We should be late.
c) We don’t have to hurry.
14. Powiedz tacie, że słucha muzyki zbyt głośno.
a) It’s not loud enough!
b) It’s too loud!
c) Could you turn it up?
15. Garnek na kuchence jest bardzo gorący. Ostrzeż tatę, żeby go nie dotykał.
a) You may not touch it.
b) Don’t touch it!
c) You must touch it.
16. Chciałbyś zostać dłużej u kolegi. Poproś mamę o pozwolenie.
a) Would I like to stay?
b) Could I stay longer?
c) Need I stay longer?
17. Pogratuluj kuzynce ukończenia szkoły.
a) You’re welcome!
b) Congratulations!
c) Cheers!
18. Wujek dziękuje ci za przysługę. Co odpowiesz?
a) Don’t mention it!
b) Welcome!
c) Cheers!
19. Mama sprząta. Jak zapytasz, czy chciałaby, żebyś jej pomógł?
a) I’ll help you some other time.
b) How about cleaning?
c) Shall I help you?
20. Odbierasz z dworca ucznia z wymiany zagranicznej. Dowiedz się od wychowawcy, jak
a) What is he like?
b) How is he?
c) What does he look like?
21. Kolega zadał ci trudne pytanie. Niestety, nie masz pojęcia, jaka jest odpowiedź.
a) Sorry, I have no idea.
b) I have a few tips.
c) That’s a pity.
22. Mama zorganizowała poczęstunek dla rodziny. Zaoferuj gościom, aby się częstowali.
a) Help yourselves!
b) Welcome!

c) You’re full.
23. Zaproponuj koledze sok malinowy.
a) Would you like some raspberry juice?
b) Should you drink some raspberry juice?
c) Do you need some raspberry juice?
24. Zapytaj przechodnia, gdzie kupić bilety autobusowe.
a) Excuse me, where can I buy the bus tickets?
b) Sorry, do I have to buy the tickets?
c) Excuse me, how much are the tickets
25. Przekaż koledze, że jest ci przykro, że nie może przyjść na twoje przyjęcie.
a) It’s a pity you can’t come.
b) How come you can’t be there?
c) You’re welcome at the party.
26. Chcesz przymierzyć spodnie. Zapytaj sprzedawcę, czy możesz.
a) Can I take them in?
b) Can I try them out?
c) Can I try them on?
27. Zapytaj sprzedawcę, ile kosztują skarpety.
a) How many socks do you sell?
b) What are the socks made of?
c) How much are the socks?
28. Babcia chce cię poczęstować deserem, ale nie jesteś głodny.
a) Help yourself.
b) Thanks, I’m full.
c) Thanks, I’m starving.
29. Jesteś na obozie międzynarodowym. Zapytaj chłopca, skąd jest.
a) Where are you?
b) What are you like?
c) Where are you from?
31. Powiedz bratu, że nie masz ochoty na lody.
a) I’d rather eat ice cream.
b) I don’t feel like ice cream.
c) I don’t mind ice cream.
32. Kolega chce pograć z tobą w tenisa. Przekaż mu, że nie czujesz się dobrze, więc wolałbyś
pograć kiedy indziej.
a) I look forward to playing.
b) We don’t need to play again.
c) I’d rather play some other time.
33. Siostra chciałaby dziś pójść do kina. Przekaż jej, że jest za późno na ostatni film.
a) I’m curious about the last film.
b) Let’s find out about the last film.
c) I’m afraid it’s too late.
34. Poproś kuzyna o pożyczenie roweru.
a) Do I borrow your bike?
b) How about borrowing the bike?
c) Could you lend me your bike?

35. Przeproś nauczyciela za spóźnienie.
a) It’s a pity I’m late.
b) I’m sorry for being late.
c) I don’t need to be late.
36. Widzisz, że tata kupił nowe narzędzie do samochodu. Zapytaj, do czego służy.
a) What does it look like?
b) What is it for?
c) What is it about?
37. Kolega podaje odpowiedź zadania z fizyki. Powiedz mu, że odpowiedź jest prawidłowa.
a) That’s right.
b) That’s suitable.
c) That’s incorrect.
38. Co powiesz, kiedy podajesz dzbanek z sokiem osobie siedzącej przy stole obok?
a) That’s more like it.
b) So do I.
c) Here you are.
39. Powiedz dziadkowi, że nie możesz się doczekać wycieczki.
a) I’m looking for the trip.
b) I’m looking forward to the trip.
c) I’m looking the trip up.
40. Nie dosłyszałeś imienia nowej koleżanki.
a) I didn’t catch your name.
b) I remember your name.
c) What about your name?
41. Zapytaj ciocię, czy chciałaby pooglądać telewizję.
a) Do you feel like watching TV?
b) Do you avoid watching TV?
c) How about turning the TV off?
42. Dyskutujecie z mamą o najlepszych metodach uczenia się języka. Według ciebie, nieważne,
która wybierzemy (ważna jest systematyczność).
a) You don’t have to choose a method.
b) The method doesn’t matter.
c) The method is crucial.
43. Życz bratu udanej wycieczki.
a) Go on a trip.
b) Have a nice trip.
c) Why don’t you go on a trip?
44. Zapytaj tatę, czy moglibyście pojechać do zoo.
a) Why don’t we visit the zoo?
b) Should we visit the zoo?
c) Do we have to visit the zoo?
45. Poradź siostrze, że powinna iść do lekarza, ponieważ ma spory kaszel.
a) You don’t have to see a doctor.
b) You should definitely see a doctor.
c) It doesn’t matter if you see a doctor.
46. Pogratuluj koledze, że zrobił prawidłowo cały test próbny.

a) Congratulations, I’m impressed!
b) You could do better!
c) I appreciate your input.
47. Kolega źle odezwał się do mamy. Twoim zdaniem powinien ją przeprosić.
a) I’d apologize to her.
b) You don’t have to apologize.
c) It doesn’t matter.
48. Poproś sprzedawcę o pokazanie zegarka.
a) Have I come across this watch?
b) Could I see this watch?
c) Should I see this watch?
49. Zaproponuj kuzynce wspólne zrobienie pracy domowej.
a) Shall we do the homework together?
b) I wouldn’t do the homework together.
c) I’d rather do the homework on my own.
50. Widzisz jakąś część sprzętu kuchennego. Zapytaj mamę, do czego ona służy.
a) What are you looking for?
b) How about this part?
c) What is it for?


Translate the sentences.

1. Skąd są twoi sąsiedzi?

2. Chciałbym się przedstawić.
3. Może innym razem. (odpowiedź na propozycję)
4. Sądzę, że powinieneś więcej się uczyć.
5. Jestem rozczarowany twoim zachowaniem.
6. Mam nadzieję, że się niedługo zobaczymy.
7. Dziękuję zaproszenie.
8. Martwię się o jutrzejszy test.
9. Przepraszam, nie słyszałam twojego pytania.
10. Przepraszam, jak dotrzeć do dworca?
11. Czy mógłbym prosić o jeszcze jeden talerz?
12. Jak się masz?
13. Jak wygląda ta pielęgniarka?
14. Przykro mi to słyszeć.
15. Świetna robota! (kiedy ktoś dobrze wykonał zadanie)
16. Na zdrowie! (kiedy ktoś kichnął)
17. Nie mogę się doczekać ich ślubu.
18. Niestety nie mogę pojechać na ten obóz.
19. Prawie cię nie słyszę. Czy możesz mówić głośniej?
20. To jest pyszne! (o posiłku)
21. Przepraszam za spóźnienie!

22. Chciałbym zaprosić cię do teatru.
23. Ostrożnie! Podłoga jest śliska.
24. Pójdziemy do kina?
25. Nie zgadzam się z tobą.
26. Witam w naszym hotelu!
27. Do zobaczenia potem!
28. Skąd masz ten rachunek?
29. Wszystkiego dobrego!
30. Może pożyczysz samochód od rodziców?
31. Dobrej podróży!
32. Co masz na myśli?
33. Pośpiesz się!
34. Nie stać mnie na kupienie tak drogiego komputera.
35. Czy można prosić o paragon?
36. Zatrzymaj resztę.
37. Miło z twojej strony.
38. Co się stało? Wyglądasz dziwnie.
39. Czy możesz powtórzyć?
40. Czy mogę prosić o rachunek? (restauracja)
41. Poczęstuj się!
42. Chciałbym oddać te spodnie.
43. Jak on się miewa?
44. Nie mam nic przeciwko. (kiedy ktoś cię pyta, czy może coś zrobić)
45. Ile kosztuje ta gazeta?
46. Czy mogę prosić o zniżkę?
47. Jaka szkoda!
48. Tak naprawdę… (kiedy poprawiamy kogoś)
49. Proszę bardzo. (przy podawaniu)
50. Proszę bardzo. (po otrzymaniu podziękowania)
51. Na zdrowie! (przy toaście)
52. Nie musimy się spieszyć.

Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the words in the brackets. You may need to add some

1. There (be/ not) __________________________ as many people at the last meeting as I

2. They asked me (pay) __________________________ in advance.
3. I (not/ do) __________________________ the homework yet, but I promise I’ll do it in the
4. We (argue) __________________________ when my parents came home.

5. I (usually/ do) __________________________ the dishes immediately after lunch, but
sometimes I do them in the evening.
6. When (the War) __________________________ start?
7. This chocolate is (much/ sweet) __________________________ than the white one.
8. I don’t think this test is (hard) __________________________ as you think.
9. He (refuse/ help) __________________________ with the homework yesterday.
10. He (listen) __________________________ to his favourite song when he got the text
11. How often (you/ wash) __________________________ your sheets? - I do it once a week.
12. I definitely enjoy (travel) __________________________ to different places around the
13. Out headmaster (be/ interested) __________________________ in arts, so he often visits
art galleries.
14. You won’t become a good cook unless you (practise) __________________________ .
16. My father can’t paint, but he’s (into/ design) __________________________ houses.
17. I don’t (enjoy/ speak) __________________________ publicly.
18. My parents managed (build) __________________________ a house in two years.
20. I don’t enjoy (swim) __________________________.
21. He (need/ work) __________________________ harder if he wants to pass this exam.
22. Look! The train (leave) __________________________ now! We will have to catch the
next one.
23. He is the most intelligent man I (ever/ meet) __________________________.
24. (Can/ you/ speak) __________________________ when you were two?
25. The castle (build) __________________________ centuries ago.
26. If you (not/ hand) __________________________ in the paper in time, you will get a lower
27. Our house (catch fire) __________________________ two months ago.
28. I (not/ be) __________________________ to the supermarket yet. I’ll go in a few minutes.
29. I regret (spend) __________________________ so much money on a coffee machine.
30. How often (he/ drink) __________________________ coffee?
31. The teacher (not/ complain) __________________________ if you behave well.

32. In which year (this device/ invent) __________________________?
33. The waiters (talk) __________________________ when we entered the restaurant.
34. This painting is much (colourful) __________________________ the one we saw in the
other room.
35. The children (have) __________________________ so much fun when their mother told
them to go home.
36. If you (go out) __________________________ in this dress, you’ll get ill.
37. Why (you/ shout) __________________________ at Sam yesterday? It was very rude.
38. There (be/ not) __________________________ enough sandwiches at the party yesterday.
39. I (not/ send) __________________________ in my homework yet.
40. We (just/ speak) __________________________ to the headmaster.
41. Children in this school (be/ teach) __________________________ by excellent teachers
and obtain great exam results.
42. If I (be/ you) __________________________, I wouldn’t care about what other people
43. I’m sorry I didn’t visit you yesterday. I (have to/ babysit) __________________________.
44. I (study) __________________________ since morning and I still have a lot to revise.
45. How about (go) __________________________ on a trip to Cracow?
46. That’s (difficult) __________________________ calculation I have ever made.
47. They (upload) __________________________ a new video now.
48. My father (usually/ work) __________________________ until late, but today he’s
finished early.
49. (Not/ press) __________________________ this button! You might delete the whole
50. My mother promised (buy) __________________________ me some clothes today.
51. If she (not/ accept) __________________________ your apology, I’ll talk to her.
52. The children (play) __________________________ hide-and-seek when their parents came
to pick them up.
53. Please wait, you’ve dropped your keys. Don’t worry, I (pick)
__________________________ them up.
54. Which month (you/ born) __________________________ in? May?

55. I (only/ know) __________________________ her for a few months.
56. I’d like (set) __________________________ up my own company after graduation.
57. I (have to/ help) __________________________ my sister clean the house yesterday.
58. I (feed) __________________________ the dog when the car alarm went off.
59. Tom, (you/ see) __________________________ the new film about Elvis Presley yet?
60. I am (fascinate/ with/ draw) __________________________.
61. Who (you/talk) __________________________ with at 5 yesterday? The line was busy.
62. This photo (take) __________________________ a few days ago.
63. (Be/ there) __________________________ many seagulls at the beach yesterday?
64. You look worried. What (you/ think) __________________________ about?
65. I (just/ read) __________________________ an interesting article.
66. We can’t (afford/ buy) __________________________ such an expensive sofa.
67. Will you be (able/ help) __________________________ me with the parcels tomorrow?
68. She (still/ regret/ talk) __________________________ to her husband about the incident.
69. They (be/ going) __________________________ get married next month.
70. You (not/ have/ to) __________________________ write the letter today. You can do it
71. My aunt (be/download) __________________________ the photos now.
72. (Be/ you/ born) __________________________ in 1990 or 1991?
73. (She/ need) __________________________ to water these flowers every day?
74. I can’t (imagine/ earn) __________________________ so little money every month.
75. - (He/ do) __________________________ the shopping in the evenings? – Yes, there are
fewer people at this time.

Transform the sentences. You can use no more than three words (including the word given).

1. Let’s organize a surprise party! ABOUT

__________________________ a surprise party?
2. Do you have to report this incident? NECESSARY

__________________________ for you to report this incident?
3. Jane is smarter than John. AS
John is not __________________________ Jane.
4. He ate the salty soup and he didn’t even complain. WITHOUT
He ate the salty soup __________________________.
5. Are these boxing gloves yours? TO
Do these boxing gloves __________________________
6. When I finish vacuuming, you can tell me what happened. SOON
You can tell me what happened as __________________________ finish vacuuming.
7. I really can’t decide. UP
I really can’t make __________________________.
8. The guests left everything on the table. LEFT
Everything __________________________ on the table.
9. The delay is slightly longer than we expected. LITTLE
We are waiting __________________________ than we expected.
10. We have fewer problems now. AS
We don’t __________________________ problems now.
11. I couldn’t pronounce his surname. ABLE
I __________________________ to pronounce his name.
12. She wrote the letter a few hours ago. WAS
The letter __________________________ a few hours ago.
13. Although he was very bright, he failed the exam. DESPITE
He failed the exam __________________________ very bright.
14. It’s forbidden to feed the monkeys. FEED
You __________________________ the monkeys.
15. My sister has more friends than me. AS
I don’t have __________________________ as my sister.
16. They chose the invitations for the anniversary yesterday. WERE
The invitations for the anniversary __________________________ yesterday.
17. I won’t start cleaning if you don’t go out. UNLESS
__________________________ out, I won’t start cleaning.

18. I feed my cat high-quality food. IS
My cat __________________________ high-quality food.
19. It’s easy to understand English. BE
English can __________________________.
20. Shall I check this test? ME
Would __________________________ to check this test?
21. My parents don’t let me use their computer. ALLOWED
I’m not __________________________ my parents’ computer.
22. If you don’t stop complaining, I won’t write the e-mail. UNLESS
__________________________ complaining, I won’t write the e-mail.
23. There were fewer mistakes in the essay than I expected. AS
There weren’t __________________________ as I expected.
24. There is a chance that he knows the answer. MIGHT
He __________________________ the answer.
25. Their house is so luxurious. A
They have __________________________ house.
26 I knew nothing about his past. KNOW
I didn’t __________________________ his past.
27. We often make mistakes when choosing a career path. ARE
Many mistakes __________________________ when we choose a career path.
28. You aren’t allowed to enter this room. FORBIDDEN
It __________________________ enter this room.
29. I’m more patient than you when it comes to learning. NOT
When it comes to learning you are __________________________ as me.
30. The recipe is not as good as my mother’s. MUCH
My mother’s recipe is __________________________ this one.
31. It’s not recommended to use your phone while you are watching the play. DURING
You shouldn’t use your phone __________________________.
32. The last time I ate sweets was last month. SINCE
I haven’t __________________________ last month.
33. She’s so excited about the engagement party. FORWARD

She’s really __________________________ the engagement party.
34. We didn’t have any problems with the guests. THERE
__________________________ problems with the guests.
35. Is this card yours? YOUR
Is __________________________?
36. I think it might be their house. BELONG
This house might __________________________.
37. They have to memorise long scripts. HEART
Long scripts have to be __________________________.
38. I didn’t mean to take your coat. BY
I took your coat __________________________.
39. I had no idea about the incident. KNEW
I __________________________ about the incident.
40. There aren’t any rooms available. NO
__________________________ rooms available.
41. We have packed all our winter outfits in this bag. BEEN
All our winter outfits __________________________ in this bag.
42. I thought the trip was going to be longer. AS
The trip is not __________________________ I thought it would be.
43. Tennis is so exciting to watch. SUCH
Tennis is __________________________ sport to watch.
44. I speak English less fluently than I used to. AS
I don’t speak English __________________________ I used to.
45. Although he was weak, he came to work. DESPITE
He came to work __________________________.
46. I don’t think there is anything left in the basket. IS
There __________________________ in the basket.
47. You are not allowed to take anything out of this desk. MUSTN’T
You __________________________ out of this desk.
48. He is the worst student I have ever had. HAD
I have never __________________________ student than him.

49. They sell these doughnuts in packages. ARE
These doughnuts __________________________ in packages.
50. Who do the scissors belong to? ARE
__________________________ the scissors?
51. I can speak very loudly. ABLE
I’m __________________________ very loudly.
52. What’s the meaning of “anxiety”? DOES
What __________________________?
53. I don’t know how he got to know about the party. OUT
How he __________________________ the party is not known to me.
54. I will only tell him the rumour if you let me. UNLESS
I won’t tell him the rumour __________________________ me.
55. I’m so excited about the beginning of the school year. FORWARD
I’m really __________________________ to the beginning of the school year.
56. My sister is slightly better at maths than me. LITTLE
My sister is __________________________ at maths than me.
57. How much is this bracelet? COST
How much __________________________ cost?
58. I will finish the report tomorrow. BE
The report __________________________ tomorrow.
59. I have been painting for an hour. HOUR
I started painting __________________________.
60. I have hardly any time for myself. VERY
I have __________________________ for myself.
61. If you don’t do well in the exam, you won’t get into this university. ONLY
You will __________________________ this university if you do well in the exam.
62. Please tell me about your life. LIKE
What is __________________________
63. He gave a moving speech last night. WAS
A moving speech __________________________ last night.
64. It’s not necessary to sign in. DON’T

You __________________________ to sign in.
65. The last time I saw him was in June. HIM
I haven’t seen __________________________.
66. There’s nothing we can do about this issue. THAT
There isn’t __________________________ be done about the issue.
67. I’m keen on tennis, but I like basketball better. PREFER
I __________________________ tennis.
68. The tree isn’t high enough to put the swing on. LOW
The tree is __________________________ put the swing on.


Translate the words in brackets.

1. We (próbujemy zebrać) __________________________ as much money as possible.

2. I don’t earn (wystarczająco dużo pieniędzy) __________________________ to waste
it on fancy jewellery.
3. This dish (zawiera za dużo cukru) __________________________. It’s not for a
4. (Czy kiedykolwiek byłeś) __________________________ to this trendy place?
5. He (napisał mi SMSa) __________________________ a minute ago.
6. If you (nie zdasz tego ważnego egzaminu) __________________________, your father
will be furious.
7. I (szukam mojego siostrzeńca) __________________________. Have you seen him
8. He (zwykle zasypia) __________________________ with his TV on, but he (wyłączył
go) __________________________ yesterday.
9. (A może byś porozmawiał) __________________________ to her now? She’s free.
10. We (myliśmy auto) __________________________ when we realized that one of the
tyres was flat.


11. I (chciałbym pogodziś się) __________________________ with my aunt. We haven’t
spoken since last summer.
12. (Czy szalik i rękawiczki są) __________________________ an ideal present for
13. I’m not (pewny, że powinniśmy zostać) __________________________ here.
14. This cutlery isn’t (tak błyszczące jak) __________________________ my old set.
15. This hairstyle (pasuje kwadratowej i trójkątnej) __________________________ face
16. The road signs (zwykle ostrzegają i informują) __________________________ us
about conditions on the road.
17. Could you (wyświadczyć mi przysługę) __________________________? Could you
help me post these letters?
18. I decided to break up with my boyfriend. I (nie mogłam na nim polegać)
__________________________ and he never kept his promises.
19. Summer holidays are a great time to (zacząć/ podjąć nowe hobby)
20. I (chciałbym kupić walizkę) __________________________ for my next trip to
21. (Czy mógłbym spróbować) ________________________ once again?
22. She picked up (każdą zabawkę, oprócz lalki) ________________________.
23. (Jak tylko nauczycielka usłyszała) ________________________ the surprising news,
she informed the class about the exam changes.
24. Why (ty tak intensywnie na mnie patrzysz) ________________________? Do I look
25. What time (ty dotarłeś) ________________________ home?
26. You (nie powinieneś trzymać tych rzeczy) ________________________ in this room.
27. It seems that (tych dwóch kolegów z klasy mają ze sobą dużo wspólnego)
28. If you (posłuchasz tych wskazówek) ________________________, you will find the


29. There aren’t any trousers (które są wystarczająco długie) ________________________
for me in this shop.
30. (Czy było ciemno) ________________________ when you were walking home
31. (Nie ma wielu zdolnych fryzjerów) ________________________ in our city.
32. (Czy zamierzasz użyć tego) ________________________ iPad tomorrow?
33. I think (jestem w stanie go przekonać go, żeby został) ________________________
with us longer.
34. You can do (o wiele lepiej) ________________________ than that!
35. He was (znudzony i poirytowany w tym samym czasie) ________________________,
which was a little strange.
36. We (dobrze się bawiliśmy) ________________________ at the party until he came.
37. (Nie bądź taki) ________________________ sensitive!
38. She (nie lubi dzielić się szczegółami) ________________________ from his private
39. The advertisement (obiecuje natychmiastowe rezultaty) ________________________.
40. (Nie mogłem wstrzymać) ________________________ my breath under water for too
41. Losing weight in a healthy way (zajmuje trochę czasu) ________________________.
42. I (czekam, aż goście przyjdą) ________________________, so we can start our
43. (Czy byłeś kiedykolwiek) ________________________ abroad?
44. Your (rękawiczki wydają się za małe) ________________________.
45. (Jak mogłeś) ________________________ do this to me?
46. (Chodźmy do innego) ________________________ room. It’s too noisy in here.
47. I (szukam drugiego buta) ________________________. Where is it?
48. My bother (nie mógłby posprzątać całego mieszkania sam)
________________________. He’s too lazy to do that.
49. We (właśnie znaleźliśmy srebrny pierścionek). ________________________ near our
50. She is (taką pomocną sprzedawczynią) ________________________!

51. (Co oznacza dla ciebie) ________________________ to be a good neighbour?
52. (Wyobraź sobie posiadanie) ________________________ so much money that you can
buy anything you want.
53. I’m sure that (obydwie kobiety są bibliotekarkami) ________________________.
54. The student (będzie musiał znaleźć szybko rozwiązanie) ________________________.
55. I don’t have my glasses. I think I (wyjąłem je z torby) ________________________
after yesterday’s meeting.
56. The tea (nie jest wystarczająco słodka) ________________________ for my father.
57. My daughter (uwielbia opiekować się swoim chomikiem)
58. (Nie zapomnij przeprosić) ________________________ your teacher for being late.
59. My aunt (poleca obejrzeć) ________________________ this new film.
60. The famous actor (zwykle mówi dość wolno) ________________________.
61. I (byłem wykończony po WF-ie, więc) ________________________ I took a nap.
62. (Z powodu dużego ruchu ulicznego) ________________________ we couldn’t get to
the conference as quickly as we wanted.
63. My niece (uczęszcza na dodatkowe zajęcia) ________________________ for more
than a month now.
64. (Te buty) ________________________ are too tight.
65. (Czy chcesz spać) __________________________ with the heating on?
66. (Chciałbym zapisać sobie przepis, który) __________________________ I have just
heard on the Jimmy show.
67. My parents (zachęcali mnie do uprawiania sportu) ________________________.
68. (Czy muszę podpisać) ________________________ this document?
69. (Czy mógłbyś powtórzyć) ________________________ the last sentence?
70. These tight trousers are (nie tak modne jak te luźne) ________________________.
71. This is (najbardziej przestronny pokój) ________________________ in the house.
72. We (doradzono nam) ________________________ to take the train instead of the bus.
73. I need to go to my (biura taty) ________________________.
74. (Dzieci sąsiadów) ________________________ are very noisy.
75. This is (taki niezwykły krajobraz) ________________________!

76. There is (trochę soku w lodówce) ________________________ .
77. (Przedyskutujmy szczegóły) ________________________ of the anniversary
78. There aren’t (wystarczająco dużo godzin) ________________________ in a day for me
to finish this project.
79. I have no idea (kim on jest) ________________________.
80. I have (kilka monet) ________________________ in my pocket.
81. He spoke so fast that I didn’t understand (niczego) ________________________.
82. Exam preparation (wymaga) ________________________ discipline and consistency.
83. (Bądź ostrożny) ________________________ with these pins.
84. I cleaned my room yesterday, (więc nie muszę odkurzać) ________________________
85. We (dobrze się bawiliśmy) ________________________ so much that we came home
after midnight.
86. (Zamierzam zaprosić kilku) ________________________ friends for my birthday
87. (Nie pozwól) ________________________ negative people get you down.
88. Have you heard (zaskakujące informacje) ________________________?
89. (Czy ona zazwyczaj spóźnia się) ________________________ for meetings?
90. I’d like to (być bardziej żądny przygód) ________________________.
91. (Nie ma różnicy) ________________________ between these two pictures.
92. (Nawet najmniejsza) ________________________ favour will be appreciated by
people in need.
93. He (chciałby się dowiedzieć, co) ________________________ had really happened.
94. My dog (nie jadł od) ________________________ a few hours.
95. (Nikt nie wie) ________________________ what your dreams are.
96. (Jest prostszy sposób, aby dotrzeć) ________________________ to the station.
97. (Patrząc na ludzi, którzy odnoszą sukces) ________________________, you may come
to a conclusion that they share some traits of character.
98. (Nie dotykaj tej) ________________________ hot glass!
99. (Dzwonię, aby wyjaśnić) ________________________ the misunderstanding.

100. The decision (aby zmienić pracę) ________________________ was the best he made
in his life.
101. (Chciałbym się pogodzić) ________________________ with my classmate.
102. (Obydwie kelnerki) ________________________ decided to take up a new sport this
103. This restaurant turned out to be (nawet gorsza niż oczekiwałem)
104. (Wyłącz) ________________________ the radio as soon as the song finishes.
105. (Pożyczenie pieniędzy) ________________________ from a bank is not a good idea.
106. You (potrzebujesz pozwolenia) ________________________ to be able to use this
107. (Kiedy jestem znudzony) ________________________, I read a book.
108. Soon (po skończeniu wyścigu) ________________________, the runner fainted.
109. The museum (zostało odwiedzone) ________________________ by thousands of
visitors last month.
110. We (otrzymaliśmy) ________________________ diplomas for participating in the
111. We (mamy nadzieję, że) ________________________ you will enjoy yourselves at
the event.
112. Over a hundred workers (są zatrudnieni) ________________________ in this factory.
113. The organization (szuka obecnie) ________________________ volunteers.
114. The cook (chce wypróbować nowy przepis) ________________________ from her
favourite cookbook.
115. My cousin (fascynuje się projektowaniem) ________________________ clothes
from ecological materials.
116. There are (wiele powodów, dla których) ________________________ we should
learn foreign languages.
117. It’s not my umbrella. It’s (jej) __________________________.
118. (Jak tylko woda będzie wrzeć) __________________________, take the kettle off the


119. This is (najbardziej obrzydliwy) __________________________ dinner I have ever
120. Spray (trochę wody) __________________________ on a piece of cloth and clean
the screen.

1. Zaproponuj babci spacer.
a) How about going for a walk?
b) I don’t think a walk is a good idea.
c) I wouldn’t go for a walk.
2. Nie masz ochoty na kanapkę teraz. Wolisz coś do picia.
a) I’d rather have something to drink.
b) I feel like a sandwich.
c) I didn’t get anything to drink.
3. Zapytaj nowego kolegę, skąd jest.
a) How are you?
b) Where are you from?
c) How about you?
4. Kolega organizuje urodziny. Chciałbyś przyjść, ale nie możesz. Poinformuj go o tym.
a) I’m afraid to come.
b) I’m afraid I can’t come
c) Sorry I couldn’t come.
5. Powiedz tacie, że mikrofalówka nie działa.
a) The microwave is switched off.
b) The microwave is out of order.
c) The microwave is overpriced.
6. Chcesz się dowiedzieć, jak się czuje siostra kolegi. Zapytaj go o jej zdrowie.
a) How is your sister?
b) What is your sister like?
c) How old is your sister?
7. Poproś sprzedawcę o coś do pisania.
a) Should I have something to write?
b) Do I have to have something to write?
c) Could I have something to write?
8. Zapytaj koleżankę, skąd jest.
a) Where were you?
b) Where are you from?
c) Where are you going to stay?
9. Powiedz rodzicom, że masz jutro kartkówkę.
a) I have just had a test.
b) I’m having a test tomorrow.
c) I rarely have tests.

10. Kuzynka nie zdała egzaminu na prawo jazdy. Powiedz jej, że jest ci przykro.
a) You’re welcome.
b) So far, so good.
c) It’s a pity.
11. Kolega ma jutro trudny test z matematyki. Zaproponuj mu, że pomożesz mu w
a) I could help you.
b) We should learn on our own.
c) Why don’t you help me?
12. Kuzynka jest głodna. Zaproponuj, że zrobisz jej kanapkę.
a) Would you like a sandwich?
b) Help yourself.
c) What about the sandwich?
13. Idziecie z siostrą na przystanek autobusowy. Obawiasz się, że możecie się spóźnić.
Co jej powiesz?
a) We need to hurry up or we’ll be late.
b) We should be late.
c) We don’t have to hurry.
14. Powiedz tacie, że słucha muzyki zbyt głośno.
a) It’s not loud enough!
b) It’s too loud!
c) Could you turn it up?
15. Garnek na kuchence jest bardzo gorący. Ostrzeż tatę, żeby go nie dotykał.
a) You may not touch it.
b) Don’t touch it!
c) You must touch it.
16. Chciałbyś zostać dłużej u kolegi. Poproś mamę o pozwolenie.
a) Would I like to stay?
b) Could I stay longer?
c) Need I stay longer?
17. Pogratuluj kuzynce ukończenia szkoły.
a) You’re welcome!
b) Congratulations!
c) Cheers!
18. Wujek dziękuje ci za przysługę. Co odpowiesz?
a) Don’t mention it!
b) Welcome!
c) Cheers!
19. Mama sprząta. Jak zapytasz, czy chciałaby, żebyś jej pomógł?
a) I’ll help you some other time.
b) How about cleaning?
c) Shall I help you?
20. Odbierasz z dworca ucznia z wymiany zagranicznej. Dowiedz się od wychowawcy,
jak wygląda.
a) What is he like?
b) How is he?

c) What does he look like?
21. Kolega zadał ci trudne pytanie. Niestety, nie masz pojęcia, jaka jest odpowiedź.
a) Sorry, I have no idea.
b) I have a few tips.
c) That’s a pity.
22. Mama zorganizowała poczęstunek dla rodziny. Zaoferuj gościom, aby się
a) Help yourselves!
b) Welcome!
c) You’re full.
23. Zaproponuj koledze sok malinowy.
a) Would you like some raspberry juice?
b) Should you drink some raspberry juice?
c) Do you need some raspberry juice?
24. Zapytaj przechodnia, gdzie kupić bilety autobusowe.
a) Excuse me, where can I buy the bus tickets?
b) Sorry, do I have to buy the tickets?
c) Excuse me, how much are the tickets
25. Przekaż koledze, że jest ci przykro, że nie może przyjść na twoje przyjęcie.
a) It’s a pity you can’t come.
b) How come you can’t be there?
c) You’re welcome at the party.
26. Chcesz przymierzyć spodnie. Zapytaj sprzedawcę, czy możesz.
a) Can I take them in?
b) Can I try them out?
c) Can I try them on?
27. Zapytaj sprzedawcę, ile kosztują skarpety.
a) How many socks do you sell?
b) What are the socks made of?
c) How much are the socks?
28. Babcia chce cię poczęstować deserem, ale nie jesteś głodny.
a) Help yourself.
b) Thanks, I’m full.
c) Thanks, I’m starving.
29. Jesteś na obozie międzynarodowym. Zapytaj chłopca, skąd jest.
a) Where are you?
b) What are you like?
c) Where are you from?
31. Powiedz bratu, że nie masz ochoty na lody.
a) I’d rather eat ice cream.
b) I don’t feel like ice cream.
c) I don’t mind ice cream.
32. Kolega chce pograć z tobą w tenisa. Przekaż mu, że nie czujesz się dobrze, więc
wolałbyś pograć kiedy indziej.
a) I look forward to playing.
b) We don’t need to play again.

c) I’d rather play some other time.
33. Siostra chciałaby dziś pójść do kina. Przekaż jej, że jest za późno na ostatni film.
a) I’m curious about the last film.
b) Let’s find out about the last film.
c) I’m afraid it’s too late.
34. Poproś kuzyna o pożyczenie roweru.
a) Do I borrow your bike?
b) How about borrowing the bike?
c) Could you lend me your bike?
35. Przeproś nauczyciela za spóźnienie.
a) It’s a pity I’m late.
b) I’m sorry for being late.
c) I don’t need to be late.
36. Widzisz, że tata kupił nowe narzędzie do samochodu. Zapytaj, do czego służy.
a) What does it look like?
b) What is it for?
c) What is it about?
37. Kolega podaje odpowiedź zadania z fizyki. Powiedz mu, że odpowiedź jest
a) That’s right.
b) That’s suitable.
c) That’s incorrect.
38. Co powiesz, kiedy podajesz dzbanek z sokiem osobie siedzącej przy stole obok?
a) That’s more like it.
b) So do I.
c) Here you are.
39. Powiedz dziadkowi, że nie możesz się doczekać wycieczki.
a) I’m looking for the trip.
b) I’m looking forward to the trip.
c) I’m looking the trip up.
40. Nie dosłyszałeś imienia nowej koleżanki.
a) I didn’t catch your name.
b) I remember your name.
c) What about your name?
41. Zapytaj ciocię, czy chciałaby pooglądać telewizję.
a) Do you feel like watching TV?
b) Do you avoid watching TV?
c) How about turning the TV off?
42. Dyskutujecie z mamą o najlepszych metodach uczenia się języka. Według ciebie,
nieważne, która wybierzemy (ważna jest systematyczność).
a) You don’t have to choose a method.
b) The method doesn’t matter.
c) The method is crucial.
43. Życz bratu udanej wycieczki.
a) Go on a trip.
b) Have a nice trip.

c) Why don’t you go on a trip?
44. Zapytaj tatę, czy moglibyście pojechać do zoo.
a) Why don’t we visit the zoo?
b) Should we visit the zoo?
c) Do we have to visit the zoo?
45. Poradź siostrze, że powinna iść do lekarza, ponieważ ma spory kaszel.
a) You don’t have to see a doctor.
b) You should definitely see a doctor.
c) It doesn’t matter if you see a doctor.
46. Pogratuluj koledze, że zrobił prawidłowo cały test próbny.
a) Congratulations, I’m impressed!
b) You could do better!
c) I appreciate your input.
47. Kolega źle odezwał się do mamy. Twoim zdaniem powinien ją przeprosić.
a) I’d apologize to her.
b) You don’t have to apologize.
c) It doesn’t matter.
48. Poproś sprzedawcę o pokazanie zegarka.
a) Have I come across this watch?
b) Could I see this watch?
c) Should I see this watch?
49. Zaproponuj kuzynce wspólne zrobienie pracy domowej.
a) Shall we do the homework together?
b) I wouldn’t do the homework together.
c) I’d rather do the homework on my own.
50. Widzisz jakąś część sprzętu kuchennego. Zapytaj mamę, do czego ona służy.
a) What are you looking for?
b) How about this part?
c) What is it for?


1. Where are your neighbours from?

2. I would like to introduce myself.
3. Maybe another time.
4. I think you should learn more.
5. I am disappointed with your behaviour.
6. I hope to see you soon.
7. Thank you for the invitation.
8. I'm worried about tomorrow's test.
9. Sorry, I haven’t heard your question.
10. Excuse me, how do I get to the station?
11. Could I have another plate, please?
12. How are you?
13. What does this nurse look like?
14. I'm sorry to hear that.

15. Well done!/ Great job!
16. Bless you!
17. I'm looking forward to their wedding.
18. Unfortunately, I cannot go to this camp.
19. I can hardly hear you. Can you speak louder?
20. It’s delicious!
21. Sorry I'm late!
22. I would like to invite you to the theatre.
23. Be careful! The floor is slippery.
24. Shall we go to the cinema?
25. I disagree with you.
26. Welcome to our hotel!
27. See you later!
28. Where did you get this bill?
29. Best wishes!
30. Why don't you borrow a car from your parents?
31. Have a good trip!
32. What do you mean?
33. Hurry up!
34. I cannot afford to buy such an expensive computer.
35. Can I have the receipt, please?
36. Keep the change.
37. That’s so nice of you!
38. What’s the matter? You look weird.
39. Can you repeat?
40. Can I have the bill?
41. Help yourself!
42. I would like to return these trousers.
43. How is he?
44. I don't mind.
45. How much does this newspaper cost?
46. Can I have a discount?
47. What a pity!
48. Actually…
49. Here you are.
50. You’re welcome.
51. Cheers! (Toast)
52. We don’t have to hurry.


1. There (be/ not) WEREN’T as many people at the last meeting as I expected.
2. They asked me (pay) TO PAY in advance.
3. I (not/ do) HAVEN’T DONE the homework yet, but I promise I’ll do it in the evening.
4. We (argue) WERE ARGUING when my parents came home.


5. I (usually/ do) USUALLY DO the dishes immediately after lunch, but sometimes I do them
in the evening.
6. When (the War) DID THE WAR start?
7. This chocolate is (much/ sweet) MUCH SWEETER than the white one.
8. I don’t think this test is (hard) AS HARD as you think.
9. He (refuse/ help) REFUSED TO HELP with the homework yesterday.
10. He (listen) WAS LISTENING to his favourite song when he got the text message.
11. How often (you/ wash) DO YOU WASH your sheets? - I do it once a week.
12. I definitely enjoy (travel) TRAVELLING to different places around the world.
13. Out headmaster (be/ interested) IS INTERESTED in arts, so he often visits art galleries.
14. You won’t become a good cook unless you (practise) PRACTISE.
16. My father can’t paint, but he’s (into/ design) INTO DESIGNING houses.
17. I don’t (enjoy/ speak) ENJOY SPEAKING publicly.
18. My parents managed (build) TO BUILD a house in two years.
20. I don’t enjoy (swim) SWIMMING.
21. He (need/ work) NEEDS TO WORK harder if he wants to pass this exam.
22. Look! The train (leave) IS LEAVING now! We will have to catch the next one.
23. He is the most intelligent man I (ever/ meet) HAVE EVER MET.
24. (Can/ you/ speak) COULD YOU SPEAK when you were two?
25. The castle (build) WAS BUILT centuries ago.
26. If you (not/ hand) DON’T HAND in the paper in time, you will get a lower grade.
27. Our house (catch fire) CAUGHT FIRE two months ago.
28. I (not/ be) HAVEN’T BEEN to the supermarket yet. I’ll go in a few minutes.
29. I regret (spend) SPENDING so much money on a coffee machine.
30. How often (he/ drink) DOES HE DRINK coffee?
31. The teacher (not/ complain) WON’T COMPLAIN if you behave well.
32. In which year (this device/ invent) WAS THIS DEVICE INVENTED?
33. The waiters (talk) WERE TALKING when we entered the restaurant.
34. This painting is much (colourful) MORE COLOURFUL THAN the one we saw in the other
35. The children (have) WERE HAVING so much fun when their mother told them to go home.
36. If you (go out) GO OUT in this dress, you’ll get ill.
37. Why (you/ shout) DID YOU SHOUT/ WERE YOU SHOUTING at Sam yesterday? It was
very rude.
38. There (be/ not) WEREN’T enough sandwiches at the party yesterday.
39. I (not/ send) HAVEN’T SENT in my homework yet.
40. We (just/ speak) HAVE JUST SPOKEN to the headmaster.
41. Children in this school (be/ teach) ARE TAUGHT by excellent teachers and obtain great
exam results.
42. If I (be/ you) WERE YOU, I wouldn’t care about what other people think.
43. I’m sorry I didn’t visit you yesterday. I (have to/ babysit) HAD TO BABYSIT.
44. I (study) HAVE BEEN STUDYING since morning and I still have a lot to revise.
45. How about (go) GOING on a trip to Cracow?
46. That’s (difficult) THE MOST DIFFICULT calculation I have ever made.
47. They (upload) ARE UPLOADING a new video now.
48. My father (usually/ work) USUALLY WORKS until late, but today he’s finished early.

49. (Not/ press) DON’T PRESS this button! You might delete the whole document.
50. My mother promised (buy) TO BUY me some clothes today.
51. If she (not/ accept) DOESN’T ACCEPT your apology, I’ll talk to her.
52. The children (play) WERE PLAYING hide-and-seek when their parents came to pick them
53. Please wait, you’ve dropped your keys. Don’t worry, I (pick) ‘LL PICK them up.
54. Which month (you/ born) WERE YOU BORN in? May?
55. I (only/ know) HAVE ONLY KNOWN her for a few months.
56. I’d like (set) TO SET up my own company after graduation.
57. I (have to/ help) HAD TO HELP my sister clean the house yesterday.
58. I (feed) WAS FEEDING the dog when the car alarm went off.
59. Tom, (you/ see) HAVE YOU SEEN the new film about Elvis Presley yet?
60. I am (fascinate/ with/ draw) FASCINATED WITH DRAWING.
61. Who (you/talk) WERE YOU TALKING with at 5 yesterday? The line was busy.
62. This photo (take) WAS TAKEN a few days ago.
63. (Be/ there) WERE THERE many seagulls at the beach yesterday?
64. You look worried. What (you/ think) ARE YOU THINKING about?
65. I (just/ read) HAVE JUST READ an interesting article.
66. We can’t (afford/ buy) AFFORD TO BUY such an expensive sofa.
67. Will you be (able/ help) ABLE TO HELP me with the parcels tomorrow?
68. She (still/ regret/ talk) STILL REGRETS TALKING to her husband about the incident.
69. They (be/ going) ARE GOING TO get married next month.
70. You (not/ have/ to) DON’T HAVE TO write the letter today. You can do it tomorrow.
71. My aunt (be/download) IS DOWNLOADING the photos now.
72. (Be/ you/ born) WERE YOU BORN in 1990 or 1991?
73. (She/ need) DOES SHE NEED to water these flowers every day?
74. I can’t (imagine/ earn) IMAGINE EARNING so little money every month.
75. - (He/ do) DOES HE DO the shopping in the evenings? – Yes, there are fewer people at this


1. Let’s organize a surprise party! ABOUT

HOW ABOUT ORGANIZING a surprise party?
2. Do you have to report this incident? NECESSARY
IS IT NECESSARY for you to report this incident?
3. Jane is smarter than John. AS
John is not AS SMART AS Jane.
4. He ate the salty soup and he didn’t even complain. WITHOUT
He ate the salty soup WITHOUT COMPLAINING.
5. Are these boxing gloves yours? TO
Do these boxing gloves BELONG TO YOU?
6. When I finish vacuuming, you can tell me what happened. SOON

You can tell me what happened AS SOON AS I finish vacuuming.
7. I really can’t decide. UP
I really can’t make UP MY MIND.
8. The guests left everything on the table. LEFT
Everything WAS LEFT on the table.
9. The delay is slightly longer than we expected. LITTLE
We are waiting A LITTLE LONGER than we expected.
10. We have fewer problems now. AS
We don’t HAVE AS MANY problems now.
11. I couldn’t pronounce his surname. ABLE
I WASN’T ABLE to pronounce his name.
12. She wrote the letter a few hours ago. WAS
The letter WAS WRITTEN a few hours ago.
13. Although he was very bright, he failed the exam. DESPITE
He failed the exam DESPITE BEING very bright.
14. It’s forbidden to feed the monkeys. FEED
You MUSTN’T FEED the monkeys.
15. My sister has more friends than me. AS
I don’t have AS MANY FRIENDS as my sister.
16. They chose the invitations for the anniversary yesterday. WERE
The invitations for the anniversary WERE CHOSEN yesterday.
17. I won’t start cleaning if you don’t go out. UNLESS
UNLESS YOU GO out, I won’t start cleaning.
18. I feed my cat high-quality food. IS
My cat IS FED high-quality food.
19. It’s easy to understand English. BE
20. Shall I check this test? ME
Would YOU LIKE ME to check this test?
21. My parents don’t let me use their computer. ALLOWED
I’m not ALLOWED TO USE my parents’ computer.
22. If you don’t stop complaining, I won’t write the e-mail. UNLESS
UNLESS YOU STOP complaining, I won’t write the e-mail.
23. There were fewer mistakes in the essay than I expected. AS
There weren’t AS MANY MISTAKES as I expected.
24. There is a chance that he knows the answer. MIGHT
He MIGHT KNOW the answer.
25. Their house is so luxurious. A
They have SUCH A LUXURIOUS house.
26. I knew nothing about his past. KNOW
I didn’t KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT his past.
27. We often make mistakes when choosing a career path. ARE
Many mistakes ARE OFTEN MADE when we choose a career path.
28. You aren’t allowed to enter this room. FORBIDDEN
It IS FORBIDDEN TO enter this room.
29. I’m more patient than you when it comes to learning. NOT

When it comes to learning you are NOT AS PATIENT as me.
30. The recipe is not as good as my mother’s. MUCH
My mother’s recipe is MUCH BETTER THAN this one.
31. It’s not recommended to use your phone while you are watching the play. DURING
You shouldn’t use your phone DURING THE PLAY.
32. The last time I ate sweets was last month. SINCE
I haven’t EATEN SWEETS SINCE last month.
33. She’s so excited about the engagement party. FORWARD
She’s really LOOKING FORWARD TO the engagement party.
34. We didn’t have any problems with the guests. THERE
THERE WERE NO problems with the guests.
35. Is this card yours? YOUR
36. I think it might be their house. BELONG
This house might BELONG TO THEM.
37. They have to memorise long scripts. HEART
Long scripts have to be LEARNT BY HEART.
38. I didn’t mean to take your coat. BY
I took your coat BY MISTAKE.
39. I had no idea about the incident. KNEW
I KNEW NOTHING about the incident.
40. There aren’t any rooms available. NO
THERE ARE NO rooms available.
41. We have packed all our winter outfits in this bag. BEEN
All our winter outfits HAVE BEEN PACKED in this bag.
42. I thought the trip was going to be longer. AS
The trip is not AS LONG AS I thought it would be.
43. Tennis is so exciting to watch. SUCH
Tennis is SUCH AN EXCITING sport to watch.
44. I speak English less fluently than I used to. AS
I don’t speak English AS FLUENTLY AS I used to.
45. Although he was weak, he came to work. DESPITE
He came to work DESPITE BEING WEAK.
46. I don’t think there is anything left in the basket. IS
There IS NOTHING LEFT in the basket.
47. You are not allowed to take anything out of this desk. MUSTN’T
You MUSTN’T TAKE ANYTHING out of this desk.
48. He is the worst student I have ever had. HAD
I have never HAD A WORSE student than him.
49. They sell these doughnuts in packages. ARE
These doughnuts ARE SOLD in packages.
50. Who do the scissors belong to? ARE
WHOSE ARE the scissors?
51. I can speak very loudly. ABLE
I’m ABLE TO SPEAK very loudly.
52. What’s the meaning of “anxiety”? DOES

53. I don’t know how he got to know about the party. OUT
How he FOUND OUT ABOUT the party is not known to me.
54. I will only tell him the rumour if you let me. UNLESS
I won’t tell him the rumour, UNLESS YOU LET me.
55. I’m so excited about the beginning of the school year. FORWARD
I’m really LOOKING FORWARD to the beginning of the school year.
56. My sister is slightly better at maths than me. LITTLE
My sister is A LITTLE BETTER at maths than me.
57. How much is this bracelet? COST
58. I will finish the report tomorrow. BE
The report WILL BE FINISHED tomorrow.
59. I have been painting for an hour. HOUR
I started painting AN HOUR AGO.
60. I have hardly any time for myself. VERY
I have VERY LITTLE TIME for myself.
61. If you don’t do well in the exam, you won’t get into this university. ONLY
You will ONLY GET INTO this university if you do well in the exam.
62. Please tell me about your life. LIKE
63. He gave a moving speech last night. WAS
A moving speech WAS GIVEN last night.
64. It’s not necessary to sign in. DON’T
You DON’T HAVE to sign in.
65. The last time I saw him was in June. HIM
I haven’t seen HIM SINCE JUNE.
66. There’s nothing we can do about this issue.
There isn’t ANYTHING THAT CAN be done about the issue.
67. I’m keen on tennis, but I like basketball better. PREFER
68. The tree isn’t high enough to put the swing on. LOW
The tree is TOO LOW TO put the swing on.


1. We (próbujemy zebrać) ARE TRYING TO COLLECT as much money as possible.
2. I don’t earn (wystarczająco dużo pieniędzy) ENOUGH MONEY to waste it on fancy
3. This dish (zawiera za dużo cukru) CONTAINS TOO MUCH SUGAR. It’s not for a
4. (Czy byłeś) HAVE YOU EVER BEEN to this trendy place?
5. He (napisał mi SMSa) WROTE ME A TEXT MESSAGE a minute ago.
6. If you (nie zdasz tego ważnego egzaminu) DON’T PASS THIS IMPORTANT EXAM,
your father will be furious.


7. I (szukam mojego siostrzeńca) ‘M LOOKING FOR MY NEPHEW. Have you seen him
8. He (zwykle zasypia) USUALLY FALLS ASLEEP with his TV on, but he (wyłączył
go) TURNED IT OFF yesterday.
9. (A może byś porozmawiał) HOW ABOUT TALKING to her now? She’s free.
10. We (myliśmy auto) WERE CLEANING THE CAR when we realized that one of the
tyres was flat.
11. I (chciałbym pogodzić się) WOULD LIKE TO MAKE UP with my aunt. We haven’t
spoken since last summer.
12. (Czy szalik i rękawiczki są) ARE A SCARF AND GLOVES an ideal present for
13. I’m not (pewny, że powinniśmy zostać) SURE WE SHOULD STAY here.
14. This cutlery isn’t (tak błyszczące jak) AS SHINY AS my old set.
15. This hairstyle (pasuje kwadratowej i trójkątnej) SUITS A SQUARE AND
TRIANGULAR face shape.
16. The road signs (zwykle ostrzegają i informują) USUALLY WARN AND INFORM us
about conditions on the road.
17. Could you (wyświadczyć mi przysługę) DO ME A FAVOUR? Could you help me post
these letters?
18. I decided to break up with my boyfriend. I (nie mogłam na nim polegać) COULDN’T
RELY ON HIM/ COUNT ON HIM and he never kept his promises.
19. Summer holidays are a great time to (zacząć/ podjąć nowe hobby) TAKE UP A NEW
20. I (chciałbym kupić walizkę) ‘D LIKE TO BUY A SUITCASE for my next trip to
21. (Czy mógłbym spróbować) COULD I TRY once again?
22. She picked up (każdą zabawkę, oprócz lalki) EVERY TOY EXCEPT FOR A DOLL.
23. (Jak tylko nauczycielka usłyszała) AS SOON AS THE TEACHER HEARD the
surprising news, she informed the class about the exam changes.
24. Why (ty tak intensywnie na mnie patrzysz) ARE YOU LOOKING AT ME SO
INTENSELY? Do I look weird?
25. What time (ty dotarłeś) DID YOU GET home?
26. You (nie powinieneś trzymać tych rzeczy) SHOULDN’T KEEP THESE THINGS in
this room.
27. It seems that (tych dwóch kolegów z klasy mają ze sobą dużo wspólnego) THESE TWO
28. If you (posłuchasz tych wskazówek) LISTEN TO THESE TIPS, you will find the
29. There aren’t any trousers (które są wystarczająco długie) WHICH ARE LONG
ENOUGH for me in this shop.
30. (Czy było ciemno) WAS IT DARK when you were walking home yesterday?
31. (Nie ma wielu zdolnych fryzjerów) THERE AREN’T ANY TALENTED
32. (Czy zamierzasz użyć tego) ARE YOU GOING TO USE THIS iPad tomorrow?
33. I think (jestem w stanie go przekonać go, żeby został) THAT I’M ABLE TO
CONVINCE HIM TO STAY with us longer.

34. You can do (o wiele lepiej) MUCH BETTER than that!
35. He was (znudzony i poirytowany w tym samym czasie) BORED AND IRRITATED
AT THE SAME TIME, which was a little strange.
36. We (dobrze się bawiliśmy) WERE ENJOYING OURSELVES at the party until he
37. (Nie bądź taki) DON’T BE SO sensitive!
38. She (nie lubi dzielić się szczegółami) DOESN’T LIKE SHARING DETAILS from his
private life.
39. The advertisement (obiecuje natychmiastowe rezultaty) PROMISES IMMEDIATE
40. (Nie mogłem wstrzymać) I COULDN’T HOLD my breath under water for too long.
41. Losing weight in a healthy way (zajmuje trochę czasu) TAKES SOME TIME.
42. I (czekam, aż goście przyjdą) ’M WAITING FOR THE GUESTS TO ARRIVE, so we
can start our celebration.
43. (Czy byłeś kiedykolwiek) HAVE YOU EVER BEEN abroad?
44. Your (rękawiczki wydają się za małe) GLOVES SEEM TOO SMALL.
45. (Jak mogłeś) HOW COULD YOU do this to me?
46. (Chodźmy do innego) LET’S GO TO ANOTHER room. It’s too noisy in here.
47. I (szukam drugiego buta) AM LOOKING FOR THE OTHER SHOE. Where is it?
48. My bother (nie mógłby posprzątać całego mieszkania sam) COULDN’T CLEAN THE
WHOLE HOUSE BY HIMSELF. He’s too lazy to do that.
49. We (właśnie znaleźliśmy srebrny pierścionek) HAVE JUST FOUND A SILVER RING
near our school.
50. She is (taką pomocną sprzedawczynią) SUCH A HELPFUL SHOP ASSISTANT!
51. (Co oznacza dla ciebie) WHAT DOES IT MEAN FOR YOU to be a good neighbour?
52. (Wyobraź sobie posiadanie) IMAGINE HAVING so much money that you can buy
anything you want.
53. I’m sure that (obydwie kobiety są bibliotekarkami) BOTH WOMEN ARE
54. The student (będzie musiał znaleźć szybko rozwiązanie) WILL HAVE TO COME UP
55. I don’t have my glasses. I think I (wyjąłem je z torby) TOOK THEM OUT OF MY
BAG after yesterday’s meeting.
56. The tea (nie jest wystarczająco słodka) ISN’T SWEET ENOUGH for my father.
57. My daughter (uwielbia opiekować się swoim chomikiem) LOVES TAKING CARE OF
58. (Nie zapomnij przeprosić) DON’T FORGET TO APOLOGIZE TO your teacher for
being late.
59. My aunt (poleca obejrzeć) RECOMMENDS WATCHING this new film.
60. The famous actor (zwykle mówi dość wolno) USUALLY SPEAKS QUITE SLOWLY.
61. I (byłem wykończony po WF-ie, więc) WAS EXHAUSTED AFTER PE, SO I took a
62. (Z powodu dużego ruchu ulicznego) DUE TO/ BECAUSE OF HEAVY TRAFFIC, we
couldn’t get to the conference as quickly as we wanted.
63. My niece (uczęszcza na dodatkowe zajęcia) HAS BEEN ATTENDING EXTRA
CLASSES for more than a month now.

64. (Te buty) THESE SHOES are too tight.
65. (Czy chcesz spać) DO YOU WANT TO SLEEP with the heating on?
66. (Chciałbym zapisać sobie przepis, który) I’D LIKE TO WRITE DOWN THE RECIPE
I have just heard on the Jimmy show.
67. My parents (zachęcali mnie do uprawiania sportu) ENCOURAGED ME TO DO
68. (Czy muszę podpisać) DO I HAVE TO SIGN this document?
69. (Czy mógłbyś powtórzyć) COULD YOU REPEAT the last sentence?
70. These tight trousers are (nie tak modne jak te luźne) NOT AS FASHIONABLE AS
71. This is (najbardziej przestronny pokój) THE MOST SPACIOUS ROOM in the house.
72. We (doradzono nam) WERE ADVISED to take the train instead of the bus.
73. I need to go to my (biura taty) FATHER’S OFFICE.
74. (Dzieci sąsiadów) NEIGHBOUR’S CHILDREN are very noisy.
75. This is (taki niezwykły krajobraz) SUCH AN EXTRAORDINARY LANDSCAPE!
76. There is (trochę soku w lodówce) A LITTLE JUICE IN THE FRIDGE.
77. (Przedyskutujmy szczegóły) LET’S DISCUSS THE DETAILS of the anniversary
78. There aren’t (wystarczająco dużo godzin) ENOUGH HOURS in a day for me to finish
this project.
79. I have no idea (kim on jest) WHO HE IS.
80. I have (kilka monet) A FEW COINS in my pocket.
81. He spoke so fast that I didn’t understand (niczego) ANYTHING.
82. Exam preparation (wymaga) REQUIRES discipline and consistency.
83. (Bądź ostrożny) BE CAREFUL with these pins.
84. I cleaned my room yesterday, (więc nie muszę odkurzać), SO I DON’T HAVE TO
VACUUM today.
85. We (dobrze się bawiliśmy) ENJOYED OURSELVES so much that we came home after
86. (Zamierzam zaprosić kilku) I’M GOING TO INVITE A FEW friends for my birthday
87. (Nie pozwól) DON’T LET negative people get you down.
88. Have you heard (zaskakujące informacje) THE SURPRISING NEWS?
89. (Czy ona zazwyczaj spóźnia się) IS SHE USUALLY LATE for meetings?
90. I’d like to (być bardziej żądny przygód) BE MORE ADVENTUROUS.
91. (Nie ma różnicy) THERE’S NO DIFFERENCE between these two pictures.
92. (Nawet najmniejsza) EVEN THE SMALLEST favour will be appreciated by people in
93. He (chciałby się dowiedzieć, co) WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHAT had really
94. My dog (nie jadł od) HASN’T EATEN FOR a few hours.
95. (Nikt nie wie) NOBODY KNOWS what your dreams are.
96. (Jest prostszy sposób, aby dotrzeć) THERE’S AN EASIER WAY TO GET to the
97. (Patrząc na ludzi, którzy odnoszą sukces) LOOKING AT SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE, you
may come to a conclusion that they share some traits of character.

98. (Nie dotykaj tej) DON’T TOUCH THE hot glass!
99. (Dzwonię, aby wyjaśnić) I’M CALLING TO EXPLAIN the misunderstanding.
100. The decision (aby zmienić pracę) TO CHANGE MY JOB was the best he made in his
101. (Chciałbym się pogodzić) I’D LIKE TO MAKE UP with my classmate.
102. (Obydwie kelnerki) BOTH WAITRESSES decided to take up a new sport this year.
103. This restaurant turned out to be (nawet gorsza niż oczekiwałem) EVEN WORSE
104. (Wyłącz) TURN OFF the radio as soon as the song finishes.
105. (Pożyczenie pieniędzy) BORROWING MONEY from a bank is not a good idea.
106. You (potrzebujesz pozwolenia) NEED PERMISSION to be able to use this
107. (Kiedy jestem znudzony) WHEN I’M BORED, I read a book.
108. Soon (po skończeniu wyścigu) AFTER FINISHING THE RACE, the runner fainted.
109. The museum (zostało odwiedzone) WAS VISITED by thousands of visitors last
110. We (otrzymaliśmy) WERE GIVEN diplomas for participating in the event.
111. We (mamy nadzieję, że) HOPE THAT you will enjoy yourselves at the event.
112. Over a hundred workers (sa zatrudnieni) ARE EMPLOYED in this factory.
113. The organization (szuka obecnie) IS CURRENTLY LOOKING FOR volunteers.
114. The cook (chce wypróbować nowy przepis) WANTS TO TRY OUT A NEW RECIPE
from her favourite cookbook.
115. My cousin (fascynuje się projektowaniem) IS FASCINATED WITH THE IDEA OF
DESIGNING clothes from ecological materials.
116. There are (wiele powodów, dla których) MANY REASONS WHY we should learn
foreign languages.
117. It’s not my umbrella. It’s (jej) HERS.
118. (Jak tylko woda będzie wrzeć) AS SOON AS THE WATER STARTS BOILING,
take the kettle off the stove.
119. This is (najbardziej obrzydliwy) THE MOST DISGUSTING dinner I have ever eaten!
120. Spray (trochę wody) A LITTLE WATER on a piece of cloth and clean the screen.



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