A Web-Based Lost and Found System For Gardner College Diliman

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Name of Proponents:

Justin Raniel D. Pascual

Angela Louise A. Tomas

Proposed Title:

A Web-based Lost and Found System for Gardner College Diliman

Introduction/Background of the Study

Gardner College Diliman is an academic institution located in North EDSA, Diliman, Quezon City
with a diverse student body, faculty, and staff. The college provides various facilities, including
classrooms, library, and computer labs. However, despite the college's efforts to maintain a safe and
organized environment, the issue of lost and found items remains a challenge. Currently, there is no
centralized system in place for reporting and tracking lost and found items. Instead, students and faculty
are required to rely on informal communication channels and notice boards to report lost items and
hope that someone will return them. As a result, many lost items are never recovered, and the rightful
owners are left to replace them.

To address this issue, the implementation of a lost and found system at Gardner College Diliman could
provide a more efficient and effective way to manage lost and found items. This system would allow
students, faculty, and staff to report lost items through an online portal or a designated physical
location. The system would also enable the college to track and manage the found items, making it
easier to return them to their rightful owners. A lost and found system could help promote a more
secure and organized environment at Gardner College Diliman and could benefit everyone by providing
a reliable and convenient way to manage lost items.

Objective of the Proposal/Study:

The objective of implementing a lost and found system at Gardner College Diliman is to provide a
centralized and organized system for managing lost and found items in the building. The system aims to
facilitate the return of lost items to their rightful owners and ensure that found items are kept safe and
secure until they are claimed.

Problem Statement:

The lack of a lost and found system can lead to confusion and frustration for students, faculty, and staff
members who may lose important items, such as IDs, wallets, or keys. They may spend significant
amounts of time searching for their lost items or contacting various offices in the building to inquire
about them. It can be difficult for individuals who lose items to locate them or for those who find items
to report and return them to their owners. Moreover, it can also result in the loss of valuable personal
belongings and create a security risk if lost items contain sensitive information, such as personal
identification documents.

The scope/modules to implement a web-based lost and found system for Paisley Garden Academe
include the following:
1. Reporting Lost and Found Items: A module where individuals can report lost or found items to
the appropriate authorities. This module should include a form that captures relevant
information such as the item's description, location, and contact details of the person reporting
the item.
2. Searchable Database: A module where the information about lost and found items can be
stored in a searchable database. This database should be accessible to authorized personnel and
searchable by relevant criteria such as the date, location, and item type.
3. Notification System: A module that notifies individuals about lost or found items that match
their lost or found report. This notification system should be able to send notifications via email
to the contact details provided by the individual who reported the item.
4. Secure Storage: A module that facilitates the safe and secure storage of found items until they
are claimed by their owners. This module should include policies and procedures for handling
and storing sensitive items such as identification documents and electronics.
5. Claiming Process: A module that outlines the process for claiming lost items. This module should
include guidelines for verifying ownership and procedures for releasing items to their rightful

Significance of the Study:

The significance of implementing a lost and found system at Gardner College Diliman would be
significant in enhancing the student experience by reducing stress and frustration associated with losing
valuable items, promoting safety and security in the building, saving costs, providing an efficient and
effective service, and promoting transparency and accountability in the handling of lost and found items.

Reason for Choice of the Project:

A web-based lost and found system for Gardner College Diliman is a logical choice for several
reasons. Firstly, it is accessible to a larger audience and can be used from anywhere with an internet
connection, making it more convenient for students, faculty, and staff to report lost items and search for
found items. Secondly, it can be easily updated and maintained, allowing for real-time tracking of lost
and found items, and reducing the risk of errors or miscommunication. Finally, it can provide valuable
data and analytics, such as tracking the most commonly lost items, which can be used to improve the
overall lost and found process and minimize the risk of future losses.

Software Development Tools to be Used:


Programming Languages and Frameworks:

Tailwind CSS
Astro JS

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