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3 Working of iTwin 7

4 Designer And Founder of iTwin 10

5 About iTwin Device 11

6 Advantages & Disadvantages 14

7 iTwin VS USB 15



There is one alternative for accessing data while you are away from your PC
(Personal Computer), which is to use a
high capacity USB storage device. But what if you informed me that I could
safely use my PC or any other computer
while I was on the road? iTwin is a device that connects to your computer and
allows you to remotely access files and
devices on your home network.
It has the appearance of a USB device and is constructed by putting two pieces
together. One half is connected to your
home or office computer, and you must keep the other part with you at all
times. When you are far away from your PC,

the portion you bring with you is utilised as a key to obtain a connection to
your PC. When you connect another
component of the iTwin device to your laptop while on the road, the gadget
creates a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to
your home or your business PC. iTwin is a brand new file sharing and remote
access device produced by the iTwin
corporation. It resembles two ends of a coin.
1.1 General Questions?
 In iTwin, what technology is used?
 Who is the inventor of the iTwin technology?
 What is the best way to use iTwin?
 What is a limitless I twin pendrive?

“iTwin is a completely new file sharing and remote access device developed
by a company name as iTwin”.
• It’s very similar like two ends of a cable, but it does not need to the
• iTwin is a ‘limitless’ secure USB device that enables users to access edit
& share all their files & media between any two online computers
anywhere in the world.
• The only limit is the size of your computer’s hard drive and speed of your
internet connection.

I'm curious whether there is a law that applies to perceived human demands
that is similar to Moore's law for the
advancement of semiconductor devices. We required an electric typewriter,
then a calculator, a computer, more memory,
faster processors, local networks, the Internet, laptops, tablets, smart phones,
and now remote access to our computers.
In fewer than thirty years, our personal computers have evolved! Is it true that
our requirements double every two
years? Those of us who deposit the results of our labour — whether it's from
counting beans, a life-saving effort, or
anything else — should take it seriously a creative piece of literature – on the
insides of a computer, understand how
critical it is to have access to that work.
While we are out on business or holiday, we can work remotely. You can be at
a business meeting where your coworkers
or clients want to see figures that you failed to bring. If you're a writer and an
expression or storyline comes to you while
sipping your favourite beverage that you want to incorporate into the rest of
the storey, What's the most recent text you've
been working on? Yes, you could easily fill your laptop with the information
you require. travelling, or bring them on a flash drive. However, your laptop
and the sensitive information stored on it are insecure; it
might be stolen, or you could lose the flash drive when paying for your ride in a
cab. There are a variety of situations that can cause you unanticipated

LogMein, for example, can provide some relief. However, after a free trial time,
you must pay a monthly fee. This
software gives you complete control over your home computer. It's a fantastic
opportunity for some telecommuters. It's
a win-win situation, and it's well worth the money.
However, the majority of us are at risk since anyone with a stolen user name
and password can gain access to our home
computer. Despite the dangers hiding in the shadows, some people advocate
for the usage of cloud-based remote access.
Cloud computing appears to be a fantastic idea in theory. But how does it work
in practise?
Do we know where the data is stored in the cloud? How safe are they? Is it
possible for a hacker to drink the life blood
of a victim of a trustworthy user? What happens if a disaster strikes? How does
one obtain some critical information in a
Why should you rush if the cloud isn't visible at the time you need it for any
reason? What are they up to? maintenance
on a regular basis? How does one know? In this game, there are numerous

Lux Anantharaman and Kal Takru, two Singapore-based young engineers
turned entrepreneurs, devised an easy
solution to the problem of remote access to files selected by the user. They
undoubtedly thought to themselves, "What if
we could access the home computer without having to enter a user id and
password, and do so without having to do
anything?" There is a requirement for special software to be downloaded.
Could they create a system that would be tough
to say the least? It would be hard to break into such a system since no one
would be able to view the identifying
The curiosity, business savvy, and aggressive risk-taking of those two
entrepreneurs resulted in a small device known
as well as the iTwin (I originally saw it a few weeks ago at the Consumer
Electronics Association's Line Show in New
York.) The device functions as an inconspicuous but secure link between two
PCs that could be half a world apart. It appears to be two identical USB flash
drives connected back-to-back, hence the name iTwin..The mechanical
construction is solid, giving you peace of mind. One side of the dual
combination is plugged in to a USB port on a
personal computer.
The software embedded within the devices automatically instals on the
computer, and the data transfer progress bar
appears on the screen. After that, you'll be asked to enter your e-mail address
(more on that later!). A green icon emerges
in the bottom right corner of the screen after a few seconds. The Windows
Explorer (WE) pane is a window that displays
information about your computer. The iTwin is now configured for remote
access. After that, the user (you?) brings

creates a duplicate of the WE (start>>computer>>WE) and drags and drops the
files that may be accessed. The iTwin
icon is located on the first WE pane. Yes, if you wanted to, you could open
many files.

Things to Keep in Mind when Using iTwin Include:-

iTwin only provides remote access to pre-selected files, not the entire desktop.
The files expected to be on the home machine when the iTwin icon appears in
a Windows Explorer pane utilised at a
remote place must be dragged and dropped into the Windows Explorer from a
different copy.
The green iTwin icon can be found in the WE pane. It's standard practise for
any drag-and-drop operation.
For the distant machine to access the home, the home computer must be left
turned on with the inner half of the iTwin
pair attached to a USB port. If the home computer is turned off for any reason,
it must be turned on again with the iTwin
half-connected to its USB port before it may be remotely accessed.
For updating or remote transfer, files must be preserved on both ends. The
technical explanation is that files are not able
to be copied.
If they are still open (i.e., in RAM), they can be sent or received, but only from
hard drives (i.e., external hard drives).
All of the processes listed above are logical. We've created the pages below to
show you how it's done.


Cryptography is the foundation of the iTwin technology. Cryptography is the
use of cryptographic transformations to
provide data and keying material authentication and secrecy over an insecure
communication medium.


When you plug in iTwin, you'll see a pop-up window, exactly like you would
when connecting a USB device.
 You can share as many files as you want by dragging and dropping them
into this box. Connect one of the
iTwins to the computer.
 Connect the iTwin's other halves to the computer where you want to
view, edit, or delete the files. Files on the
first computer will not be lost if you remotely change or remove files on the
second machine. This is also another
benefit of iTwin. Ensure that both computers are connected to the internet.
 Take one-half of the itwin with you by detaching it.
 By plugging in the half, you can access the shared files.

How to use iTwin?:-

Plug iTwin into the USB port.

Drag & drop your folders.
Plug the iTwin into another PC.
Drag & drop your files.
Files are transferred via the internet.

Why To Use an iTwin?
• Plug and Play.
• Strong Security.
• No need for passwords.
• Access to files on both PC’s.
• Easy recovery from device loss.

Designer And Founder of iTwin:-

Lux Ananantharaman
Electricals & Electronics Engineering from IIT Chennai & Master
Degree from IISC Banglore

About iTwin Device:-

– USB connector is to plug the device
into the USB port of a computer
– The iTwin connector is used to connect the
two halves of the iTwin device from a physical
- NO LIGHT: Device not functional or iTwin
is not install on your computer
- RED LIGHT: error
- CONSTANT BLUE LIGHT: Device is active and functioning

Create Your Personal Private VPN (Virtual
Private Network):-

1.Plug iTwin into one computer in the


2.Leave one half plugged and detach the other

3.Plug iTwin into USB port of your laptop.

• Access your whole network including
network servers and printers.

Advantages & Disadvantages:-


One-time upfront payment provides you with lifetime access.

There are no limitations in terms of file size or type.

Two factor authentication provides additional security.

iTwin Connect is compatible with Windows and Mac OS.

Access to additional features such as your home or office network as well as

the devices connected to it.

The capacity to disable the device remotely if it is lost or stolen.

It has secure military grade AES(Advanced Encryption Standard) encryption

ensures secure file and data transport.


• iTwin Connect is 3-5 inches long in total which means when the parts are
divided they are very easy to lose.
• When the iTwin Connect USB dongle is plugged in it can low down
network peformance.
• You must set up files to share in advance in order to access them.

iTwin VS USB:-



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