Brightland Secondary School: A Field Visit R E P O R T of Chaudhary Group (CG)

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Brightland Secondary School


A Field Visit
Chaudhary Group(CG)

Submitted By Submitted To
Name-Kanhaiya Kumar kasaudhan Vishal Poudel
Class-11 “A”
Card Number-810036/1584
Table Of Content
 Acknowledgement
 Table of content
 Introduction
 objectives
 Challenges
 Findings
 Conclusion
 Refrence
Chaudhary Group is a multi-national company of Nepal.This group owns 136
companies in 15 different business veticals across five Continents.The
headquater of Chaudhary group located at Kathmandu,Nepal. The founder of
CG is Binod Chaudhary.CG has divide into too many business verticals like CG
foods,CG education,CG financial services,CG developers,CG hospitality…..and
So on.It is the Higher tax payer company of Nlepal. About more than 15000
employess are working worldwide in this company. Its was established in
1968.The annual revenue of CG varies between 100K and 5.0 million.CG aims
to achieve 5 billon dollar net worth by 2025.

CG foods is the industry that we have visited last week. This industry located
at bansagadhi.In this industry the production of wai wai noodles are done.CG
food first factory was established in 1984 in Kathmandu for manufacturing
instant noodle in technical collaboration with thai preserved food factory,
Thailand and become the first brown noodles manufacturing company in
Nepal under brand wai wai.The total area of factory is 76694
Production area of this factory are main ground floor 3340,first floor
has 2818, boiler, guest house, pond,
temple, road and parking, garden
foods has one of the largest noodle production centres in the south asia
region. It has 9 noodle line and four manufacturing locations in Nepal which
have been named as CG industrial park(CGFP) at nawalparasi, 160 km
southwest of Kathmandu, CG food park (CGFP) at Kathmandu, CG food
park(CGFP) at bardiya, 345 km west from CGIP and CG food park(CGFP) at
 The objectives of CG Group can be express in the following points-
 TO produce high-quality and affordable wai-wai noodles for domestic and
international market.
 To increase market share bond reconoginition in the global instant noodle
 To expand production capacity and distribution channels to meet growing
 To continuously innovate and improve the process to ensure product
consistency and quality.
 To maintain high standards of hygiene and safety in the manufacturing
 To promote sustainable and eco-friendly production practices.
 To faster a positive work environment and provide training and
development opportunities for employees.
 To comply with local and international laws and regulation related to food
production and safety.
 To establish strongs relationships with suppliers,distributors and
customers for long-term business success.
 To develop new product lines and diversify the company portfolio.
 To leverage technology and automation to increase efficiency and reduces
 To invest in research and development to create new designs and
innovative noodle flavor and packaging designs.
 To be a five Billon dollar enterprises by 2025.
 To provide world-class services and products in various fields such as
hotels,education,realty,FMCG(Food and beverage),financialsevices,consum-
er electronics,cement,hydropower,and EPC.
 Challenges of CG foods Industry-
Before the industry visit I am not so perfect to give a proper information about
the challanges of the industry but After visiting the CG foods industry I have
understand many of the things about what the CG foods are challenging for
producing the wai-wai,here are the points of challenges that they

1. Due to the landlocked country the produce product cannot be distributed in

other country easily.
2. Employees of the industry are working in the hot temperature which is very
3. Due to the high cost production.
4. Raw materials resource which are used in the production shouldn’t be
available at time.
5. Due to the limited market for product distribution.
6. Due to high taxes and policy of government
7. As we know Nepal has limited technology and skills the production can be
done in the high amount.
8. Due to lack of government support to the industry.
9. Industry should face in maintaining high production efficiency ,reducing
waste, and optimizing their manufacturing process.
10. There may exist different environmental issues indifferent aspects like
demand for recycling, more efficient use of resources, greater responsibility
for protecting the environment.
11. Differences in the administrative producers and product placement can
12. Differences in brand and product development and the competitive
Some conclusion of CG foods-

1. We went there to understand about how companies perform their

2. We saw how finance, human resources and other department manage the
work of company.
3. We also understood what the problems are faced by a company.
4. We saw new technology and their working process.
5. We learned the pratical implementation of knowledge.
6. We have got information about many things in the conference room.
7. We saw the quality control lab where the noodles are checked that the
produce good is good or not.
8. We saw the production process how the noodles are produce.
9. We get the information how the brown and white noodles are different
from each other how it is produce
I would like to thank Brightland Secoundary school for providing us a chance
to have a visit to the field to gain some knowledge on the production and
operating system. I would like to thank our Arpit khanal sir for guiding us
through the visit and also thorough the project. I would like to thank CG for
giving us the permission to analyze its production system on wai-wai plant.
As it is not possible to complete my project work related to CG foods, so here
are some website from where I have used some information in this project-


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