Ethical Hacking Notes PART-A

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4 Hest, a oy an \outlor:ded- atenpt Soin — - Unauthoriedl access to pies Application". Tk_ty 4 Process. fchlectng —Vutnerabilities nan application. System — jor Organi ation’ infrastructure Gnol_hypassing. —Syslemn Security ntal threats §n_a_neboork. to Tolendfy —— hag” Sate A_ Ethical Hocemg di tha ack of Locating Deakneses_€ the fabede and _ acti f lg ice ta ee pe Neb obese etn yp ae tof “intihcal Hace ——Dapes of thevers: => T_T 2 Steal Pata fram ‘oystems plea le sa ee = ar see dp 8 G Cllegal Aakers Piebivites 2 saan check. thd Knnaledye- sta ag = The Etbvcal Hackers Gre Qllnwed fo. ake a. Lgol Attempt fo break. tke the Gnpartph —nehdorie to. find loul- dhe Deak. (snus. g bags. : = cthe tester generates a voport which Contains aut ths Kean Vutivrabiéshes that fac beer alelected! inthe |Nekdorxss : 2 aM = - ———— | Brute force ofioce! _Seunity Nadas. to 0000530 S}steme = in aubomated Sf tare age a ae generate —a—leege_nutabe—of Gas oy .. guesses te decrypt dhe dlesixtel clot 3 9 = wih = =——_—___9 Cracking: an wit tes ae ote a aa Security on. Gpshens Gfpcare 6 or Stele a. to.| Crass Side. Lriphs bt = ight warenns a jp a atockers— se tafeck “Client Gale “Serpts = inte wah pgs —Miewed by oHer_ sens, 2 a yosh 2 So tel —— de The hls then igf ca Ayton openings eo Tk ts_ar_Sperfing aoc fn_iDhich Altered. Dis _tetorde - 22 ____lare_ustel_to_redlinacé online tafe tr a roud websife __- = IB1DOes Afipekt ten yx Nee a |__ 2 Bild Deal of Bree (ons) ata del a aU bb 18. Hifacking —j} =? -Te_ts_a_Secemity ful Incoming. al ge bad aay aaa | palpinding |___=> the Anitiol Step hla aes at mich — Oldo_08 _passble had cyt _te_Intrude taboo stengeb- System — a Prees_of Steolng Saneonek Qecess aistoabites cd. ao remote Sorvice.. by —tnleccepting — anel_using Bee: Gakeia | Keyloggers i ihe | > Te may. bea bardlare_ or. re__Pxegranr that | hecatels. the _sttal=time__ activity of -Gmpubere user treludng. =e dhe keey boas Kays hey Pores. J hf 0 | Malaare $e ade J Maloare uy -astlalteiau Sofeoare_or_ Any peprom 4 ws a pce tm -0._pt_or_a framework. ri —{ | Payload! sites As —_____-&4 (A Haletout Gee ta Guses farm ote -terges 4 ae aa Phishing. 4 fe They — are deg nid as Original voebsite ard_then 4 jo —§|Sent_Hrroug mails = Geb the Sensidtve Toformation._____a AS Pork Soot seit ge 4 7 = Sk _is proan_o Tdntifng which are te achve @ | ports & thon & foca-af vulnerabilities. z See 2 aa | : u_ fam «© oe acti co 1 claba_by Baesy Peop, ___® se spam : = Ti dve funk mil Sent toa lnge number _@ lof —necptents corthoule uate Gnsen 7 26 gpnahing ? ete => ed_tp gain Access At a ay A_Gfecare program that fastalled on opulent [che Knedledge of tuen.to_Chitect Snforeraern lor_dobo_ 00 he Pe. | threat: 26.4 2A ~ Moliciou tet thal Sue | fo domepe_ or Seadoo aafTiefan | sh Fa is at ——_ ps tall eet had §— Grecube on sHhs sagt g t » és a + a 2 A_Maliciow. maluare_ pragram tiered by Sm fom ee 3 —— = a ae ot = 3. strut: a A Prepram or Shoe bode tale Cnpabe ——which_munt__iself fy ad} obbybusb = 2Particuln Cole eee “Nlnerabibly! — “ = A lok “Spel_cr Se eas Te ge "3 : _ 3h klorms = =i 3 a T of Ht a li ip = Yuu —|4o_a._ System _ Either _$ spb ee ela ees — |The _Nehoore tcetng Sucludes 2 Phases ast 10) DreConnechion.aHacts: on!) Golan Access. | | : 10) post Grnechon Hacks: | | | > Al te possible Attacks that Gn ke ho before —Gnvreckng toa Nebwore : cess op Join Gecess of a Sufsbern by Croceng j al “p _nlboorts. (ep, oe ado ts aa _ — 2 These_ Bre than possible _attaces_after Galsing Qe access - oe ss - r : | Hed Applian —Hocrng Hacking —__—_—— 3 Sd nape tae att ae Sater! fn aay Pregeamming SE lang apt Ce pesca a db fanaa ty Sxecubed Sn Serve Machwy = fe Sn ths ches Machine. = | = les. these debts amy Gubatn Senudtive. Taporivalion eve Ss Ser Nonus +Parreoords Gonie Aecomul= “Dufaite fe... $0, tn 4 = eee —tsep_this—dabo Sof from atoctee thx ‘bleh Applicabtan Se = fing” dy rucessany. eu Tios_types of —aacts Are 2nvalvedl £n ipa ig La) Somer Bde fhe cL by tnkbstle Tosfaed, cores euspller © > ale Aut ns.soller opplicobins. ans |__-#) Clank Stele AMacbs, 8 ee by Comput are — evan. aged_by Mant: t & Gas ome —> Rese Seat posible to fain. access oy Sociol - Sepang 7 | chowel + alta ——@) Mobile Application Hacking AS Ne know cthak vay SryaniZalion uses Android & 1 108__baxd mobile appticalient4o_Provide Service tots J Catbemens. “ Le paso (Se. tee Mohile Applasion pertesting ds aquird fo.make _ Sure that mobile applicaions are Seame Gnoigh for uae chen_previdiey pastoral Sensitive Sefeomabien fn Such opl ection. Hbodbaraaddraae a. = 2 ent a - Ss Social _zagineeig ty ually a _heg_ Gupontdt _fn_Penuhralten | | —=ferteg oe _thicol _Hacetng. — > Ta_Soctal Fagineertng there ome _So_snany attacks te _artfele | Subo a Goupanyt building physically —te__-fesle taste Herdsoame — Swutdy — Eoptpan : tas Cou be dlane laces, Sensi CC Camaros oy __BfID Nedraniceas Bhto-- |] ee | | wb | | | y | | 2 lhe Vulwrabitchies §_bugs te cletentnine —dhetherUmauthite!ted) ——_|aacess_oc_on_rmeleious ates possible fu_a_Neberore or Hetty yan dutterted— Oltemp da Srpoit & 1 fa _a_Web_applicaliea. 2 Categories on ; _ — ———$) hte Bor “Fatteg —_______@ Black Box eg : _ s — 5 4 Bila! wa) Black Boe Testag, ©) Gray ton Tisig sas! ; [tin tice shpe of “Tatng —a_Latle or (n tormalon a lene ald tage Lf peo ta Ss vin Version, ope 4 ____|ony Sistem fof ott wovided _ jx: Ey In Core 4 bbb Cicabion_punebralian Test no Snce —dearde wot Be _prsowidec! tots ean I Oe foo le | ——=> lso_toman on + Tabuenal_prostenin.“skog’ ex e. a ie rae e yee be | re tito ‘tu infortalion | = ~ e. abou ike s ie oe = _|Concluce on tack ,auckt_of of Hts Syberia ithe adh Rafer of 4 tha Neha 8_Syibewos Provide | nea: opt aces hy alin legos Le [access fo flu. Seid ee Stobic_ond Donte @ ee ee + ese a a bo = c~ = cs = 4 antl, te xi testing da portal Safer 2S ad + 1 ceed = 3 jaceess ts_Shaved_ ch —stecher.__ a fo 2 Ta Qac_of we Punto test ta ~oxganttaion a = provide tu. pple. wrunaing held toa Tet oad biter ote at Sovvices mung On Lie pels Sy ba A ae a | 2s Tm Geof Inkeh Appl oh = at Tachcolgyy, bockGnd Sen_and eed dnbae ype “hon > a Prnxided tou -lesten, = : ‘ > — TA tocol Packs . . Pur plax are Smvlved ta Sibveal _Sheeg, 7 2 | Eafernnation Gr ng Reconnaissance). _ > | Covering Tracks = ok iad _O| Reconnaissance! =) facial dob —abuh tha tapgeb > | foc_Eranple. Tae Hotter am | Pte obs Deh Mo ft 1 Tat. Ltt—=2) . | 2 father ts moon esa dale — eo | fre" tabots a et —Maltega smog _doa)_€.<= ___ Ae’ Qrethert wg Sina ty uation baal sta, change, novo VS te eat Pak ae ae een daa aT cs Gabor tile stu shageb Syplewsfappbicion ste face char System, ‘ 7 “ 3 ‘ i | i lao, ees ty tou plate clare — ba wail San @ find ook [ct Deaeme pomb of tur. Te Ik dn ote phase th AWB Sean oboe Achive Pout, Pehve Gpstews oe Services swsnning on lhe sspstenftongek or cfr amg vutwsnable oppbedion stunning On dls “large OR Mott popudan shols umd fir Scanning 8 "Vali zeshorte” , “rhesus - Vlunalality Scarmee”. ninap un § “+ @ @ | Gtang Frees ; ph i 4 e a je Ate fading eae tube of dtu Farge tte bachen tt toe Amy Gf ons of tha dear potato gpa __ccess._to | sha clang : = [adel ie “bog “ha Poteensantn tite cha tye af, olde potub: (Ae re i kal Ging “feces to 0. tangle | 4" Mdombit” § _"farp Bo | Mackay Hecers.! ater Gpiey ces tea. espe a “he BH woddeatn | bss access. On tos charg [6 the Hacer cot wratulatin Rs aceesy On. len angel. for oder attaces 09 he claagih. 4 for Mpeg Access Perposes la. eve’ BL Puta amy Opplicelten or wrattes Sonus Charges. withouk Ory. lennedgec he. tn MicHlon, “Muse ore Cotlecl“laact-dooes” "Ta§ens", noslownes ete. a. es Puapoat._ fs ‘pew + Hupeevdy? Ben © | Gong Traces + * 20, after au otlaces § Access Hes haceen toll Clear Rig traces ve he hide bie Fenty. Sor tae Viehten will yoabl to fend ty tha haceers Sof de he mary ay, wot able to. fad Weather tue System 60 hateed or sep X for Hos se te acters voit we Vpn, Charges By ponppaaaeeagena jeppaaan ae were [A foro Srecusfll atiser —— hoster tt goker wast mun teformalien obouk tt “hong _ = A_Tnformatien_Gotaring ta of hae ypu pes} @ Adive —Teformation Gathering — |} ~@_fhasive —Tofartnation Gathering. —=—— Dade Infacmnaion— Gah — Ya | tn Active tering the Oitacker _Chreetly other _- : Sa farenation Gather! Srformation Abad cho chogele by Choaetly tnteraching cr che ergs |e =ttis_Aichive_ gathering the _attacten. _fries_to__kn outa _- 08 of be slangil, Services scanning on hu — Abdnot gala ag Ff La fe od de Bhdldnatac. a hls We an thie Grae "Knock" tool axis Astalling knoe : 2 Tostattog tereee choi d an oatty A folder = ef Serr hingy — Subcrernics — of Jie —____— Sk Thon Sk _attt show al he Subdomaint of — Gicbsaea'en ———__ = \ Tecate af nehoore-haceinge fest discover_oll BUN ohms. me oe = | Ta this’ Gse ede nid fo Goths informabion Live = Tate = = «open ports ..0 Running Services ble . ‘an. “ iscaver" i QU the = = af : : a tte ey ysnenipoy A J Rit pg gam 1 fo dsys (4.6 Lubout Conloias _maxiouna upto asy Chieth Slant with_Om J. a ca ttt Ifa Se pf td eal chcover allt. Nebenorts — Connecteol four __ Paya oe | Amey ae Nmap a another tbo! goe—_nhtore MH “pg——_— a Nonop— by _a_Veay—_pooerfud and _ by _teod__ thal _ gives_— Mere inferenotion—Oboub tea. taggeb —_ By _using ‘nmap ~ coe eds bag fyb Lies —— e + 0pen_poxds_e_Gnntetee!_clienls + opeva. a + Services. Running ete “ 7 Ts along! - “Y “ SS 4_“Ta_open__ Nmap Ges—Comirand Zenmap ed. | we _—“Jenmap* ca or nmap Command: in _Lenus | ferminal te San “ths 7 a 1 are map 10a: 1a _ Tey a te pe. 3" Gudce. Seamlt porfie—is Shuser_than_altprorfites hub ee (Gives__mrore information than the —Gll_hs otter. prebiles. = a nlow, 14 onite Bi Be ~iafcrabiva (age ports... Conneckedl cheb > addaess$te....) abou thr cong a. es ffx vom iofruabion cbt Hep ied Comannd. wera aclalp A ssgethick ss Su ( — +] gels oumenton 6. po Soong — Se ee Te else Pork of. _Tnforenot ton eter _ where _ “tae yet —— ae Lo Senmh tonite fot Gateer— the Sensitive nformakon—aboab- OS [eon alive. stoegths. ha apastraly fle pens ny on | Te_&y_not_possible to _test_a_targdb if che tage i | mt _abve. pea Se fy tt pe cede -— 7 stonge-_ yay Or not» f ss partis cated" Hast Discovery 2 Discovering due Stohar_(Upeian) tangs 3 )_A_Sineple_piag Command Chucks chatber tha tag save. oe nk 2 | ping aounegicties in gh 3 {ss} 3 ~ | agmmaeasasie Es 2. 2 | use <8P option fn nmap Gonnmand 2 |. nap ep sin gubacln 2 (oe) | 2 wa rao.irwtfin $3 ‘Seons alt ta Subnahiores fom ‘¢r.20.1\ue[ oe 6rzeIasd ode oeehR adie tel tecueseaataacapaa tak Sur tanged— salve Lao atte inn au. aie sbael by esi Sema dab] J JL SA Portdyan_aceest_channel-that Alps 4. Send § Peceive te data bekoeen the devices Ti Sple terms. Polo are 7 i used _¢ transfer. stadt. a = oe There __are total "6.5535" ports. = = at eden Dec —0-= 1093» Welt Kraan Ports __ ———, 2) loa =4aisi_=> Beserved fae Serven_appcabtens- = + 2) 49s) ~ 65535 —» Reserved sfor_clients. = oS 2 | a_fip 21ftep x ssh 2 tep | a a_htp => 80/kep’ x_htips _—> __a//Kep. | ‘at Geshe! Protocol” | rep —stas__ made ofr —zehable _Exdbange of ta femal | bebacon tao Iale ba Ena file Transfer tke. es eto cat tes Alp. Spucthas ig. ates spot? [oe free] eae —L p= Bey Hordlate eo | Host 1 Sends a. Syrt_ (Request) pied oe Hest sepia ith a Syn face. (Response) ates pose > Hest_1_Sstablich_a Connection by Sending an Acie ead fo Hest ites ep 1. “fogs are see Sind: cate — tts. Particular Stabe ___ of tis Goqnsetion _.| pace Acenaldgem (erally Sa tuft) —e eg Bsr => Rete ( Bett tha Connection _behitern —-tuohests?- ____ pt pint = Finish (finishes ta Comm ection - _________ [> “Thre ave many fogs _Ovailable in ‘ep ._ Fe “wwpoctaule flags are. | 1) Syn =» Synchronization (nitiatet a Canmectiond:_ 2 5).UbG heel lupe pty phe, 3 Be) Mh pelts = i Pushd up ema rae > |__=$ opp Stands _sor_Use_Dako9 ram _Pretocals —_____ Do 0p cheer rot Conbotint any flags — p |__=> up_é “a_a_tunsubsable_and—Connetiods Protecel: So, flare | Bay ne saad establish. Grecteon before dala transfee > _- | It pallens Conepubers _fo_Serd_mnessoges over ‘Tnfernk ___. a. | Porotoco 3—_| =». tte dala _ox_messages are Concidenedl x Dafagram: — >|? op tutes _ Simple —-travesneissiorn_madel_f hare _ij_no _____ aoe Load. shoe mated, thereby n0_mrtssing Or cluplication of e __| tafocmotion —cnittaul-natice. _ 4 z 4 The dab inhaler rgant eo fob Stondanel Tepe # Pop pack. a A 2 ea we 2 = = _ 2 | Pork Stamning iu the Process of [> So, after flrding toa alive nthsones pasts oe aft _toy to? ~|->“Tls_open_pocts als hein tha Seryices__mumning § Pprowdes | Wed tae “nip Gmmand Lines ore _Can_ut_prfap |= wie Sean foot of —nemap—Grmmand Lins is cn spiteus portson che ctangeb = fied open ports §- Services _aurmivg On sta —-tangele host short. Eabey patch —tohe_tla clangel= Gy shemns- > “Ha _rmost_Sifedive § useful teol for this _Scosnming “nop” a > 'Nemp" ty a_yery Simple tool toute to Scan_Nlcbaes Hage = Go1__momtd as" Zenmap"’ nmap — cophinn> — ZTorgel addneni> > Simple port _Sean_by nmap —Gommmand _________nmiapamanuesine —192..168-10+1 Alo _it_sietums Servicer asseciald ith Gach Pert. A &)-Unfillersd.<>_fDorts ave accessible —by_.nm bat unable fo fod by pillared > Muckin behind frecall:Ss, nema tu unable fy fied da_poet staf _Whethse 2b Ss _oper feloseef. ee hau PatG—Cpeed Closed - bab Pee vee SB dy pork Seonning..Gy. a. divided _ ‘ub. oni Ln Cabri aD — |i) Tep_Scomaing mates = >= i2)_U0p.. Scanning. 2a — a eee os eS ___|Tep Gnogh = = Tap Sean dy af tise _types a | __a)_rep__syne_Scan es b)_Tep_Gonnect_ Scan. = > a) Tep_sync_scan. | ep tyne sei atu cfeall San tab mame Qganiet tha = rhayget Machine =. > me mo oe = flows: - = a ase cee ey ve bOD | we Ly a ois Gat tool | Scans—fort fo § 44s. > We Can _yse __ Wheeshare +e Captuce G-analyae toast Woe bY! s/s |b) Tep.Gnnect Scan. —>Tep.Conneck_ Sean_ds__Similon__to |Scon_Conpletes_qtu_chree-utny Handshake. aeeeae ———|=> Ff rep Synt_Scan ts nol Supported by the Machine. Tha “Tep —_|Gonmect_Sean_cattt_ become chfautt-.sxan. _— > =the Tep_Gnneck__Scan_Commranal_Syatan iy 04 follows |___ = ghee endeentpmeiinenmendindan, os 7 Sint t Bt &, wp - —e. ASF ae ee ey ae a | Utee Datagram protocol Cup) port Scans is. used ta” dletermtne he | Comman_Serviees_-that_ave _Listeniag_on upp. + Mier Scanning. 0p Se ee a | —stargel port —thunit.asevealt hatter ports “open pre smpone—ructived — feo. the target St nneanr hot te | Pork way be “open’ or tt ty "pfitered by Tt che fargeh mesponds edith Terp__Part_tunneae (t_means the forty closed, haha othe Opp Sean Syntax_is as polbass: pie —> The _other Lap. sips = maar 1s sab pork mallee > or_-filtevedl. . i = t pL Sytem gel > - > | fae nmap sen tape pee 2 3 = @ fin Scan! 2 => Fin Stan_Snds__a_Tep —Pracietk — eaith _Funl_flog- 2 | 5 te ty uted sb _chse a Currently opin Sesion. 2 [ i 7 , | cei TTT] | | Scan stesutt! {Syntax NAS Scan Sends_a_Tep__packel_caith __U0G pst, Funk Flags: > R_caores ..Sotilan rb ctu fIN_ 8 NOLL Sean: 34 ro vegorse 4 oweeived 4 means fort. open: 9 0 Reset sr) paced iy mectived 1d means fort ty _claseds if ep tie 4 it_whethsr— sep Nas pee la es Pee Scorn pny ara i mate fat —Scan__ta_used ta identify ha Status of tha ftreesalt |—» tf Q 2s 2 seothed te _dlshinatzan- Bs. After Scamming cur forget bya using all tos ae Scan_Hettads oe hey etl_such ta Seviet—naig— an tha Bach port = — Pek ii > ao, to identify te Crack Version of —tha_Service ve ute _anetbar— a [nmap —Gmmane__with "=5¥" opkian. —__ 2 srt: _ mepmmenamimsingummerameesmes = s Nal —o_Weakwess_ preset fn amy. Neksock [fyste ra tot Giver_attacker Advantage {ose “t_fo_Exploi¢ the —toygeh > Nulneabibties_orve—alsa_catted_at__looptole_er bugs: - > Malnerab bes make System or _metuore (ess Secure. —____ 2_S0,_Afler Gathering and Scanning Some trforrmation about the Harpt Le open pocks,.Services § 08 of da Steno _ t3e_alitl_do C, Assecsnneab-_tyorcler teed the Vulnerabilities ta toa baxgth— this Assessment ede esil use tae fag coo (weap. nlessus, Alita ete 4 |= “These Mulnernbiliy Sconners Scans ‘ta _torgee G 2 | Pepe bra estnsthtedplng flip a |. seripts pe Shenton hy ty by “these Sevipts_are_uoritten to Lisa —languges_1n a —lour—own Scripts —or—mnodlify fu —voritten— Sextipts > “these Seripls are Stared inte foito rag. — feel —__——— Ln so bef _seanning. a -leryek fe “a jn eh uplale te Teepe dababae by usig ta Goma —— pee |. sthe-fottowoing Dalal 2 ta to. Enecahe _att_-ha Scripts _ gf’ Plat are mulated 46 Vuluurabity Searing, Se ee oi oh La 5 a by, Neo, | ito. bahan is utlee ae voy talanibies bs tn _—¥S loge — re oe | oi e Ly a = > SA abe faded adept Sti rot Gnuplety —_ = ~ {depexcet_on tts _ nmep far _Nealnerobility —Gssessmment__p — et eS x Tnstallng procest of Nessus Essenbiale: tm Kal Canute =» Poconload Nessus Eisentials (deb) fle from caebsi __® [> Navigate to. Dranloads folder. from psd. tuiyg cd [=> Seleet tu. dlownlosded) file. 4o._tuslal_by ung eetleceyg _= a cue b. poli - Sean Capa sau a — Tk & ued to San ta tong _valnerabi Aki torgd— Ip Targels Tab. i> We_@m_alio_ give website “adnate 56 — Oddresses__@4. Ea ws tagcat BRS if lab fn nend_Stan_tab- — es then clic _on launch nb to Start-_stha Scan L» once tu Scan ds Completed _* "ee tga debe separ of tu _tarngdls >We Gon __ Export hee as. Tr sous ple Or —+985sus format. sora e => Nivto_is_an_ “open Seite Slimane fe Hebserven- Vuloerabitvies. > Th_is _@ _Gmmand_based Scansing tool ____________, Nike sa _pazefl ‘tool_and_tt_Gan_Scan_any_ joabsenna. | — 9k Seans against 61004 Kenan Vulnerabilities § Grfiguration related issues Such_as_qpentaden_dhsaclorits. > Tk _ provides _ Accurate results wit faster result — fo_Instay _Niklo 3a __Kalt_Iinux use Command >network _Saffing Gy on atfoce—sdhere. an _—alaceer__Coptares He packeds accross _a_ lived _or_a._Hireless Network — > Th she _poceefs coere Sed sforough— Unsecured Protocols Love _urrp - Hhe_atacker Can Capture chy Credentials. —____— = Bob ifthe _pacesti_caere_Se Accough Secure protocols Dre _HiTp5,— _Msts_-tla —alacice con not beable 4o use tla _Captomsd _.paceeb_as__ Ite dota _toould be Grexypied. e > Th nlehoore Sniffing Sy only possible: hun ti _alncker uw IGmmectedd te elu —-borgeb wthoox iter ik say be red Cette) lor coiveless Cuai-p:)_nibrore- H_vbuo the Made gail _be_changed ta. Moaitet ade. fa_chects se —_—§ BS er : inacompy eh dN inate Here, lellont cour Nestor Adoptta.— lant ____ : ‘ | LA. ¢ ee meas : >See —chead at! shin “Hype eee A pact ) passive Sri ffiug t Ss BB s | PAs — Sel ——_ . oh fue bee a — Slfig x A | passe Seffing —Aappent tn ta Case of, “Hal” based plone = Te Passive Stony tt attacker cle_mt_2nterack wait the __ — target Because in Hub ated —nlbroores thu _pockels_ave o ee ea to Eeay clevice fate nebsores, the tecten fusl—Conmects to ta Naan and_ Oph = etd th St bt Mint S_Sig Tn — fxr Hab based —plebsork a Use T [ 2[~< ae n= Pers wel ¥ 3 | ee | for Erample sip. Oser_1__dtants to Send a pracietl fo User 22 pfirst—tt_ust ph netsh ee |p Alene the Hub _uoitt broadcast that _Poctec toatl sha ‘dbiaces me Cuomasbecl: hte Hoh, oe = pd, in_Ws se the Altacken. _% alee —Gunected 9s om devices HE UR fo—Copture _thase acu. és ad ay ie This typeof —Snifpong ts hg: _* : = HwERDvIG ve > " _|b Active Sniffing |X Tn Achive. Sniffing the Gtlacteer_ directly — Snteroct With tha | sfargele by Sending ¢ suquesting packebs_. ~ Rtn neacbys.. most of, thu _nuboorrs are Suttch boxd Neboores only.» Soto Swf the cota _tn_nlehaorks ode htt ene da —_ | Aetive S95 thing Techniques |e, 40 Sniff paced ta Sitch bard —alehtorns fu atlatter = | places Qinasel! 2a tue Middle of tu _Communicabion_bebseen Chee & Server, Hence, the Cormmunieabion - busaeen fur_cliee lend Server anit be Cop burced bey te —fataceens. —______. ” — |p Se, these type of Atiackss are _Krown as “MITM_atfaces Exe. Switch bared Nlebatoces i 7 | | | | | WVVVERDEDKEDUDOD & a | Bla) | \ CELE | / iN \S i oP ees 2 a aK foe | Server = ie potsh L = —|& for Example, if —user1__twankt__te_Serd_a__fraceee_to__Usee_ 31 Ib the. Braiteh directly. 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ARP ts ? > The baste tool woe, use bres ARP_Sporfeg, attack is onpspood: i ¢ on. Spoof attacks “hs 7 > run_00AopSpeof _.aitaces Commands que! s we |W ayn re Gleake pated fam Pabn by Saying In ichebAitctine. = b ~ ~~ | = = —|— as : is ma Bt) Reub(gteaay) Tp = 92. 168. 226-2. = + Cheuk /vichen Ip = 192. 16a. 226.130, = , a = = > = => = cau |. So,_offen _Grving “those Gm mand fla _Heceent_ achive _wiill_ack __ => jos__Mity —_inbdracer —Basdeen_ 6 Clieud- == athe hot Te} so, analyte tal —-toffte eae Can use" veshants’ by = \phucing be packs. - : = ce! am, te cha Grecenbialt C fb Lh 2 “pase _sequerts ! 2 | > Batercop Can_be_uxal_Some as Arp spoofing? bul 2f 0! __ 2 -| provide Sons rbrafeabres Ove: 2 2. Anp_ spec > oP ‘ a 4) -Snifbing dala (1sr's_Cradadialt 240.) a. ee etait) Eypessing HTP. = aa 2 _d)_Injechig Code, leon. ai FA seclig lade, spmfg Mt | ‘sa “sip tol tye rman ___ Sittenpcarecehaag) peo — Soman oe dos Fae geo [Qua _ztun_on—cteoget.._Uuse._ Gromani boul (By using beeen. Beton use, ___ Ap speed anes — BNET and ce Gan Saft Efe ala (etna ee een a tis eee Bo, ef A Se, te Sniff tte _tevgel_packeh ig lee tu tae fing rand, fe ote ee ‘ Se pacdiged, oa da eflraduaced e_Seiffag ottaete ihe _s§ | —attoexerfloods a nakdorn_coith_fake mac addresses. is: This_atocs maver_the _Suaitch Nlehowre Mac _addness table 7 | overload and tnehoorr uburConverted 0s a Luh Netnarke e — ___|> $0, when dts table ds Overloaded , #4 _ floods alt Tne. x ae traffic toatl _tu Ports. 08a Lub Nebyserte ai > Palen _O_Mac_| Plates. | Gmmand. aaa ae | lela mace adselaguys a e. a ~ & & a mates Hu attacku. ai .Q MITM. - - > $0. H ation ke AHacker te Gptore and analyze AM ian : needere toffee bebacen client and. Rauber se so To onalyee tu dala we Tenrveshanset ait aac ts domain _name— a Server tot _fostag Hea Letilesbteenctons re ee - | Bt geagle com =? Domain nlame- 4 — — Dow 719-197-200 => Tp adduess_of du Serer. - + By sing Das_sprafng 102 —Corn—nudicuch the fogele— ter —inkn ——— ayo ueksite, dg 497-14.167. 102 — ue Fp fla *’ pte ua "Stockoverloa: Com usu bescizacted to bediisile org ae Ue Mochan (19.2:168-226:120I.——— ee gees ee “Be —jsra_lebsts hs Dees] ey (ae Z Bet |p ne Bp nor aining access 4s. che —phose where _an___ ——_____|atioceer alse any _weoteness or Valrabilaty bocce S st origi 4 [sth stovget-_Gn be a Compal, Inleb_applicofion , Seever or af eens a Iredvante chev toning 08 Gnpuber. ee —|—Ony Bhetrente device fanchioning. os = 9 hue attaces_are_passtble because —all_of base —-angeth _& ——_} a ve_an_aperes — ae 2 aThese attics Gn occu thrergh hoo! meteds = 4 = Tt ts alto _Knoion at __ Sor n ee [2 Servn_Side_Fipbitobion dloas ook agp any Wer x Interaction. 2 —Server_Side Fxpbitoli sare Cosy 6 a |___ en ~Hee Sanne _ Dorie. * sthese_dtoces are 4to_bot—ueh Serves and ee a —Kdo_typer_of Renole_ Spl sobiont possible. e BArtlastioaben bord —ataces = —}BVellceobility Josed alaces = bbe bbsbada (il LLAdlticabion tad cttacis’ caw Live Crededbiah Croc Hing lacy, Bxomplet mere eti A ©) Atocking..o._Helosphitable machine for” Pip" Berwin tog pty sig Wydna go A Tt Virtual Machine designed. for entestens.__ a ATE poll Get asa Server and it Contains a number of Services _-thal's typically used_by Serrvans. ee Lt Contains a numberof web applications _thak_.act Eaactly.. => Lice neemos websites. _ | Widro + i | %_tydra__a_Password _Cracteing— feel pk Ge, perform brube force atiaces on Various _Protecels — to Crack. posswordl: shel = DOU bb bb bbb bb bbb | | a =) = ed 2» 2» => o B > 2 | | | | ier dictivany nth I After ging tu. obo ve —_Gramand — Le iota fet Crorkeediges ee |Crlote: passrord voit be cracked only if —4us_Grelioworied Conbainw =p Correct Username —& Passinitels J safe fe —@\ ssn p—! Medutate shee —} 4 Medusa. afse_a__possitord_Crracting too! ‘five T vce. — R Te gue tafo_ ahout — medusa Command! = | medusa!” a 2 My ctenge Ip "192. 169-226 : ants [Meduse Syntax! eee —— Password licHonny ——wite—Path eo Destlead_eveabar? fom It Te Enobles users x Qccess_£ Gubnol anotter jiedowos | ~Conepubkere oven tee bere - A Rep uset__pork “3380, & Pop. Cracing Sa_possible hen _-fongeh fy Enab led_-fo —gemote Access. thu. by sing Coumand * Change “Directiy to. Crowbar — Pag Command: od Cyowhar eb ist chen us "> foe Gttork on larg by Lory — Username Drdtienartes no Croce the “usernanna —_|==Sewer_3 1. specify cngt (ina: 162-326.130/255)_ of Coscipp rotation. =b___=+ -1_Specity ogek Senet (onp) —»—Usermome_file_,_=v_=)_Username__| ye! =? password pile, = p——password. _Sftiron or sta: -—— 2 Atoctem use tion Sofoores 6 cframes00res fo Stun cthese eS |__Knotin Exploits ob Syston or Sofft __________ Se ee oa frowusts. rare > : : > 2 > 2 2 -| sae oman > _Ne an_ ise be lage lo Ran Metasploit use Gemmorcl: Web = > Netaspleit -fromeork. yan Open-Source tec. apr. develops ino, Aesling and Execubing Prplois > Designed for. Securify _ suseanchent “tad. ersten 4 Prlunte ve Safely of sha Systems. we IS cle Tmeludes alone debobose af re-built Beplots for —Noriow —Vulwrabilities allowing _usexe_to—launch _atloces Eas: ‘ng _Ons_of_its most Pepto | ——tnler face _“msfdonsok” __ Gf GOO —______|s)_ship==payloadse —» D'splays Gorclly avotlble_ pygbek_tn 1) Helped 2D atte. Cnet sncbosploit ~frameriork. a > tipdates fra cn el fet Exploits & —Paylead: _[3) Th share ts ae Code Execution Vulwernbility Nalnsrabilty ‘boa! nicest possible tm Case” Ly Tp Services one _Mis-Configuned: 2)-Tf_ ary Servieeov Port Nersion Gee with a _backdear Atocking. Helosplit “Mochiutfoc_ Remote Access | flpat “vsftpd_2.3:4" “backdoor Command 2t_ Sappaate— acudoac— —Command__ Erecubion. > $0, Be ise his) valcaility ond tag fone | bodddbedsede | | a |e tue chrgelichaplettable Mackin, = 4 _ ~ = @ a _ 34, | | fe y Hi va 3s z | eemipnaeesti rg Pipe 23 "i * Lr 2 6! 4 Sxpleie al? E : Sy [> 3 Guay.thong ty woet_our. Sestianoitt_be_epened —thal=nveant — me Srineel feces fothu —atoryp. 2 i : a [Ente A ular hsbtier 2 Bepboits clonal eek. Sone att._give | Pryors.J____ Ps beara ue ‘in iplan’ 2 Suplate’stalaeclldted ty a | Pal sosgue_Syshern « 2» > > 2 gy @ Atak Nedaspitale Machine fe Same aes by eing s_"nethias-sen 129 Hep Samba Smbd3-%" “Code Execubion _ Vulrerabidity? = 7 oy Here sho Valnevability ts Samba Smbd_ax! = | Command Executions. Cusername map Script” »» pnd in GoogltJ= (Se. we Gan use hes Velnerals lity to Shin access to ta -horgek | medasplettable —mackine _ Crete: “Bs. Shanice doesnot Coulradas “Hci, Sai oe access oce_nted to Gt payloads aloo}. | Olan maternal asf carsales ©. Seareh_for_Vulrabitty ‘Samba __ —______|___ SU he ee Then You vit_frrdl_\ulnerability “username map Se ” ‘thal Expleit-

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